blob: 8ed4ebe90b45ffee38653588502872bbce84a0f5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <mesos/mesos.hpp>
#include <mesos/appc/spec.hpp>
#include <mesos/docker/v1.hpp>
#include <mesos/secret/resolver.hpp>
#include <process/future.hpp>
#include <process/owned.hpp>
#include <stout/hashset.hpp>
#include <stout/try.hpp>
#include "slave/flags.hpp"
namespace mesos {
namespace internal {
namespace slave {
// Includes a vector of rootfs layers in topological order corresponding
// to a specific image, and its runtime configuration.
struct ImageInfo
std::vector<std::string> layers;
// Docker v1 image manifest.
Option<::docker::spec::v1::ImageManifest> dockerManifest;
// Appc image manifest.
Option<::appc::spec::ImageManifest> appcManifest;
// Path of docker manifest v2 schema2 config.
Option<std::string> config;
// An image store abstraction that "stores" images. It serves as a
// read-through cache (cache misses are fetched remotely and
// transparently) for images.
class Store
static Try<hashmap<Image::Type, process::Owned<Store>>> create(
const Flags& flags,
SecretResolver* secretResolver = nullptr);
virtual ~Store() {}
virtual process::Future<Nothing> recover() = 0;
// Get the specified image (and all its recursive dependencies) as a
// list of rootfs layers in the topological order (dependencies go
// before dependents in the list). The images required to build this
// list are either retrieved from the local cache or fetched
// remotely.
// NOTE: The returned list should not have duplicates. e.g., in the
// following scenario the result should be [C, B, D, A] (B before D
// in this example is decided by the order in which A specifies its
// dependencies).
// A --> B --> C
// | ^
// |---> D ----|
// The returned future fails if the requested image or any of its
// dependencies cannot be found or failed to be fetched.
virtual process::Future<ImageInfo> get(
const Image& image,
const std::string& backend) = 0;
// Prune unused images from the given store. This is called within
// an exclusive lock from `provisioner`, which means any other
// image provision or prune are blocked until the future is satsified,
// so an implementation should minimize the blocking time.
// Any image specified in `excludedImages` should not be pruned if
// it is already cached previously.
// On top of this, all layer paths used to provisioner all active
// containers are also passed in `activeLayerPaths`, and these layers
// should also be retained. Because in certain store (e.g, docker store)
// the cache is not source of truth, and we need to not only keep the
// excluded images, but also maintain the cache.
virtual process::Future<Nothing> prune(
const std::vector<Image>& excludedImages,
const hashset<std::string>& activeLayerPaths);
} // namespace slave {
} // namespace internal {
} // namespace mesos {