blob: 4c580921323b796fe76e63bb2efda2475f1c462e [file] [log] [blame]
Predict the outputs given a model and dataset.
.. code:: r
ctx = NULL,
array.batch.size = 128,
array.layout = "auto",
allow.extra.params = FALSE
| Argument | Description |
| ``model`` | The MXNet Model. |
| ``X`` | The dataset to predict. |
| ``ctx`` | mx.cpu() or mx.gpu(). The device used to generate the |
| | prediction. |
| ``array.batch.size`` | The batch size used in batching. Only used when X is R's |
| | array. |
| ``array.layout`` | can be "auto", "colmajor", "rowmajor", (detault=auto). |
| | |
| | The layout of array. "rowmajor" is only supported for two |
| | dimensional |
| | array. |
| | For matrix, "rowmajor" means dim(X) = c(nexample, |
| | nfeatures), |
| | "colmajor" means dim(X) = c(nfeatures, nexample) |
| | "auto" will auto detect the layout by match the feature |
| | size, |
| | and will report error when X is a square matrix to ask |
| | user to explicitly specify |
| | layout. |
| ``allow.extra.params`` | Whether allow extra parameters that are not needed by |
| | symbol. |
| | |
| | If this is TRUE, no error will be thrown when arg_params |
| | or |
| | aux_params |
| | contain extra parameters that is not needed by the |
| | executor. |