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<h1>Project Build</h1>
<h3 id="how-to-build-it-">How to build it ?</h3>
<p>Please see the file LICENSE for information on how this library is licensed.</p>
<li><strong>mnemonic-core</strong> – the submodule project for core</li>
<li><strong>mnemonic-collections</strong> – the submodule project for generic collections</li>
<li><strong>mnemonic-examples</strong> – the submodule project for examples, Please refer to the testcases of respective module as complete examples.</li>
<li><strong>mnemonic-memory-services/mnemonic-pmalloc-service</strong> – the submodule project for pmalloc memory service</li>
<li><strong>mnemonic-memory-services/mnemonic-nvml-vmem-service</strong> – the submodule project for vmem memory service</li>
<li><strong>mnemonic-memory-services/mnemonic-nvml-pmem-service</strong> – the submodule project for pmem memory service</li>
<li><strong>mnemonic-memory-services/mnemonic-sys-vmem-service</strong> – the submodule project for system vmem memory service</li>
<li><strong>mnemonic-memory-services/service-dist</strong> – the location of extensive memory services (auto-generated)</li>
<li><strong>mnemonic-computing-services/mnemonic-utilities-service</strong> – the submodule project for utilities computing service</li>
<li><strong>mnemonic-computing-services/service-dist</strong> – the location of extensive computing services (auto-generated)</li>
<li><strong>mnemonic-hadoop/mnemonic-hadoop-mapreduce</strong> – the submodule project for Apache Hadoop mapreduce computing</li>
<li><strong>mnemonic-spark/mnemonic-spark-core</strong> – the submodule project for Apache Spark durable computing</li>
<p>To build this library, you may need to install some required packages on the build system:</p>
<li><strong>Maven</strong> – the building tool v3.2.1 or above [Required]</li>
<li><strong>NVML</strong> – the NVM library (Please compile this library that was revised with 630862e82f) ( [Optional if mnemonic-nvml-vmem-service/mnemonic-nvml-pmem-service are excluded, e.g. on MacOSX]</li>
<li><strong>JDK</strong> – the Java Develop Kit 7-8 (please properly configure JAVA_HOME) [Required]</li>
<li><strong>PMFS</strong> – the PMFS should be properly installed and configured on Linux system if you want to simulate read latency [Optional]</li>
<li><strong>PMalloc</strong> – a supported durable memory native library(Latest) at [Optional if mnemonic-pmalloc-service is excluded]</li>
<p>Once the build system is setup, this Library is built using this command at the top level:
$ git clean -xdf # if pull from a git repo.
$ mvn clean package install
<p>To exclude a customized memory service for your platform e.g. OSX, note that if you excluded one or both memory services, some or all testcases/examples will fail since their dependent memory services are unavailable.
$ git clean -xdf # if pull from a git repo.
$ mvn -pl '!mnemonic-memory-services/mnemonic-nvml-vmem-service' clean package install
<p>To install this package to local repository (required to run examples and testcases):
$ mvn clean install
<p>To run an example:
$ # requires 'vmem' memory service to run, please refer to the code of test cases for more examples.
$ mvn exec:exec -Pexample -pl mnemonic-examples
<p>To run several test cases:
$ # a testcase for module “mnemonic-core” that requires ‘pmalloc’ memory service to pass
$ mvn -Dtest=DurablePersonNGTest test -pl mnemonic-core -DskipTests=false</p>
<p>$ # a testcase for module “mnemonic-core” that requires ‘pmalloc’ memory service to pass
$ mvn -Dtest=NonVolatileMemAllocatorNGTest test -pl mnemonic-core -DskipTests=false</p>
<p>$ # a testcase for module “mnemonic-core” that requires ‘vmem’ memory service to pass
$ mvn -Dtest=VolatileMemAllocatorNGTest test -pl mnemonic-core -DskipTests=false</p>
<p>$ # a testcase for module “mnemonic-core” that requires ‘vmem memory service to pass
$ mvn -Dtest=MemClusteringNGTest test -pl mnemonic-core -DskipTests=false</p>
<p>$ # a testcase for module “mnemonic-collection” that requires ‘pmalloc’ memory service to pass
$ mvn -Dtest=DurableSinglyLinkedListNGTest test -pl mnemonic-collections -DskipTests=false</p>
<p>$ # a testcase for module “mnemonic-collection” that requires ‘pmalloc’ memory service to pass
$ mvn -Dtest=DurablePersonNGTest test -pl mnemonic-collections -DskipTests=false</p>
<p>$ # a testcase for module “mnemonic-computing-services/mnemonic-utilities-service” that requires ‘pmalloc’ memory service to pass
$ mvn -Dtest=DurableSinglyLinkedListNGPrintTest test -pl mnemonic-computing-services/mnemonic-utilities-service -DskipTests=false</p>
<p>$ # a testcase for module “mnemonic-computing-services/mnemonic-utilities-service” that requires ‘pmalloc’ memory service to pass
$ mvn -Dtest=DurableSinglyLinkedListNGSortTest test -pl mnemonic-computing-services/mnemonic-utilities-service -DskipTests=false</p>
<p>$ # a testcase for module “mnemonic-hadoop/mnemonic-hadoop-mapreduce” that requires ‘pmalloc’ memory service to pass
$ mvn -Dtest=MneMapreducePersonDataTest test -pl mnemonic-hadoop/mnemonic-hadoop-mapreduce -DskipTests=false
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