blob: 8bb51bbc2bcd97a7322204be87e4803a4c7ac49a [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <mesos/slave/container_logger.hpp>
#include <process/owned.hpp>
#include <process/shared.hpp>
#include <process/metrics/metrics.hpp>
#include <process/metrics/timer.hpp>
#include <stout/duration.hpp>
#include <stout/flags.hpp>
#include <stout/hashset.hpp>
#include "docker/docker.hpp"
#include "docker/executor.hpp"
#include "slave/containerizer/containerizer.hpp"
#include "slave/containerizer/mesos/isolators/gpu/components.hpp"
namespace mesos {
namespace internal {
namespace slave {
// Prefix used to name Docker containers in order to distinguish those
// created by Mesos from those created manually.
extern const std::string DOCKER_NAME_PREFIX;
// Separator used to compose docker container name, which consists
// of the name prefix, ContainerID, and possibly the SlaveID depending
// on the version of Mesos used to create the container.
extern const std::string DOCKER_NAME_SEPERATOR;
// Directory that stores all the symlinked sandboxes that is mapped
// into Docker containers. This is a relative directory that will
// joined with the slave path. Only sandbox paths that contains a
// colon will be symlinked due to the limitation of the Docker CLI.
extern const std::string DOCKER_SYMLINK_DIRECTORY;
// Forward declaration.
class DockerContainerizerProcess;
class DockerContainerizer : public Containerizer
static Try<DockerContainerizer*> create(
const Flags& flags,
Fetcher* fetcher,
const Option<NvidiaComponents>& nvidia = None());
// This is only public for tests.
const Flags& flags,
Fetcher* fetcher,
const process::Owned<mesos::slave::ContainerLogger>& logger,
process::Shared<Docker> docker,
const Option<NvidiaComponents>& nvidia = None());
// This is only public for tests.
const process::Owned<DockerContainerizerProcess>& _process);
~DockerContainerizer() override;
process::Future<Nothing> recover(
const Option<state::SlaveState>& state) override;
process::Future<Containerizer::LaunchResult> launch(
const ContainerID& containerId,
const mesos::slave::ContainerConfig& containerConfig,
const std::map<std::string, std::string>& environment,
const Option<std::string>& pidCheckpointPath) override;
process::Future<Nothing> update(
const ContainerID& containerId,
const Resources& resourceRequests,
const google::protobuf::Map<
std::string, Value::Scalar>& resourceLimits = {}) override;
process::Future<ResourceStatistics> usage(
const ContainerID& containerId) override;
process::Future<ContainerStatus> status(
const ContainerID& containerId) override;
process::Future<Option<mesos::slave::ContainerTermination>> wait(
const ContainerID& containerId) override;
process::Future<Option<mesos::slave::ContainerTermination>> destroy(
const ContainerID& containerId) override;
process::Future<hashset<ContainerID>> containers() override;
process::Future<Nothing> pruneImages(
const std::vector<Image>& excludedImages) override;
process::Owned<DockerContainerizerProcess> process;
class DockerContainerizerProcess
: public process::Process<DockerContainerizerProcess>
const Flags& _flags,
Fetcher* _fetcher,
const process::Owned<mesos::slave::ContainerLogger>& _logger,
process::Shared<Docker> _docker,
const Option<NvidiaComponents>& _nvidia)
: flags(_flags),
nvidia(_nvidia) {}
virtual process::Future<Nothing> recover(
const Option<state::SlaveState>& state);
virtual process::Future<Containerizer::LaunchResult> launch(
const ContainerID& containerId,
const mesos::slave::ContainerConfig& containerConfig,
const std::map<std::string, std::string>& environment,
const Option<std::string>& pidCheckpointPath);
// force = true causes the containerizer to update the resources
// for the container, even if they match what it has cached.
virtual process::Future<Nothing> update(
const ContainerID& containerId,
const Resources& resourceRequests,
const google::protobuf::Map<std::string, Value::Scalar>& resourceLimits,
bool force);
virtual process::Future<ResourceStatistics> usage(
const ContainerID& containerId);
virtual process::Future<ContainerStatus> status(
const ContainerID& containerId);
virtual process::Future<Option<mesos::slave::ContainerTermination>> wait(
const ContainerID& containerId);
virtual process::Future<Option<mesos::slave::ContainerTermination>> destroy(
const ContainerID& containerId,
bool killed = true); // process is either killed or reaped.
virtual process::Future<Nothing> fetch(const ContainerID& containerId);
virtual process::Future<Nothing> pull(const ContainerID& containerId);
virtual process::Future<hashset<ContainerID>> containers();
struct Metrics
Metrics() : image_pull("containerizer/docker/image_pull", Hours(1))
process::metrics::Timer<Milliseconds> image_pull;
// Continuations and helpers.
process::Future<Nothing> _fetch(
const ContainerID& containerId,
const Option<int>& status);
Try<Nothing> checkpoint(
const ContainerID& containerId,
pid_t pid);
process::Future<Containerizer::LaunchResult> _launch(
const ContainerID& containerId,
const mesos::slave::ContainerConfig& containerConfig);
process::Future<Nothing> _recover(
const Option<state::SlaveState>& state,
const std::vector<Docker::Container>& containers);
process::Future<Nothing> __recover(
const std::vector<Docker::Container>& containers);
// Starts the executor in a Docker container.
process::Future<Docker::Container> launchExecutorContainer(
const ContainerID& containerId,
const std::string& containerName);
// Starts the docker executor with a subprocess.
process::Future<pid_t> launchExecutorProcess(
const ContainerID& containerId);
process::Future<pid_t> checkpointExecutor(
const ContainerID& containerId,
const Docker::Container& dockerContainer);
// Reaps on the executor pid.
process::Future<Nothing> reapExecutor(
const ContainerID& containerId,
pid_t pid);
void _destroy(
const ContainerID& containerId,
bool killed);
void __destroy(
const ContainerID& containerId,
bool killed,
const process::Future<Nothing>& future);
void ___destroy(
const ContainerID& containerId,
bool killed,
const process::Future<Option<int>>& status);
void ____destroy(
const ContainerID& containerId,
bool killed,
const process::Future<Option<int>>& status);
process::Future<Nothing> destroyTimeout(
const ContainerID& containerId,
process::Future<Nothing> future);
#ifdef __linux__
process::Future<Nothing> _update(
const ContainerID& containerId,
const Resources& resourceRequests,
const google::protobuf::Map<std::string, Value::Scalar>& resourceLimits,
const Docker::Container& container);
process::Future<Nothing> __update(
const ContainerID& containerId,
const Resources& resourceRequests,
const google::protobuf::Map<std::string, Value::Scalar>& resourceLimits);
#endif // __linux__
process::Future<Nothing> mountPersistentVolumes(
const ContainerID& containerId);
Try<Nothing> unmountPersistentVolumes(
const ContainerID& containerId);
Try<Nothing> updatePersistentVolumes(
const ContainerID& containerId,
const std::string& directory,
const Resources& current,
const Resources& updated);
#ifdef __linux__
// Allocate GPU resources for a specified container.
process::Future<Nothing> allocateNvidiaGpus(
const ContainerID& containerId,
const size_t count);
process::Future<Nothing> _allocateNvidiaGpus(
const ContainerID& containerId,
const std::set<Gpu>& allocated);
// Deallocate GPU resources for a specified container.
process::Future<Nothing> deallocateNvidiaGpus(
const ContainerID& containerId);
process::Future<Nothing> _deallocateNvidiaGpus(
const ContainerID& containerId,
const std::set<Gpu>& deallocated);
#endif // __linux__
Try<ResourceStatistics> cgroupsStatistics(pid_t pid) const;
// Call back for when the executor exits. This will trigger
// container destroy.
void reaped(const ContainerID& containerId);
// Removes the docker container.
void remove(
const std::string& containerName,
const Option<std::string>& executor);
const Flags flags;
Fetcher* fetcher;
process::Owned<mesos::slave::ContainerLogger> logger;
process::Shared<Docker> docker;
Option<NvidiaComponents> nvidia;
Metrics metrics;
struct Container
static Try<Container*> create(
const ContainerID& id,
const mesos::slave::ContainerConfig& containerConfig,
const std::map<std::string, std::string>& environment,
const Option<std::string>& pidCheckpointPath,
const Flags& flags);
static std::string name(const ContainerID& id)
return DOCKER_NAME_PREFIX + stringify(id);
Container(const ContainerID& id)
: state(FETCHING), id(id) {}
const ContainerID& _id,
const mesos::slave::ContainerConfig& _containerConfig,
const std::map<std::string, std::string>& _environment,
const Option<std::string>& _pidCheckpointPath,
bool symlinked,
const std::string& containerWorkDir,
const Option<CommandInfo>& _command,
const Option<ContainerInfo>& _container,
bool launchesExecutorContainer)
: state(FETCHING),
// NOTE: The task's resources are included in the executor's
// resources in order to make sure when launching the executor
// that it has non-zero resources in the event the executor was
// not actually given any resources by the framework
// originally. See Framework::launchExecutor in slave.cpp. We
// check that this is indeed the case here to protect ourselves
// from when/if this changes in the future (but it's not a
// perfect check because an executor might always have a subset
// of it's resources that match a task, nevertheless, it's
// better than nothing).
resourceRequests = containerConfig.resources();
resourceLimits = containerConfig.limits();
if (containerConfig.has_task_info()) {
if (_command.isSome()) {
command = _command.get();
} else {
command = containerConfig.command_info();
if (_container.isSome()) {
container = _container.get();
} else {
// NOTE: The existence of this field is checked in
// DockerContainerizerProcess::launch.
container = containerConfig.container_info();
if (symlinked) {
// The sandbox directory is a symlink, remove it at container
// destroy.
Option<std::string> executorName()
if (launchesExecutorContainer) {
return containerName + DOCKER_NAME_SEPERATOR + "executor";
} else {
return None();
std::string image() const
if (containerConfig.has_task_info()) {
return containerConfig.task_info().container().docker().image();
return containerConfig.executor_info().container().docker().image();
bool forcePullImage() const
if (containerConfig.has_task_info()) {
return containerConfig.task_info()
return containerConfig.executor_info()
// The DockerContainerizer needs to be able to properly clean up
// Docker containers, regardless of when they are destroyed. For
// example, if a container gets destroyed while we are fetching,
// we need to not keep running the fetch, nor should we try and
// start the Docker container. For this reason, we've split out
// the states into:
// In particular, we made 'PULLING' be it's own state so that we
// can easily destroy and cleanup when a user initiated pulling
// a really big image but we timeout due to the executor
// registration timeout. Since we currently have no way to discard
// a Docker::run, we needed to explicitly do the pull (which is
// the part that takes the longest) so that we can also explicitly
// kill it when asked. Once the functions at Docker::* get support
// for discarding, then we won't need to make pull be it's own
// state anymore, although it doesn't hurt since it gives us
// better error messages.
enum State
} state;
// Copies of the parameters sent to `Container::create`.
const ContainerID id;
const mesos::slave::ContainerConfig containerConfig;
const Option<std::string> pidCheckpointPath;
// A copy of the parameter sent to `Container::create`.
// NOTE: This may be modified further by hooks.
std::map<std::string, std::string> environment;
// The sandbox directory for the container. This holds the
// symlinked path if symlinked boolean is true.
// TODO(josephw): The symlink path does not persist across failovers,
// so we will not delete the symlink if the agent restarts. This results
// in gradually leaking hanging symlinks.
bool symlinked;
std::string containerWorkDir;
// Copies of the fields in `containerConfig`, except when the
// container is a command task and the agent is launched with
// the --docker_mesos_image flag.
ContainerInfo container;
CommandInfo command;
// Environment variables that the command executor should pass
// onto a docker-ized task. This is set by a hook.
Option<std::map<std::string, std::string>> taskEnvironment;
// The string used to refer to this container via the Docker CLI.
// This name is either computed by concatenating the DOCKER_NAME_PREFIX
// and the ContainerID; or during recovery, by taking the recovered
// container's name.
std::string containerName;
// Promise for future returned from wait().
process::Promise<mesos::slave::ContainerTermination> termination;
// Exit status of executor or container (depending on whether or
// not we used the command executor). Represented as a promise so
// that destroying can chain with it being set.
process::Promise<process::Future<Option<int>>> status;
// Future that tells us the return value of last launch stage (fetch, pull,
// run, etc).
process::Future<Containerizer::LaunchResult> launch;
// We keep track of the resources for each container so we can set
// the ResourceStatistics limits in usage(). Note that this is
// different than just what we might get from TaskInfo::resources
// or ExecutorInfo::resources because they can change dynamically.
Resources resourceRequests;
google::protobuf::Map<std::string, Value::Scalar> resourceLimits;
// The docker pull future is stored so we can discard when
// destroy is called while docker is pulling the image.
process::Future<Docker::Image> pull;
// Once the container is running, this saves the pid of the
// running container.
Option<pid_t> pid;
// The executor pid that was forked to wait on the running
// container. This is stored so we can clean up the executor
// on destroy.
Option<pid_t> executorPid;
#ifdef __linux__
// GPU resources allocated to the container.
std::set<Gpu> gpus;
Option<std::string> cpuCgroup;
Option<std::string> memoryCgroup;
#endif // __linux__
// Marks if this container launches an executor in a docker
// container.
bool launchesExecutorContainer;
bool generatedForCommandTask;
hashmap<ContainerID, Container*> containers_;
} // namespace slave {
} // namespace internal {
} // namespace mesos {