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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.metron.profiler.client.stellar;
import static org.apache.metron.profiler.client.stellar.ProfilerClientConfig.PROFILER_COLUMN_FAMILY;
import static org.apache.metron.profiler.client.stellar.ProfilerClientConfig.PROFILER_HBASE_TABLE;
import static org.apache.metron.profiler.client.stellar.ProfilerClientConfig.PROFILER_HBASE_TABLE_PROVIDER;
import static org.apache.metron.profiler.client.stellar.ProfilerClientConfig.PROFILER_PERIOD;
import static org.apache.metron.profiler.client.stellar.ProfilerClientConfig.PROFILER_PERIOD_UNITS;
import static org.apache.metron.profiler.client.stellar.ProfilerClientConfig.PROFILER_SALT_DIVISOR;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Table;
import org.apache.metron.hbase.mock.MockHBaseTableProvider;
import org.apache.metron.profiler.ProfileMeasurement;
import org.apache.metron.profiler.client.ProfileWriter;
import org.apache.metron.profiler.hbase.ColumnBuilder;
import org.apache.metron.profiler.hbase.RowKeyBuilder;
import org.apache.metron.profiler.hbase.SaltyRowKeyBuilder;
import org.apache.metron.profiler.hbase.ValueOnlyColumnBuilder;
import org.apache.metron.stellar.common.DefaultStellarStatefulExecutor;
import org.apache.metron.stellar.common.StellarStatefulExecutor;
import org.apache.metron.stellar.dsl.Context;
import org.apache.metron.stellar.dsl.ParseException;
import org.apache.metron.stellar.dsl.functions.resolver.SimpleFunctionResolver;
import org.apache.metron.stellar.dsl.functions.resolver.SingletonFunctionResolver;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
* Tests the GetProfile class.
public class GetProfileTest {
private static final long periodDuration = 15;
private static final TimeUnit periodUnits = TimeUnit.MINUTES;
private static final int saltDivisor = 1000;
private static final String tableName = "profiler";
private static final String columnFamily = "P";
private StellarStatefulExecutor executor;
private Map<String, Object> state;
private ProfileWriter profileWriter;
// different values of period and salt divisor, used to test config_overrides feature
private static final long periodDuration2 = 1;
private static final TimeUnit periodUnits2 = TimeUnit.HOURS;
private static final int saltDivisor2 = 2050;
private <T> T run(String expression, Class<T> clazz) {
return executor.execute(expression, state, clazz);
* This method sets up the configuration context for both writing profile data
* (using profileWriter to mock the complex process of what the Profiler topology
* actually does), and then reading that profile data (thereby testing the PROFILE_GET
* Stellar client implemented in GetProfile).
* It runs at @Before time, and sets testclass global variables used by the writers and readers.
* The various writers and readers are in each test case, not here.
* @return void
public void setup() {
state = new HashMap<>();
final Table table = MockHBaseTableProvider.addToCache(tableName, columnFamily);
// used to write values to be read during testing
long periodDurationMillis = TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(15);
RowKeyBuilder rowKeyBuilder = new SaltyRowKeyBuilder();
ColumnBuilder columnBuilder = new ValueOnlyColumnBuilder(columnFamily);
profileWriter = new ProfileWriter(rowKeyBuilder, columnBuilder, new MockHBaseTableProvider(), periodDurationMillis, tableName, null);
// global properties
Map<String, Object> global = new HashMap<String, Object>() {{
put(PROFILER_HBASE_TABLE.getKey(), tableName);
put(PROFILER_COLUMN_FAMILY.getKey(), columnFamily);
put(PROFILER_HBASE_TABLE_PROVIDER.getKey(), MockHBaseTableProvider.class.getName());
put(PROFILER_PERIOD.getKey(), Long.toString(periodDuration));
put(PROFILER_PERIOD_UNITS.getKey(), periodUnits.toString());
put(PROFILER_SALT_DIVISOR.getKey(), Integer.toString(saltDivisor));
// create the stellar execution environment
executor = new DefaultStellarStatefulExecutor(
new SimpleFunctionResolver()
new Context.Builder()
.with(Context.Capabilities.GLOBAL_CONFIG, () -> global)
* This method is similar to setup(), in that it sets up profiler configuration context,
* but only for the client. Additionally, it uses periodDuration2, periodUnits2
* and saltDivisor2, instead of periodDuration, periodUnits and saltDivisor respectively.
* This is used in the unit tests that test the config_overrides feature of PROFILE_GET.
* In these tests, the context from @Before setup() is used to write the data, then the global
* context is changed to context2 (from this method). Each test validates that a default read
* using global context2 then gets no valid results (as expected), and that a read using
* original context values in the PROFILE_GET config_overrides argument gets all expected results.
* @return context2 - The profiler client configuration context created by this method.
* The context2 values are also set in the configuration of the StellarStatefulExecutor
* stored in the global variable 'executor'. However, there is no API for querying the
* context values from a StellarStatefulExecutor, so we output the context2 Context object itself,
* for validation purposes (so that its values can be validated as being significantly
* different from the setup() settings).
private Context setup2() {
state = new HashMap<>();
// global properties
Map<String, Object> global = new HashMap<String, Object>() {{
put(PROFILER_HBASE_TABLE.getKey(), tableName);
put(PROFILER_COLUMN_FAMILY.getKey(), columnFamily);
put(PROFILER_HBASE_TABLE_PROVIDER.getKey(), MockHBaseTableProvider.class.getName());
put(PROFILER_PERIOD.getKey(), Long.toString(periodDuration2));
put(PROFILER_PERIOD_UNITS.getKey(), periodUnits2.toString());
put(PROFILER_SALT_DIVISOR.getKey(), Integer.toString(saltDivisor2));
// create the modified context
Context context2 = new Context.Builder()
.with(Context.Capabilities.GLOBAL_CONFIG, () -> global)
// create the stellar execution environment
executor = new DefaultStellarStatefulExecutor(
new SimpleFunctionResolver()
return context2; //because there is no executor.getContext() method
* Values should be retrievable that have NOT been stored within a group.
public void testWithNoGroups() {
final int periodsPerHour = 4;
final int expectedValue = 2302;
final int hours = 2;
final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - TimeUnit.HOURS.toMillis(hours);
final List<Object> group = Collections.emptyList();
// setup - write some measurements to be read later
final int count = hours * periodsPerHour;
ProfileMeasurement m = new ProfileMeasurement()
.withPeriod(startTime, periodDuration, periodUnits);
profileWriter.write(m, count, group, val -> expectedValue);
// execute - read the profile values - no groups
String expr = "PROFILE_GET('profile1', 'entity1', PROFILE_FIXED(4, 'HOURS'))";
List<Integer> result = run(expr, List.class);
// validate - expect to read all values from the past 4 hours
Assert.assertEquals(count, result.size());
result.forEach(actual -> Assert.assertEquals(expectedValue, actual.intValue()));
* Values should be retrievable that have been stored within a 'group'.
public void testWithOneGroup() {
final int periodsPerHour = 4;
final int expectedValue = 2302;
final int hours = 2;
final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - TimeUnit.HOURS.toMillis(hours);
final List<Object> group = Arrays.asList("weekends");
// setup - write some measurements to be read later
final int count = hours * periodsPerHour;
ProfileMeasurement m = new ProfileMeasurement()
.withPeriod(startTime, periodDuration, periodUnits);
profileWriter.write(m, count, group, val -> expectedValue);
// create a variable that contains the groups to use
state.put("groups", group);
// execute - read the profile values
String expr = "PROFILE_GET('profile1', 'entity1', PROFILE_FIXED(4, 'HOURS'), ['weekends'])";
List<Integer> result = run(expr, List.class);
// validate - expect to read all values from the past 4 hours
Assert.assertEquals(count, result.size());
// test the deprecated but allowed "varargs" form of groups specification
expr = "PROFILE_GET('profile1', 'entity1', PROFILE_FIXED(4, 'HOURS'), 'weekends')";
result = run(expr, List.class);
// validate - expect to read all values from the past 4 hours
Assert.assertEquals(count, result.size());
result.forEach(actual -> Assert.assertEquals(expectedValue, actual.intValue()));
* Values should be retrievable that have been stored within a 'group'.
public void testWithTwoGroups() {
final int periodsPerHour = 4;
final int expectedValue = 2302;
final int hours = 2;
final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - TimeUnit.HOURS.toMillis(hours);
final List<Object> group = Arrays.asList("weekdays", "tuesday");
// setup - write some measurements to be read later
final int count = hours * periodsPerHour;
ProfileMeasurement m = new ProfileMeasurement()
.withPeriod(startTime, periodDuration, periodUnits);
profileWriter.write(m, count, group, val -> expectedValue);
// create a variable that contains the groups to use
state.put("groups", group);
// execute - read the profile values
String expr = "PROFILE_GET('profile1', 'entity1', PROFILE_FIXED(4, 'HOURS'), ['weekdays', 'tuesday'])";
List<Integer> result = run(expr, List.class);
// validate - expect to read all values from the past 4 hours
Assert.assertEquals(count, result.size());
// test the deprecated but allowed "varargs" form of groups specification
expr = "PROFILE_GET('profile1', 'entity1', PROFILE_FIXED(4, 'HOURS'), 'weekdays', 'tuesday')";
result = run(expr, List.class);
// validate - expect to read all values from the past 4 hours
Assert.assertEquals(count, result.size());
result.forEach(actual -> Assert.assertEquals(expectedValue, actual.intValue()));
* Initialization should fail if the required context values are missing.
@Test(expected = ParseException.class)
public void testMissingContext() {
Context empty = Context.EMPTY_CONTEXT();
// 'unset' the context that was created during setup()
// force re-initialization with no context
// validate - function should be unable to initialize
String expr = "PROFILE_GET('profile1', 'entity1', PROFILE_FIXED(1000, 'SECONDS'), groups)";
run(expr, List.class);
* If the time horizon specified does not include any profile measurements, then
* none should be returned.
public void testOutsideTimeHorizon() {
final int expectedValue = 2302;
final int hours = 2;
final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - TimeUnit.HOURS.toMillis(hours);
final List<Object> group = Collections.emptyList();
// setup - write a single value from 2 hours ago
ProfileMeasurement m = new ProfileMeasurement()
.withPeriod(startTime, periodDuration, periodUnits);
profileWriter.write(m, 1, group, val -> expectedValue);
// create a variable that contains the groups to use
state.put("groups", group);
// execute - read the profile values
String expr = "PROFILE_GET('profile1', 'entity1', PROFILE_FIXED(4, 'SECONDS'))";
List<Integer> result = run(expr, List.class);
// validate - there should be no values from only 4 seconds ago
Assert.assertEquals(0, result.size());
* Default value should be able to be specified
public void testWithDefaultValue() {
String expr = "PROFILE_GET('profile1', 'entity1', PROFILE_FIXED(4, 'HOURS'))";
List<Integer> result = run(expr, List.class);
// validate - expect to fail to read any values because we didn't write any.
Assert.assertEquals(0, result.size());
// execute - read the profile values - with config_override.
// first two override values are strings, third is deliberately a number.
testOverride("{'profiler.default.value' : 0}", 0);
testOverride("{'profiler.default.value' : 'metron'}", "metron");
testOverride("{'profiler.default.value' : []}", new ArrayList<>());
private void testOverride(String overrides, Object defaultVal) {
String expr = "PROFILE_GET('profile1', 'entity1', PROFILE_FIXED(4, 'HOURS'), [], " + overrides + ")";
List<Object> result = run(expr, List.class);
// validate - expect to read all values from the past 4 hours (16 or 17 values depending on start time)
// but they should all be the default value.
Assert.assertTrue(result.size() == 16 || result.size() == 17);
result.forEach(actual -> Assert.assertEquals(defaultVal, actual));
* Values should be retrievable that were written with configuration different than current global config.
public void testWithConfigOverride() {
final int periodsPerHour = 4;
final int expectedValue = 2302;
final int hours = 2;
final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - TimeUnit.HOURS.toMillis(hours);
final List<Object> group = Collections.emptyList();
// setup - write some measurements to be read later
final int count = hours * periodsPerHour;
ProfileMeasurement m = new ProfileMeasurement()
.withPeriod(startTime, periodDuration, periodUnits);
profileWriter.write(m, count, group, val -> expectedValue);
// now change the executor configuration
Context context2 = setup2();
// validate it is changed in significant way
Map<String, Object> global = (Map<String, Object>) context2.getCapability(Context.Capabilities.GLOBAL_CONFIG).get();
Assert.assertEquals(PROFILER_PERIOD.get(global), periodDuration2);
Assert.assertNotEquals(periodDuration, periodDuration2);
// execute - read the profile values - with (wrong) default global config values.
// No error message at this time, but returns empty results list, because
// row keys are not correctly calculated.
String expr = "PROFILE_GET('profile1', 'entity1', PROFILE_FIXED(4, 'HOURS'))";
List<Integer> result = run(expr, List.class);
// validate - expect to fail to read any values
Assert.assertEquals(0, result.size());
// execute - read the profile values - with config_override.
// first two override values are strings, third is deliberately a number.
String overrides = "{'profiler.client.period.duration' : '" + periodDuration + "', "
+ "'profiler.client.period.duration.units' : '" + periodUnits.toString() + "', "
+ "'profiler.client.salt.divisor' : " + saltDivisor + " }";
expr = "PROFILE_GET('profile1', 'entity1', PROFILE_FIXED(4, 'HOURS', " + overrides + "), [], " + overrides + ")"
result = run(expr, List.class);
// validate - expect to read all values from the past 4 hours
Assert.assertEquals(count, result.size());
result.forEach(actual -> Assert.assertEquals(expectedValue, actual.intValue()));
* Values should be retrievable that have been stored within a 'group', with
* configuration different than current global config.
* This time put the config_override case before the non-override case.
public void testWithConfigAndOneGroup() {
final int periodsPerHour = 4;
final int expectedValue = 2302;
final int hours = 2;
final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - TimeUnit.HOURS.toMillis(hours);
final List<Object> group = Arrays.asList("weekends");
// setup - write some measurements to be read later
final int count = hours * periodsPerHour;
ProfileMeasurement m = new ProfileMeasurement()
.withPeriod(startTime, periodDuration, periodUnits);
profileWriter.write(m, count, group, val -> expectedValue);
// create a variable that contains the groups to use
state.put("groups", group);
// now change the executor configuration
Context context2 = setup2();
// validate it is changed in significant way
Map<String, Object> global = (Map<String, Object>) context2.getCapability(Context.Capabilities.GLOBAL_CONFIG).get();
Assert.assertEquals(global.get(PROFILER_PERIOD.getKey()), Long.toString(periodDuration2));
Assert.assertNotEquals(periodDuration, periodDuration2);
// execute - read the profile values - with config_override.
// first two override values are strings, third is deliberately a number.
String overrides = "{'profiler.client.period.duration' : '" + periodDuration + "', "
+ "'profiler.client.period.duration.units' : '" + periodUnits.toString() + "', "
+ "'profiler.client.salt.divisor' : " + saltDivisor + " }";
String expr = "PROFILE_GET('profile1', 'entity1'" +
", PROFILE_FIXED(4, 'HOURS', " + overrides + "), ['weekends'], " +
overrides + ")";
List<Integer> result = run(expr, List.class);
// validate - expect to read all values from the past 4 hours
Assert.assertEquals(count, result.size());
// execute - read the profile values - with (wrong) default global config values.
// No error message at this time, but returns empty results list, because
// row keys are not correctly calculated.
expr = "PROFILE_GET('profile1', 'entity1', PROFILE_FIXED(4, 'HOURS'), ['weekends'])";
result = run(expr, List.class);
// validate - expect to fail to read any values
Assert.assertEquals(0, result.size());