blob: 7a1ffb2b182abf9769f83805a132166416c9abf9 [file] [log] [blame]
#' Internal default value initialization scheme.
#' @param name the name of the variable.
#' @param shape the shape of the array to be generated.
mx.init.internal.default <- function(name, shape, ctx, allow.unknown=FALSE) {
if (endsWith(name, "bias")) return (mx.nd.zeros(shape, ctx))
if (endsWith(name, "gamma")) return (mx.nd.ones(shape, ctx))
if (endsWith(name, "beta")) return (mx.nd.zeros(shape, ctx))
if (endsWith(name, "moving_mean")) return (mx.nd.zeros(shape, ctx))
if (endsWith(name, "moving_var")) return (mx.nd.ones(shape, ctx))
if (allow.unknown) return(NULL)
stop(paste("Unkown initialization pattern for ", name))
#' Create a initializer that initialize the weight with uniform [-scale, scale]
#' @param scale The scale of uniform distribution
#' @export
mx.init.uniform <- function(scale) {
function(name, shape, ctx, allow.unknown=FALSE) {
if (!endsWith(name, "weight")) {
return (mx.init.internal.default(name, shape, ctx, allow.unknown))
return (mx.runif(shape, -scale, scale, ctx))
#' Create a initializer that initialize the weight with normal(0, sd)
#' @param sd The standard deviation of normal distribution
#' @export
mx.init.normal <- function(sd) {
function(name, shape, ctx, allow.unknown=FALSE) {
if (!endsWith(name, "weight")) {
return (mx.init.internal.default(name, shape, ctx, allow.unknown))
return (mx.rnorm(shape, 0, sd, ctx))
#' @title Xavier initializer
#' @description Create a initializer which initialize weight with Xavier or
#' similar initialization scheme.
#' @param rnd_type A string of \code{character} indicating the type of
#' distribution from which the weights are initialized.
#' @param factor_type A string of \code{character}.
#' @param magnitude A \code{numeric} number indicating the scale of random
#' number range.
#' @export
mx.init.Xavier <- function(rnd_type = "uniform", factor_type = "avg",
magnitude = 3){
function(name, shape, ctx, allow.unknown = FALSE){
if (!endsWith(name, "weight")) {
return (mx.init.internal.default(name, shape, ctx, allow.unknown))
fan_out = shape[length(shape)]
fan_in = prod(shape[-length(shape)])
factor_val = 1
if (factor_type == "avg") {
factor_val = (fan_in + fan_out) / 2
} else if (factor_type == "in"){
factor_val = fan_in
} else if (factor_type == "out"){
factor_val = fan_out
} else {
stop("Not supported factor type. See usage of function mx.init.Xavier")
scale = sqrt(magnitude / factor_val)
if (rnd_type == "uniform"){
return(mx.runif(shape, -scale, scale, ctx))
} else if (rnd_type == "gaussian"){
return(mx.rnorm(shape, 0, scale, ctx))
} else {
stop("Not supported random type. See usage of function mx.init.Xavier")
#' Create initialization of argument like arg.array
#' @param initializer The initializer.
#' @param shape.array named-list The shape of the weights
#' @param ctx mx.context The context of the weights
#' @param skip.unknown Whether skip the unknown weight types
#' @export
mx.init.create <- function(initializer, shape.array, ctx, skip.unknown=TRUE) {
if (length(shape.array) == 0) return(list())
names = names(shape.array)
ret <- lapply(1 : length(names), function(i) {
initializer(names[[i]], shape.array[[i]], ctx, allow.unknown=skip.unknown)
names(ret) <- names
if (skip.unknown) {
ret <- mx.util.filter.null(ret)