blob: ab41c0869fcf6359b41a4cf65a3f0708fccc9356 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license
* agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding
* copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
* a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
* is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
* or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package org.apache.metron.indexing.dao;
import org.adrianwalker.multilinestring.Multiline;
import org.apache.commons.collections.MapUtils;
import org.apache.metron.common.Constants;
import org.apache.metron.indexing.dao.update.CommentAddRemoveRequest;
import org.apache.metron.indexing.dao.update.Document;
import org.apache.metron.indexing.dao.update.OriginalNotFoundException;
import org.apache.metron.indexing.dao.update.PatchRequest;
import org.json.simple.parser.ParseException;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.UUID;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.hasItem;
import static org.apache.metron.indexing.dao.IndexDao.COMMENTS_FIELD;
public abstract class UpdateIntegrationTest {
* {
* "comment":"New Comment",
* "username":"test_user",
* "timestamp":1526401584951
* }
protected String commentOne;
* {
* "comment":"New Comment 2",
* "username":"test_user_2",
* "timestamp":1526401584952
* }
protected String commentTwo;
protected static final int MAX_RETRIES = 10;
protected static final int SLEEP_MS = 500;
protected static final String SENSOR_NAME = "test";
private static final String CF = "p";
private IndexDao dao;
public void testUpdate() throws Exception {
// create a document to update
final String guid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
final Long timestamp = 1526306463050L;
Document toUpdate = createDocument(guid, timestamp);
// update the document and validate
Document updated = getDao().update(toUpdate, Optional.of(SENSOR_NAME));
Assert.assertEquals(toUpdate, updated);
// ensure the document was updated in the index
public void testBatchUpdate() throws Exception {
Map<Document, Optional<String>> toUpdate = new HashMap<>();
// create the first document to update
final String guid1 = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
final Long timestamp1 = 1526306463050L;
Document document1 = createDocument(guid1, timestamp1);
toUpdate.put(document1, Optional.of(SENSOR_NAME));
// create the second document to update
final String guid2 = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
final Long timestamp2 = 1526306463100L;
Document document2 = createDocument(guid2, timestamp2);
toUpdate.put(document2, Optional.of(SENSOR_NAME));
// create the third document to update
final String guid3 = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
final Long timestamp3 = 1526306463300L;
Document document3 = createDocument(guid3, timestamp3);
toUpdate.put(document3, Optional.of(SENSOR_NAME));
// update the documents as a batch and validate
Map<Document, Optional<String>> updated = getDao().batchUpdate(toUpdate);
Assert.assertThat(updated.keySet(), hasItem(document1));
Assert.assertThat(updated.keySet(), hasItem(document2));
Assert.assertThat(updated.keySet(), hasItem(document3));
// ensure the documents were written to the index
public void testAddComment() throws Exception {
Document document = createAndIndexDocument("testAddCommentAndPatch");
// comment on the document
String commentText = "New Comment";
String commentUser = "test_user";
long commentTimestamp = 152630493050L;
Document withComment = addAlertComment(document.getGuid(), commentText, commentUser, commentTimestamp);
// validate that the comment was made on the returned document
List<AlertComment> comments = getComments(withComment);
Assert.assertEquals(1, comments.size());
Assert.assertEquals(commentText, comments.get(0).getComment());
Assert.assertEquals(commentUser, comments.get(0).getUsername());
Assert.assertEquals(commentTimestamp, comments.get(0).getTimestamp());
// validate that the comment was made on the indexed document
Document indexed = findUpdatedDoc(withComment.getDocument(), withComment.getGuid(), SENSOR_NAME);
List<AlertComment> comments = getComments(indexed);
Assert.assertEquals(1, comments.size());
Assert.assertEquals(commentText, comments.get(0).getComment());
Assert.assertEquals(commentUser, comments.get(0).getUsername());
Assert.assertEquals(commentTimestamp, comments.get(0).getTimestamp());
public void testPatchDocumentThatHasComment() throws Exception {
Document document = createAndIndexDocument("testPatchDocumentWithComment");
// comment on the document
String commentText = "New Comment";
String commentUser = "test_user";
long commentTimestamp = 152630493050L;
Document withComment = addAlertComment(document.getGuid(), commentText, commentUser, commentTimestamp);
// create a patch
List<Map<String, Object>> patches = new ArrayList<>();
Map<String, Object> patch = new HashMap<>();
patch.put("op", "add");
patch.put("path", "/project");
patch.put("value", "metron");
PatchRequest pr = new PatchRequest();
// patch the document that has been commented on
Document patched = getDao().patch(getDao(), pr, Optional.of(withComment.getTimestamp()));
Assert.assertEquals("metron", patched.getDocument().get("project"));
// ensure the patch was made on the indexed document
Document indexed = findUpdatedDoc(patched.getDocument(), patched.getGuid(), SENSOR_NAME);
Assert.assertEquals("metron", indexed.getDocument().get("project"));
public void testRemoveComments() throws Exception {
String guid = "testRemoveComments";
// add a comment on the document
Document withComments = addAlertComment(guid, "comment", "user1", 1526401584951L);
Assert.assertEquals(1, getComments(withComments).size());
// ensure the comment was added to the document in the index
Document indexedWithComments = findUpdatedDoc(withComments.getDocument(), withComments.getGuid(), withComments.getSensorType());
Assert.assertEquals(1, getComments(indexedWithComments).size());
// remove a comment from the document
AlertComment toRemove = getComments(withComments).get(0);
Document noComments = removeAlertComment(guid, toRemove.getComment(), toRemove.getUsername(), toRemove.getTimestamp());
Assert.assertEquals(0, getComments(noComments).size());
// ensure the comment was removed from the index
Document indexedNoComments = findUpdatedDoc(noComments.getDocument(), withComments.getGuid(), withComments.getSensorType());
Assert.assertEquals(0, getComments(indexedNoComments).size());
protected Document addAlertComment(String guid, String comment, String username, long timestamp)
throws IOException {
CommentAddRemoveRequest request = buildAlertRequest(guid, comment, username, timestamp);
return getDao().addCommentToAlert(request);
protected Document removeAlertComment(String guid, String comment, String username, long timestamp)
throws IOException {
CommentAddRemoveRequest request = buildAlertRequest(guid, comment, username, timestamp);
return getDao().removeCommentFromAlert(request);
private CommentAddRemoveRequest buildAlertRequest(String guid, String comment, String username,
long timestamp) {
CommentAddRemoveRequest request = new CommentAddRemoveRequest();
return request;
* Ensures that a document was correctly indexed.
* @param expected The document that should have been indexed.
* @return The document that was retrieved from the index.
private Document assertDocumentIndexed(Document expected) throws Exception {
// search the index for the document
Document actual = findUpdatedDoc(expected.getDocument(), expected.getGuid(), expected.getSensorType());
// most fields should match exactly, except the documentID
Assert.assertEquals(expected.getGuid(), actual.getGuid());
Assert.assertEquals(expected.getTimestamp(), actual.getTimestamp());
Assert.assertEquals(expected.getSensorType(), actual.getSensorType());
Assert.assertEquals(expected.getDocument(), actual.getDocument());
if(expected.getDocumentID().isPresent()) {
// the documentID was already defined in 'expected', this ID should have been used when the document was indexed
Assert.assertEquals(expected.getDocumentID().get(), actual.getDocumentID());
} else {
// if the documentID was not defined, the indexer should have created one
return actual;
private Document createAndIndexDocument(String guid) throws Exception {
// create the document
Long timestamp = 1526306463050L;
Document toCreate = createDocument(guid, timestamp);
// index the document
Document created = getDao().update(toCreate, Optional.of(SENSOR_NAME));
Assert.assertEquals(toCreate, created);
// ensure the document is indexed
return assertDocumentIndexed(created);
protected Document createDocument(String guid, Long timestamp) {
Map<String, Object> message1 = new HashMap<>();
message1.put(Constants.GUID, guid);
message1.put(Constants.SENSOR_TYPE, SENSOR_NAME);
message1.put(Constants.Fields.TIMESTAMP.getName(), timestamp);
return new Document(message1, guid, SENSOR_NAME, timestamp);
private static List<AlertComment> getComments(Document withComment) throws ParseException {
return getComments(withComment.getDocument());
private static List<AlertComment> getComments(Map<String, Object> fields) throws ParseException {
List<AlertComment> comments = new ArrayList<>();
boolean hasComments = fields.containsKey(COMMENTS_FIELD);
if(hasComments) {
List<Object> commentsField = List.class.cast(fields.get(COMMENTS_FIELD));
for (Object commentObject: commentsField) {
if (commentObject instanceof Map) {
// comments are stored as maps in Elasticsearch
Map<String, Object> commentAsMap = (Map<String, Object>) commentObject;
comments.add(new AlertComment(commentAsMap));
} else if (commentObject instanceof String) {
// comments are stored as json strings in Solr
String commentAsString = (String) commentObject;
comments.add(new AlertComment(commentAsString));
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Unexpected comment value; %s", commentObject));
return comments;
* Normalizes the format of stored comments.
* <p>Comments are serialized differently when stored in Elasticsearch and Solr. Comments
* are stored as maps in Elasticsearch and JSON strings in Solr. This reformats all comments
* as maps, so they look the same when validation occurs in the integration tests.
* @param fields The fields of a document that may contain comments.
protected static void normalizeCommentsAsMap(Map<String, Object> fields) {
List<Object> commentValues = (List<Object>) fields.get(COMMENTS_FIELD);
if (commentValues != null) {
try {
List<AlertComment> comments = getComments(fields);
if(comments.size() > 0) {
// overwrite the comments field
List<Map<String, Object>> serializedComments = comments
fields.put(COMMENTS_FIELD, serializedComments);
} else {
// there are no longer any comments
} catch (ParseException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to parse comment", e);
protected Document findUpdatedDoc(Map<String, Object> expected, String guid, String sensorType)
throws InterruptedException, IOException, OriginalNotFoundException {
// comments are stored differently in Solr and Elasticsearch
for (int t = 0; t < MAX_RETRIES; ++t, Thread.sleep(SLEEP_MS)) {
Document found = getDao().getLatest(guid, sensorType);
if (found != null && expected.equals(found.getDocument())) {
return found;
if (t == MAX_RETRIES -1) {
MapUtils.debugPrint(System.out, "Expected", expected);
MapUtils.debugPrint(System.out, "Actual", found.getDocument());
throw new OriginalNotFoundException("Count not find " + guid + " after " + MAX_RETRIES + " tries");
protected IndexDao getDao() {
return dao;
protected void setDao(IndexDao dao) {
this.dao = dao;
protected abstract String getIndexName();
protected abstract void addTestData(String indexName, String sensorType, List<Map<String,Object>> docs) throws Exception;
protected abstract List<Map<String,Object>> getIndexedTestData(String indexName, String sensorType) throws Exception;