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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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package org.apache.mina.proxy.handlers.http.ntlm;
import javax.crypto.Cipher;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;
* - Calculates the various Type 3 responses. Needs an MD4, MD5 and DES
* crypto provider (Please note that default provider doesn't provide MD4).
* Copyright (c) 2003 Eric Glass
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this document for any purpose and without
* any fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this list of
* conditions appear in all copies.
* @see
* @author <a href="">Apache MINA Project</a>
* @since MINA 2.0.0-M3
public class NTLMResponses {
// LAN Manager magic constant used in LM Response calculation
public static final byte[] LM_HASH_MAGIC_CONSTANT =
new byte[]{ 'K', 'G', 'S', '!', '@', '#', '$', '%' };
* Calculates the LM Response for the given challenge, using the specified
* password.
* @param password The user's password.
* @param challenge The Type 2 challenge from the server.
* @return The LM Response.
public static byte[] getLMResponse(String password, byte[] challenge) throws Exception {
byte[] lmHash = lmHash(password);
return lmResponse(lmHash, challenge);
* Calculates the NTLM Response for the given challenge, using the
* specified password.
* @param password The user's password.
* @param challenge The Type 2 challenge from the server.
* @return The NTLM Response.
public static byte[] getNTLMResponse(String password, byte[] challenge) throws Exception {
byte[] ntlmHash = ntlmHash(password);
return lmResponse(ntlmHash, challenge);
* Calculates the NTLMv2 Response for the given challenge, using the
* specified authentication target, username, password, target information
* block, and client nonce.
* @param target The authentication target (i.e., domain).
* @param user The username.
* @param password The user's password.
* @param targetInformation The target information block from the Type 2
* message.
* @param challenge The Type 2 challenge from the server.
* @param clientNonce The random 8-byte client nonce.
* @return The NTLMv2 Response.
public static byte[] getNTLMv2Response(String target, String user, String password, byte[] targetInformation,
byte[] challenge, byte[] clientNonce) throws Exception {
return getNTLMv2Response(target, user, password, targetInformation, challenge, clientNonce,
* Calculates the NTLMv2 Response for the given challenge, using the
* specified authentication target, username, password, target information
* block, and client nonce.
* @param target The authentication target (i.e., domain).
* @param user The username.
* @param password The user's password.
* @param targetInformation The target information block from the Type 2
* message.
* @param challenge The Type 2 challenge from the server.
* @param clientNonce The random 8-byte client nonce.
* @param time The time stamp.
* @return The NTLMv2 Response.
public static byte[] getNTLMv2Response(String target, String user, String password, byte[] targetInformation,
byte[] challenge, byte[] clientNonce, long time) throws Exception {
byte[] ntlmv2Hash = ntlmv2Hash(target, user, password);
byte[] blob = createBlob(targetInformation, clientNonce, time);
return lmv2Response(ntlmv2Hash, blob, challenge);
* Calculates the LMv2 Response for the given challenge, using the
* specified authentication target, username, password, and client
* challenge.
* @param target The authentication target (i.e., domain).
* @param user The username.
* @param password The user's password.
* @param challenge The Type 2 challenge from the server.
* @param clientNonce The random 8-byte client nonce.
* @return The LMv2 Response.
public static byte[] getLMv2Response(String target, String user, String password, byte[] challenge,
byte[] clientNonce) throws Exception {
byte[] ntlmv2Hash = ntlmv2Hash(target, user, password);
return lmv2Response(ntlmv2Hash, clientNonce, challenge);
* Calculates the NTLM2 Session Response for the given challenge, using the
* specified password and client nonce.
* @param password The user's password.
* @param challenge The Type 2 challenge from the server.
* @param clientNonce The random 8-byte client nonce.
* @return The NTLM2 Session Response. This is placed in the NTLM
* response field of the Type 3 message; the LM response field contains
* the client nonce, null-padded to 24 bytes.
public static byte[] getNTLM2SessionResponse(String password, byte[] challenge, byte[] clientNonce)
throws Exception {
byte[] ntlmHash = ntlmHash(password);
MessageDigest md5 = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
byte[] sessionHash = new byte[8];
System.arraycopy(md5.digest(), 0, sessionHash, 0, 8);
return lmResponse(ntlmHash, sessionHash);
* Creates the LM Hash of the user's password.
* @param password The password.
* @return The LM Hash of the given password, used in the calculation
* of the LM Response.
private static byte[] lmHash(String password) throws Exception {
byte[] oemPassword = password.toUpperCase().getBytes("US-ASCII");
int length = Math.min(oemPassword.length, 14);
byte[] keyBytes = new byte[14];
System.arraycopy(oemPassword, 0, keyBytes, 0, length);
Key lowKey = createDESKey(keyBytes, 0);
Key highKey = createDESKey(keyBytes, 7);
Cipher des = Cipher.getInstance("DES/ECB/NoPadding");
des.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, lowKey);
byte[] lowHash = des.doFinal(LM_HASH_MAGIC_CONSTANT);
des.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, highKey);
byte[] highHash = des.doFinal(LM_HASH_MAGIC_CONSTANT);
byte[] lmHash = new byte[16];
System.arraycopy(lowHash, 0, lmHash, 0, 8);
System.arraycopy(highHash, 0, lmHash, 8, 8);
return lmHash;
* Creates the NTLM Hash of the user's password.
* @param password The password.
* @return The NTLM Hash of the given password, used in the calculation
* of the NTLM Response and the NTLMv2 and LMv2 Hashes.
private static byte[] ntlmHash(String password) throws Exception {
byte[] unicodePassword = password.getBytes("UnicodeLittleUnmarked");
MessageDigest md4 = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD4");
return md4.digest(unicodePassword);
* Creates the NTLMv2 Hash of the user's password.
* @param target The authentication target (i.e., domain).
* @param user The username.
* @param password The password.
* @return The NTLMv2 Hash, used in the calculation of the NTLMv2
* and LMv2 Responses.
private static byte[] ntlmv2Hash(String target, String user, String password) throws Exception {
byte[] ntlmHash = ntlmHash(password);
String identity = user.toUpperCase() + target;
return hmacMD5(identity.getBytes("UnicodeLittleUnmarked"), ntlmHash);
* Creates the LM Response from the given hash and Type 2 challenge.
* @param hash The LM or NTLM Hash.
* @param challenge The server challenge from the Type 2 message.
* @return The response (either LM or NTLM, depending on the provided
* hash).
private static byte[] lmResponse(byte[] hash, byte[] challenge) throws Exception {
byte[] keyBytes = new byte[21];
System.arraycopy(hash, 0, keyBytes, 0, 16);
Key lowKey = createDESKey(keyBytes, 0);
Key middleKey = createDESKey(keyBytes, 7);
Key highKey = createDESKey(keyBytes, 14);
Cipher des = Cipher.getInstance("DES/ECB/NoPadding");
des.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, lowKey);
byte[] lowResponse = des.doFinal(challenge);
des.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, middleKey);
byte[] middleResponse = des.doFinal(challenge);
des.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, highKey);
byte[] highResponse = des.doFinal(challenge);
byte[] lmResponse = new byte[24];
System.arraycopy(lowResponse, 0, lmResponse, 0, 8);
System.arraycopy(middleResponse, 0, lmResponse, 8, 8);
System.arraycopy(highResponse, 0, lmResponse, 16, 8);
return lmResponse;
* Creates the LMv2 Response from the given hash, client data, and
* Type 2 challenge.
* @param hash The NTLMv2 Hash.
* @param clientData The client data (blob or client nonce).
* @param challenge The server challenge from the Type 2 message.
* @return The response (either NTLMv2 or LMv2, depending on the
* client data).
private static byte[] lmv2Response(byte[] hash, byte[] clientData, byte[] challenge) throws Exception {
byte[] data = new byte[challenge.length + clientData.length];
System.arraycopy(challenge, 0, data, 0, challenge.length);
System.arraycopy(clientData, 0, data, challenge.length, clientData.length);
byte[] mac = hmacMD5(data, hash);
byte[] lmv2Response = new byte[mac.length + clientData.length];
System.arraycopy(mac, 0, lmv2Response, 0, mac.length);
System.arraycopy(clientData, 0, lmv2Response, mac.length, clientData.length);
return lmv2Response;
* Creates the NTLMv2 blob from the given target information block and
* client nonce.
* @param targetInformation The target information block from the Type 2
* message.
* @param clientNonce The random 8-byte client nonce.
* @param time the time stamp.
* @return The blob, used in the calculation of the NTLMv2 Response.
private static byte[] createBlob(byte[] targetInformation, byte[] clientNonce, long time) {
byte[] blobSignature = new byte[] { (byte) 0x01, (byte) 0x01, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00 };
byte[] reserved = new byte[] { (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00 };
byte[] unknown1 = new byte[] { (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00 };
byte[] unknown2 = new byte[] { (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00 };
time += 11644473600000l; // milliseconds from January 1, 1601 -> epoch.
time *= 10000; // tenths of a microsecond.
// convert to little-endian byte array.
byte[] timestamp = new byte[8];
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
timestamp[i] = (byte) time;
time >>>= 8;
byte[] blob = new byte[blobSignature.length + reserved.length + timestamp.length + clientNonce.length
+ unknown1.length + targetInformation.length + unknown2.length];
int offset = 0;
System.arraycopy(blobSignature, 0, blob, offset, blobSignature.length);
offset += blobSignature.length;
System.arraycopy(reserved, 0, blob, offset, reserved.length);
offset += reserved.length;
System.arraycopy(timestamp, 0, blob, offset, timestamp.length);
offset += timestamp.length;
System.arraycopy(clientNonce, 0, blob, offset, clientNonce.length);
offset += clientNonce.length;
System.arraycopy(unknown1, 0, blob, offset, unknown1.length);
offset += unknown1.length;
System.arraycopy(targetInformation, 0, blob, offset, targetInformation.length);
offset += targetInformation.length;
System.arraycopy(unknown2, 0, blob, offset, unknown2.length);
return blob;
* Calculates the HMAC-MD5 hash of the given data using the specified
* hashing key.
* @param data The data for which the hash will be calculated.
* @param key The hashing key.
* @return The HMAC-MD5 hash of the given data.
public static byte[] hmacMD5(byte[] data, byte[] key) throws Exception {
byte[] ipad = new byte[64];
byte[] opad = new byte[64];
// Stores key in pads and XOR it with ipad and opad values
for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
if (i < key.length) {
ipad[i] = (byte) (key[i] ^ 0x36);
opad[i] = (byte) (key[i] ^ 0x5c);
} else {
ipad[i] = 0x36;
opad[i] = 0x5c;
byte[] content = new byte[data.length + 64];
System.arraycopy(ipad, 0, content, 0, 64);
System.arraycopy(data, 0, content, 64, data.length);
MessageDigest md5 = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
data = md5.digest(content);
content = new byte[data.length + 64];
System.arraycopy(opad, 0, content, 0, 64);
System.arraycopy(data, 0, content, 64, data.length);
return md5.digest(content);
* Creates a DES encryption key from the given key material.
* @param bytes A byte array containing the DES key material.
* @param offset The offset in the given byte array at which
* the 7-byte key material starts.
* @return A DES encryption key created from the key material
* starting at the specified offset in the given byte array.
private static Key createDESKey(byte[] bytes, int offset) {
byte[] keyBytes = new byte[7];
System.arraycopy(bytes, offset, keyBytes, 0, 7);
byte[] material = new byte[8];
material[0] = keyBytes[0];
material[1] = (byte) (keyBytes[0] << 7 | (keyBytes[1] & 0xff) >>> 1);
material[2] = (byte) (keyBytes[1] << 6 | (keyBytes[2] & 0xff) >>> 2);
material[3] = (byte) (keyBytes[2] << 5 | (keyBytes[3] & 0xff) >>> 3);
material[4] = (byte) (keyBytes[3] << 4 | (keyBytes[4] & 0xff) >>> 4);
material[5] = (byte) (keyBytes[4] << 3 | (keyBytes[5] & 0xff) >>> 5);
material[6] = (byte) (keyBytes[5] << 2 | (keyBytes[6] & 0xff) >>> 6);
material[7] = (byte) (keyBytes[6] << 1);
return new SecretKeySpec(material, "DES");
* Applies odd parity to the given byte array.
* @param bytes The data whose parity bits are to be adjusted for
* odd parity.
private static void oddParity(byte[] bytes) {
for (int i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) {
byte b = bytes[i];
boolean needsParity = (((b >>> 7) ^ (b >>> 6) ^ (b >>> 5) ^ (b >>> 4) ^ (b >>> 3) ^ (b >>> 2) ^ (b >>> 1)) & 0x01) == 0;
if (needsParity) {
bytes[i] |= (byte) 0x01;
} else {
bytes[i] &= (byte) 0xfe;