blob: eb9fe09378f1d7414b801ac603a170093b4c4be1 [file] [log] [blame]
=head1 NAME
INSTALL.win32 - Apache mod_perl installation instructions for Win32
How to build, test, configure and install mod_perl under Win32
=over 3
patience - mod_perl is considered alpha under NT and Windows9x.
MSVC++ 5.0+, Apache version 1.3-dev or higher and Perl 5.004_02 or higher.
As of version 1.24_01, mod_perl will build on Win32 ActivePerls
based on Perl-5.6.0 (builds 6xx).
See for Win32 binaries,
including ActivePerl ppms of mod_perl and some Apache::* packages.
=head1 CHANGES
Beginning with version 1.3.15, Apache has changed the convention
for naming Win32 modules in order to follow that for Unix systems.
Consequently, the name of the mod_perl module built here has
been changed from ApacheModulePerl.dll to This
is just a change in convention; if you are building mod_perl
against pre-1.3.15 Apache sources, and wish to follow the old
convention, simply copy to your Apache modules directory
as ApacheModulePerl.dll.
There are two ways to build mod_perl - with MS Developer Studio,
and through command-line arguments to 'perl Makefile.PL'.
=head2 Building with MS Developer Studio
=over 3
=item Setup the Perl side
perl Makefile.PL
nmake install
This will install the Perl side of mod_perl and setup files for the
library build.
=item Build
Using MS developer studio,
select "File -> Open Workspace ...",
select "Files of type [Projects (*.dsp)]"
open mod_perl-x.xx/src/modules/win32/mod_perl.dsp
=item Settings
select "Tools -> Options -> [Directories]"
select "Show directories for: [Include files]"
You'll need to add the following paths:
. (should expand to C:\...\mod_perl-x.xx\src\modules\perl)
select "Project -> Add to Project -> Files" adding:
perl.lib (or perl56.lib) (e.g. C:\perl\lib\Core\perl.lib)
ApacheCore.lib (e.g. C:\Apache\ApacheCore.lib)
select "Build -> Set Active Configuration... ->
[mod_perl - Win32 Release]"
select "Build -> Build"
You may see some harmless warnings, which can be reduced (along with
the size of the DLL), by setting:
"Project -> Settings -> [C/C++] -> Category: [Code Generation] ->
Use runtime library: [Multithreaded DLL]
=item Testing
Once is built and apache.exe is installed you may
test mod_perl with:
nmake test
=item Apache setup
You do not need to rebuild apache, just copy to
=head2 Building with arguments to 'perl Makefile.PL'
Generating the Makefile as, for example,
perl Makefile.PL APACHE_SRC=..\apache_1.3.xx INSTALL_DLL=\Apache\modules
will build mod_perl (including entirely from
the command line. The arguments accepted include
=over 3
This can be one of two values: either the path to the Apache build
directory (eg, ..\apache_1.3.xx), or to the installed Apache location
(eg, \Apache). This is used to set the locations of ApacheCore.lib
and the Apache header files.
This gives the location of where to install
(eg, \Apache\modules). No default is assumed - if this argument
is not given, must be copied manually.
=item DEBUG
If true (DEBUG=1), a Debug version will be built (this assumes
that a Debug Apache has been built). If false, or not given,
a Release version will be built.
=item EAPI
If true (EAPI=1), EAPI (Extended API) will be defined when
compiling. This is useful when building mod_perl against mod_ssl
patched Apache sources. If false, or not given, EAPI will
not be defined.
After this, running
nmake test
nmake install
will complete the installation.
This latter method of building mod_perl will also install the
Apache and mod_perl header files, which can then be accessed
through the Apache::src module.
Add this line to httpd.conf:
LoadModule perl_module modules/
Be sure that 'C:\perl\bin' is in your path so apache can find perl.dll
See the cgi_to_mod_perl.pod and mod_perl.pod documents for general
=head1 NOTES
mod_perl-win32 is considered alpha, at the time of this writing, so is
Apache-NT (1.3a1)
CGI::Switch does not work with apache_1.3a1 because basic_http_header()
is not exported by the ApacheCore.dll For now, just change:
use CGI::Switch ();
my $q = CGI::Switch->new;
- to -
use CGI ();
my $q = CGI->new;