blob: 54867f1ca11ef224b25818efd71badc800d295af [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.asyncweb.common;
* @author The Apache MINA Project (
* @version $Rev$, $Date$
public class HttpResponseStatus implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -5885201751942967031L;
private static final int MIN_ID = 100;
private static final int MAX_ID = 599;
private static final HttpResponseStatus[] RESPONSE_TABLE = new HttpResponseStatus[MAX_ID + 1];
// Informational status codes
public static final HttpResponseStatus CONTINUE = new HttpResponseStatus(
100, "Continue", false, false, false);
public static final HttpResponseStatus SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS = new HttpResponseStatus(
101, "Switching Protocols", false, false);
// Successful status codes
public static final HttpResponseStatus OK = new HttpResponseStatus(200,
"OK", true, false);
public static final HttpResponseStatus CREATED = new HttpResponseStatus(
201, "Created", true, false);
public static final HttpResponseStatus ACCEPTED = new HttpResponseStatus(
202, "Accepted", true, false);
public static final HttpResponseStatus NON_AUTHORITATIVE = new HttpResponseStatus(
203, "Non-Authoritative Information", true, false);
public static final HttpResponseStatus NO_CONTENT = new HttpResponseStatus(
204, "No Content", false, false);
public static final HttpResponseStatus RESET_CONTENT = new HttpResponseStatus(
205, "Reset Content", false, false);
public static final HttpResponseStatus PARTIAL_CONTENT = new HttpResponseStatus(
206, "Partial Content", true, false);
// Redirection status codes
public static final HttpResponseStatus MULTIPLE_CHOICES = new HttpResponseStatus(
300, "Multiple Choices", true, false);
public static final HttpResponseStatus MOVED_PERMANENTLY = new HttpResponseStatus(
301, "Moved Permanently", true, false);
public static final HttpResponseStatus FOUND = new HttpResponseStatus(302,
"Found", true, false);
public static final HttpResponseStatus SEE_OTHER = new HttpResponseStatus(
303, "See Other", true, false);
public static final HttpResponseStatus NOT_MODIFIED = new HttpResponseStatus(
304, "Not Modified", false, false);
public static final HttpResponseStatus USE_PROXY = new HttpResponseStatus(
305, "Use Proxy", true, false);
public static final HttpResponseStatus TEMPORARY_REDIRECT = new HttpResponseStatus(
307, "Temporary Redirect", true, false);
// Client error codes
public static final HttpResponseStatus BAD_REQUEST = new HttpResponseStatus(
400, "Bad Request", true, true);
public static final HttpResponseStatus UNAUTHORIZED = new HttpResponseStatus(
401, "Unauthorized", true, false);
public static final HttpResponseStatus PAYMENT_REQUIRED = new HttpResponseStatus(
402, "Payment Required", true, false);
public static final HttpResponseStatus FORBIDDEN = new HttpResponseStatus(
403, "Forbidden", true, false);
public static final HttpResponseStatus NOT_FOUND = new HttpResponseStatus(
404, "Not Found", true, false);
public static final HttpResponseStatus METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED = new HttpResponseStatus(
405, "Method Not Allowed", true, false);
public static final HttpResponseStatus NOT_ACCEPTABLE = new HttpResponseStatus(
406, "Not Acceptable", true, false);
public static final HttpResponseStatus PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED = new HttpResponseStatus(
407, "Proxy Authentication Required", true, false);
public static final HttpResponseStatus REQUEST_TIMEOUT = new HttpResponseStatus(
408, "Request Time-out", true, true);
public static final HttpResponseStatus CONFLICT = new HttpResponseStatus(
409, "Conflict", true, false);
public static final HttpResponseStatus GONE = new HttpResponseStatus(410,
"Gone", true, false);
public static final HttpResponseStatus LENGTH_REQUIRED = new HttpResponseStatus(
411, "Length Required", true, true);
public static final HttpResponseStatus PRECONDITION_FAILED = new HttpResponseStatus(
412, "Precondition Failed", true, false);
public static final HttpResponseStatus REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE = new HttpResponseStatus(
413, "Request Entity Too Large", true, true);
public static final HttpResponseStatus REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG = new HttpResponseStatus(
414, "Request-URI Too Large", true, true);
public static final HttpResponseStatus UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE = new HttpResponseStatus(
415, "Unsupported Media Type", true, false);
public static final HttpResponseStatus REQUEST_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE = new HttpResponseStatus(
416, "Requested range not satisfiable", true, false);
public static final HttpResponseStatus EXPECTATION_FAILED = new HttpResponseStatus(
417, "Expectation Failed", true, false);
// Server error codes
public static final HttpResponseStatus INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR = new HttpResponseStatus(
500, "Internal Server Error", true, true);
public static final HttpResponseStatus NOT_IMPLEMENTED = new HttpResponseStatus(
501, "Not Implemented", true, true);
public static final HttpResponseStatus BAD_GATEWAY = new HttpResponseStatus(
502, "Bad Gateway", true, false);
public static final HttpResponseStatus SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE = new HttpResponseStatus(
503, "Service Unavailable", true, true);
public static final HttpResponseStatus GATEWAY_TIMEOUT = new HttpResponseStatus(
504, "Gateway Time-out", true, false);
public static final HttpResponseStatus HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED = new HttpResponseStatus(
505, "HTTP Version not supported", true, false);
private final int code;
private final transient boolean allowsMessageBody;
private final transient boolean forcesConnectionClosure;
private final transient Category category;
private final transient String description;
private final transient boolean finalResponse;
* @return <code>true</code> iff a message body may be transmitted in
* a response containing this response status
public boolean allowsMessageBody() {
return allowsMessageBody;
* @return <code>true</code> iff a connection which would normally be
* kept alive should be closed as a result of this response
public boolean forcesConnectionClosure() {
return forcesConnectionClosure;
* @return Is this a final response? 100 Continue isn't.
public boolean isFinalResponse() {
return finalResponse;
* @return The response code of this status
public int getCode() {
return code;
* @return The category of this status
public Category getCategory() {
return category;
* @return A description of this status
public String getDescription() {
return description;
* A string description of this status
public String toString() {
return code + ": " + category + " - " + description;
* Returns the <code>ResponseStatus</code> with the specified
* status id.
* If no status exists with the specified id, a new status is created
* and registered based on the category applicable to the id:<br/>
* <table border="1">
* <tr><td>100 - 199</td><td>Informational</td></tr>
* <tr><td>200 - 299</td><td>Successful</td></tr>
* <tr><td>300 - 399</td><td>Redirection</td></tr>
* <tr><td>400 - 499</td><td>Client Error</td></tr>
* <tr><td>500 - 599</td><td>Server Error</td></tr>
* <table>.
* @param id The id of the desired response status
* @return The <code>ResponseStatus</code>
* @throws IllegalStateException If the specified id is invalid
public static HttpResponseStatus forId(int id) {
if (id < MIN_ID || id > MAX_ID) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal response id: " + id);
HttpResponseStatus status = RESPONSE_TABLE[id];
if (status == null) {
Category cat = categoryForId(id);
if (cat == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal response id: " + id);
status = new HttpResponseStatus(id, cat.toString(), true, cat
RESPONSE_TABLE[id] = status;
return status;
* Obtains the response category which covers the specified response
* id
* @param id The id
* @return The category - or <code>null</code> if no category covers
* the specified response id
private static Category categoryForId(int id) {
int catId = id / 100;
switch (catId) {
case 1:
return Category.INFORMATIONAL;
case 2:
return Category.SUCCESSFUL;
case 3:
return Category.REDIRECTION;
case 4:
return Category.CLIENT_ERROR;
case 5:
return Category.SERVER_ERROR;
return null;
private HttpResponseStatus(int code, String description,
boolean allowsMessageBody, boolean forcesConnectionClosure) {
this(code, description, allowsMessageBody, forcesConnectionClosure, true);
private HttpResponseStatus(int code, String description,
boolean allowsMessageBody, boolean forcesConnectionClosure,
boolean finalResponse) {
RESPONSE_TABLE[code] = this;
this.code = code;
this.category = categoryForId(code);
this.description = description;
this.allowsMessageBody = allowsMessageBody;
this.forcesConnectionClosure = forcesConnectionClosure;
this.finalResponse = finalResponse;
private Object readResolve() {
return forId(this.code);
* Category of response
* @author irvingd
public static enum Category {
* Indicates a provisional response
* Indicates that the client's request was successfully received,
* understood, and accepted
* Indicates that further action needs to be taken by the user agent in order
* to fulfill the request
* Indicates that the client seems to have erred
* Indicate that the server is aware that it has erred or is incapable
* of performing the request
private boolean defaultConnectionClosure;
private Category() {
private Category(boolean defaultConnectionClosure) {
this.defaultConnectionClosure = defaultConnectionClosure;
public boolean isDefaultConnectionClosure() {
return defaultConnectionClosure;