blob: 0f6af3dd61cbc4e3ae27d91c05da61207ee79997 [file] [log] [blame]
# slice the shape on the highest dimension
mx.model.slice.shape <- function(shape, nsplit) {
ndim <- length(shape)
batchsize <- shape[[ndim]]
step <- as.integer((batchsize + nsplit - 1) / nsplit)
lapply(0:(nsplit - 1), function(k) {
begin = min(k * step, batchsize)
end = min((k + 1) * step, batchsize)
s <- shape
s[[ndim]] = end - begin
return(list(begin=begin, end=end, shape=s))
# get the argument name of data and label
mx.model.check.arguments <- function(symbol) {
data <- NULL
label <- NULL
for (nm in arguments(symbol)) {
if (endsWith(nm, "data")) {
if (!is.null(data)) {
stop("Multiple fields contains suffix data")
} else {
data <- nm
if (endsWith(nm, "label")) {
if (!is.null(label)) {
stop("Multiple fields contains suffix label")
} else {
label <- nm
return(c(data, label))
# Extract model from executors
mx.model.extract.model <- function(symbol, train.execs) {
reduce.sum <- function(x) Reduce("+", x)
# Get the parameters
ndevice <- length(train.execs)
narg <- length(train.execs[[1]]$ref.arg.arrays)
arg.params <- lapply(1:narg, function(k) {
if (is.null(train.execs[[1]]$ref.grad.arrays[[k]])) {
result <- NULL
} else {
result <- reduce.sum(lapply(train.execs, function(texec) {
mx.nd.copyto(texec$ref.arg.arrays[[k]], mx.cpu())
})) / ndevice
names(arg.params) <- names(train.execs[[1]]$ref.arg.arrays)
arg.params <- mx.util.filter.null(arg.params)
# Get the auxiliary
naux <- length(train.execs[[1]]$ref.aux.arrays)
if (naux != 0) {
aux.params <- lapply(1:naux, function(k) {
reduce.sum(lapply(train.execs, function(texec) {
mx.nd.copyto(texec$ref.aux.arrays[[k]], mx.cpu())
})) / ndevice
names(aux.params) <- names(train.execs[[1]]$ref.aux.arrays)
} else {
aux.params <- list()
# Get the model
model <- list(symbol=symbol, arg.params=arg.params, aux.params=aux.params)
return(structure(model, class="MXFeedForwardModel"))
# decide what type of kvstore to use
mx.model.create.kvstore <- function(kvstore, arg.params, ndevice, verbose=TRUE) {
if (is.MXKVStore(kvstore)) return (kvstore)
if (!is.character(kvstore)) {
stop("kvstore msut be either MXKVStore or a string")
if (ndevice == 1) return (NULL)
if (kvstore == "local") {
max.size <- max(as.integer(lapply(arg.params, length)))
if (max.size < 1024 * 1024 * 16) {
kvstore <- 'local_update_cpu'
} else {
kvstore <- 'local_allreduce_cpu'
if(verbose) message(paste0("Auto-select kvstore type = ", kvstore))
# Internal function to do multiple device training.
mx.model.train <- function(symbol, ctx, input.shape, output.shape,
arg.params, aux.params,
begin.round, end.round, optimizer,,, metric,
epoch.end.callback, batch.end.callback,
kvstore, fixed.param = NULL, verbose = TRUE) {
ndevice <- length(ctx)
if(verbose) message(paste0("Start training with ", ndevice, " devices"))
# create the executors
sliceinfo <- mx.model.slice.shape(input.shape, ndevice)
sliceinfo2 <- mx.model.slice.shape(output.shape, ndevice)
arg_names <- arguments(symbol)
label_name <- arg_names[endsWith(arg_names, "label")]
train.execs <- lapply(1:ndevice, function(i) {
arg_lst <- list(symbol = symbol, ctx = ctx[[i]], grad.req = "write",
data = sliceinfo[[i]]$shape)
arg_lst[[label_name]] = sliceinfo2[[i]]$shape
arg_lst[["fixed.param"]] = fixed.param, arg_lst)
# set the parameters into executors
for (texec in train.execs) {
mx.exec.update.arg.arrays(texec, arg.params,
mx.exec.update.aux.arrays(texec, aux.params,
# KVStore related stuffs
params.index <-
lapply(1:length(train.execs[[1]]$ref.grad.arrays), function(k) {
if (!is.null(train.execs[[1]]$ref.grad.arrays[[k]])) k else NULL
update.on.kvstore <- FALSE
if (!is.null(kvstore) && kvstore$update.on.kvstore) {
update.on.kvstore <- TRUE
} else {
updaters <- lapply(1:ndevice, function(i) {
mx.opt.get.updater(optimizer, train.execs[[i]]$ref.arg.arrays)
if (!is.null(kvstore)) {
kvstore$init(params.index, train.execs[[1]]$ref.arg.arrays[params.index])
# Get the input names
input.names <- mx.model.check.arguments(symbol)
for (iteration in begin.round:end.round) {
nbatch <- 0
if (!is.null(metric)) {
train.metric <- metric$init()
while ($ {
# Get input data slice
dlist <-$value()
slices <- lapply(1:ndevice, function(i) {
s <- sliceinfo[[i]]
ret <- list(data=mx.nd.slice(dlist$data, s$begin, s$end),
label=mx.nd.slice(dlist$label, s$begin, s$end))
# copy data to executor
for (i in 1:ndevice) {
s <- slices[[i]]
names(s) <- input.names
mx.exec.update.arg.arrays(train.execs[[i]], s,
for (texec in train.execs) {
mx.exec.forward(texec, is.train=TRUE)
# copy outputs to CPU
out.preds <- lapply(train.execs, function(texec) {
mx.nd.copyto(texec$ref.outputs[[1]], mx.cpu())
# backward pass
for (texec in train.execs) {
if (!is.null(kvstore)) {
# push the gradient
kvstore$push(params.index, lapply(train.execs, function(texec) {
}), -params.index)
if (update.on.kvstore) {
# pull back weight
kvstore$pull(params.index, lapply(train.execs, function(texec) {
}), -params.index)
} else {
# pull back gradient sums
if (!is.null(kvstore)) {
kvstore$pull(params.index, lapply(train.execs, function(texec) {
}), -params.index)
arg.blocks <- lapply(1:ndevice, function(i) {
updaters[[i]](train.execs[[i]]$ref.arg.arrays, train.execs[[i]]$ref.grad.arrays)
for (i in 1:ndevice) {
mx.exec.update.arg.arrays(train.execs[[i]], arg.blocks[[i]], skip.null=TRUE)
# Update the evaluation metrics
if (!is.null(metric)) {
for (i in 1 : ndevice) {
train.metric <- metric$update(slices[[i]]$label, out.preds[[i]], train.metric)
nbatch <- nbatch + 1
if (!is.null(batch.end.callback)) {
batch.end.callback(iteration, nbatch, environment())
# reset training data$reset()
if (!is.null(metric)) {
result <- metric$get(train.metric)
if(verbose) message(paste0("[", iteration, "] Train-", result$name, "=", result$value))
if (!is.null( {
if (!is.null(metric)) {
eval.metric <- metric$init()
while ($ {
dlist <-$value()
slices <- lapply(1:ndevice, function(i) {
s <- sliceinfo[[i]]
ret <- list(data=mx.nd.slice(dlist$data, s$begin, s$end),
label=mx.nd.slice(dlist$label, s$begin, s$end))
for (i in 1:ndevice) {
s <- slices[[i]]
names(s) <- input.names
mx.exec.update.arg.arrays(train.execs[[i]], s,
for (texec in train.execs) {
mx.exec.forward(texec, is.train=FALSE)
out.preds <- lapply(train.execs, function(texec) {
mx.nd.copyto(texec$ref.outputs[[1]], mx.cpu())
if (!is.null(metric)) {
for (i in 1 : ndevice) {
eval.metric <- metric$update(slices[[i]]$label, out.preds[[i]], eval.metric)
if (!is.null(metric)) {
result <- metric$get(eval.metric)
if(verbose) message(paste0("[", iteration, "] Validation-", result$name, "=", result$value))
} else {
eval.metric <- NULL
# get the model out
model <- mx.model.extract.model(symbol, train.execs)
epoch_continue <- TRUE
if (!is.null(epoch.end.callback)) {
epoch_continue <- epoch.end.callback(iteration, 0, environment(), verbose = verbose)
if (!epoch_continue) {
# Initialize parameters
mx.model.init.params <- function(symbol, input.shape, output.shape, initializer, ctx) {
if (!is.MXSymbol(symbol)) stop("symbol need to be MXSymbol")
arg_names <- arguments(symbol)
label_name <- arg_names[endsWith(arg_names, "label")]
arg_lst <- list(symbol = symbol, data=input.shape)
arg_lst[[label_name]] = output.shape
slist <-, arg_lst)
if (is.null(slist)) stop("Not enough information to get shapes")
arg.params <- mx.init.create(initializer, slist$arg.shapes, ctx, skip.unknown=TRUE)
aux.params <- mx.init.create(initializer, slist$aux.shapes, ctx, skip.unknown=FALSE)
return(list(arg.params=arg.params, aux.params=aux.params))
# Initialize the data iter
mx.model.init.iter <- function(X, y, batch.size, is.train) {
if (is.MXDataIter(X)) return(X)
if (is.null(y)) {
if (is.train) stop("Need to provide parameter y for training with R arrays.")
shape <- dim(X)
ndim <- length(shape)
y <- c(1:shape[[ndim]]) * 0
batch.size <- min(length(y), batch.size)
return(, y, batch.size=batch.size, shuffle=is.train))
# select layout by matching shape, report error if nothing matches up. <- function(X, y) {
if (is.null(y)) stop("Need to provide y for training")
y <- as.array(y)
dimX <- dim(X)
dimy <- dim(y)
if (length(dimX) != 2) return("colmajor")
rowmajor <- 0
colmajor <- 0
if (dimX[[1]] == dimy[[1]]) rowmajor <- 1
if (dimX[[length(dimX)]] == dimy[[length(dimy)]]) colmajor <- 1
if (rowmajor + colmajor != 1) {
stop("Cannot auto select array.layout, please specify this parameter")
if (rowmajor == 1) {
warning("Auto detect layout of input matrix, use rowmajor..\n")
} else{
warning("Auto detect layout input matrix, use colmajor..\n")
# select layout by matching shape, report error if nothing matches up. <- function(X, model) {
dimX <- dim(X)
if (length(dimX) != 2) return("colmajor")
rowmajor <- 1
colmajor <- 1
# try row major
ret <- mx.symbol.infer.shape(model$symbol, data=c(dimX[[2]], 1))
if (!is.null(ret)) {
names = names(model$arg.params)
for (i in 1:length(names)) {
if (any(ret$arg.shapes[[names[i]]] != dim(model$arg.params[[i]]))) {
rowmajor <- 0
# try col major
ret <- mx.symbol.infer.shape(model$symbol, data=c(dimX[[1]], 1))
if (!is.null(ret)) {
names = names(model$arg.params)
for (i in 1:length(names)) {
if (any(ret$arg.shapes[[names[i]]] != dim(model$arg.params[[i]]))) {
colmajor <- 0
if (rowmajor + colmajor != 1) {
stop("Cannot auto select array.layout, please specify this parameter")
if (rowmajor == 1) {
warning("Auto detect layout of input matrix, use rowmajor..\n")
} else{
warning("Auto detect layout input matrix, use colmajor..\n")
#' Create a MXNet Feedforward neural net model with the specified training.
#' @param symbol The symbolic configuration of the neural network.
#' @param X or R array/matrix
#' The training data.
#' @param y R array, optional label of the data
#' This is only used when X is R array.
#' @param ctx mx.context or list of mx.context, optional
#' The devices used to perform training.
#' @param begin.round integer (default=1)
#' The initial iteration over the training data to train the model.
#' @param num.round integer (default=10)
#' The number of iterations over training data to train the model.
#' @param optimizer string, default="sgd"
#' The optimization method.
#' @param initializer, initializer object. default=mx.init.uniform(0.01)
#' The initialization scheme for parameters.
#' @param or list(data=R.array, label=R.array), optional
#' The validation set used for validation evaluation during the progress
#' @param eval.metric function, optional
#' The evaluation function on the results.
#' @param epoch.end.callback function, optional
#' The callback when iteration ends.
#' @param batch.end.callback function, optional
#' The callback when one mini-batch iteration ends.
#' @param array.batch.size integer (default=128)
#' The batch size used for R array training.
#' @param array.layout can be "auto", "colmajor", "rowmajor", (detault=auto)
#' The layout of array. "rowmajor" is only supported for two dimensional array.
#' For matrix, "rowmajor" means dim(X) = c(nexample, nfeatures),
#' "colmajor" means dim(X) = c(nfeatures, nexample)
#' "auto" will auto detect the layout by match the feature size,
#' and will report error when X is a square matrix to ask user to explicitly specify layout.
#' @param kvstore string (default="local")
#' The parameter synchronization scheme in multiple devices.
#' @param verbose logical (default=TRUE)
#' Specifies whether to print information on the iterations during training.
#' @param arg.params list, optional
#' Model parameter, list of name to NDArray of net's weights.
#' @param aux.params list, optional
#' Model parameter, list of name to NDArray of net's auxiliary states.
#' @return model A trained mxnet model.
#' @export
mx.model.FeedForward.create <-
function(symbol, X, y=NULL, ctx=NULL, begin.round=1,
num.round=10, optimizer="sgd",
initializer=mx.init.uniform(0.01),, eval.metric=NULL,
epoch.end.callback=NULL, batch.end.callback=NULL,
array.batch.size=128, array.layout="auto",
kvstore = "local", verbose = TRUE,
arg.params = NULL, aux.params = NULL, fixed.param = NULL,
...) {
if (is.array(X) || is.matrix(X)) {
if (array.layout == "auto") {
array.layout <-, y)
if (array.layout == "rowmajor") {
X <- t(X)
X <- mx.model.init.iter(X, y, batch.size=array.batch.size, is.train=TRUE)
if (!X$ {
if (!X$ stop("Empty input")
input.shape <- dim((X$value())$data)
output.shape <- dim((X$value())$label)
params <- mx.model.init.params(symbol, input.shape, output.shape, initializer, mx.cpu())
if (!is.null(arg.params)) params$arg.params <- arg.params
if (!is.null(aux.params)) params$aux.params <- aux.params
if (is.null(ctx)) ctx <- mx.ctx.default()
if ( {
ctx <- list(ctx)
if (!is.list(ctx)) stop("ctx must be mx.context or list of mx.context")
if (is.character(optimizer)) {
ndim <- length(input.shape)
batchsize = input.shape[[ndim]]
optimizer <- mx.opt.create(optimizer, rescale.grad=(1/batchsize), ...)
if (!is.null( && !is.list( && ! {
stop("The validation set should be either a or a R list")
if (is.list( {
if (is.null($data) || is.null($label)){
stop("Please provide the validation set as list(data=R.array, label=R.array)")
if (is.array($data) || is.matrix($data)) {
if (array.layout == "auto") {
array.layout <-$data,$label)
if (array.layout == "rowmajor") {$data <- t($data)
} <- mx.model.init.iter($data,$label, batch.size=array.batch.size, is.train = TRUE)
kvstore <- mx.model.create.kvstore(kvstore, params$arg.params, length(ctx), verbose=verbose)
model <- mx.model.train(symbol, ctx, input.shape, output.shape,
params$arg.params, params$aux.params,
begin.round, num.round, optimizer=optimizer,,,
fixed.param = fixed.param,
return (model)
#' Predict the outputs given a model and dataset.
#' @param model The MXNet Model.
#' @param X The dataset to predict.
#' @param ctx mx.cpu() or mx.gpu(i) The device used to generate the prediction.
#' @param array.batch.size The batch size used in batching. Only used when X is R's array.
#' @param array.layout can be "auto", "colmajor", "rowmajor", (detault=auto)
#' The layout of array. "rowmajor" is only supported for two dimensional array.
#' For matrix, "rowmajor" means dim(X) = c(nexample, nfeatures),
#' "colmajor" means dim(X) = c(nfeatures, nexample)
#' "auto" will auto detect the layout by match the feature size,
#' and will report error when X is a square matrix to ask user to explicitly specify layout.
#' @export
predict.MXFeedForwardModel <- function(model, X, ctx=NULL, array.batch.size=128, array.layout="auto") {
if (is.serialized(model)) model <- mx.unserialize(model)
if (is.null(ctx)) ctx <- mx.ctx.default()
if (is.array(X) || is.matrix(X)) {
if (array.layout == "auto") {
array.layout <-, model)
if (array.layout == "rowmajor") {
X <- t(X)
X <- mx.model.init.iter(X, NULL, batch.size=array.batch.size, is.train=FALSE)
if (!X$ stop("Cannot predict on empty iterator")
dlist = X$value()
arg_lst <- list(symbol = model$symbol, ctx = ctx, data = dim(dlist$data), grad.req="null")
pexec <-, arg_lst)
mx.exec.update.arg.arrays(pexec, model$arg.params,
mx.exec.update.aux.arrays(pexec, model$aux.params,
packer <- mx.nd.arraypacker()
while (X$ {
dlist = X$value()
mx.exec.update.arg.arrays(pexec, list(data=dlist$data),
mx.exec.forward(pexec, is.train=FALSE)
out.pred <- mx.nd.copyto(pexec$ref.outputs[[1]], mx.cpu())
padded <- X$num.pad()
oshape <- dim(out.pred)
ndim <- length(oshape)
packer$push(mx.nd.slice(out.pred, 0, oshape[[ndim]] - padded))
#' Load model checkpoint from file.
#' @param prefix string prefix of the model name
#' @param iteration integer Iteration number of model we would like to load.
#' @export
mx.model.load <- function(prefix, iteration) {
symbol <- mx.symbol.load(paste0(prefix, "-symbol.json"))
save.dict <- mx.nd.load(sprintf("%s-%04d.params", prefix, iteration))
names <- names(save.dict)
arg.index <- as.integer(mx.util.filter.null(lapply(1:length(names), function(i) {
if (startsWith(names[[i]], "arg:")) i else NULL
aux.index <- as.integer(mx.util.filter.null(lapply(1:length(names), function(i) {
if (startsWith(names[[i]], "aux:")) i else NULL
if (length(arg.index) != 0) {
arg.params <- save.dict[arg.index]
names(arg.params) <- as.character(lapply(names[arg.index], function(nm) {
substr(nm, 5, nchar(nm))
} else {
arg.params <- list()
if (length(aux.index) != 0) {
aux.params <- save.dict[aux.index]
names(aux.params) <- as.character(lapply(names[aux.index], function(nm) {
substr(nm, 5, nchar(nm))
} else {
aux.params <- list()
model <- list(symbol=symbol, arg.params=arg.params, aux.params=aux.params)
return(structure(model, class="MXFeedForwardModel"))
#' Save model checkpoint into file.
#' @param model The feedforward model to be saved.
#' @param prefix string prefix of the model name
#' @param iteration integer Iteration number of model we would like to load.
#' @export <- function(model, prefix, iteration) {
arg.params <- model$arg.params
aux.params <- model$aux.params
names(arg.params) <- as.character(lapply(names(arg.params), function(nm) {
paste0("arg:", nm)
names(aux.params) <- as.character(lapply(names(aux.params), function(nm) {
paste0("aux:", nm)
save.dict <- append(arg.params, aux.params)$symbol, paste0(prefix, "-symbol.json")), sprintf("%s-%04d.params", prefix, iteration))
#' Check if the model has been serialized into RData-compatiable format.
#' @return Logical indicator
#' @export
is.serialized <- function(model) {
if (!is.null(model[['is.serialized']])) {
} else {
#' Serialize MXNet model into RData-compatiable format.
#' @param model The mxnet model
#' @export
mx.serialize <- function(model) {
if (!is.serialized(model)) {
model_rdata <- list()
model_rdata[['symbol_json']] <- model$symbol$as.json()
model_rdata[['arg.params']] <- lapply(model$arg.params, as.array)
model_rdata[['aux.params']] <- lapply(model$aux.params, as.array)
model_rdata[['is.serialized']] <- TRUE
class(model_rdata) <- "MXFeedForwardModel"
} else {
#' Unserialize MXNet model from Robject.
#' @param model The mxnet model loaded from RData files.
#' @export
mx.unserialize <- function(model) {
if (!is.serialized(model)) {
} else {
symbol <- mx.symbol.load.json(model$symbol_json)
arg.params <- lapply(model$arg.params, mx.nd.array)
aux.params <- lapply(model$aux.params, mx.nd.array)
model <- list(symbol=symbol, arg.params=arg.params, aux.params=aux.params)
return(structure(model, class="MXFeedForwardModel"))