blob: 0a88edb404836205f11e61ba3edb771df8b618ef [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <vector>
#include <stout/protobuf.hpp>
#include <mesos/oci/spec.hpp>
using std::string;
using std::vector;
namespace oci {
namespace spec {
namespace image {
namespace v1 {
namespace internal {
Option<Error> validateDigest(const string& digest)
vector<string> split = strings::split(digest, ":");
if (split.size() != 2) {
return Error("Incorrect 'digest' format: " + digest);
// TODO(qianzhang): Validate algorithm (split[0]) and hex (split[1]).
return None();
Option<Error> validate(const ManifestList& manifestList)
if (manifestList.schemaversion() != 2) {
return Error(
"Incorrect 'schemaVersion': " +
foreach (const ManifestDescriptor& manifest, manifestList.manifests()) {
Option<Error> error = validateDigest(manifest.digest());
if (error.isSome()) {
return Error(
"Failed to validate 'digest' of the 'manifest': " + error->message);
if (manifest.mediatype() != MEDIA_TYPE_MANIFEST) {
return Error(
"Incorrect 'mediaType' of the 'manifest': " + manifest.mediatype());
return None();
Option<Error> validate(const Manifest& manifest)
if (manifest.schemaversion() != 2) {
return Error(
"Incorrect 'schemaVersion': " +
const Descriptor& config = manifest.config();
Option<Error> error = validateDigest(config.digest());
if (error.isSome()) {
return Error(
"Failed to validate 'digest' of the 'config': " + error->message);
if (config.mediatype() != MEDIA_TYPE_CONFIG) {
return Error(
"Incorrect 'mediaType' of the 'config': " + config.mediatype());
if (manifest.layers_size() <= 0) {
return Error("'layers' field size must be at least one");
foreach (const Descriptor& layer, manifest.layers()) {
Option<Error> error = validateDigest(layer.digest());
if (error.isSome()) {
return Error(
"Failed to validate 'digest' of the 'layer': " + error->message);
if (layer.mediatype() != MEDIA_TYPE_LAYER &&
layer.mediatype() != MEDIA_TYPE_NONDIST_LAYER) {
return Error(
"Incorrect 'mediaType' of the 'layer': " + layer.mediatype());
return None();
} // namespace internal {
template <>
Try<Descriptor> parse(const string& s)
Try<JSON::Object> json = JSON::parse<JSON::Object>(s);
if (json.isError()) {
return Error("JSON parse failed: " + json.error());
Try<Descriptor> descriptor = protobuf::parse<Descriptor>(json.get());
if (descriptor.isError()) {
return Error("Protobuf parse failed: " + descriptor.error());
Option<Error> error = internal::validateDigest(descriptor->digest());
if (error.isSome()) {
return Error(
"OCI v1 image descriptor validation failed: " + error->message);
return descriptor.get();
template <>
Try<ManifestList> parse(const string& s)
Try<JSON::Object> json = JSON::parse<JSON::Object>(s);
if (json.isError()) {
return Error("JSON parse failed: " + json.error());
Try<ManifestList> manifestList = protobuf::parse<ManifestList>(json.get());
if (manifestList.isError()) {
return Error("Protobuf parse failed: " + manifestList.error());
// Manually parse 'manifest.platform.os.version' and
// 'manifest.platform.os.features'.
Result<JSON::Array> manifests = json->at<JSON::Array>("manifests");
if (manifests.isError()) {
return Error("Failed to find 'manifests': " + manifests.error());
} else if (manifests.isNone()) {
return Error("Unable to find 'manifests'");
foreach (const JSON::Value& value, manifests->values) {
if (!<JSON::Object>()) {
return Error("Expecting 'manifest' to be JSON object type");
const JSON::Object manifest =<JSON::Object>();
Result<JSON::String> digest =<JSON::String>("digest");
if (digest.isError()) {
return Error("Failed to find 'digest': " + digest.error());
} else if (digest.isNone()) {
return Error("Unable to find 'digest'");
ManifestDescriptor* _manifest = nullptr;
for (int i = 0; i < manifestList->manifests_size(); i++) {
if (manifestList->manifests(i).digest() == digest.get()) {
_manifest = manifestList->mutable_manifests(i);
if (_manifest == nullptr) {
return Error(
"Unable to find the manifest whose digest is '" +
digest->value + "'");
Result<JSON::Object> platform =<JSON::Object>("platform");
if (platform.isError()) {
return Error("Failed to find 'platform': " + platform.error());
} else if (platform.isNone()) {
return Error("Unable to find 'platform'");
Result<JSON::String> osVersion = platform->at<JSON::String>("os.version");
if (osVersion.isError()) {
return Error(
"Failed to find 'platform.os.version': " + osVersion.error());
if (osVersion.isSome()) {
Platform* platform = _manifest->mutable_platform();
Result<JSON::Array> osFeatures = platform->at<JSON::Array>("os.features");
if (osFeatures.isError()) {
return Error(
"Failed to find 'platform.os.features': " + osFeatures.error());
if (osFeatures.isSome()) {
const vector<JSON::Value>& values = osFeatures->values;
if (values.size() != 0) {
Platform* platform = _manifest->mutable_platform();
foreach (const JSON::Value& value, values) {
if (!<JSON::String>()) {
return Error("Expecting OS feature to be string type");
// Manually parse 'annotations' field.
Result<JSON::Value> annotations = json->find<JSON::Value>("annotations");
if (annotations.isError()) {
return Error(
"Failed to find 'annotations': " + annotations.error());
if (annotations.isSome() && !annotations->is<JSON::Null>()) {
foreachpair (const string& key,
const JSON::Value& value,
annotations->as<JSON::Object>().values) {
if (!<JSON::String>()) {
return Error(
"The value of annotation key '" + key + "' is not a JSON string");
Label* annotation = manifestList->add_annotations();
Option<Error> error = internal::validate(manifestList.get());
if (error.isSome()) {
return Error(
"OCI v1 image manifest list validation failed: " + error->message);
return manifestList.get();
template <>
Try<Manifest> parse(const string& s)
Try<JSON::Object> json = JSON::parse<JSON::Object>(s);
if (json.isError()) {
return Error("JSON parse failed: " + json.error());
Try<Manifest> manifest = protobuf::parse<Manifest>(json.get());
if (manifest.isError()) {
return Error("Protobuf parse failed: " + manifest.error());
// Manually parse 'annotations' field.
Result<JSON::Value> annotations = json->find<JSON::Value>("annotations");
if (annotations.isError()) {
return Error(
"Failed to find 'annotations': " + annotations.error());
if (annotations.isSome() && !annotations->is<JSON::Null>()) {
foreachpair (const string& key,
const JSON::Value& value,
annotations->as<JSON::Object>().values) {
if (!<JSON::String>()) {
return Error(
"The value of annotation key '" + key + "' is not a JSON string");
Label* annotation = manifest->add_annotations();
Option<Error> error = internal::validate(manifest.get());
if (error.isSome()) {
return Error(
"OCI v1 image manifest validation failed: " + error->message);
return manifest.get();
template <>
Try<Configuration> parse(const string& s)
Try<JSON::Object> json = JSON::parse<JSON::Object>(s);
if (json.isError()) {
return Error("JSON parse failed: " + json.error());
Try<Configuration> configuration =
if (configuration.isError()) {
return Error("Protobuf parse failed: " + configuration.error());
Result<JSON::Object> config = json->find<JSON::Object>("config");
if (config.isError()) {
return Error("Failed to find 'config': " + config.error());
if (config.isSome()) {
// Manually parse 'ExposedPorts' field.
Result<JSON::Value> value = config->find<JSON::Value>("ExposedPorts");
if (value.isError()) {
return Error("Failed to find 'ExposedPorts': " + value.error());
if (value.isSome() && !value->is<JSON::Null>()) {
foreachkey (const string& key, value->as<JSON::Object>().values) {
// Manually parse 'Volumes' field.
value = config->find<JSON::Value>("Volumes");
if (value.isError()) {
return Error("Failed to find 'Volumes': " + value.error());
if (value.isSome() && !value->is<JSON::Null>()) {
foreachkey (const string& key, value->as<JSON::Object>().values) {
// Manually parse 'Labels' field.
value = config->find<JSON::Value>("Labels");
if (value.isError()) {
return Error("Failed to find 'Labels': " + value.error());
if (value.isSome() && !value->is<JSON::Null>()) {
foreachpair (const string& key,
const JSON::Value& value,
value->as<JSON::Object>().values) {
if (!<JSON::String>()) {
return Error(
"The value of label key '" + key + "' is not a JSON string");
Label* label = configuration->mutable_config()->add_labels();
return configuration.get();
} // namespace v1 {
} // namespace image {
} // namespace spec {
} // namespace oci {