blob: 41630dc0ab0196189eade4552ece8c258f970553 [file] [log] [blame]
// See for in-depth explanations
// Predefined globals that JSHint ignores
"browser" : true, // standard globals like 'window'
"devel" : true, // development globals, e.g. 'console'
"nonstandard" : true, // widely-adopted globals, e.g. 'escape'
"node" : true,
"jquery" : true,
"predef" : [ // extra globals
// Tests
// stanford js crypto lib
// Moment JS Date library
// RequireJS
// Angular global obj
// Misc projects
// Development
"debug" : false, // warn about debugger statements
// Enforcing
"bitwise" : true, // prohibit the use of bitwise operations (slow and '&' is usually supposed to be '&&')
"curly" : true, // require {} for all blocks/scopes
"latedef" : true, // prohibit variable use before definition ("hoisting")
"noempty" : true, // prohibit empty blocks
"trailing" : true, // no trailing whitespace is allowed
"undef" : true, // prevent the use of undeclared variables
// Relaxing
"sub" : true, // allow all subscript notation, including '[]'
"laxcomma" : true, // allow commas after line breaks in lists
"strict" : false // don't force strict mode