blob: 6ef13bdc81951ecc975509af12300f7da76bd6d7 [file] [log] [blame]
Return the cumulative sum of the elements along a given axis.
| Argument | Description |
| ``a`` | NDArray-or-Symbol. |
| | |
| | Input ndarray |
| ``axis`` | int or None, optional, default='None'. |
| | |
| | Axis along which the cumulative sum is computed. The |
| | default (None) is to compute the cumsum over the flattened |
| | array. |
| ``dtype`` | {None, 'float16', 'float32', 'float64', 'int32', 'int64', |
| | 'int8'},optional, |
| | default='None'. |
| | |
| | Type of the returned array and of the accumulator in which |
| | the elements are summed. If dtype is not specified, it |
| | defaults to the dtype of a, unless a has an integer dtype |
| | with a precision less than that of the default platform |
| | integer. In that case, the default platform integer is |
| | used. |
``out`` The result mx.ndarray
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