| #Configuration file for the integration tests of Apache MetaModel. |
| #This file contains externalized properties which enable the test |
| #code to connect to actual running backends for testing the real integration. |
| |
| # ----------- |
| # HOW TO USE: |
| # ----------- |
| # To use this file, copy it into your user home directory and uncomment the lines of relevance to you |
| |
| # -------------------------- |
| # CouchDB module properties: |
| # -------------------------- |
| |
| #couchdb.hostname=localhost |
| #couchdb.databaseName=metamodel_test_database |
| |
| # -------------------------- |
| # MongoDB module properties: |
| # -------------------------- |
| |
| #mongodb.hostname=localhost |
| #mongodb.databaseName=metamodel_test |
| #mongodb.collectionName=my_collection |
| |
| # ------------------------- |
| # Hadoop module properties: |
| # ------------------------- |
| |
| #hadoop.hdfs.hostname=localhost |
| #hadoop.hdfs.port=9000 |
| #hadoop.hdfs.file.path=/apache_metamodel_testfile.txt |
| |
| |
| # ------------------------ |
| # HBase module properties: |
| # ------------------------ |
| |
| #hbase.zookeeper.hostname=localhost |
| #hbase.zookeeper.port=2181 |
| |
| # ----------------------- |
| # JDBC module properties: |
| # ----------------------- |
| |
| #jdbc.postgresql.driver=org.postgresql.Driver |
| #jdbc.postgresql.url=jdbc:postgresql://localhost/dellstore2 |
| #jdbc.postgresql.username=metamodel |
| #jdbc.postgresql.password=metamodel |
| #jdbc.postgresql.longrunningtests=false |
| |
| #jdbc.mysql.driver=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver |
| #jdbc.mysql.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost/sakila?defaultFetchSize=-2147483648 |
| #jdbc.mysql.username= |
| #jdbc.mysql.password= |
| |
| #jdbc.oracle.driver=oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver |
| #jdbc.oracle.url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:XE |
| #jdbc.oracle.username=HR |
| #jdbc.oracle.password= |
| |
| #jdbc.db2.driver=com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2Driver |
| #jdbc.db2.url |
| #jdbc.db2.username |
| #jdbc.db2.password |
| |
| #jdbc.firebird.driver=org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBDriver |
| #jdbc.firebird.url=jdbc:firebirdsql: |
| #jdbc.firebird.username=SYSDBA |
| #jdbc.firebird.password= |
| |
| #jdbc.sqlserver.jtds_driver.driver=net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver |
| #jdbc.sqlserver.jtds_driver.url=jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://localhost:1433/AdventureWorks;instance=SQLEXPRESS |
| #jdbc.sqlserver.jtds_driver.username= |
| #jdbc.sqlserver.jtds_driver.password= |
| |
| #jdbc.sqlserver.microsoft_driver.driver=com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver |
| #jdbc.sqlserver.microsoft_driver.url=jdbc:sqlserver://localhost\\SQLEXPRESS;databaseName=AdventureWorks |
| #jdbc.sqlserver.microsoft_driver.username= |
| #jdbc.sqlserver.microsoft_driver.password= |
| |
| #jdbc.hive.driver=org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver |
| #jdbc.hive.url=jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000 |
| #jdbc.hive.username= |
| #jdbc.hive.password= |
| |
| # ----------------------------- |
| # Salesforce module properties: |
| # ----------------------------- |
| |
| #salesforce.username= |
| #salesforce.password= |
| #salesforce.securityToken= |
| #salesforce.endpoint=https://test.salesforce.com |
| |
| # --------------------------- |
| # SugarCRM module properties: |
| # --------------------------- |
| |
| #sugarcrm.username= |
| #sugarcrm.password= |
| #sugarcrm.numberOfAccounts= |
| |
| # --------------------------- |
| # Cassandra module properties: |
| # --------------------------- |
| |
| #cassandra.hostname=localhost |
| #cassandra.port=9042 |
| #cassandra.keyspace=my_keyspace |
| |
| # --------------------------- |
| # Neo4j module properties: |
| # --------------------------- |
| |
| #neo4j.hostname=localhost |
| #neo4j.port=7474 |
| #neo4j.username=neo4j |
| #neo4j.password=neo4j |
| #neo4j.serviceroot=/data/db |