blob: 93ebba843316ada05b1ffb35540f190a334c0b33 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?>
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<configuration supports_final="true">
<display-name>Input Topic Start</display-name>
<description>The duration of each profile period. This value should be defined along with profiler.period.duration.units</description>
<display-name>Period Duration</display-name>
<description>The units used to specify the profiler.period.duration. This value should be defined along with profiler.period.duration.</description>
<display-name>Period Units</display-name>
<description>The duration of each profile window. This value should be defined along with profiler.window.duration.units</description>
<display-name>Window Duration</display-name>
<description>The units used to specify the profiler.window.duration. This value should be defined along with profiler.window.duration.</description>
<display-name>Window Units</display-name>
<description>If a message has not been applied to a Profile in this period of time, the Profile will be terminated and its resources will be cleaned up. This value should be defined along with profiler.ttl.units.
This time-to-live does not affect the persisted Profile data in HBase. It only affects the state stored in memory during the execution of the latest profile period. This state will be deleted if the time-to-live is exceeded.
<display-name>Time to Live</display-name>
<description>The units used to specify the profiler.ttl.</description>
<display-name>Time To Live Units</display-name>
<description>The maximum time lag for timestamps. Timestamps cannot arrive out-of-order by more than this amount.</description>
<display-name>Window Time Lag</display-name>
<description>The units used to specify the Event Time Lag.</description>
<display-name>Window Lag Units</display-name>
<description>The maximum amount of time a message has to complete before it is considered failed.</description>
<display-name>Profiler Topology Message Timeout</display-name>
<description>Profiler Topology Spout Max Pending Tuples</description>
<display-name>Spout Max Pending Tuples</display-name>
<description>The max number of routes allowed per bolt. The number of routes increases as the number of profiles and entities increases.</description>
<display-name>Max Routes Per Bolt</display-name>
<description>The name of the HBase table that profile data is written to. The Profiler expects that the table exists and is writable.</description>
<display-name>HBase Table</display-name>
<description>The column family used to store profile data in HBase.</description>
<display-name>HBase Table Column Family</display-name>
<description>The number of puts that are written to HBase in a single batch.</description>
<display-name>HBase Batch Size</display-name>
<description>The maximum number of seconds between batch writes to HBase.</description>
<display-name>HBase Flush Interval</display-name>
<description>Extra topology child opts for the storm topology.</description>
<description>Number of worker processes to create across all machines in the cluster.</description>
<display-name>Number of Worker Processes</display-name>
<description>The spout parallelism hint; initial number of executors (threads).</description>
<display-name>Spout Parallelism Hint</display-name>
<description>The profile splitter parallelism hint; initial number of executors (threads).</description>
<display-name>Splitter Parallelism Hint</display-name>
<description>The profile builder parallelism hint; initial number of executors (threads).</description>
<display-name>Builder Parallelism Hint</display-name>
<description>The HBase writer parallelism hint; initial number of executors (threads).</description>
<display-name>HBase Writer Parallelism Hint</display-name>
<description>The Kafka writer parallelism hint; initial number of executors (threads).</description>
<display-name>Kafka Writer Parallelism Hint</display-name>
<description>Number of threads dedicated to tuple acking. Should be equal to the number of partitions in the inbound Kafka topic.</description>
<display-name>Number of Acker Executors</display-name>
<description>The number of records to batch when writing to Kakfa.</description>
<display-name>Kafka Writer Batch Size</display-name>
<description>The timeout in milliseconds after which a batch will be written to Kafka, even if the batch size has not been met. If unspecified, or set to `0`, this defaults to a system-determined duration.</description>
<display-name>Kafka Writer Batch Timeout</display-name>