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# Run MXNet on Multiple CPU/GPUs with Data Parallelism
_MXNet_ supports training with multiple CPUs and GPUs, which may be located on different physical machines.
## Data Parallelism vs Model Parallelism
By default, _MXNet_ uses data parallelism to partition the workload over multiple
Assume there are *n* devices.
Then each one will receive a copy of the complete model
and train it on *1/n* of the data.
The results such as gradients and
updated model are communicated across these devices.
MXNet also supports model parallelism.
In this approach, each device holds onto only part of the model.
This proves useful when the model is too large to fit onto a single device.
As an example, see the following [tutorial](./
which shows how to use model parallelism for training a multi-layer LSTM model.
In this tutorial, we'll focus on data parallelism.
## Multiple GPUs within a Single Machine
### Workload Partitioning
By default, _MXNet_ partitions a data batch evenly among the available GPUs.
Assume a batch size *b* and assume there are *k* GPUs, then in one iteration
each GPU will perform forward and backward on *b/k* examples. The
gradients are then summed over all GPUs before updating the model.
### How to Use
> To use GPUs, we need to compile MXNet with GPU support. For
> example, set `USE_CUDA=1` in `` before `make`. (see
> [MXNet installation guide]( for more options).
If a machine has one or more GPU cards installed,
then each card is labeled by a number starting from 0.
To use a particular GPU, one can either
specify the context `context` in code
or pass `--gpus` at the command line.
For example, to use GPU 0 and 2 in python,
one can typically create a module with
import mxnet as mx
module = mx.module.Module(context=[mx.gpu(0), mx.gpu(2)], ...)
while if the program accepts a `--gpus` flag (as seen in
then we can try
python --gpus 0,2 ...
### Advanced Usage
If the available GPUs are not all equally powerful,
we can partition the workload accordingly.
For example, if GPU 0 is 3 times faster than GPU 2,
then we might use the workload option `work_load_list=[3, 1]`,
see [Module](../api/python/module.html#mxnet.module.Module)
for more details.
Training with multiple GPUs should yield the same results
as training on a single GPU if all other hyper-parameters are the same.
In practice, the results may exhibit small differences,
owing to the randomness of I/O (random order or other augmentations),
weight initialization with different seeds, and CUDNN.
We can control on which devices the gradient is aggregated
and on which device the model is updated via [`KVStore`](,
the _MXNet_ module that supports data communication.
One can either use `mx.kvstore.create(type)` to get an instance
or use the program flag `--kv-store type`.
There are two commonly used types,
- `local`: all gradients are copied to CPU memory and weights are updated there.
- `device`: both gradient aggregation and weight updates are run on GPUs.
With this setting, the `KVStore` also attempts to use GPU peer-to-peer communication,
potentially accelerating the communication.
Note that this option may result in higher GPU memory usage.
When using a large number of GPUs, e.g. >=4, we suggest using `device` for better performance.
## Distributed Training with Multiple Machines
`KVStore` also supports a number of options for running on multiple machines.
- `dist_sync` behaves similarly to `local` but exhibits one major difference.
With `dist_sync`, `batch-size` now means the batch size used on each machine.
So if there are *n* machines and we use batch size *b*,
then `dist_sync` behaves like `local` with batch size *n\*b*.
- `dist_device_sync` is similar to `dist_sync`. The difference between them is that
`dist_device_sync` aggregates gradients and updates weight on GPUs
while `dist_sync` does so on CPU memory.
- `dist_async` performs asynchronous updates.
The weight is updated whenever gradients are received from any machine.
The update is atomic, i.e., no two updates happen on the same weight at the same time.
However, the order is not guaranteed.
### How to Launch a Job
> To use distributed training, we need to compile with `USE_DIST_KVSTORE=1`
> (see [MXNet installation guide]( for more options).
Launching a distributed job is a bit different from running on a single
machine. MXNet provides
[tools/]( to
start a job by using `ssh`, `mpi`, `sge`, or `yarn`.
An easy way to set up a cluster of EC2 instances for distributed deep learning
is using an [AWS CloudFormation template](
If you do not have a cluster, you can check the repository before you continue.
Assume we are at the directory `mxnet/example/image-classification`
and want to train LeNet to classify MNIST images, as demonstrated here:
On a single machine, we can run:
python --network lenet
Now, say we are given two ssh-able machines and _MXNet_ is installed on both machines.
We want to train LeNet on these two machines.
First, we save the IPs (or hostname) of these two machines in file `hosts`, e.g.
$ cat hosts
Next, if the mxnet folder is accessible from both machines, e.g. on a
[network filesystem](,
then we can run:
python ../../tools/ -n 2 --launcher ssh -H hosts python --network lenet --kv-store dist_sync
Note that here we
- use `` to submit the job.
- provide launcher, `ssh` if all machines are ssh-able, `mpi` if `mpirun` is
available, `sge` for Sun Grid Engine, and `yarn` for Apache Yarn.
- `-n` number of worker nodes to run on
- `-H` the host file which is required by `ssh` and `mpi`
- `--kv-store` use either `dist_sync` or `dist_async`
### Synchronize Directory
Now consider if the mxnet folder is not accessible.
We can first copy the `MXNet` library to this folder by
cp -r ../../python/mxnet .
cp -r ../../lib/ mxnet
then ask `` to synchronize the current directory to all machines'
`/tmp/mxnet` directory with `--sync-dst-dir`
python ../../tools/ -n 2 -H hosts --sync-dst-dir /tmp/mxnet \
python --network lenet --kv-store dist_sync
### Use a Particular Network Interface
_MXNet_ often chooses the first available network interface.
But for machines that have multiple interfaces,
we can specify which network interface to use for data
communication by the environment variable `DMLC_INTERFACE`.
For example, to use the interface `eth0`, we can
export DMLC_INTERFACE=eth0; python ../../tools/ ...
### Debug Connection
Set`PS_VERBOSE=1` to see the debug logging, e.g
export PS_VERBOSE=1; python ../../tools/ ...
### More
- See more launch options by `python ../../tools/ -h`
- See more options of [ps-lite](