blob: 50d326d24688e1e2db133982396c7858b07a6dfb [file] [log] [blame]
Early stop with different conditions.
Early stopping applying different conditions: hard thresholds or epochs number from the best score. Tested with "epoch.end.callback" function.
.. code:: r
train.metric = NULL,
eval.metric = NULL,
bad.steps = NULL,
maximize = FALSE,
verbose = FALSE
| Argument | Description |
| ``train.metric`` | Numeric. Hard threshold for the metric of the training |
| | data set |
| | (optional) |
| ``eval.metric`` | Numeric. Hard threshold for the metric of the evaluating |
| | data set (if set, |
| | optional) |
| ``bad.steps`` | Integer. How much epochs should gone from the best score? |
| | Use this option with evaluation data |
| | set |
| ``maximize`` | Logical. Do your model use maximizing or minimizing |
| | optimization? |
| ``verbose`` | Logical |