blob: d8f466ae3d56a3ec8e38416c64952fb6cc9711e5 [file] [log] [blame]
Title: Apache SSHD 0.6.0 Release
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# Overview
Apache Mina SSHD 0.6.0 contains a few enhancements and bug-fixes.
# Getting the Distributions
* Source distributions:
* [Apache Mina SSHD 0.6.0 Sources (.tar.gz)]( [PGP]( [SHA](
* [Apache Mina SSHD 0.6.0 Sources (.zip)]( [PGP]( [SHA](
* Binary distributions:
* [Apache Mina SSHD 0.6.0 Binary (.tar.gz)]( [PGP]( [SHA](
* [Apache Mina SSHD 0.6.0 Binary (.zip)]( [PGP]( [SHA](
# Release Notes
Apache Mina SSHD 0.6.0 contains a few enhancements and bug-fixes.
Please report any feedback to [](
* Bug
* [SSHD-19]( - NullPointerException during SSHD data write
* [SSHD-89]( - EOF is not send by the client
* [SSHD-97]( - Uploading file via SFTP leaves file in locked state on Windows
* [SSHD-100]( - [sftp] open(2) w/ O_CREAT|O_TRUNC works, but O_CREAT alone fails
* [SSHD-101]( - [sftp] send correct amount of data in SSH_FXP_READ
* [SSHD-104]( - FormatFlagsConversionMismatchException when using IBM JVM. Format String is invalid.
* [SSHD-105]( - sftp: com.jcraft.jsch client can't get files
* [SSHD-106]( - Wrong use of ProcessBuilder.environment() in
* [SSHD-110]( - Wrong return type for createShellChannel() method of org.apache.sshd.ClientSession interface. It is ChannelSession but should be ChannelShell
* [SSHD-115]( - Missing return handling SFTP SSH_FXP_OPEN cannot create error
* [SSHD-116]( - Shouldn't throw an exception when receiving an unsupported SFTP message
* [SSHD-133]( - E command not handled for single file upload
* Improvement
* [SSHD-96]( - Virtual File System improvement for SCP and session injection
* [SSHD-98]( - Directories in sftp should have executable permission set
* [SSHD-99]( - The Session interface should give access to the user name authenticated on this session
* [SSHD-102]( - Add error logging to org.apache.sshd.server.jaas.JaasPasswordAuthenticator.authenticate()
* [SSHD-107]( - Extend SshFile etc views to scp command
* [SSHD-109]( - Pass server session to FileSystemFactory.createFileSystemView
* [SSHD-111]( - Support gssapi-with-mic authentication to use kerberos credentials
* [SSHD-113]( - KeyPair provider from classpath resource
* [SSHD-114]( - Session listener
* [SSHD-117]( - Ignore "" in addition to ""
* [SSHD-119]( - more specific docstring for Command interface
* [SSHD-135]( - The performance of uploading and downloading files in SFTP subsystem is very poor.
* [SSHD-137]( - Javadoc for SshFile.truncate() is wrong.
* [SSHD-139]( - Impossible to run a ssh shell channel without a pty
* [SSHD-140]( - Add configurable session idle timeout.
* [SSHD-142]( - Ability to customize the number of nio workers on the client