blob: f1af35687a0c36d634a57e30f054bd22ca8b2eff [file] [log] [blame]
Splits an array along a particular axis into multiple sub-arrays.
.. note:: ``SliceChannel`` is deprecated. Use ``split`` instead.
**Note** that `num_outputs` should evenly divide the length of the axis
along which to split the array.
x = [[[ 1.]
[ 2.]]
[[ 3.]
[ 4.]]
[[ 5.]
[ 6.]]]
x.shape = (3, 2, 1)
y = split(x, axis=1, num_outputs=2) // a list of 2 arrays with shape (3, 1, 1)
y = [[[ 1.]]
[[ 3.]]
[[ 5.]]]
[[[ 2.]]
[[ 4.]]
[[ 6.]]]
y[0].shape = (3, 1, 1)
z = split(x, axis=0, num_outputs=3) // a list of 3 arrays with shape (1, 2, 1)
z = [[[ 1.]
[ 2.]]]
[[[ 3.]
[ 4.]]]
[[[ 5.]
[ 6.]]]
z[0].shape = (1, 2, 1)
`squeeze_axis=1` removes the axis with length 1 from the shapes of the output arrays.
**Note** that setting `squeeze_axis` to ``1`` removes axis with length 1 only
along the `axis` which it is split.
Also `squeeze_axis` can be set to true only if ``input.shape[axis] == num_outputs``.
z = split(x, axis=0, num_outputs=3, squeeze_axis=1) // a list of 3 arrays with shape (2, 1)
z = [[ 1.]
[ 2.]]
[[ 3.]
[ 4.]]
[[ 5.]
[ 6.]]
z[0].shape = (2 ,1 )
.. code:: r
| Argument | Description |
| ``data`` | NDArray-or-Symbol. |
| | |
| | The input |
| ``num.outputs`` | int, required. |
| | |
| | Number of splits. Note that this should evenly divide the |
| | length of the |
| | `axis`. |
| ``axis`` | int, optional, default='1'. |
| | |
| | Axis along which to split. |
| ``squeeze.axis`` | boolean, optional, default=0. |
| | |
| | If true, Removes the axis with length 1 from the shapes of |
| | the output arrays. **Note** that setting `squeeze_axis` to |
| | ``true`` removes axis with length 1 only along the `axis` |
| | which it is split. Also `squeeze_axis` can be set to |
| | ``true`` only if ``input.shape[axis] == |
| | num_outputs``. |
| ``name`` | string, optional. |
| | |
| | Name of the resulting symbol. |
``out`` The result mx.symbol
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