blob: 096baf174b6b7a09d64489eb29d03556d6f71f36 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.metron.indexing.dao.metaalert.lucene;
import static org.apache.metron.common.Constants.GUID;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;
import org.apache.metron.common.Constants;
import org.apache.metron.indexing.dao.RetrieveLatestDao;
import org.apache.metron.indexing.dao.metaalert.MetaAlertConfig;
import org.apache.metron.indexing.dao.metaalert.MetaAlertConstants;
import org.apache.metron.indexing.dao.metaalert.MetaAlertRetrieveLatestDao;
import org.apache.metron.indexing.dao.metaalert.MetaAlertStatus;
import org.apache.metron.indexing.dao.metaalert.MetaAlertUpdateDao;
import org.apache.metron.indexing.dao.metaalert.MetaScores;
import org.apache.metron.indexing.dao.update.Document;
import org.apache.metron.indexing.dao.update.OriginalNotFoundException;
import org.apache.metron.indexing.dao.update.PatchRequest;
import org.apache.metron.indexing.dao.update.UpdateDao;
public abstract class AbstractLuceneMetaAlertUpdateDao implements MetaAlertUpdateDao {
private UpdateDao updateDao;
private MetaAlertRetrieveLatestDao retrieveLatestDao;
private MetaAlertConfig config;
protected AbstractLuceneMetaAlertUpdateDao(
UpdateDao updateDao,
MetaAlertRetrieveLatestDao retrieveLatestDao,
MetaAlertConfig config) {
this.updateDao = updateDao;
this.retrieveLatestDao = retrieveLatestDao;
this.config = config;
public UpdateDao getUpdateDao() {
return updateDao;
public MetaAlertRetrieveLatestDao getRetrieveLatestDao() {
return retrieveLatestDao;
public MetaAlertConfig getConfig() {
return config;
* Performs a patch operation on a document based on the result of @{link #isPatchAllowed(PatchRequest)}
* @param retrieveLatestDao DAO to retrieve the item to be patched
* @param request The patch request.
* @param timestamp Optionally a timestamp to set. If not specified then current time is used.
* @return The patched document
* @throws OriginalNotFoundException If no original document is found to patch.
* @throws IOException If an error occurs performing the patch.
public Document patch(RetrieveLatestDao retrieveLatestDao, PatchRequest request,
Optional<Long> timestamp)
throws OriginalNotFoundException, IOException {
if (isPatchAllowed(request)) {
return updateDao.patch(retrieveLatestDao, request, timestamp);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Meta alert patches are not allowed for /alert or /status paths. "
+ "Please use the add/remove alert or update status functions instead.");
public Map<Document, Optional<String>> batchUpdate(Map<Document, Optional<String>> updates) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Meta alerts do not allow for bulk updates");
* Build the Document representing a meta alert to be created.
* @param alerts The Elasticsearch results for the meta alerts child documents
* @param groups The groups used to create this meta alert
* @return A Document representing the new meta alert
protected Document buildCreateDocument(Iterable<Document> alerts, List<String> groups,
String alertField) {
// Need to create a Document from the multiget. Scores will be calculated later
Map<String, Object> metaSource = new HashMap<>();
List<Map<String, Object>> alertList = new ArrayList<>();
for (Document alert : alerts) {
metaSource.put(alertField, alertList);
// Add any meta fields
String guid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
metaSource.put(GUID, guid);
metaSource.put(Constants.Fields.TIMESTAMP.getName(), System.currentTimeMillis());
metaSource.put(MetaAlertConstants.GROUPS_FIELD, groups);
metaSource.put(MetaAlertConstants.STATUS_FIELD, MetaAlertStatus.ACTIVE.getStatusString());
return new Document(metaSource, guid, MetaAlertConstants.METAALERT_TYPE,
* Builds the set of updates when alerts are removed from a meta alert
* @param metaAlert The meta alert to remove alerts from
* @param alerts The alert Documents to be removed
* @return The updates to be run
* @throws IOException If an error is thrown.
protected Map<Document, Optional<String>> buildRemoveAlertsFromMetaAlert(Document metaAlert,
Iterable<Document> alerts)
throws IOException {
Map<Document, Optional<String>> updates = new HashMap<>();
List<String> alertGuids = new ArrayList<>();
for (Document alert : alerts) {
List<Map<String, Object>> alertsBefore = new ArrayList<>();
Map<String, Object> documentBefore = metaAlert.getDocument();
if (documentBefore.containsKey(MetaAlertConstants.ALERT_FIELD)) {
.addAll((List<Map<String, Object>>) documentBefore.get(MetaAlertConstants.ALERT_FIELD));
boolean metaAlertUpdated = removeAlertsFromMetaAlert(metaAlert, alertGuids);
if (metaAlertUpdated) {
List<Map<String, Object>> alertsAfter = (List<Map<String, Object>>) metaAlert.getDocument()
if (alertsAfter.size() < alertsBefore.size() && alertsAfter.size() == 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Removing these alerts will result in an empty meta alert. Empty meta alerts are not allowed.");
.calculateMetaScores(metaAlert, config.getThreatTriageField(), config.getThreatSort());
updates.put(metaAlert, Optional.of(config.getMetaAlertIndex()));
for (Document alert : alerts) {
if (removeMetaAlertFromAlert(metaAlert.getGuid(), alert)) {
updates.put(alert, Optional.empty());
return updates;
* Adds alerts to a metaalert, based on a list of GetRequests provided for retrieval.
* @param metaAlertGuid The GUID of the metaalert to be given new children.
* @param alertRequests GetRequests for the appropriate alerts to add.
* @return The updated metaalert with alerts added.
public Document addAlertsToMetaAlert(String metaAlertGuid, List<GetRequest> alertRequests)
throws IOException {
Document metaAlert = retrieveLatestDao
.getLatest(metaAlertGuid, MetaAlertConstants.METAALERT_TYPE);
if (metaAlert == null) {
throw new IOException(String.format("Unable to add alerts to meta alert. Meta alert with guid %s cannot be found.",
if (MetaAlertStatus.ACTIVE.getStatusString()
.equals(metaAlert.getDocument().get(MetaAlertConstants.STATUS_FIELD))) {
Iterable<Document> alerts = retrieveLatestDao.getAllLatest(alertRequests);
Set<String> missingAlerts = getMissingAlerts(alertRequests, alerts);
if (!missingAlerts.isEmpty()) {
throw new IOException(String.format("Unable to add alerts to meta alert. Alert with guid %s cannot be found.",
Map<Document, Optional<String>> updates = buildAddAlertToMetaAlertUpdates(metaAlert, alerts);
return metaAlert;
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Adding alerts to an INACTIVE meta alert is not allowed");
* Removes alerts from a metaalert, based on a list of GetRequests provided for retrieval.
* @param metaAlertGuid The GUID of the metaalert to remove children from.
* @param alertRequests A list of GetReqests that will provide the alerts to remove
* @return The updated metaalert with alerts removed.
* @throws IllegalStateException If the metaalert is inactive.
public Document removeAlertsFromMetaAlert(String metaAlertGuid, List<GetRequest> alertRequests)
throws IOException, IllegalStateException {
Document metaAlert = retrieveLatestDao
.getLatest(metaAlertGuid, MetaAlertConstants.METAALERT_TYPE);
if (metaAlert == null) {
throw new IOException(String.format("Unable to remove alerts from meta alert. Meta alert with guid %s cannot be found.",
if (MetaAlertStatus.ACTIVE.getStatusString()
.equals(metaAlert.getDocument().get(MetaAlertConstants.STATUS_FIELD))) {
Iterable<Document> alerts = retrieveLatestDao.getAllLatest(alertRequests);
Set<String> missingAlerts = getMissingAlerts(alertRequests, alerts);
if (!missingAlerts.isEmpty()) {
throw new IOException(String.format("Unable to remove alerts from meta alert. Alert with guid %s cannot be found.",
Map<Document, Optional<String>> updates = buildRemoveAlertsFromMetaAlert(metaAlert, alerts);
return metaAlert;
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Removing alerts from an INACTIVE meta alert is not allowed");
* Removes a given set of alerts from a given alert. AlertGuids that are not found are ignored.
* @param metaAlert The metaalert to be mutated.
* @param alertGuids The alerts to remove from the metaaelrt.
* @return True if the metaAlert changed, false otherwise.
protected boolean removeAlertsFromMetaAlert(Document metaAlert, Collection<String> alertGuids) {
// If we don't have child alerts or nothing is being removed, immediately return false.
if (!metaAlert.getDocument().containsKey(MetaAlertConstants.ALERT_FIELD)
|| alertGuids.size() == 0) {
return false;
List<Map<String, Object>> currentAlerts = (List<Map<String, Object>>) metaAlert.getDocument()
int previousSize = currentAlerts.size();
// Only remove an alert if it is in the meta alert
currentAlerts.removeIf(currentAlert -> alertGuids.contains(currentAlert.get(GUID)));
return currentAlerts.size() != previousSize;
public Document updateMetaAlertStatus(String metaAlertGuid, MetaAlertStatus status)
throws IOException {
Document metaAlert = retrieveLatestDao
.getLatest(metaAlertGuid, MetaAlertConstants.METAALERT_TYPE);
if (metaAlert == null) {
throw new IOException(String.format("Unable to update meta alert status. Meta alert with guid %s cannot be found.",
String currentStatus = (String) metaAlert.getDocument().get(MetaAlertConstants.STATUS_FIELD);
boolean metaAlertUpdated = !status.getStatusString().equals(currentStatus);
if (metaAlertUpdated) {
List<GetRequest> getRequests = new ArrayList<>();
List<Map<String, Object>> currentAlerts = (List<Map<String, Object>>) metaAlert.getDocument()
.forEach(currentAlert -> getRequests.add(new GetRequest((String) currentAlert.get(GUID),
(String) currentAlert.get(config.getSourceTypeField()))));
Iterable<Document> alerts = retrieveLatestDao.getAllLatest(getRequests);
Map<Document, Optional<String>> updates = buildStatusChangeUpdates(metaAlert, alerts, status);
return metaAlert;
* Given a Metaalert and a status change, builds the set of updates to be run.
* @param metaAlert The metaalert to have status changed
* @param alerts The alerts to change status for
* @param status The status to change to
* @return The updates to be run
protected Map<Document, Optional<String>> buildStatusChangeUpdates(Document metaAlert,
Iterable<Document> alerts,
MetaAlertStatus status) {
metaAlert.getDocument().put(MetaAlertConstants.STATUS_FIELD, status.getStatusString());
Map<Document, Optional<String>> updates = new HashMap<>();
updates.put(metaAlert, Optional.of(config.getMetaAlertIndex()));
for (Document alert : alerts) {
boolean metaAlertAdded = false;
boolean metaAlertRemoved = false;
// If we're making it active add add the meta alert guid for every alert.
if (MetaAlertStatus.ACTIVE.equals(status)) {
metaAlertAdded = addMetaAlertToAlert(metaAlert.getGuid(), alert);
// If we're making it inactive, remove the meta alert guid from every alert.
if (MetaAlertStatus.INACTIVE.equals(status)) {
metaAlertRemoved = removeMetaAlertFromAlert(metaAlert.getGuid(), alert);
if (metaAlertAdded || metaAlertRemoved) {
updates.put(alert, Optional.empty());
return updates;
* Builds the updates to be run based on a given metaalert and a set of new alerts for the it.
* @param metaAlert The base metaalert we're building updates for
* @param alerts The alerts being added
* @return The set of resulting updates.
protected Map<Document, Optional<String>> buildAddAlertToMetaAlertUpdates(Document metaAlert,
Iterable<Document> alerts) {
Map<Document, Optional<String>> updates = new HashMap<>();
boolean metaAlertUpdated = addAlertsToMetaAlert(metaAlert, alerts);
if (metaAlertUpdated) {
.calculateMetaScores(metaAlert, config.getThreatTriageField(), config.getThreatSort());
updates.put(metaAlert, Optional.of(config.getMetaAlertIndex()));
for (Document alert : alerts) {
if (addMetaAlertToAlert(metaAlert.getGuid(), alert)) {
updates.put(alert, Optional.empty());
return updates;
* Adds the provided alerts to a given metaalert.
* @param metaAlert The metaalert to be given new children.
* @param alerts The alerts to be added as children
* @return True if metaalert is modified, false otherwise.
protected boolean addAlertsToMetaAlert(Document metaAlert, Iterable<Document> alerts) {
boolean alertAdded = false;
List<Map<String, Object>> currentAlerts = (List<Map<String, Object>>) metaAlert.getDocument()
if (currentAlerts == null) {
currentAlerts = new ArrayList<>();
metaAlert.getDocument().put(MetaAlertConstants.ALERT_FIELD, currentAlerts);
Set<String> currentAlertGuids = ->
(String) currentAlert.get(GUID)).collect(Collectors.toSet());
for (Document alert : alerts) {
String alertGuid = alert.getGuid();
// Only add an alert if it isn't already in the meta alert
if (!currentAlertGuids.contains(alertGuid)) {
alertAdded = true;
return alertAdded;
* Calls the single update variant if there's only one update, otherwise calls batch.
* MetaAlerts may defer to an implementation specific IndexDao.
* @param updates The list of updates to run
* @throws IOException If there's an update error
protected void update(Map<Document, Optional<String>> updates)
throws IOException {
if (updates.size() == 1) {
Entry<Document, Optional<String>> singleUpdate = updates.entrySet().iterator().next();
updateDao.update(singleUpdate.getKey(), singleUpdate.getValue());
} else if (updates.size() > 1) {
} // else we have no updates, so don't do anything
protected Set<String> getMissingAlerts(List<GetRequest> alertRequests, Iterable<Document> results) throws IOException {
Set<String> requestGuids =;
Set<String> resultGuids =, false)
Set<String> missingGuids = new HashSet<>(requestGuids);
return missingGuids;