blob: 2ce7a0221920f6b03417684c1cf33cf9d7403c36 [file] [log] [blame]
<map id="Graphical Class Hierarchy" name="Graphical Class Hierarchy">
<area shape="rect" id="node1" href="$classmxnet_1_1SyncedGPUAuxStream.html" title="Provides automatic coordination of an auxilary stream with a primary one. This object, upon construction, prepares an aux stream for use by syncing it with enqueued primary&#45;stream work. Object destruction will sync again so future primary&#45;stream work will wait on enqueued aux&#45;stream work. If MXNET_GPU_WORKER_NSTREAMS == 1, then this defaults simply: the primary stream will equal the aux stream and the syncs will be executed as nops. See ./src/operator/cudnn/cudnn_convolution&#45;inl.h for a usage example. " alt="" coords="5,5,224,32"/>