blob: e30a901174557d0ea8b904f93cb28fb5d7f42f0e [file] [log] [blame]
#' Load an mx.nd.array object on disk
#' @param filename the filename (including the path)
#' @examples
#' mat = mx.nd.array(1:3)
#', 'temp.mat')
#' mat2 = mx.nd.load('temp.mat')
#' as.array(mat)
#' as.array(mat2)
#' @export
mx.nd.load <- function(filename) {
filename <- path.expand(filename)
#' Save an mx.nd.array object
#' @param ndarray the \code{mx.nd.array} object
#' @param filename the filename (including the path)
#' @examples
#' mat = mx.nd.array(1:3)
#', 'temp.mat')
#' mat2 = mx.nd.load('temp.mat')
#' as.array(mat)
#' as.array(mat2[[1]])
#' @export <- function(ndarray, filename) {
filename <- path.expand(filename)
if (!is.list(ndarray)) {, filename)
} else {, filename)
mx.nd.internal.empty <- function(shape, ctx=NULL) {
if (is.null(ctx)) ctx <- mx.ctx.default()
if (! stop("wrong mx.context object, please specify with mx.cpu() or mx.gpu()")
return (mx.nd.internal.empty.array(shape, ctx))
#' Generate an mx.nd.array object with zeros
#' @param shape the dimension of the \code{mx.nd.array}
#' @param ctx optional The context device of the array. mx.ctx.default() will be used in default.
#' @examples
#' mat = mx.nd.zeros(10)
#' as.array(mat)
#' mat2 = mx.nd.zeros(c(5,5))
#' as.array(mat)
#' mat3 = mx.nd.zeroes(c(3,3,3))
#' as.array(mat3)
#' @export
mx.nd.zeros <- function(shape, ctx=NULL) {
ret <- mx.nd.internal.empty(shape, ctx)
return (mx.nd.internal.set.value(0.0, out=ret))
#' Generate an mx.ndarray object with ones
#' @param shape the dimension of the \code{mx.ndarray}
#' @param ctx optional The context device of the array. mx.ctx.default() will be used in default.
#' @examples
#' mat = mx.nd.ones(10)
#' as.array(mat)
#' mat2 = mx.nd.ones(c(5,5))
#' as.array(mat)
#' mat3 = mx.nd.ones(c(3,3,3))
#' as.array(mat3)
#' @export
mx.nd.ones <- function(shape, ctx=NULL) {
ret <- mx.nd.internal.empty(shape, ctx)
return (mx.nd.internal.set.value(1.0, out=ret))
#' Generate an mx.ndarray object on ctx, with data copied from src
#' @param src The source mx.ndarray object.
#' @param ctx The target context.
#' @export
mx.nd.copyto <- function(src, ctx) {
ret <- mx.nd.internal.empty(dim(src), ctx)
return (mx.nd.internal.copyto(src, out=ret))
#' Create a new \code{mx.ndarray} that copies the content from src on ctx.
#' @param src.array Source array data of class \code{array}, \code{vector} or \code{matrix}.
#' @param ctx optional The context device of the array. mx.ctx.default() will be used in default.
#' @return An \code{mx.ndarray}
#' @rdname mx.nd.array
#' @return An Rcpp_MXNDArray object
#' @examples
#' mat = mx.nd.array(x)
#' mat = 1 - mat + (2 * mat)/(mat + 0.5)
#' as.array(mat)
#' @export
mx.nd.array <- function(src.array, ctx=NULL) {
if (is.null(ctx)) ctx <- mx.ctx.default()
if (!is.array(src.array)) {
if (!is.vector(src.array) && !is.matrix(src.array)) {
stop("mx.nd.array takes an object of class array, vector or matrix only.")
} else {
src.array <- as.array(src.array)
return (mx.nd.internal.array(src.array, ctx))
is.MXNDArray <- function(nd) {
class(nd) == "MXNDArray"
#' Check if src.array is mx.ndarray
#' @return Logical indicator
#' @examples
#' mat = mx.nd.array(1:10)
#' mat2 = 1:10
#' @export <- function(src.array) {
#' Binary operator overloading of mx.ndarray
#' @param e1 The first operand
#' @param e1 The second operand
#' @export
Ops.MXNDArray <- function(e1, e2) {
mx.nd.internal.dispatch.Ops(.Generic, e1, e2)
#' Dimension operator overload of mx.ndarray
#' @param nd The mx.ndarray
#' @export
dim.MXNDArray <- function(nd) {
#' Length operator overload of mx.ndarray
#' @param nd The mx.ndarray
#' @export
length.MXNDArray <- function(nd) {
#' as.array operator overload of mx.ndarray
#' @param nd The mx.ndarray
#' @export
as.array.MXNDArray <- function(nd) {
#' as.matrix operator overload of mx.ndarray
#' @param nd The mx.ndarray
#' @export
as.matrix.MXNDArray <- function(nd) {
if (length(dim(nd)) != 2) {
stop("The input argument is not two dimensional matrix.")
#' print operator overload of mx.ndarray
#' @param nd The mx.ndarray
#' @export
print.MXNDArray <- function(nd) {
# TODO(KK) use generics?
#' Get the context of mx.ndarray
#' @param nd The mx.ndarray
#' @export
ctx <-function(nd) {