blob: d5ec6ad2b2c90f97aa74a8f70ff021b1cf0646ba [file] [log] [blame]
# coding: utf-8
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments, no-member, protected-access, too-many-locals
""" losses for training neural networks """
from __future__ import absolute_import
from .base import numeric_types, string_types, __version__
from . import symbol
from . import registry
from . import metric as _metric
def _apply_weight(loss, weight=None, sample_weight=None):
"""Apply weighting to loss.
loss : Symbol
the loss to be weighted.
weight : float or None
global scalar weight for loss
sample_weight : Symbol or None
per sample weighting. Must be broadcastable to
the same shape as loss. For example, if loss has
shape (64, 10) and you want to weight each sample
in the batch sample_weight should have shape (64, 1)
loss : Symbol
weighted loss
assert len(loss.list_outputs()) == 1, "loss symbol must have a single output"
if sample_weight is not None:
assert isinstance(sample_weight, symbol.Symbol), "sample_weight must be a Symbol"
loss = symbol.broadcast_mul(loss, sample_weight)
if weight is not None:
assert isinstance(weight, numeric_types), "weight must be a number"
loss *= weight
return loss
def _parse_metric(metric, output, label):
"""Create metric and set output/label names"""
if metric is None:
return None
if isinstance(metric, string_types):
metric = _metric.create(metric)
if isinstance(label, symbol.Symbol):
metric.label_names = [i for i in label.list_arguments()
if i not in output.list_arguments()]
metric.label_names = list(label)
assert len(metric.label_names) == 1, "too many labels %s"%str(metric.label_names)
assert len(output.list_outputs()) == 1, "too many outputs %s"%str(output.list_outputs())
metric.output_names = [ + '_out_output']
return metric
class BaseLoss(object):
"""Base class for all loss layers.
losses : Symbol
a symbol whose output is the loss. Can be a scalar value
or an array. If loss is an array, the sum of its elements
will be the final loss.
outputs : Symbol
output of the model when predicting.
label_names : list of str
names of label variables. labels are used for training
and scoring but not for predicting output.
name : str
name of this loss
metric : EvalMetric or None
metric for training and scoring. If None, only the loss
values are displayed.
output_head_grad : bool
whether output needs head gradient for backward.
loss_head_grad : bool
whether loss needs head gradients for backward.
loss : BaseLoss
created loss
def __init__(self, losses, outputs, label_names, name, metric=None,
output_head_grad=False, loss_head_grad=False, **kwargs):
if losses is None:
sym = list(symbol.load_json(kwargs['__group_sym__']))
num = kwargs['__num_losses__']
losses = symbol.Group(sym[:num])
outputs = symbol.Group(sym[num:])
if metric is not None:
metric = _metric.create(**metric)
losses = symbol.Group(list(losses))
outputs = symbol.Group(list(outputs))
self._kwargs = kwargs
'loss': self.__class__.__name__,
'losses': None,
'outputs': None,
'label_names': label_names,
'name': name,
'metric': metric.get_config() if metric is not None else None,
'output_head_grad': output_head_grad,
'loss_head_grad': loss_head_grad,
'__group_sym__': symbol.Group(list(losses)+list(outputs)).tojson(),
'__num_losses__': len(list(losses)),
'__type__': 'loss',
'__version__': __version__})
if not loss_head_grad:
self._loss_symbol = symbol.Group([symbol.make_loss(x,'_loss')
for x in losses])
self._loss_symbol = losses
if not output_head_grad:
self._output_symbol = symbol.Group([symbol.stop_gradient(x,'_out')
for x in outputs])
self._output_symbol = outputs
self._label_names = list(label_names) if label_names else []
self._name = name
composite = _metric.CompositeEvalMetric()
if metric is not None:
for i in self._loss_symbol:
composite.add(_metric.Loss(, output_names=i.list_outputs(), label_names=[]))
self._metric = composite
def name(self):
"""Name of loss"""
return self._name
def label_names(self):
"""names of label variables used to compute loss"""
return self._label_names
def loss_symbol(self):
"""loss symbol for training and scoring"""
return self._loss_symbol
def output_symbol(self):
"""output symbol for prediction"""
return self._output_symbol
def metric(self):
"""Metric for evaluation"""
return self._metric
def get_config(self):
"""get configs for serialization"""
return self._kwargs.copy()
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
register = registry.get_register_func(BaseLoss, 'loss')
create = registry.get_create_func(BaseLoss, 'loss')
# pylint: enable=invalid-name
def custom_loss(loss, output, label_names, extra_outputs=(),
weight=None, sample_weight=None, name='loss',
metric=None, **kwargs):
"""User defined custom loss. For example, the following
custom loss has the same effect as l2_loss::
data = mx.sym.Variable('data')
label = mx.sym.Variable('label')
output = mx.sym.FullyConnected(data, num_hidden=1)
L = mx.sym.square(output-label)/2
loss = mx.sym.custom_loss(L, output, label_names=['label'])
loss : Symbol
a symbol whose output is the loss. Can be a scalar value
or an array. If loss is an array, the sum of its elements
will be the final loss.
output : Symbol
output of the model when predicting.
label_names : list of str
names of label variables. labels are used for training
and scoring but not for predicting output.
extra_outputs : list of Symbol
extra outputs for predition but not used for evaluating
metric. Normally used when you want to analyze internal
feature maps.
weight : float or None
global scalar weight for loss
sample_weight : Symbol or None
per sample weighting. Must be broadcastable to
the same shape as loss. For example, if loss has
shape (64, 10) and you want to weight each sample
in the batch, sample_weight should have shape (64, 1)
name : str
name of this loss
metric : EvalMetric or None
metric for training and scoring. If None, only the loss
values are displayed.
output_head_grad : bool
whether output needs head gradient for backward.
loss_head_grad : bool
whether loss needs head gradients for backward.
loss : BaseLoss
created loss
label_names = list(label_names)
metric = _parse_metric(metric, output, label_names)
output = list(output) + list(extra_outputs)
if sample_weight is not None:
label_names += [i for i in sample_weight.list_arguments()
if i not in loss.list_arguments()]
loss = _apply_weight(loss, weight=weight, sample_weight=sample_weight)
return BaseLoss(loss, output, label_names, name, **kwargs)
def multi_loss(losses, extra_outputs=(), name='multi'):
"""Combine multiple losses. The final loss is the sum
of all losses.
losses : list of BaseLoss
a list of individual losses with no extra outputs.
extra_outputs : list of Symbol
extra outputs for predition but not used for evaluating
metric. Normally used when you want to analyze internal
feature maps.
name : str
name of combined loss
loss : BaseLoss
created loss
loss = symbol.Group(sum([list(i.loss_symbol) for i in losses], []))
output = symbol.Group(sum([list(i.output_symbol) for i in losses], []) + list(extra_outputs))
label_names = []
for i in losses:
for name in i.label_names:
if name not in label_names:
ret = BaseLoss(loss, output, label_names, name,
output_head_grad=True, loss_head_grad=True)
del ret.metric.metrics[:]
for i in losses:
return ret
def l2_loss(output, label, extra_outputs=(), weight=1.,
sample_weight=None, metric='mse', name='l2',
"""Calculate the mean squared error between output and label:
.. math::
L = \\frac{1}{2}\\sum_i \\Vert {output}_i - {label}_i \\Vert^2.
output and label can have arbitrary shape as long as they have the same
number of elements.
output : Symbol
output of the network
label : Symbol
target to compare output against
extra_outputs : list of Symbol
extra outputs for predition but not used for evaluating
metric. Normally used when you want to analyze internal
feature maps.
weight : float or None
global scalar weight for loss
sample_weight : Symbol or None
per sample weighting. Must be broadcastable to
the same shape as loss. For example, if loss has
shape (64, 10) and you want to weight each sample
in the batch, sample_weight should have shape (64, 1)
metric : EvalMetric or None
metric for training and scoring. If None, only the loss
values are displayed.
name : str
name of this loss
output_head_grad : bool
whether output needs head gradient for backward.
loss_head_grad : bool
whether loss needs head gradients for backward.
loss : BaseLoss
created loss
metric = _parse_metric(metric, output, label)
outputs = [output] + list(extra_outputs)
output = symbol.reshape(output, shape=(-1,))
label = symbol.reshape(label, shape=(-1,))
loss = symbol.square(output - label)
loss = _apply_weight(loss, weight/2., sample_weight)
label_names = [x for x in loss.list_arguments()
if x not in output.list_arguments()]
return BaseLoss(loss, outputs, label_names, name, metric=metric, **kwargs)
def l1_loss(output, label, extra_outputs=(), name='l1',
weight=None, sample_weight=None, metric='mae',
"""Calculate the mean absolute error between output and label:
.. math::
L = \\frac{1}{2}\\sum_i \\vert {output}_i - {label}_i \\vert.
output and label can have arbitrary shape as long as they have the same
number of elements.
output : Symbol
output of the network
label : Symbol
target to compare output against
extra_outputs : list of Symbol
extra outputs for predition but not used for evaluating
metric. Normally used when you want to analyze internal
feature maps.
weight : float or None
global scalar weight for loss
sample_weight : Symbol or None
per sample weighting. Must be broadcastable to
the same shape as loss. For example, if loss has
shape (64, 10) and you want to weight each sample
in the batch, sample_weight should have shape (64, 1)
metric : EvalMetric or None
metric for training and scoring. If None, only the loss
values are displayed.
name : str
name of this loss
output_head_grad : bool
whether output needs head gradient for backward.
loss_head_grad : bool
whether loss needs head gradients for backward.
loss : BaseLoss
created loss
metric = _parse_metric(metric, output, label)
outputs = [output] + list(extra_outputs)
output = symbol.reshape(output, shape=(-1,))
label = symbol.reshape(label, shape=(-1,))
loss = symbol.abs(output - label)
loss = _apply_weight(loss, weight, sample_weight)
label_names = [x for x in loss.list_arguments()
if x not in output.list_arguments()]
return BaseLoss(loss, outputs, label_names, name, metric=metric, **kwargs)
def softmax_cross_entropy_loss(output, label, sparse_label=True, axis=1,
extra_outputs=(), name='ce', weight=None,
sample_weight=None, metric='acc', **kwargs):
"""Compute the softmax cross entropy loss.
If sparse_label is True, label should contain integer category indicators:
.. math::
p = {softmax}({output})
L = -\\sum_i {log}(p_{i,{label}_i})
If sparse_label is False, label should cantain probability distribution
with the same shape as output:
.. math::
p = {softmax}({output})
L = -\\sum_i \\sum_j {label}_j {log}(p_{ij})
output : Symbol
output of the network
label : Symbol
target to compare output against
sparse_label : bool
where label is sparse integer or probability distribution
axis : int
The axis to sum over when computing softmax and entropy
extra_outputs : list of Symbol
extra outputs for predition but not used for evaluating
metric. Normally used when you want to analyze internal
feature maps.
weight : float or None
global scalar weight for loss
sample_weight : Symbol or None
per sample weighting. Must be broadcastable to
the same shape as loss. For example, if loss has
shape (64, 10) and you want to weight each sample
in the batch, sample_weight should have shape (64, 1)
metric : EvalMetric or None
metric for training and scoring. If None, only the loss
values are displayed.
name : str
name of this loss
output_head_grad : bool
whether output needs head gradient for backward.
loss_head_grad : bool
whether loss needs head gradients for backward.
loss : BaseLoss
created loss
metric = _parse_metric(metric, output, label)
outputs = [output] + list(extra_outputs)
# TODO(Eric): make a log_softmax op
basis = symbol.max(output, axis=axis, keepdims=True)
basis = symbol.stop_gradient(basis)
output = symbol.broadcast_sub(output, basis)
norm = symbol.log(symbol.sum(symbol.exp(output), axis=axis, keepdims=True))
output = symbol.broadcast_sub(output, norm)
if sparse_label:
loss = -symbol.pick(output, label, axis=axis, keepdims=False)
loss = -symbol.sum(output*label, axis=axis, keepdims=False)
loss = _apply_weight(loss, weight, sample_weight)
label_names = [x for x in loss.list_arguments()
if x not in output.list_arguments()]
return BaseLoss(loss, outputs, label_names, name, metric=metric, **kwargs)