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Simple 3-layer MLP
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Convolutional Neural Networks
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<p><a id='Digit-Recognition-on-MNIST-1'></a></p>
<h1 id="digit-recognition-on-mnist">Digit Recognition on MNIST</h1>
<p>In this tutorial, we will work through examples of training a simple multi-layer perceptron and then a convolutional neural network (the LeNet architecture) on the <a href="">MNIST handwritten digit dataset</a>. The code for this tutorial could be found in <a href="">examples/mnist</a>. There are also two Jupyter notebooks that expand a little more on the <a href="">MLP</a> and the <a href="">LeNet</a>, using the more general <code>ArrayDataProvider</code>. </p>
<p><a id='Simple-3-layer-MLP-1'></a></p>
<h2 id="simple-3-layer-mlp">Simple 3-layer MLP</h2>
<p>This is a tiny 3-layer MLP that could be easily trained on CPU. The script starts with</p>
<pre><code class="julia">using MXNet
<p>to load the <code>MXNet</code> module. Then we are ready to define the network architecture via the <a href="/api/julia/docs/api/user-guide/overview/">symbolic API</a>. We start with a placeholder <code>data</code> symbol,</p>
<pre><code class="julia">data = mx.Variable(:data)
<p>and then cascading fully-connected layers and activation functions:</p>
<pre><code class="julia">fc1 = mx.FullyConnected(data, name=:fc1, num_hidden=128)
act1 = mx.Activation(fc1, name=:relu1, act_type=:relu)
fc2 = mx.FullyConnected(act1, name=:fc2, num_hidden=64)
act2 = mx.Activation(fc2, name=:relu2, act_type=:relu)
fc3 = mx.FullyConnected(act2, name=:fc3, num_hidden=10)
<p>Note each composition we take the previous symbol as the first argument, forming a feedforward chain. The architecture looks like</p>
<pre><code>Input --&gt; 128 units (ReLU) --&gt; 64 units (ReLU) --&gt; 10 units
<p>where the last 10 units correspond to the 10 output classes (digits 0,...,9). We then add a final <code>SoftmaxOutput</code> operation to turn the 10-dimensional prediction to proper probability values for the 10 classes:</p>
<pre><code class="julia">mlp = mx.SoftmaxOutput(fc3, name=:softmax)
<p>As we can see, the MLP is just a chain of layers. For this case, we can also use the <code>mx.chain</code> macro. The same architecture above can be defined as</p>
<pre><code class="julia">mlp = @mx.chain mx.Variable(:data) =&gt;
mx.FullyConnected(name=:fc1, num_hidden=128) =&gt;
mx.Activation(name=:relu1, act_type=:relu) =&gt;
mx.FullyConnected(name=:fc2, num_hidden=64) =&gt;
mx.Activation(name=:relu2, act_type=:relu) =&gt;
mx.FullyConnected(name=:fc3, num_hidden=10) =&gt;
<p>After defining the architecture, we are ready to load the MNIST data. MXNet.jl provide built-in data providers for the MNIST dataset, which could automatically download the dataset into <code>Pkg.dir("MXNet")/data/mnist</code> if necessary. We wrap the code to construct the data provider into <code>mnist-data.jl</code> so that it could be shared by both the MLP example and the LeNet ConvNets example.</p>
<pre><code class="julia">batch_size = 100
train_provider, eval_provider = get_mnist_providers(batch_size)
<p>If you need to write your own data providers for customized data format, please refer to <a href="../../api/io/"><code>mx.AbstractDataProvider</code></a>.</p>
<p>Given the architecture and data, we can instantiate an <em>model</em> to do the actual training. <code>mx.FeedForward</code> is the built-in model that is suitable for most feed-forward architectures. When constructing the model, we also specify the <em>context</em> on which the computation should be carried out. Because this is a really tiny MLP, we will just run on a single CPU device.</p>
<pre><code class="julia">model = mx.FeedForward(mlp, context=mx.cpu())
<p>You can use a <code>mx.gpu()</code> or if a list of devices (e.g. <code>[mx.gpu(0), mx.gpu(1)]</code>) is provided, data-parallelization will be used automatically. But for this tiny example, using a GPU device might not help.</p>
<p>The last thing we need to specify is the optimization algorithm (a.k.a. <em>optimizer</em>) to use. We use the basic SGD with a fixed learning rate 0.1 , momentum 0.9 and weight decay 0.00001:</p>
<pre><code class="julia">optimizer = mx.SGD(η=0.1, μ=0.9, λ=0.00001)
<p>Now we can do the training. Here the <code>n_epoch</code> parameter specifies that we want to train for 20 epochs. We also supply a <code>eval_data</code> to monitor validation accuracy on the validation set.</p>
<pre><code class="julia">, optimizer, train_provider, n_epoch=20, eval_data=eval_provider)
<p>Here is a sample output</p>
<pre><code>INFO: Start training on [CPU0]
INFO: Initializing parameters...
INFO: Creating KVStore...
INFO: == Epoch 001 ==========
INFO: ## Training summary
INFO: :accuracy = 0.7554
INFO: time = 1.3165 seconds
INFO: ## Validation summary
INFO: :accuracy = 0.9502
INFO: == Epoch 020 ==========
INFO: ## Training summary
INFO: :accuracy = 0.9949
INFO: time = 0.9287 seconds
INFO: ## Validation summary
INFO: :accuracy = 0.9775
<p><a id='Convolutional-Neural-Networks-1'></a></p>
<h2 id="convolutional-neural-networks">Convolutional Neural Networks</h2>
<p>In the second example, we show a slightly more complicated architecture that involves convolution and pooling. This architecture for the MNIST is usually called the [LeNet]_. The first part of the architecture is listed below:</p>
<pre><code class="julia"># input
data = mx.Variable(:data)
# first conv
conv1 = @mx.chain mx.Convolution(data, kernel=(5,5), num_filter=20) =&gt;
mx.Activation(act_type=:tanh) =&gt;
mx.Pooling(pool_type=:max, kernel=(2,2), stride=(2,2))
# second conv
conv2 = @mx.chain mx.Convolution(conv1, kernel=(5,5), num_filter=50) =&gt;
mx.Activation(act_type=:tanh) =&gt;
mx.Pooling(pool_type=:max, kernel=(2,2), stride=(2,2))
<p>We basically defined two convolution modules. Each convolution module is actually a chain of <code>Convolution</code>, <code>tanh</code> activation and then max <code>Pooling</code> operations.</p>
<p>Each sample in the MNIST dataset is a 28x28 single-channel grayscale image. In the tensor format used by <code>NDArray</code>, a batch of 100 samples is a tensor of shape <code>(28,28,1,100)</code>. The convolution and pooling operates in the spatial axis, so <code>kernel=(5,5)</code> indicate a square region of 5-width and 5-height. The rest of the architecture follows as:</p>
<pre><code class="julia"># first fully-connected
fc1 = @mx.chain mx.Flatten(conv2) =&gt;
mx.FullyConnected(num_hidden=500) =&gt;
# second fully-connected
fc2 = mx.FullyConnected(fc1, num_hidden=10)
# softmax loss
lenet = mx.Softmax(fc2, name=:softmax)
<p>Note a fully-connected operator expects the input to be a matrix. However, the results from spatial convolution and pooling are 4D tensors. So we explicitly used a <code>Flatten</code> operator to flat the tensor, before connecting it to the <code>FullyConnected</code> operator.</p>
<p>The rest of the network is the same as the previous MLP example. As before, we can now load the MNIST dataset:</p>
<pre><code class="julia">batch_size = 100
train_provider, eval_provider = get_mnist_providers(batch_size; flat=false)
<p>Note we specified <code>flat=false</code> to tell the data provider to provide 4D tensors instead of 2D matrices because the convolution operators needs correct spatial shape information. We then construct a feedforward model on GPU, and train it.</p>
<pre><code class="julia"># fit model
model = mx.FeedForward(lenet, context=mx.gpu())
# optimizer
optimizer = mx.SGD(η=0.05, μ=0.9, λ=0.00001)
# fit parameters, optimizer, train_provider, n_epoch=20, eval_data=eval_provider)
<p>And here is a sample of running outputs:</p>
<pre><code>INFO: == Epoch 001 ==========
INFO: ## Training summary
INFO: :accuracy = 0.6750
INFO: time = 4.9814 seconds
INFO: ## Validation summary
INFO: :accuracy = 0.9712
INFO: == Epoch 020 ==========
INFO: ## Training summary
INFO: :accuracy = 1.0000
INFO: time = 4.0086 seconds
INFO: ## Validation summary
INFO: :accuracy = 0.9915
<p><a id='Predicting-with-a-trained-model-1'></a></p>
<h2 id="predicting-with-a-trained-model">Predicting with a trained model</h2>
<p>Predicting with a trained model is very simple. By calling <code>mx.predict</code> with the model and a data provider, we get the model output as a Julia Array:</p>
<pre><code class="julia">probs = mx.predict(model, eval_provider)
<p>The following code shows a stupid way of getting all the labels from the data provider, and compute the prediction accuracy manually:</p>
<pre><code class="julia"># collect all labels from eval data
labels = reduce(
copy(mx.get(eval_provider, batch, :softmax_label)) for batch ∈ eval_provider)
# labels are 0...9
labels .= labels .+ 1
# Now we use compute the accuracy
pred = map(i -&gt; argmax(probs[1:10, i]), 1:size(probs, 2))
correct = sum(pred .== labels)
@printf &quot;Accuracy on eval set: %.2f%%\n&quot; 100correct/length(labels)
<p>Alternatively, when the dataset is huge, one can provide a callback to <code>mx.predict</code>, then the callback function will be invoked with the outputs of each mini-batch. The callback could, for example, write the data to disk for future inspection. In this case, no value is returned from <code>mx.predict</code>. See also predict.</p>
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