blob: f4691d9103b2aa31c747224772168fc8ef467a09 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <mesos/quota/quota.hpp>
#include <process/metrics/counter.hpp>
#include <process/metrics/metrics.hpp>
#include <process/metrics/pull_gauge.hpp>
#include <process/metrics/push_gauge.hpp>
#include <process/metrics/timer.hpp>
#include <process/pid.hpp>
#include <stout/hashmap.hpp>
namespace mesos {
namespace internal {
namespace master {
namespace allocator {
namespace internal {
// Forward declarations.
class HierarchicalAllocatorProcess;
class QuotaMetrics
explicit QuotaMetrics(const std::string& suffix_) : suffix(suffix_){};
template <class Quantities>
void update(const std::string& role, const Quantities& quantities);
const std::string suffix;
hashmap<std::string, hashmap<std::string, process::metrics::PushGauge>>
// Collection of metrics for the allocator; these begin
// with the following prefix: `allocator/mesos/`.
struct Metrics
explicit Metrics(const HierarchicalAllocatorProcess& allocator);
void updateQuota(const std::string& role, const Quota& quota);
void updateConsumed(
const std::string& role, const ResourceQuantities& consumed);
void addRole(const std::string& role);
void removeRole(const std::string& role);
const process::PID<HierarchicalAllocatorProcess> allocator;
// Number of dispatch events currently waiting in the allocator process.
process::metrics::PullGauge event_queue_dispatches;
// TODO(bbannier) This metric is identical to `event_queue_dispatches`, but
// uses a name deprecated in 1.0. This metric should be removed after the
// deprecation cycle.
process::metrics::PullGauge event_queue_dispatches_;
// Number of times the allocation algorithm has run.
process::metrics::Counter allocation_runs;
// Time spent in the allocation algorithm.
process::metrics::Timer<Milliseconds> allocation_run;
// The latency of allocation runs due to the batching of allocation requests.
process::metrics::Timer<Milliseconds> allocation_run_latency;
// PullGauges for the total amount of each resource in the cluster.
std::vector<process::metrics::PullGauge> resources_total;
// PullGauges for the allocated amount of each resource in the cluster.
std::vector<process::metrics::PullGauge> resources_offered_or_allocated;
// PullGauges for the per-role quota allocation for each resource.
hashmap<std::string, hashmap<std::string, process::metrics::PullGauge>>
// PushGauges for the per-role quota guarantee for each resource.
hashmap<std::string, hashmap<std::string, process::metrics::PushGauge>>
// PushGauges for the per-role quota limit for each resource.
hashmap<std::string, hashmap<std::string, process::metrics::PushGauge>>
// PullGauges for the per-role count of active offer filters.
hashmap<std::string, process::metrics::PullGauge> offer_filters_active;
// NOTE: Quota metrics should have a suffix in singilar.
// (Example of a name: allocator/mesos/quota/roles/roleA/resources/cpu/limit.)
QuotaMetrics quotaGuarantees {"/guarantee"};
QuotaMetrics quotaLimits {"/limit"};
QuotaMetrics quotaConsumed {"/consumed"};
struct FrameworkMetrics
const FrameworkInfo& _frameworkInfo,
const bool _publishPerFrameworkMetrics);
void reviveRole(const std::string& role);
void suppressRole(const std::string& role);
// Since frameworks can update their list of roles,
// these methods add/remove per-role metrics.
void addSubscribedRole(const std::string& role);
void removeSubscribedRole(const std::string& role);
// Add or remove per-framework metrics.
template <typename T> void addMetric(const T& metric);
template <typename T> void removeMetric(const T& metric);
const FrameworkInfo frameworkInfo;
const bool publishPerFrameworkMetrics;
// Suppresion state metric (boolean 0 or 1) for each role.
hashmap<std::string, process::metrics::PushGauge> suppressed;
} // namespace internal {
} // namespace allocator {
} // namespace master {
} // namespace internal {
} // namespace mesos {