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"<!--- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one -->\n",
"<!--- or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file -->\n",
"<!--- distributed with this work for additional information -->\n",
"<!--- regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file -->\n",
"<!--- to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the -->\n",
"<!--- \"License\"); you may not use this file except in compliance -->\n",
"<!--- with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at -->\n",
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"<!--- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, -->\n",
"<!--- software distributed under the License is distributed on an -->\n",
"<!--- KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the -->\n",
"<!--- specific language governing permissions and limitations -->\n",
"<!--- under the License. -->\n",
"# Fine-tuning an ONNX model\n",
"Fine-tuning is a common practice in Transfer Learning. One can take advantage of the pre-trained weights of a network, and use them as an initializer for their own task. Indeed, quite often it is difficult to gather a dataset large enough that it would allow training from scratch deep and complex networks such as ResNet152 or VGG16. For example in an image classification task, using a network trained on a large dataset like ImageNet gives a good base from which the weights can be slightly updated, or fine-tuned, to predict accurately the new classes. We will see in this tutorial that this can be achieved even with a relatively small number of new training examples.\n",
"[Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNX)]( provides an open source format for AI models. It defines an extensible computation graph model, as well as definitions of built-in operators and standard data types.\n",
"In this tutorial we will:\n",
"- learn how to pick a specific layer from a pre-trained .onnx model file\n",
"- learn how to load this model in Gluon and fine-tune it on a different dataset\n",
"## Pre-requisite\n",
"To run the tutorial you will need to have installed the following python modules:\n",
"- [MXNet > 1.1.0](/get_started)\n",
"- [onnx](\n",
"- matplotlib\n",
"We recommend that you have first followed this tutorial:\n",
"- [Inference using an ONNX model on MXNet Gluon](/api/python/docs/tutorials/packages/onnx/inference_on_onnx_model.html)"
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"import json\n",
"import logging\n",
"import multiprocessing\n",
"import os\n",
"import tarfile\n",
"import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n",
"import mxnet as mx\n",
"from mxnet import gluon, nd, autograd\n",
"from import ImageFolderDataset\n",
"from import DataLoader\n",
"import mxnet.contrib.onnx as onnx_mxnet\n",
"import numpy as np\n",
"%matplotlib inline\n",
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"### Downloading supporting files\n",
"These are images and a vizualisation script:"
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"image_folder = \"images\"\n",
"utils_file = \"\" # contain utils function to plot nice visualization\n",
"images = ['wrench.jpg', 'dolphin.jpg', 'lotus.jpg']\n",
"base_url = \"{}?raw=true\"\n",
"for image in images:\n",
"\"{}/{}\".format(image_folder, image)), fname=image,dirname=image_folder)\n",
", fname=utils_file)\n",
"from utils import *\n",
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"## Downloading a model from the ONNX model zoo\n",
"We download a pre-trained model, in our case the [GoogleNet]( model, trained on [ImageNet]( from the [ONNX model zoo]( The model comes packaged in an archive `tar.gz` file containing an `model.onnx` model file."
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"base_url = \"\"\n",
"current_model = \"bvlc_googlenet\"\n",
"model_folder = \"model\"\n",
"archive_file = \"{}.tar.gz\".format(current_model)\n",
"archive_path = os.path.join(model_folder, archive_file)\n",
"url = \"{}{}\".format(base_url, archive_file)\n",
"onnx_path = os.path.join(model_folder, current_model, 'model.onnx')\n",
"# Download the zipped model\n",
", dirname = model_folder)\n",
"# Extract the model\n",
"if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(model_folder, current_model)):\n",
" print('Extracting {} in {}...'.format(archive_path, model_folder))\n",
" tar =, \"r:gz\")\n",
" tar.extractall(model_folder)\n",
" tar.close()\n",
" print('Model extracted.')\n",
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"## Downloading the Caltech101 dataset\n",
"The [Caltech101 dataset]( is made of pictures of objects belonging to 101 categories. About 40 to 800 images per category. Most categories have about 50 images.\n",
"*L. Fei-Fei, R. Fergus and P. Perona. Learning generative visual models from few training examples: an incremental Bayesian approach tested on 101 object categories. IEEE. CVPR 2004, Workshop on Generative-Model\n",
"Based Vision. 2004*"
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"data_folder = \"data\"\n",
"dataset_name = \"101_ObjectCategories\"\n",
"archive_file = \"{}.tar.gz\".format(dataset_name)\n",
"archive_path = os.path.join(data_folder, archive_file)\n",
"data_url = \"\"\n",
"if not os.path.isfile(archive_path):\n",
"\"{}{}\".format(data_url, archive_file), dirname = data_folder)\n",
" print('Extracting {} in {}...'.format(archive_file, data_folder))\n",
" tar =, \"r:gz\")\n",
" tar.extractall(data_folder)\n",
" tar.close()\n",
" print('Data extracted.')\n",
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"training_path = os.path.join(data_folder, dataset_name)\n",
"testing_path = os.path.join(data_folder, \"{}_test\".format(dataset_name))\n",
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"### Load the data using an ImageFolderDataset and a DataLoader\n",
"We need to transform the images to a format accepted by the network"
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"EDGE = 224\n",
"SIZE = (EDGE, EDGE)\n",
"BATCH_SIZE = 32\n",
"NUM_WORKERS = 6\n",
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"We transform the dataset images using the following operations:\n",
"- resize the shorter edge to 224, the longer edge will be greater or equal to 224\n",
"- center and crop an area of size (224,224)\n",
"- transpose the channels to be (3,224,224)"
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"def transform(image, label):\n",
" resized = mx.image.resize_short(image, EDGE)\n",
" cropped, crop_info = mx.image.center_crop(resized, SIZE)\n",
" transposed = nd.transpose(cropped, (2,0,1))\n",
" return transposed, label\n",
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"The train and test dataset are created automatically by passing the root of each folder. The labels are built using the sub-folders names as label."
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"dataset_train = ImageFolderDataset(root=training_path)\n",
"dataset_test = ImageFolderDataset(root=testing_path)\n",
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"We use several worker processes, which means the dataloading and pre-processing is going to be distributed across multiple processes. This will help preventing our GPU from starving and waiting for the data to be copied across"
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"dataloader_train = DataLoader(dataset_train.transform(transform, lazy=False), batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, last_batch='rollover',\n",
" shuffle=True, num_workers=NUM_WORKERS)\n",
"dataloader_test = DataLoader(dataset_test.transform(transform, lazy=False), batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, last_batch='rollover',\n",
" shuffle=False, num_workers=NUM_WORKERS)\n",
"print(\"Train dataset: {} images, Test dataset: {} images\".format(len(dataset_train), len(dataset_test)))\n",
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"`Train dataset: 6996 images, Test dataset: 1681 images`<!--notebook-skip-line-->"
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"categories = dataset_train.synsets\n",
"NUM_CLASSES = len(categories)\n",
"BATCH_SIZE = 32\n",
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"Let's plot the 1000th image to test the dataset"
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"N = 1000\n",
"plt.imshow((transform(dataset_train[N][0], 0)[0].asnumpy().transpose((1,2,0))))\n",
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"## Fine-Tuning the ONNX model\n",
"### Getting the last layer\n",
"Load the ONNX model"
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"sym, arg_params, aux_params = onnx_mxnet.import_model(onnx_path)\n",
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"This function get the output of a given layer"
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"def get_layer_output(symbol, arg_params, aux_params, layer_name):\n",
" all_layers = symbol.get_internals()\n",
" net = all_layers[layer_name+'_output']\n",
" net = mx.symbol.Flatten(data=net)\n",
" new_args = dict({k:arg_params[k] for k in arg_params if k in net.list_arguments()})\n",
" new_aux = dict({k:aux_params[k] for k in aux_params if k in net.list_arguments()})\n",
" return (net, new_args, new_aux)\n",
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"Here we print the different layers of the network to make it easier to pick the right one"
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"```<Symbol group [data_0, pad0, conv1/7x7_s2_w_0, conv1/7x7_s2_b_0, convolution0, relu0, pad1, pooling0, lrn0, pad2, conv2/3x3_reduce_w_0, conv2/3x3_reduce_b_0, convolution1, relu1, pad3, conv2/3x3_w_0, conv2/3x3_b_0, convolution2, relu2, lrn1, pad4, pooling1, pad5, inception_3a/1x1_w_0, inception_3a/1x1_b_0, convolution3, relu3, pad6, .................................................................................inception_5b/pool_proj_b_0, convolution56, relu56, concat8, pad70, pooling13, dropout0, flatten0, loss3/classifier_w_0, linalg_gemm20, loss3/classifier_b_0, _mulscalar0, broadcast_add0, softmax0]>```<!--notebook-skip-line-->\n",
"We get the network until the output of the `flatten0` layer\n",
"new_sym, new_arg_params, new_aux_params = get_layer_output(sym, arg_params, aux_params, 'flatten0')\n",
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"### Fine-tuning in gluon\n",
"We can now take advantage of the features and pattern detection knowledge that our network learnt training on ImageNet, and apply that to the new Caltech101 dataset.\n",
"We pick a context, fine-tuning on CPU will be **WAY** slower."
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"ctx = mx.gpu() if mx.context.num_gpus() > 0 else mx.cpu()\n",
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"We create a symbol block that is going to hold all our pre-trained layers, and assign the weights of the different pre-trained layers to the newly created SymbolBlock"
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"import warnings\n",
"with warnings.catch_warnings():\n",
" warnings.simplefilter(\"ignore\")\n",
" pre_trained = gluon.nn.SymbolBlock(outputs=new_sym, inputs=mx.sym.var('data_0'))\n",
"net_params = pre_trained.collect_params()\n",
"for param in new_arg_params:\n",
" if param in net_params:\n",
" net_params[param]._load_init(new_arg_params[param], ctx=ctx)\n",
"for param in new_aux_params:\n",
" if param in net_params:\n",
" net_params[param]._load_init(new_aux_params[param], ctx=ctx)\n",
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"We create the new dense layer with the right new number of classes (101) and initialize the weights"
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"dense_layer = gluon.nn.Dense(NUM_CLASSES)\n",
"dense_layer.initialize(mx.init.Xavier(magnitude=2.24), ctx=ctx)\n",
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"We add the SymbolBlock and the new dense layer to a HybridSequential network"
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"net = gluon.nn.HybridSequential()\n",
"with net.name_scope():\n",
" net.add(pre_trained)\n",
" net.add(dense_layer)\n",
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"### Loss\n",
"Softmax cross entropy for multi-class classification"
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"softmax_cross_entropy = gluon.loss.SoftmaxCrossEntropyLoss()\n",
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"### Trainer\n",
"Initialize trainer with common training parameters"
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"LEARNING_RATE = 0.0005\n",
"WDECAY = 0.00001\n",
"MOMENTUM = 0.9\n",
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"The trainer will retrain and fine-tune the entire network. If we use `dense_layer` instead of `net` in the cell below, the gradient updates would only be applied to the new last dense layer. Essentially we would be using the pre-trained network as a featurizer."
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"trainer = gluon.Trainer(net.collect_params(), 'sgd',\n",
" {'learning_rate': LEARNING_RATE,\n",
" 'wd':WDECAY,\n",
" 'momentum':MOMENTUM})\n",
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"### Evaluation loop\n",
"We measure the accuracy in a non-blocking way, using `nd.array` to take care of the parallelisation that MXNet and Gluon offers."
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" def evaluate_accuracy_gluon(data_iterator, net):\n",
" num_instance = 0\n",
" sum_metric = nd.zeros(1,ctx=ctx, dtype=np.int32)\n",
" for i, (data, label) in enumerate(data_iterator):\n",
" data = data.astype(np.float32).as_in_context(ctx)\n",
" label = label.astype(np.int32).as_in_context(ctx)\n",
" output = net(data)\n",
" prediction = nd.argmax(output, axis=1).astype(np.int32)\n",
" num_instance += len(prediction)\n",
" sum_metric += (prediction==label).sum()\n",
" accuracy = (sum_metric.astype(np.float32)/num_instance)\n",
" return accuracy.asscalar()\n",
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"print(\"Untrained network Test Accuracy: {0:.4f}\".format(evaluate_accuracy_gluon(dataloader_test, net)))\n",
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"`Untrained network Test Accuracy: 0.0192`<!--notebook-skip-line-->\n",
"### Training loop"
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"val_accuracy = 0\n",
"for epoch in range(5):\n",
" for i, (data, label) in enumerate(dataloader_train):\n",
" data = data.astype(np.float32).as_in_context(ctx)\n",
" label = label.as_in_context(ctx)\n",
" if i%20==0 and i >0:\n",
" print('Batch [{0}] loss: {1:.4f}'.format(i, loss.mean().asscalar()))\n",
" with autograd.record():\n",
" output = net(data)\n",
" loss = softmax_cross_entropy(output, label)\n",
" loss.backward()\n",
" trainer.step(data.shape[0])\n",
" nd.waitall() # wait at the end of the epoch\n",
" new_val_accuracy = evaluate_accuracy_gluon(dataloader_test, net)\n",
" print(\"Epoch [{0}] Test Accuracy {1:.4f} \".format(epoch, new_val_accuracy))\n",
" # We perform early-stopping regularization, to prevent the model from overfitting\n",
" if val_accuracy > new_val_accuracy:\n",
" print('Validation accuracy is decreasing, stopping training')\n",
" break\n",
" val_accuracy = new_val_accuracy\n",
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"`Epoch 4, Test Accuracy 0.8942307829856873`<!--notebook-skip-line-->\n",
"## Testing\n",
"In the previous tutorial, we saw that the network trained on ImageNet couldn't classify correctly `wrench`, `dolphin`, `lotus` because these are not categories of the ImageNet dataset.\n",
"Let's see if our network fine-tuned on Caltech101 is up for the task:"
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"# Number of predictions to show\n",
"TOP_P = 3\n",
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"# Convert img to format expected by the network\n",
"def transform(img):\n",
" return nd.array(np.expand_dims(np.transpose(img, (2,0,1)),axis=0).astype(np.float32), ctx=ctx)\n",
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"# Load and transform the test images\n",
"caltech101_images_test = [plt.imread(os.path.join(image_folder, \"{}\".format(img))) for img in images]\n",
"caltech101_images_transformed = [transform(img) for img in caltech101_images_test]\n",
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"Helper function to run batches of data"
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"def run_batch(net, data):\n",
" results = []\n",
" for batch in data:\n",
" outputs = net(batch)\n",
" results.extend([o for o in outputs.asnumpy()])\n",
" return np.array(results)\n",
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"result = run_batch(net, caltech101_images_transformed)\n",
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"plot_predictions(caltech101_images_test, result, categories, TOP_P)\n",
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"**Great!** The network classified these images correctly after being fine-tuned on a dataset that contains images of `wrench`, `dolphin` and `lotus`"
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