blob: a32faec756e766950ac021d0d6477df7f6f6b74c [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.metron.stellar.dsl.functions;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* A Map containing the Stellar REST settings.
public class RestConfig extends HashMap<String, Object> {
* A global config prefix used for storing Stellar REST settings.
public final static String STELLAR_REST_SETTINGS = "";
* A global config prefix used for storing Stellar REST GET settings.
public final static String STELLAR_REST_GET_SETTINGS = "";
* A global config prefix used for storing Stellar REST POST settings.
public final static String STELLAR_REST_POST_SETTINGS = "";
* User name for basic authentication.
public final static String BASIC_AUTH_USER = "basic.auth.user";
* Path to the basic authentication password file stored in HDFS.
public final static String BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD_PATH = "basic.auth.password.path";
* Proxy host.
public final static String PROXY_HOST = "";
* Proxy port.
public final static String PROXY_PORT = "proxy.port";
* User name for proxy basic authentication.
public final static String PROXY_BASIC_AUTH_USER = "proxy.basic.auth.user";
* Path to the proxy basic authentication password file stored in HDFS.
public final static String PROXY_BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD_PATH = "proxy.basic.auth.password.path";
* Hard timeout for the total request time.
public final static String TIMEOUT = "timeout";
* Timeouts exposed by the HttpClient object.
public final static String CONNECT_TIMEOUT = "connect.timeout";
public final static String CONNECTION_REQUEST_TIMEOUT = "connection.request.timeout";
public final static String SOCKET_TIMEOUT = "socket.timeout";
* A list of response codes that are allowed. All others will be treated as errors.
public final static String RESPONSE_CODES_ALLOWED = "";
* The default value that will be returned on a successful request with empty content. Default is null.
public final static String EMPTY_CONTENT_OVERRIDE = "empty.content.override";
* The default value that will be returned on an error. Default is null.
public final static String ERROR_VALUE_OVERRIDE = "error.value.override";
* The maximum number of connections in the connection pool.
public final static String POOLING_MAX_TOTAL = "";
* The default maximum number of connections per route in the connection pool.
public final static String POOLING_DEFAULT_MAX_PER_RUOTE = "pooling.default.max.per.route";
* Setting this to true will verify the actual body content length equals the content length header.
public final static String VERIFY_CONTENT_LENGTH = "verify.content.length";
* Setting this to true will verify POST data is well-formed JSON.
public final static String ENFORCE_JSON = "enforce.json";
public RestConfig() {
put(TIMEOUT, 1000);
put(RESPONSE_CODES_ALLOWED, Collections.singletonList(200));
put(ENFORCE_JSON, true);
public String getBasicAuthUser() {
return (String) get(BASIC_AUTH_USER);
public String getBasicAuthPasswordPath() {
return (String) get(BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD_PATH);
public String getProxyHost() {
return (String) get(PROXY_HOST);
public Integer getProxyPort() {
return (Integer) get(PROXY_PORT);
public String getProxyBasicAuthUser() {
return (String) get(PROXY_BASIC_AUTH_USER);
public String getProxyBasicAuthPasswordPath() {
public Integer getTimeout() {
return (Integer) get(TIMEOUT);
public Integer getConnectTimeout() {
return (Integer) get(CONNECT_TIMEOUT);
public Integer getConnectionRequestTimeout() {
public Integer getSocketTimeout() {
return (Integer) get(SOCKET_TIMEOUT);
public List<Integer> getResponseCodesAllowed() {
return (List<Integer>) get(RESPONSE_CODES_ALLOWED);
public Object getEmptyContentOverride() {
public Object getErrorValueOverride() {
public Integer getPoolingMaxTotal() {
return (Integer) get(POOLING_MAX_TOTAL);
public Integer getPoolingDefaultMaxPerRoute() {
return (Integer) get(POOLING_DEFAULT_MAX_PER_RUOTE);
public Boolean verifyContentLength() {
return (Boolean) get(VERIFY_CONTENT_LENGTH);
public Boolean enforceJson() {
return (Boolean) get(ENFORCE_JSON);