blob: b4dc2e1fc85992b0ccff92c6a2286dd16edbcae5 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# the ami for cent6 by region
us-east-1: ami-1c221e76 # US East (N. Virginia)
us-west-2: ami-05cf2265 # US West (Oregon)
us-west-1: ami-ac5f2fcc # US West (N. California)
eu-central-1: ami-2bf11444 # EU (Frankfurt)
eu-west-1: ami-edb9069e # EU (Ireland)
ap-south-1: ami-9b1c76f4 # Asia Pacific (Mumbai)
ap-southeast-1: ami-106aa373 # Asia Pacific (Singapore)
ap-southeast-2: ami-87d2f4e4 # Asia Pacific (Sydney)
ap-northeast-1: ami-fa3d3f94 # Asia Pacific (Tokyo)
ap-northeast-2: ami-56478938 # Asia Pacific (Seoul)
sa-east-1: ami-03b93b6f # South America (Sao Paulo)
# ec2
env: metron-test
region: us-west-2
instance_type: m4.xlarge
volume_type: standard
key_name: metron-key
xvda_vol_size: 50
xvdb_vol_size: 100
xvdc_vol_size: 100
image: "{{ amis_by_region[region] }}"
# ambari
ambari_host: "{{ groups.ambari_master[0] }}"
ambari_port: 8080
ambari_user: admin
ambari_password: admin
cluster_type: small_cluster
# hbase
pcap_hbase_table: pcap
tracker_hbase_table: access_tracker
threatintel_hbase_table: threatintel
enrichment_hbase_table: enrichment
# kafka
num_partitions: 3
retention_in_gb: 25
# metron variables
metron_version: 0.6.0
metron_directory: /usr/metron/{{ metron_version }}
# sensors
install_snort: True
install_pycapa: True
install_bro: True
install_yaf: True
install_pcap_replay: True
install_tap: True
sensor_test_mode: True
pcap_replay_interface: tap0
pcap_replay_home: /opt/pcap-replay
sniff_interface: tap0
# data directories
zookeeper_data_dir: "/data1/hadoop/zookeeper"
namenode_checkpoint_dir: "/data1/hadoop/hdfs/namesecondary"
namenode_name_dir: "/data1/hadoop/hdfs/namenode"
datanode_data_dir: "/data1/hadoop/hdfs/data,/data2/hadoop/hdfs/data"
journalnode_edits_dir: "/data1/hadoop/hdfs/journalnode"
nodemanager_local_dirs: "/data1/hadoop/yarn/local"
timeline_ldb_store_path: "/data1/hadoop/yarn/timeline"
timeline_ldb_state_path: "/data1/hadoop/yarn/timeline"
nodemanager_log_dirs: "/data1/hadoop/yarn/log"
jhs_recovery_store_ldb_path: "/data1/hadoop/mapreduce/jhs"
storm_local_dir: "/data1/hadoop/storm"
kafka_log_dirs: "/data2/kafka-log"
elasticsearch_data_dir: "/data1/elasticsearch,/data2/elasticsearch"
# search
install_elasticsearch: True
install_solr: False
elasticsearch_transport_port: 9300
## The elasticsearch_network_interface must be in the form specified for Elasticsearch, with leading and trailing underscores.
elasticsearch_network_interface: _eth0_
elasticsearch_web_port: 9200