blob: b84d20923140dd0f831e46a51f8e560478b4c359 [file] [log] [blame]
Release Notes - MRUnit - Version 1.0.0
** Sub-task
* [MRUNIT-144] - Change repository location on MRunit website
* [MRUNIT-145] - Change repository location on Jenkins
* [MRUNIT-146] - Change repository location in source code
* [MRUNIT-172] - Branch trunk should use hadoop 2
* [MRUNIT-174] - Remove portions of MRUNIT-161 which don't compile on trunk-hadoop1
* [MRUNIT-176] - Branch trunk-hadoop1 should use hadoop 1
** Bug
* [MRUNIT-105] - testJavaSerialization methods fail in Java 7 because they do not set a group comparator
* [MRUNIT-114] - should support calling configure on sorting and grouping comparators if applicable
* [MRUNIT-115] - set JobConf specific to the inputformat reading the results of the outputformat/copying when not using a real outputformat
* [MRUNIT-116] - Setting of configuration on Mappers/Reducers in MapDriver and ReduceDriver is inconsistent
* [MRUNIT-124] - DistributedCache should move files from getCacheFiles to getLocalCacheFiles
* [MRUNIT-126] - Counter tests are ignored if test is executed using run() rather than runTest()
* [MRUNIT-127] - Key grouping with GroupingComparators is not consistent with MapReduce behaviour
* [MRUNIT-130] - Download page does not point to KEYS; no hashes in download area; must not advertise snapshot builds
* [MRUNIT-131] - Comparators registered using WritableComparator.define are not used during tests
* [MRUNIT-132] - Spelling mistakes in TestReducerInputValueReuse
* [MRUNIT-157] - allow null keys and values as output, expected output
* [MRUNIT-159] - MRUnit not compiling with hadoop 0.23.3
* [MRUNIT-161] - some distributed cache apis not working - JobContext getCacheArchives()
* [MRUNIT-163] - getTaskAttemptID is missing from context
* [MRUNIT-165] - MapReduceDriver calls Mapper#cleanup for each input instead of once
* [MRUNIT-167] - context passed to an OuputFormatter is ignored by the framework
* [MRUNIT-178] - Remove portions of MRUNIT-167 on trunk-hadoop1 which do not compile
* [MRUNIT-179] - Set mapred.output.dir and mapred.input.dir in trunk
** Dependency upgrade
* [MRUNIT-112] - upgrade hadoop 1 dependency to hadoop-core 1.0.3
* [MRUNIT-113] - upgrade hadoop 2 dependency to 2.0.0-alpha
** Improvement
* [MRUNIT-95] - use Serialization framework to change all set/add input/output methods to serialize, deserialize to do defensive copying
* [MRUNIT-100] - Maven doesn't generate md5/sha1 files automatically
* [MRUNIT-118] - InputSplit should support a configurable filename
* [MRUNIT-119] - Counter tests should support assertions that counters are not present
* [MRUNIT-121] - Configure RAT to ignore IntelliJ IDEA files
* [MRUNIT-122] - Context should be mockable
* [MRUNIT-123] - Driver.runTest should not wrap IOException in RuntimeException
* [MRUNIT-125] - reduce duplicate code related to fluent methods with generics
* [MRUNIT-133] - MapInput stuff should be moved from TestDriver to MapDriver.
* [MRUNIT-136] - PipelineMapReduceDriver needs withAll/addAll methods
* [MRUNIT-137] - Remove duplicated set/add/withOutput methods
* [MRUNIT-138] - Multiple calls to withInput should be supported
* [MRUNIT-142] - withKeyGroupingComparator/withKeyOrderComparator should be in MapReduceDriverBase
* [MRUNIT-158] - withOutput doesn't generate useful information with MapWritable on error
* [MRUNIT-168] - .gitignore does not exist
* [MRUNIT-169] - rat exclude does not list .gitignore
** New Feature
* [MRUNIT-64] - Multiple Input Key, Value Pairs should be supported
* [MRUNIT-98] - DistributedCache support
* [MRUNIT-101] - allow use of real OutputFormats such as TextOutputFormat instead of the MockOutputCollector/MockContextWrapper classes
** Task
* [MRUNIT-104] - move non user classes into internal package
* [MRUNIT-107] - remove unused internal classes: MockOutputCommitter, MockRawKeyValueIterator and mapreduce.MockReporter
* [MRUNIT-108] - copy ExtendedAssert.assertListEquals to src/test/java and deprecate entire class and all methods in ExtendedAssert in src/main/java
* [MRUNIT-110] - remove disclaimer and update links in the pom to new TLP resources
* [MRUNIT-140] - TestDriver should use composition and have less responsilibities
* [MRUNIT-141] - Fix grammatical errors in counter log messages
* [MRUNIT-143] - Handle repository migration to GIT
* [MRUNIT-147] - upgrade parent pom to version 11
* [MRUNIT-149] - bind analyze-only goal from dependency plugin to prepare-package to make sure dependencies are correct
* [MRUNIT-150] - remove unnecessary log4j dependency
Release Notes - MRUnit - Version 0.9.0
** Bug
* [MRUNIT-54] - Driver.runTest throws RuntimeException should it throw AssertionError?
* [MRUNIT-70] - copy(orig, conf) in Serialization shouldn't require objects to have a no-args constructor, and copy(orig, copy, conf) seems to violate contract for deserializer.deserialize()
* [MRUNIT-77] - cannot use serializations that do not clone into object, or serializations without no arg constructors with reduce driver
* [MRUNIT-86] - Configuration not passed to individual mappers/reducers in mapred MapReducerDriver, PipelineMapReduceDriver
* [MRUNIT-97] - InputSplit causes NullPointerException in mapreduce api
* [MRUNIT-99] - dont force K2 in MapReduceDriver's to be Comparable since Hadoop dont enforce this on the map output key and value classes
** Dependency upgrade
* [MRUNIT-90] - upgrade junit to 4.10 and change ExpectedSuppliedException to implement TestRule instead
** Improvement
* [MRUNIT-45] - MockOutputCollector.deepCopy should use o.a.h.mrunit.Serialization.copy
* [MRUNIT-46] - Tests should use **Driver factory methods for cleaner code
* [MRUNIT-48] - Test and Deprecate Driver.{*OutputFromString,*InputFromString} Methods
* [MRUNIT-49] - o.a.h.mrunit.mapreduce.ReduceDriverBase.ValueClassInstanceReuseList Configuration not modifable
* [MRUNIT-62] - Add Maven Profile Build Information to BUILD.txt
* [MRUNIT-65] - return better error message when mapper or reducer is null for MapDriver or ReduceDriver
* [MRUNIT-66] - null input checks and behavior on no input to a driver are inconsistent
* [MRUNIT-72] - MRUnit pom.xml should not depend on 0.23.1-SNAPSHOT
* [MRUNIT-74] - Matching output but at incorrect position is not returned as an Error in the message string thrown in the RuntimeException
* [MRUNIT-75] - cleanup exception checking in tests to use a @Rule ExpectedException
* [MRUNIT-85] - Run java conventions formatter that comes with eclipse on all source code
* [MRUNIT-89] - add static convenience methods to PipelineMapReduceDriver class
* [MRUNIT-91] - runTest() should optionally ignore output order
* [MRUNIT-92] - cleanup multiple release profile and javadoc handling in pom
* [MRUNIT-96] - Cleanup release: remove unnecesssary artifacts from nexus and distribute single binary distribution with 2 build artifacts, 1 for hadoop 1+ and 1 for hadoop 2+
** New Feature
* [MRUNIT-67] - o.a.h.mrunit.mapreduce.MapReduceDriver should support a combiner
* [MRUNIT-68] - Support custom counter checking
** Task
* [MRUNIT-61] - Build separate source and binary tar balls
* [MRUNIT-94] - upgrade parent pom to version 10 and remove info in pom that is inherited from parent
* [MRUNIT-103] - JUnit license not in NOTICE.txt in a binary tarball
Release Notes - MRUnit - Version 0.8.1
** Bug
* [MRUNIT-55] - Hadoop dependency should be 'provided'
* [MRUNIT-56] - 0.8.0 release does not work with Hadoop 0.23
* [MRUNIT-58] - Javadoc for org.apache.hadoop.mrunit Package Ends
* Prematurely
** Improvement
* [MRUNIT-57] - profile for hadoop 1.0.0
** Task
* [MRUNIT-59] - Only assemble tar.gz, not .zip
* [MRUNIT-60] - Remove special characters from classifers
Release Notes - MRUnit - Version 0.8.0
** Sub-task
* [MRUNIT-27] - Remove unused variables/imports
* [MRUNIT-28] - remove generic types compiler warnings
* [MRUNIT-29] - squash warnings for depreciated classes/methods
** Bug
* [MRUNIT-19] - MRunit ReduceDriver does not fully replicate the reducers
* behaviour with reusing pointers over the iterator
** Improvement
* [MRUNIT-14] - Support JobConfigurable and Closable interfaces
* [MRUNIT-15] - runTests() should throw meaningful error messages
* [MRUNIT-18] - Squash all compiler warnings
* [MRUNIT-30] - Methods {add,set}{Input,Output}FromString have poor error
* messages
* [MRUNIT-31] - Support Hadoop 0.22 and 0.23
* [MRUNIT-42] - Push -javadoc.jar and -sources.jar to maven
* [MRUNIT-44] - Remove AllTests classes
* [MRUNIT-47] - Change new ArrayList and new HashMap to List.newArrayList
* and Maps.newHashMap
** New Feature
* [MRUNIT-43] - Driver methods should have static factory methods similar
* to Guava Lists.newArrayList()
** Task
* [MRUNIT-2] - Create a project site
Release Notes - MRUnit - Version 0.5.0
** Bug
* [MRUNIT-6] - Reverse MAPREDUCE-954 in trunk
* [MRUNIT-7] - Remove empty file accidentally added
* [MRUNIT-8] - Fix failing testConfiguration tests
* [MRUNIT-9] - Fix failing testDoubleIteration test
* [MRUNIT-10] - Version in pom should contain -incubating per policy
* [MRUNIT-33] - maven assembly fails with no assembly descriptors found
** Improvement
* [MRUNIT-1] - Port build system to Maven
* [MRUNIT-11] - Test output should be redirected to files
* [MRUNIT-17] - Bind maven assembly to package phase
* [MRUNIT-37] - Use maven deploy plugin
** New Feature
* [MRUNIT-3] - Add Apache RAT support to the build
* [MRUNIT-16] - Generate distribution artifacts from maven
** Task
* [MRUNIT-4] - Create README, LICENSE, and other necessary files for independent release
* [MRUNIT-5] - Setup CI builds for MRUnit
* [MRUNIT-20] - Add a KEYS file containing dev pgp keys to the repo
* [MRUNIT-21] - Add the ASF incubator disclaimer to the README
* [MRUNIT-22] - Add build instructions document
* [MRUNIT-23] - Create a CHANGES file
* [MRUNIT-24] - Fix RAT license check failures since adding CHANGES file
* [MRUNIT-25] - Updated BUILD instructions
* [MRUNIT-32] - Add Brock Noland's key to dist/KEYS file