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<h1 id="issue-tracking">Issue Tracking</h1>
<p>We are using two issue tracking systems to track all SSHD issues including bugs. Use either one, but please don&rsquo;t file the same issue at both.</p>
<li>Issues can be filed on <a href="">GitHub issues</a>.</li>
<li>The <a href="">JIRA issue tracker</a> is the traditional issue tracker of the project.</li>
<p>If neither option is suitable for you, issues can also be reported via <a href="./mailing_lists.html">e-mail</a> as a last resort.</p>
<h2 id="how-to-report-a-bug">How to report a bug</h2>
<p>Writing a bug report with detailed information will help us to fix your problem sooner.</p>
<li>Make sure if the bug you are going to report doesn&rsquo;t exist yet.</li>
<li>Attaching JUnit test case which reproduces the problem will put your report in our highest priority.</li>
<li>Attach full thread stack dump if you suspect a dead lock.</li>
<li>Attach full heap dump if you suspect a memory leak.</li>
<li>Specify the environment in detail as much as possible.
<li>Operating system version, distribution, architecture, &hellip;</li>
<li>JVM vendor, version, build number, command line arguments, &hellip;</li>
<li>Network settings</li>
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