blob: baf2932506c03b40d31d37f217b5641128982753 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.metron.common.field;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import org.adrianwalker.multilinestring.Multiline;
import org.apache.metron.common.configuration.IndexingConfigurations;
import org.apache.metron.common.configuration.writer.IndexingWriterConfiguration;
import org.apache.metron.common.configuration.writer.WriterConfiguration;
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
* Test the {@link FieldNameConverters} class.
public class FieldNameConvertersTest {
private WriterConfiguration createConfig(String writer, String sensor, String json) throws Exception {
IndexingConfigurations indexingConfig = new IndexingConfigurations();
indexingConfig.updateSensorIndexingConfig(sensor, json.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
return new IndexingWriterConfiguration(writer, indexingConfig);
* {
* "elasticsearch": {
* "index": "theIndex",
* "batchSize": 100,
* "batchTimeout": 1000,
* "enabled": true,
* "fieldNameConverter": "DEDOT"
* }
* }
private static String jsonWithDedot;
* The factory should be able to create a {@link DeDotFieldNameConverter}.
public void testCreateDedot() throws Exception {
final String writer = "elasticsearch";
final String sensor = "bro";
WriterConfiguration config = createConfig(writer, sensor, jsonWithDedot);
// validate the converter created for 'bro'
FieldNameConverter converter = FieldNameConverters.create(sensor, config);
assertEquals(FieldNameConverters.DEDOT, converter);
* {
* "elasticsearch": {
* "index": "theIndex",
* "batchSize": 100,
* "batchTimeout": 1000,
* "enabled": true,
* "fieldNameConverter": "NOOP"
* }
* }
private static String jsonWithNoop;
* The factory should be able to create a {@link NoopFieldNameConverter}.
public void testCreateNoop() throws Exception {
final String writer = "elasticsearch";
final String sensor = "bro";
WriterConfiguration config = createConfig(writer, sensor, jsonWithNoop);
// validate the converter created for 'bro'
FieldNameConverter converter = FieldNameConverters.create(sensor, config);
assertEquals(FieldNameConverters.NOOP, converter);
* {
* "elasticsearch": {
* "index": "theIndex",
* "batchSize": 100,
* "batchTimeout": 1000,
* "enabled": true
* }
* }
private static String jsonWithNoConverter;
* The factory should create a default {@link FieldNameConverter} if none has been defined
* by the user in the writer configuration.
public void testCreateDefault() throws Exception {
final String writer = "elasticsearch";
final String sensor = "bro";
WriterConfiguration config = createConfig(writer, sensor, jsonWithNoConverter);
// if none defined, should default to 'DEDOT'
FieldNameConverter converter = FieldNameConverters.create(sensor, config);
assertEquals(FieldNameConverters.DEDOT, converter);
* If the user changes the {@link FieldNameConverter} in the writer configuration, the new
* {@link FieldNameConverter} should be used after the old one expires.
public void testConfigChange() throws Exception {
final String writer = "elasticsearch";
final String sensor = "bro";
// no converter defined in config, should use 'DEDOT' converter
WriterConfiguration config = createConfig(writer, sensor, jsonWithNoConverter);
assertEquals(FieldNameConverters.DEDOT, FieldNameConverters.create(sensor, config));
// an 'updated' config uses the 'NOOP' converter
WriterConfiguration newConfig = createConfig(writer, sensor, jsonWithNoop);
assertEquals(FieldNameConverters.NOOP, FieldNameConverters.create(sensor, newConfig));
* {
* "elasticsearch": {
* "index": "theIndex",
* "batchSize": 100,
* "batchTimeout": 1000,
* "enabled": true,
* "fieldNameConverter": "INVALID"
* }
* }
private static String jsonWithInvalidConverter;
* If an invalid field name converter is specified, it should fall-back to using the
* default, noop converter.
public void testCreateInvalid() throws Exception {
final String writer = "elasticsearch";
final String sensor = "bro";
WriterConfiguration config = createConfig(writer, sensor, jsonWithInvalidConverter);
// if invalid value defined, it should fall-back to using default 'DEDOT'
FieldNameConverter converter = FieldNameConverters.create(sensor, config);
assertEquals(FieldNameConverters.DEDOT, converter);
* {
* "elasticsearch": {
* "index": "theIndex",
* "batchSize": 100,
* "batchTimeout": 1000,
* "enabled": true,
* "fieldNameConverter": ""
* }
* }
private static String jsonWithBlankConverter;
* If the field name converter field is blank, it should fall-back to using the
* default converter.
public void testCreateBlank() throws Exception {
final String writer = "elasticsearch";
final String sensor = "bro";
WriterConfiguration config = createConfig(writer, sensor, jsonWithInvalidConverter);
// if invalid value defined, it should fall-back to using default 'DEDOT'
FieldNameConverter converter = FieldNameConverters.create(sensor, config);
assertEquals(FieldNameConverters.DEDOT, converter);