blob: f1cecd0683e13519e4b7549dc599934c4cd52875 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <vector>
#ifndef __WINDOWS__
#include <mesos/docker/spec.hpp>
#endif // __WINDOWS__
#include <process/collect.hpp>
#include <process/defer.hpp>
#include <process/dispatch.hpp>
#include <process/id.hpp>
#include <process/io.hpp>
#include <process/process.hpp>
#include <process/subprocess.hpp>
#include <stout/foreach.hpp>
#include <stout/os.hpp>
#include <stout/os/constants.hpp>
#include "common/status_utils.hpp"
#include "slave/containerizer/mesos/provisioner/backends/copy.hpp"
using namespace process;
using std::string;
using std::vector;
namespace mesos {
namespace internal {
namespace slave {
class CopyBackendProcess : public Process<CopyBackendProcess>
: ProcessBase(process::ID::generate("copy-provisioner-backend")) {}
Future<Option<vector<Path>>> provision(
const vector<string>& layers, const string& rootfs);
Future<bool> destroy(const string& rootfs);
Future<Nothing> _provision(string layer, const string& rootfs);
Try<Owned<Backend>> CopyBackend::create(const Flags&)
return Owned<Backend>(new CopyBackend(
Owned<CopyBackendProcess>(new CopyBackendProcess())));
CopyBackend::CopyBackend(Owned<CopyBackendProcess> _process)
: process(_process)
Future<Option<vector<Path>>> CopyBackend::provision(
const vector<string>& layers,
const string& rootfs,
const string& backendDir)
return dispatch(
process.get(), &CopyBackendProcess::provision, layers, rootfs);
Future<bool> CopyBackend::destroy(
const string& rootfs,
const string& backendDir)
return dispatch(process.get(), &CopyBackendProcess::destroy, rootfs);
Future<Option<vector<Path>>> CopyBackendProcess::provision(
const vector<string>& layers,
const string& rootfs)
if (layers.size() == 0) {
return Failure("No filesystem layers provided");
if (os::exists(rootfs)) {
return Failure("Rootfs is already provisioned");
Try<Nothing> mkdir = os::mkdir(rootfs);
if (mkdir.isError()) {
return Failure("Failed to create rootfs directory: " + mkdir.error());
vector<Future<Nothing>> futures{Nothing()};
foreach (const string& layer, layers) {
defer(self(), &Self::_provision, layer, rootfs)));
return collect(futures)
.then([]() -> Future<Option<vector<Path>>> { return None(); });
Future<Nothing> CopyBackendProcess::_provision(
string layer,
const string& rootfs)
#ifndef __WINDOWS__
// Traverse the layer to check if there is any whiteout files, if
// yes, remove the corresponding files/directories from the rootfs.
// Note: We assume all image types use AUFS whiteout format.
char* source[] = {const_cast<char*>(layer.c_str()), nullptr};
FTS* tree = ::fts_open(source, FTS_NOCHDIR | FTS_PHYSICAL, nullptr);
if (tree == nullptr) {
return Failure("Failed to open '" + layer + "': " + os::strerror(errno));
vector<string> whiteouts;
for (FTSENT *node = ::fts_read(tree);
node != nullptr; node = ::fts_read(tree)) {
string ftsPath = string(node->fts_path);
if (node->fts_info == FTS_DNR ||
node->fts_info == FTS_ERR ||
node->fts_info == FTS_NS) {
return Failure(
"Failed to read '" + ftsPath + "': " + os::strerror(node->fts_errno));
// Skip the postorder visit of a directory.
// See the manpage of fts_read in the following link:
if (node->fts_info == FTS_DP) {
if (ftsPath == layer) {
string layerPath = ftsPath.substr(layer.length() + 1);
string rootfsPath = path::join(rootfs, layerPath);
Option<string> removePath;
// Handle whiteout files.
if (node->fts_info == FTS_F &&
strings::startsWith(node->fts_name, docker::spec::WHITEOUT_PREFIX)) {
Path whiteout = Path(layerPath);
// Keep the absolute paths of the whiteout files, we will
// remove them from rootfs after layer is copied to rootfs.
if (node->fts_name == string(docker::spec::WHITEOUT_OPAQUE_PREFIX)) {
removePath = path::join(rootfs, whiteout.dirname());
} else {
removePath = path::join(
if (os::exists(rootfsPath)) {
bool ftsIsDir = node->fts_info == FTS_D || node->fts_info == FTS_DC;
if (os::stat::isdir(rootfsPath) != ftsIsDir) {
// Handle overwriting between a directory and a non-directory.
// Note: If a symlink is overwritten by a directory, the symlink
// must be removed before the directory is traversed so the
// following case won't cause a security issue:
// ROOTFS: /bad@ -> /usr
// LAYER: /bad/bin/.wh.wh.opq
removePath = rootfsPath;
} else if (os::stat::islink(rootfsPath)) {
// Handle overwriting a symlink with a regular file.
// Note: The symlink must be removed, or 'cp' would follow the
// link and overwrite the target instead of the link itself,
// which would cause a security issue in the following case:
// ROOTFS: /bad@ -> /usr/bin/python
// LAYER: /bad is a malicious executable
removePath = rootfsPath;
// The file/directory referred to by removePath may be empty or have
// already been removed because its parent directory is labeled as
// opaque whiteout or overwritten by a file, so here we need to
// check if it exists before trying to remove it.
if (removePath.isSome() && os::exists(removePath.get())) {
if (os::stat::isdir(removePath.get())) {
// It is OK to remove the entire directory labeled as opaque
// whiteout, since the same directory exists in this layer and
// will be copied back to rootfs.
Try<Nothing> rmdir = os::rmdir(removePath.get());
if (rmdir.isError()) {
return Failure(
"Failed to remove directory '" +
removePath.get() + "': " + rmdir.error());
} else {
Try<Nothing> rm = os::rm(removePath.get());
if (rm.isError()) {
return Failure(
"Failed to remove file '" +
removePath.get() + "': " + rm.error());
if (errno != 0) {
Error error = ErrnoError();
return Failure(error);
if (::fts_close(tree) != 0) {
return Failure(
"Failed to stop traversing file system: " + os::strerror(errno));
VLOG(1) << "Copying layer path '" << layer << "' to rootfs '" << rootfs
<< "'";
#if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__FreeBSD__)
if (!strings::endsWith(layer, "/")) {
layer += "/";
// BSD cp doesn't support -T flag, but supports source trailing
// slash so we only copy the content but not the folder.
vector<string> args{"cp", "-a", layer, rootfs};
vector<string> args{"cp", "-aT", layer, rootfs};
#endif // __APPLE__ || __FreeBSD__
Try<Subprocess> s = subprocess(
if (s.isError()) {
return Failure("Failed to create 'cp' subprocess: " + s.error());
Subprocess cp = s.get();
return cp.status()
.then([=](const Option<int>& status) -> Future<Nothing> {
if (status.isNone()) {
return Failure("Failed to reap subprocess to copy image");
} else if (status.get() != 0) {
return io::read(cp.err().get())
.then([](const string& err) -> Future<Nothing> {
return Failure("Failed to copy layer: " + err);
// Remove the whiteout files from rootfs.
foreach (const string& whiteout, whiteouts) {
Try<Nothing> rm = os::rm(whiteout);
if (rm.isError()) {
return Failure(
"Failed to remove whiteout file '" +
whiteout + "': " + rm.error());
return Nothing();
return Failure(
"Provisioning a rootfs from an image is not supported on Windows");
#endif // __WINDOWS__
Future<bool> CopyBackendProcess::destroy(const string& rootfs)
vector<string> argv{"rm", "-rf", rootfs};
Try<Subprocess> s = subprocess(
if (s.isError()) {
return Failure("Failed to create 'rm' subprocess: " + s.error());
return s->status()
.then([](const Option<int>& status) -> Future<bool> {
if (status.isNone()) {
return Failure("Failed to reap subprocess to destroy rootfs");
if (status.get() != 0) {
// It's possible that `rm -rf` will fail if some other
// programs are accessing the files. No need to return a hard
// failure here because the directory will be removed later
// and re-attempted on agent recovery.
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to destroy rootfs, exit status: "
<< WSTRINGIFY(status.get());
return true;
} // namespace slave {
} // namespace internal {
} // namespace mesos {