blob: 5f26286fea05afa2ab4680d5b8b3f8d324c5798e [file] [log] [blame]
Applies dropout operation to input array.
- During training, each element of the input is set to zero with probability p.
The whole array is rescaled by :math:`1/(1-p)` to keep the expected
sum of the input unchanged.
- During testing, this operator does not change the input if mode is 'training'.
If mode is 'always', the same computaion as during training will be applied.
input_array = array([[3., 0.5, -0.5, 2., 7.],
[2., -0.4, 7., 3., 0.2]])
a = symbol.Variable('a')
dropout = symbol.Dropout(a, p = 0.2)
executor = dropout.simple_bind(a = input_array.shape)
## If training
executor.forward(is_train = True, a = input_array)
[[ 3.75 0.625 -0. 2.5 8.75 ]
[ 2.5 -0.5 8.75 3.75 0. ]]
## If testing
executor.forward(is_train = False, a = input_array)
[[ 3. 0.5 -0.5 2. 7. ]
[ 2. -0.4 7. 3. 0.2 ]]
| Argument | Description |
| ``data`` | NDArray-or-Symbol. |
| | |
| | Input array to which dropout will be applied. |
| ``p`` | float, optional, default=0.5. |
| | |
| | Fraction of the input that gets dropped out during |
| | training |
| | time. |
| ``mode`` | {'always', 'training'},optional, default='training'. |
| | |
| | Whether to only turn on dropout during training or to also |
| | turn on for |
| | inference. |
| ``axes`` | Shape(tuple), optional, default=[]. |
| | |
| | Axes for variational dropout kernel. |
| ```` | boolean or None, optional, default=0. |
| | |
| | Whether to turn off cudnn in dropout operator. This option |
| | is ignored if axes is |
| | specified. |
``out`` The result mx.ndarray
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