blob: cd9849cd44314c82525659edc719aded1ce26c8b [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <process/id.hpp>
#include <process/owned.hpp>
#include <process/subprocess.hpp>
#include <process/metrics/metrics.hpp>
#include <process/metrics/counter.hpp>
#include <stout/bytes.hpp>
#include <stout/hashmap.hpp>
#include <stout/hashset.hpp>
#include <stout/ip.hpp>
#include <stout/interval.hpp>
#include <stout/mac.hpp>
#include <stout/none.hpp>
#include <stout/option.hpp>
#include <stout/subcommand.hpp>
#include "linux/routing/filter/ip.hpp"
#include "slave/flags.hpp"
#include "slave/containerizer/mesos/isolator.hpp"
namespace mesos {
namespace internal {
namespace slave {
// The prefix this isolator uses for the virtual ethernet devices.
// NOTE: This constant is exposed for testing.
inline std::string PORT_MAPPING_VETH_PREFIX() { return "mesos"; }
// The root directory where we bind mount all the namespace handles.
// We choose the directory '/var/run/netns' so that we can use
// iproute2 suite (e.g., ip netns show/exec) to inspect or enter the
// network namespace. This is very useful for debugging purposes.
// NOTE: This constant is exposed for testing.
inline std::string PORT_MAPPING_BIND_MOUNT_ROOT() { return "/var/run/netns"; }
// The root directory where we keep all the namespace handle
// symlinks. This is introduced in 0.23.0.
// NOTE: This constant is exposed for testing.
return "/var/run/mesos/netns";
// These names are used to identify the traffic control statistics
// output for each of the Linux Traffic Control Qdiscs we report.
constexpr char NET_ISOLATOR_BW_LIMIT[] = "bw_limit";
constexpr char NET_ISOLATOR_BLOAT_REDUCTION[] = "bloat_reduction";
// Responsible for allocating ephemeral ports for the port mapping
// network isolator. This class is exposed mainly for unit testing.
class EphemeralPortsAllocator
const IntervalSet<uint16_t>& total,
size_t _portsPerContainer)
: free(total),
portsPerContainer_(_portsPerContainer) {}
// Returns the number of ephemeral ports for each container.
size_t portsPerContainer() const { return portsPerContainer_; }
// Allocate an ephemeral port range for a container. The allocator
// will automatically find one port range with the given container
// size. Returns error if the allocation cannot be fulfilled (e.g.,
// exhausting available ephemeral ports).
Try<Interval<uint16_t>> allocate();
// Mark the specified ephemeral port range as allocated.
void allocate(const Interval<uint16_t>& ports);
// Deallocate the specified ephemeral port range.
void deallocate(const Interval<uint16_t>& ports);
// Return true if the specified ephemeral port range is managed by
// the allocator, regardless it has been allocated to use or not.
bool isManaged(const Interval<uint16_t>& ports)
return (free + used).contains(ports);
// Given an integer x, return the smallest integer t such that t >=
// x and t % m == 0.
static uint32_t nextMultipleOf(uint32_t x, uint32_t m);
IntervalSet<uint16_t> free;
IntervalSet<uint16_t> used;
// The number of ephemeral ports for each container.
size_t portsPerContainer_;
// For the specified ports, generate a set of port ranges each of
// which can be used by a single IP filter. In other words, each port
// range needs to satisfy the following two conditions: 1) the size of
// the range is 2^n (n=0,1,2...); 2) the begin of the range is size
// aligned (i.e., begin % size == 0). This function is exposed mainly
// for unit testing.
std::vector<routing::filter::ip::PortRange> getPortRanges(
const IntervalSet<uint16_t>& ports);
// Provides network isolation using port mapping. Each container is
// assigned a fixed set of ports (including ephemeral ports). The
// isolator will set up filters on the host such that network traffic
// to the host will be properly redirected to the corresponding
// container depending on the destination ports. The network traffic
// from containers will also be properly relayed to the host. This
// isolator is useful when the operator wants to reuse the host IP for
// all containers running on the host (e.g., there are insufficient
// IPs).
class PortMappingIsolatorProcess : public MesosIsolatorProcess
static Try<mesos::slave::Isolator*> create(const Flags& flags);
~PortMappingIsolatorProcess() override {}
process::Future<Nothing> recover(
const std::vector<mesos::slave::ContainerState>& states,
const hashset<ContainerID>& orphans) override;
process::Future<Option<mesos::slave::ContainerLaunchInfo>> prepare(
const ContainerID& containerId,
const mesos::slave::ContainerConfig& containerConfig) override;
process::Future<Nothing> isolate(
const ContainerID& containerId,
pid_t pid) override;
process::Future<mesos::slave::ContainerLimitation> watch(
const ContainerID& containerId) override;
process::Future<Nothing> update(
const ContainerID& containerId,
const Resources& resourceRequests,
const google::protobuf::Map<
std::string, Value::Scalar>& resourceLimits = {}) override;
process::Future<ResourceStatistics> usage(
const ContainerID& containerId) override;
process::Future<Nothing> cleanup(
const ContainerID& containerId) override;
struct Info
Info(const IntervalSet<uint16_t>& _nonEphemeralPorts,
const Interval<uint16_t>& _ephemeralPorts,
const Option<pid_t>& _pid = None())
: nonEphemeralPorts(_nonEphemeralPorts),
pid(_pid) {}
// Non-ephemeral ports used by the container. It's possible that a
// container does not use any non-ephemeral ports. In that case,
// 'nonEphemeralPorts' will be empty. This variable could change
// upon 'update'.
IntervalSet<uint16_t> nonEphemeralPorts;
// Each container has one and only one range of ephemeral ports.
// It cannot have more than one ranges of ephemeral ports because
// we need to setup the ip_local_port_range (which only accepts a
// single interval) inside the container to restrict the ephemeral
// ports used by the container.
const Interval<uint16_t> ephemeralPorts;
Option<pid_t> pid;
Option<uint16_t> flowId;
// Define the metrics used by the port mapping network isolator.
struct Metrics
process::metrics::Counter adding_eth0_ip_filters_errors;
process::metrics::Counter adding_eth0_ip_filters_already_exist;
process::metrics::Counter adding_eth0_egress_filters_errors;
process::metrics::Counter adding_eth0_egress_filters_already_exist;
process::metrics::Counter adding_lo_ip_filters_errors;
process::metrics::Counter adding_lo_ip_filters_already_exist;
process::metrics::Counter adding_veth_ip_filters_errors;
process::metrics::Counter adding_veth_ip_filters_already_exist;
process::metrics::Counter adding_veth_icmp_filters_errors;
process::metrics::Counter adding_veth_icmp_filters_already_exist;
process::metrics::Counter adding_veth_arp_filters_errors;
process::metrics::Counter adding_veth_arp_filters_already_exist;
process::metrics::Counter adding_eth0_icmp_filters_errors;
process::metrics::Counter adding_eth0_icmp_filters_already_exist;
process::metrics::Counter adding_eth0_arp_filters_errors;
process::metrics::Counter adding_eth0_arp_filters_already_exist;
process::metrics::Counter removing_eth0_ip_filters_errors;
process::metrics::Counter removing_eth0_ip_filters_do_not_exist;
process::metrics::Counter removing_eth0_egress_filters_errors;
process::metrics::Counter removing_eth0_egress_filters_do_not_exist;
process::metrics::Counter removing_lo_ip_filters_errors;
process::metrics::Counter removing_lo_ip_filters_do_not_exist;
process::metrics::Counter removing_veth_ip_filters_errors;
process::metrics::Counter removing_veth_ip_filters_do_not_exist;
process::metrics::Counter removing_eth0_icmp_filters_errors;
process::metrics::Counter removing_eth0_icmp_filters_do_not_exist;
process::metrics::Counter removing_eth0_arp_filters_errors;
process::metrics::Counter removing_eth0_arp_filters_do_not_exist;
process::metrics::Counter updating_eth0_icmp_filters_errors;
process::metrics::Counter updating_eth0_icmp_filters_already_exist;
process::metrics::Counter updating_eth0_icmp_filters_do_not_exist;
process::metrics::Counter updating_eth0_arp_filters_errors;
process::metrics::Counter updating_eth0_arp_filters_already_exist;
process::metrics::Counter updating_eth0_arp_filters_do_not_exist;
process::metrics::Counter updating_container_ip_filters_errors;
} metrics;
const Flags& _flags,
const std::string& _bindMountRoot,
const std::string& _eth0,
const std::string& _lo,
const net::MAC& _hostMAC,
const net::IP::Network& _hostIPNetwork,
const size_t _hostEth0MTU,
const net::IP& _hostDefaultGateway,
const routing::Handle& _hostTxFqCodelHandle,
const hashmap<std::string, std::string>& _hostNetworkConfigurations,
const Option<Bytes>& _egressRateLimitPerContainer,
const IntervalSet<uint16_t>& _managedNonEphemeralPorts,
const process::Owned<EphemeralPortsAllocator>& _ephemeralPortsAllocator,
const std::set<uint16_t>& _flowIDs)
: ProcessBase(process::ID::generate("mesos-port-mapping-isolator")),
freeFlowIds(_flowIDs) {}
// Continuations.
Try<Nothing> _cleanup(Info* info, const Option<ContainerID>& containerId);
Try<Info*> _recover(pid_t pid);
void _update(
const ContainerID& containerId,
const process::Future<Option<int>>& status);
process::Future<ResourceStatistics> _usage(
const ResourceStatistics& result,
const process::Subprocess& s);
process::Future<ResourceStatistics> __usage(
ResourceStatistics result,
const process::Future<std::string>& out);
// Helper functions.
Try<Nothing> addHostIPFilters(
const routing::filter::ip::PortRange& range,
const Option<uint16_t>& flowId,
const std::string& veth);
Try<Nothing> removeHostIPFilters(
const routing::filter::ip::PortRange& range,
const std::string& veth,
bool removeFiltersOnVeth = true);
// Return the scripts that will be executed in the child context.
std::string scripts(Info* info);
uint16_t getNextFlowId();
const Flags flags;
const std::string bindMountRoot;
const std::string eth0;
const std::string lo;
const net::MAC hostMAC;
const net::IP::Network hostIPNetwork;
const size_t hostEth0MTU;
const net::IP hostDefaultGateway;
const routing::Handle hostTxFqCodelHandle;
// Describe the host network configurations. It is a map between
// configure proc files (e.g., /proc/sys/net/core/somaxconn) and
// values of the configure proc files.
const hashmap<std::string, std::string> hostNetworkConfigurations;
// The optional throughput limit to containers' egress traffic.
const Option<Bytes> egressRateLimitPerContainer;
// All the non-ephemeral ports managed by the slave, as passed in
// via flags.resources.
const IntervalSet<uint16_t> managedNonEphemeralPorts;
process::Owned<EphemeralPortsAllocator> ephemeralPortsAllocator;
// Store a set of unused flow ID's on this slave.
std::set<uint16_t> freeFlowIds;
hashmap<ContainerID, Info*> infos;
// Recovered containers from a previous run that weren't managed by
// the network isolator.
hashset<ContainerID> unmanaged;
// Defines the subcommand for 'update' that needs to be executed by a
// subprocess to update the filters inside a container.
class PortMappingUpdate : public Subcommand
static const char* NAME;
struct Flags : public virtual flags::FlagsBase
Option<std::string> eth0_name;
Option<std::string> lo_name;
Option<pid_t> pid;
Option<JSON::Object> ports_to_add;
Option<JSON::Object> ports_to_remove;
PortMappingUpdate() : Subcommand(NAME) {}
Flags flags;
int execute() override;
flags::FlagsBase* getFlags() override { return &flags; }
// Defines the subcommand for 'statistics' that needs to be executed
// by a subprocess to retrieve newtork statistics from inside a
// container.
class PortMappingStatistics : public Subcommand
static const char* NAME;
struct Flags : public virtual flags::FlagsBase
Option<std::string> eth0_name;
Option<pid_t> pid;
bool enable_socket_statistics_summary;
bool enable_socket_statistics_details;
bool enable_snmp_statistics;
PortMappingStatistics() : Subcommand(NAME) {}
Flags flags;
int execute() override;
flags::FlagsBase* getFlags() override { return &flags; }
} // namespace slave {
} // namespace internal {
} // namespace mesos {