blob: ba1746c7da6dc516d8bb8e2a0edbafd8e124dbd7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
package mesos.slave;
import "mesos/mesos.proto";
import "mesos/appc/spec.proto";
import "mesos/docker/v1.proto";
* Some containers are launched in conjunction with a specific
* `ContainerClass`. These classes allow an isolator to customize
* their functionality based on the class of container being isolated.
* The classes we currently define are below.
enum ContainerClass {
DEBUG = 2;
* Information when an executor is impacted by a resource limitation
* and should be terminated. Intended to support resources like memory
* where the Linux kernel may invoke the OOM killer, killing some/all
* of a container's processes.
message ContainerLimitation {
// Resources that triggered the limitation.
// NOTE: 'Resources' is used here because the resource may span
// multiple roles (e.g. `"mem(*):1;mem(role):2"`).
repeated Resource resources = 1;
// Description of the limitation.
optional string message = 2;
// The container will be terminated when a resource limitation is
// reached. This field specifies the 'reason' that will be sent in
// the status update for any remaining non-terminal tasks when the
// container is terminated.
optional TaskStatus.Reason reason = 3;
* This message is derived from slave::state::RunState. It contains
* only those fields that are needed by Isolators for recovering the
* containers. The reason for not using RunState instead is to avoid
* any dependency on RunState and in turn on internal protobufs.
message ContainerState {
// This field only exists for top level containers.
optional ExecutorInfo executor_info = 1;
// The container Id.
required ContainerID container_id = 2;
// The pid of the init process in the container.
required uint64 pid = 3;
// The sandbox directory.
required string directory = 4;
* The container recovery information that will be passed to each
* isolator during 'recover'.
message ContainerRecoverInfo {
// The agent-checkpointed containers.
repeated ContainerState checkpointed_container_states = 1;
// This field is deprecated. It represents the top level orphans.
// Orphans are those containers that are known to the Launcher but
// are not checkpointed by the agent.
repeated ContainerID orphan_container_ids = 2;
// All containers that are known to the Launcher. This also includes
// child containers.
repeated ContainerID known_container_ids = 3;
* The container configuration that will be passed to each isolator
* during `prepare`.
message ContainerConfig {
// The executor associated with this container.
// This field is blank when launching a nested or standalone container.
// When `task_info` is specified, this field will always be present,
// but will contain a default ExecutorInfo generated by the Agent.
optional ExecutorInfo executor_info = 8;
// The task associated with this container.
// This field is only specified when launching a command task.
// Tasks are not passed to isolators when run via a custom executor.
optional TaskInfo task_info = 9;
// The command used to launch the container.
// When `executor_info` is specified, this will always be a copy of
// the CommandInfo in the ExecutorInfo.
required CommandInfo command_info = 11;
// The information about the container.
// When either `task_info` or `executor_info` are specified, this will
// always be a copy of the ContainerInfo in those fields (or None if
// neither specify a ContainerInfo). When both `task_info` and
// `executor_info` are specified, the ContainerInfo will be the
// same across all fields.
optional ContainerInfo container_info = 12;
// Resources associated with the container during launch.
// When either `task_info` or `executor_info` are specified, this will
// always be the sum of the Resources within those fields.
repeated Resource resources = 13;
// The class of container being launched. Used by isolators to
// perform different operations depending on the class.
optional ContainerClass container_class = 14;
// The work directory for the container in the host filesystem.
required string directory = 3;
// The user that should be used to run the `command_info`.
// The sandbox directory and any artifacts from the Mesos fetcher will
// be made accessible to this user.
optional string user = 4;
// NOTE: 'rootfs' and 'docker' below are for the executor in custom
// executor case, and they are for the task in command task case.
// The root filesystem for the container.
optional string rootfs = 5;
// Docker v1 image manifest.
message Docker {
optional docker.spec.v1.ImageManifest manifest = 1;
optional Docker docker = 7;
message Appc {
optional appc.spec.ImageManifest manifest = 1;
optional Appc appc = 10;
* Describes a single mount for the container.
message ContainerMountInfo {
// The path to the mount point. It must be an absolute path in the
// agent's root filesystem.
required string target = 1;
// The source of the mount. This can be the path to a device, a file
// or a directory. The path must be an absolute path in the agent's
// root filesystem.
optional string source = 2;
// The type of the filesystem to be mounted.
optional string type = 3;
// Mount flags.
optional uint32 flags = 4;
// Mount options of the filesystem to be used.
optional string options = 5;
* Protobuf returned by Isolator::prepare(). The command is executed
* by the Launcher in the containerized context.
* Note: Currently, any URIs or Environment in the CommandInfo will be
* ignored; only the command value is used. Further, we only accept
* shell commands for the preparation commands.
message ContainerLaunchInfo {
// The additional preparation commands to execute before
// executing the command.
repeated CommandInfo pre_exec_commands = 1;
// The environment set for the container.
optional Environment environment = 2;
// (Linux only) The root filesystem for the container.
optional string rootfs = 3;
// (Linux only) The namespaces a nested container
// should enter in its parent before cloning.
repeated int32 enter_namespaces = 9;
// (Linux only) The namespaces that should be cloned for the container.
// The namespaces are created while launching the executor.
repeated int32 clone_namespaces = 4;
// (POSIX only) The user to launch the command as.
optional string user = 10;
// If specified, it'll become the launch command for the custom
// executor, or the launch command for the user task in the case of
// a command task.
optional CommandInfo command = 5;
// The working directory for the container. For non-DEBUG containers,
// it is set to container sandbox, i.e., Mesos sandbox, unless one of
// the isolators overrides it *and* the container defines an image.
// DEBUG containers inherit working directory from their parent.
// NOTE: For the command executor case, this points to the executor
// working directory in the host filesystem, which may be different
// from the task working directory when task defines an image.
optional string working_directory = 6;
// The additional mounts for the container. The mounts specified in
// this list will be mounted in order.
repeated ContainerMountInfo mounts = 17;
// (Linux only) The capabilities requested for the container.
// The capabilities are set while launching the container.
optional CapabilityInfo effective_capabilities = 7;
// (Linux only) The bounding capability set requested for
// the container. This limits the file capabilities a task
// can acquire without granting them at launch time.
optional CapabilityInfo bounding_capabilities = 16;
// (POSIX only) The rlimits requested for the container.
// The rlimits are set while launching the container.
optional RLimitInfo rlimits = 8;
// (POSIX only) The slave path of the pseudo terminal.
optional string tty_slave_path = 14;
// The environment specific for command tasks. Gets merged with
// 'environment' and the 'command' `Environment`.
// TODO(tillt): Remove this once we no longer support the old style
// command task (i.e., that uses mesos-execute).
optional Environment task_environment = 15;
* Information about a container termination, returned by the
* containerizer to the slave.
message ContainerTermination {
// Exit status of the process.
optional int32 status = 3;
// The 'state', 'reasons' and 'message' of a status update for
// non-terminal tasks when the executor is terminated.
optional TaskState state = 4;
optional TaskStatus.Reason reason = 5;
optional string message = 2;
// If the container was terminated due to a resource limitation,
// this is the resource that caused the termination.
// NOTE: 'Resources' is used here because the resource may span
// multiple roles (e.g. `"mem(*):1;mem(role):2"`).
repeated Resource limited_resources = 6;
* Information about all layers used to provision a container. This is used
* to checkpoint and recover in provisioner.
message ContainerLayers {
// Paths of all layers used to provision the container.
repeated string paths = 1;
// Path of docker manifest v2 schema2 config. If an image is
// downloaded via docker manifest v2s2, the config will be
// persisted in the image store.
optional string config = 2;