blob: e7f3881d22650ffd50d62a98382344e94d169990 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License
#include "master/master.hpp"
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <mesos/resources.hpp>
#include <mesos/authorizer/authorizer.hpp>
#include <mesos/quota/quota.hpp>
#include <mesos/resource_quantities.hpp>
#include <process/collect.hpp>
#include <process/defer.hpp>
#include <process/future.hpp>
#include <process/http.hpp>
#include <process/owned.hpp>
#include <stout/json.hpp>
#include <stout/protobuf.hpp>
#include <stout/stringify.hpp>
#include <stout/strings.hpp>
#include <stout/utils.hpp>
#include "common/authorization.hpp"
#include "logging/logging.hpp"
#include "master/quota.hpp"
#include "master/registrar.hpp"
namespace http = process::http;
using google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField;
using http::Accepted;
using http::BadRequest;
using http::Conflict;
using http::Forbidden;
using http::NotImplemented;
using http::OK;
using mesos::authorization::createSubject;
using mesos::quota::QuotaConfig;
using mesos::quota::QuotaInfo;
using mesos::quota::QuotaRequest;
using mesos::quota::QuotaStatus;
using process::Future;
using process::Owned;
using process::http::authentication::Principal;
using std::string;
using std::unique_ptr;
using std::vector;
namespace mesos {
namespace internal {
namespace master {
// Represents the tree of roles that have quota. The quota guarantees of a child
// node is "contained" in the guarantees of its parent node. This has two
// implications:
// (1) The quota guarantees of a parent must be greater than or equal to the
// sum of the quota guarantees of its children.
// (2) When computing the total resources guaranteed by quota, we
// don't want to double-count resource guarantees between a
// parent role and its children.
// TODO(mzhu): The above check is only about guarantees. We should extend
// the check to also cover limits: a role's limit is less than its
// parent's limit.
class QuotaTree
QuotaTree(const hashmap<string, Quota>& quotas)
: root(new Node(""))
foreachpair (const string& role, const Quota& quota, quotas) {
update(role, quota);
void update(const string& role, const Quota& quota)
// Create the path from root->leaf in the tree. Any missing nodes
// are created implicitly.
vector<string> components = strings::tokenize(role, "/");
Node* current = root.get();
foreach (const string& component, components) {
if (!current->children.contains(component)) {
current->children[component] = unique_ptr<Node>(new Node(component));
current = current->;
current->quota = quota;
// Check whether the tree satisfies:
// parent guarantees >= sum(children guarantees)
// TODO(mzhu): Add limit check.
Option<Error> validate() const
// Don't check the root node because it does not have quota set.
foreachvalue (const unique_ptr<Node>& child, root->children) {
Option<Error> error = child->validate();
if (error.isSome()) {
return error;
return None();
// Returns the total guaranteed resource quantities requested by
// all quotas in the tree. Since a role's guarantees must be greater
// than or equal to the sum of the guarantees of its children, we can
// just sum the guarantees of the top-level roles.
ResourceQuantities totalGuarantees() const
ResourceQuantities result;
// Don't include the root node because it does not have quota set.
foreachvalue (const unique_ptr<Node>& child, root->children) {
result += child->quota.guarantees;
return result;
struct Node
Node(const string& _name) : name(_name) {}
Option<Error> validate() const
foreachvalue (const unique_ptr<Node>& child, children) {
Option<Error> error = child->validate();
if (error.isSome()) {
return error;
ResourceQuantities childGuarantees;
foreachvalue (const unique_ptr<Node>& child, children) {
childGuarantees += child->quota.guarantees;
// Check if self guarantees contains sum of children's guarantees.
if (!quota.guarantees.contains(childGuarantees)) {
return Error("Invalid quota configuration. Parent role '" + name +
"' with guarantees (" + stringify(quota.guarantees) +
") does not contain the sum of its children's" +
" guarantees (" + stringify(childGuarantees) + ")");
return None();
const string name;
Quota quota;
hashmap<string, unique_ptr<Node>> children;
unique_ptr<Node> root;
Option<Error> Master::QuotaHandler::overcommitCheck(
const vector<Resources>& agents,
const hashmap<string, Quota>& quotas,
const QuotaInfo& request)
ResourceQuantities totalGuarantees = [&]() {
QuotaTree quotaTree({});
foreachpair (const string& role, const Quota& quota, quotas) {
quotaTree.update(role, quota);
quotaTree.update(request.role(), Quota{request});
// Hard CHECK since this is already validated earlier
// during request validation.
return quotaTree.totalGuarantees();
// Determine whether quota overcommits the cluster.
ResourceQuantities capacity;
foreach (const Resources& agent, agents) {
capacity += ResourceQuantities::fromScalarResources(
if (!capacity.contains(totalGuarantees)) {
// TODO(bmahler): Specialize this message based on whether
// this request leads to the overcommit vs the quota was
// already overcommitted.
return Error(
"Total quota guarantees '" + stringify(totalGuarantees) + "'"
" exceed cluster capacity '" + stringify(capacity) + "'");
return None();
void Master::QuotaHandler::rescindOffers(const QuotaInfo& request) const
const string& role = request.role();
// This should have been validated earlier.
int frameworksInRole = 0;
if (master->roles.contains(role)) {
Role* roleState = master->;
foreachvalue (const Framework* framework, roleState->frameworks) {
if (framework->connected() && framework->active()) {
// The resources recovered by rescinding outstanding offers.
Resources rescinded;
int visitedAgents = 0;
// Because resources are allocated in the allocator, there can be a race
// between rescinding and allocating. This race makes it hard to determine
// the exact amount of offers that should be rescinded in the master.
// We pessimistically assume that what seems like "available" resources
// in the allocator will be gone. We greedily rescind all offers from an
// agent at once until we have rescinded "enough" offers. Offers containing
// resources irrelevant to the quota request may be rescinded, as we
// rescind all offers on an agent. This is done to maintain the
// coarse-grained nature of agent offers, and helps reduce fragmentation of
// offers.
// Consider a quota request for role `role` for `requested` resources.
// There are `numFiR` frameworks in `role`. Let `rescinded` be the total
// number of rescinded resources and `numVA` be the number of visited
// agents, from which at least one offer has been rescinded. Then the
// algorithm can be summarized as follows:
// while (there are agents with outstanding offers) do:
// if ((`rescinded` contains `requested`) && (`numVA` >= `numFiR`) break;
// fetch an agent `a` with outstanding offers;
// rescind all outstanding offers from `a`;
// update `rescinded`, inc(numVA);
// end.
foreachvalue (const Slave* slave, master->slaves.registered) {
// If we have rescinded offers with at least as many resources as the
// quota request resources, then we are done.
if (rescinded.contains(request.guarantee()) &&
(visitedAgents >= frameworksInRole)) {
// As in the capacity heuristic, we do not consider disconnected or
// inactive agents, because they do not participate in resource
// allocation.
if (!slave->connected || !slave->active) {
// TODO(alexr): Consider only rescinding from agents that have at least
// one resource relevant to the quota request.
// Rescind all outstanding offers from the given agent.
bool agentVisited = false;
foreach (Offer* offer, utils::copy(slave->offers)) {
auto unallocated = [](const Resources& resources) {
Resources result = resources;
return result;
rescinded += unallocated(offer->resources());
agentVisited = true;
if (agentVisited) {
Future<http::Response> Master::QuotaHandler::status(
const mesos::master::Call& call,
const Option<Principal>& principal,
ContentType contentType) const
CHECK_EQ(mesos::master::Call::GET_QUOTA, call.type());
return _status(principal)
.then([contentType](const QuotaStatus& status) -> Future<http::Response> {
mesos::master::Response response;
return OK(serialize(contentType, evolve(response)),
Future<http::Response> Master::QuotaHandler::status(
const http::Request& request,
const Option<Principal>& principal) const
VLOG(1) << "Handling quota status request";
// Check that the request type is GET which is guaranteed by the master.
CHECK_EQ("GET", request.method);
return _status(principal)
.then([request](const QuotaStatus& status) -> Future<http::Response> {
return OK(jsonify(JSON::Protobuf(status)),
Future<QuotaStatus> Master::QuotaHandler::_status(
const Option<Principal>& principal) const
// Quotas can be updated during preparation of the response.
// Copy current view of the collection to avoid conflicts.
hashmap<std::string, Quota> quotas(master->quotas);
// Create a list of authorization actions for each role we may return.
// TODO(alexr): Use an authorization filter here once they are available.
vector<Future<bool>> authorizedRoles;
foreachkey (const string& role, quotas) {
authorizedRoles.push_back(authorizeGetQuota(principal, role));
return process::collect(authorizedRoles)
[=](const vector<bool>& authorizedRolesCollected)
-> Future<QuotaStatus> {
CHECK(quotas.size() == authorizedRolesCollected.size());
QuotaStatus status;
// Create an entry (including role and resources) for each quota,
// except those filtered out based on the authorizer's response.
// NOTE: This error-prone code will be removed with
// the introduction of authorization filters.
auto authorizedIt = authorizedRolesCollected.cbegin();
auto quotaIt = quotas.cbegin();
for (; authorizedIt != authorizedRolesCollected.cend();
++authorizedIt, ++quotaIt) {
if (*authorizedIt) {
// Fill in legacy `QuotaInfo`.
*status.add_infos() = [&quotaIt]() {
QuotaInfo info;
foreach (auto& quantity, quotaIt->second.guarantees) {
Resource resource;
*resource.mutable_name() = quantity.first;
*resource.mutable_scalar() = quantity.second;
*info.add_guarantee() = std::move(resource);
return info;
*status.add_configs() = [&quotaIt]() {
QuotaConfig config;
foreach (auto& quantity, quotaIt->second.guarantees) {
(*config.mutable_guarantees())[quantity.first] = quantity.second;
foreach (auto& limit, quotaIt->second.limits) {
(*config.mutable_limits())[limit.first] = limit.second;
return config;
return status;
Future<http::Response> Master::QuotaHandler::update(
const mesos::master::Call& call, const Option<Principal>& principal) const
CHECK_EQ(mesos::master::Call::UPDATE_QUOTA, call.type());
const RepeatedPtrField<QuotaConfig>& configs =
// Validate `QuotaConfig`.
foreach (const auto& config, configs) {
// Check that the role is on the role whitelist, if it exists.
if (!master->isWhitelistedRole(config.role())) {
return BadRequest(
"Invalid QuotaConfig: '" + config.role() + "'"
" is not on the roles whitelist");
// Setting quota on a nested role is temporarily disabled.
// TODO(mzhu): Remove this check when MESOS-7402 is fixed.
bool nestedRole = strings::contains(config.role(), "/");
if (nestedRole) {
return BadRequest(
"Updating quota on nested role '" + config.role() +
"' is not supported yet");
Option<Error> error = quota::validate(config);
if (error.isSome()) {
return BadRequest(
"Invalid QuotaConfig: " + error->message);
// Validate a role's requested limit is below its current consumption
// (otherwise a `force` flag is needed).
foreach (const auto& config, configs) {
ResourceLimits limits{config.limits()};
ResourceQuantities consumedQuota =
RoleResourceBreakdown(master, config.role()).consumedQuota();
if (!limits.contains(consumedQuota)) {
if (call.update_quota().force()) {
LOG(INFO) << "Updating '" << config.role() << "' quota limit to"
<< " '" + stringify(limits) + "';"
<< " this is below its current quota consumption"
<< " '" + stringify(consumedQuota) + "';"
<< " Ignored violation since the force flag is provided.";
} else {
return BadRequest("Invalid QuotaConfig: Role '" + config.role() + "'"
" is already consuming '" + stringify(consumedQuota) + "';"
" this is more than the requested limits"
" '" + stringify(limits) + "'"
" (use 'force' flag to bypass this check)");
// TODO(mzhu): Pull out these validation in a function that can be shared
// between this and the old handlers.
// Validate hierarchical quota.
// TODO(mzhu): Keep an up-to-date `QuotaTree` in memory.
QuotaTree quotaTree{{}};
foreachpair (const string& role, const Quota& quota, master->quotas) {
quotaTree.update(role, quota);
foreach (const auto& config, configs) {
quotaTree.update(config.role(), Quota{config});
Option<Error> error = quotaTree.validate();
if (error.isSome()) {
return BadRequest("Invalid QuotaConfig: " + error->message);
// Overcommitment check.
// Check for quota overcommit. We include resources from all
// registered agents, even if they are disconnected.
// Disconnection tends to be a transient state (e.g. agent
// might be getting restarted as part of an upgrade, there
// might be a transient networking issue, etc), so excluding
// disconnected agents could produce an unstable capacity
// calculation.
// TODO(bmahler): In the same vein, include agents that
// are recovered from the registry but not yet registered.
// Because we currently exclude them, the calculated capacity
// is 0 immediately after a failover and slowly works its way
// up to the pre-failover capacity as the agents re-register.
ResourceQuantities clusterCapacity;
foreachvalue (const Slave* agent, master->slaves.registered) {
clusterCapacity += ResourceQuantities::fromScalarResources(
if (!clusterCapacity.contains(quotaTree.totalGuarantees())) {
if (call.update_quota().force()) {
LOG(INFO) << "Using force flag to override quota overcommit check";
} else {
return BadRequest("Invalid QuotaConfig: total quota guarantees '" +
stringify(quotaTree.totalGuarantees()) + "'"
" exceed cluster capacity '" + stringify(clusterCapacity) + "'"
" (use 'force' flag to bypass this check)");
// Create a list of authorization actions
// for each quota configuration update.
vector<Future<bool>> authorizedUpdates;
foreach (const QuotaConfig& config, configs) {
authorizedUpdates.push_back(authorizeUpdateQuotaConfig(principal, config));
return process::collect(authorizedUpdates)
[=](const vector<bool>& authorizations) -> Future<http::Response> {
return std::all_of(
[](bool authorized) { return authorized; })
? _update(configs)
: Forbidden();
Future<http::Response> Master::QuotaHandler::_update(
const RepeatedPtrField<QuotaConfig>& configs) const
return master->registrar
->apply(Owned<RegistryOperation>(new quota::UpdateQuota(configs)))
.then(defer(master->self(), [=](bool result) -> Future<http::Response> {
// Currently, quota registry entry mutation never fails.
<< "An invalid quota config was supplied to the registry "
<< JSON::protobuf(configs);
foreach (const QuotaConfig& config, configs) {
master->quotas[config.role()] = Quota(config);
master->allocator->updateQuota(config.role(), Quota{config});
// Rescind offers to enforce guarantees and limits.
// Note, the rescind effort here is best-effort. It is complex and
// expensive to rescind accurately, due to (1) the cost of tracking
// the correct resource state (e.g. for limits, tracking of the precise
// amount of consumed plus offered (with no reservation overlap, and
// similarly, for guarantees, aggregation of all roles' consumption and
// outstanding offers) (2) the race between the master and the allocator.
// In addition, rescinding offers for quota is mostly about improving a
// transient state. Once a quota is set, hopefully with resource churn,
// the quota will eventually be enforced. Lastly, once Mesos starts to
// adopt an optimistic offer model (MESOS-1607), quota enforcement will
// happen during admission control, rendering offer rescind unnecessary.
// As a result, we cut some corners here to only make best effort
// rescinding (more on this below).
foreach (const auto& config, configs) {
RoleResourceBreakdown resourceBreakdown{master, config.role()};
// NOTE: Since consumed and offered may overlap (unallocated
// reservations maybe in both), this would lead to some over-rescind.
ResourceQuantities consumedAndOffered =
resourceBreakdown.consumedQuota() + resourceBreakdown.offered();
ResourceLimits limits{config.limits()};
const string& roleName = config.role(); // For cleaner captures.
auto allocatedToRoleSubtree = [&roleName](const Offer& offer) {
<< " Offer " << << " has no allocation_info";
return offer.allocation_info().role() == roleName ||
offer.allocation_info().role(), roleName);
// We first rescind offers to ensure individual role's limits
// are not breached. We rescind outstanding offers until the role's
// `consumedAndOffered` is below it's limits. Note, since `consumed`
// and `offered` might overlap (reservations that are being offered),
// this approach might lead to some over rescinding. Also, due to
// the race between the master and the allocator, we might rescind less
// than we should due to pending offers in the master mailbox.
// Loop over all frameworks since `role->frameworks` only tracks
// those that are directly subscribed to this role, and we
// need to consider all descendant role offers.
foreachvalue (Framework* framework, master->frameworks.registered) {
if (limits.contains(consumedAndOffered)) {
break; // Done rescinding.
foreach (Offer* offer, utils::copy(framework->offers)) {
if (limits.contains(consumedAndOffered)) {
break; // Done rescinding.
if (!allocatedToRoleSubtree(*offer)) {
consumedAndOffered -=
// We then rescind offers to ensure roles' guarantees
// can be satisfied.
ResourceQuantities guarantees{config.guarantees()};
ResourceQuantities rescinded;
// Following the best-effort approach mentioned above, we
// pessimistically assume that what seems like "available" resources
// in the allocator are all gone. We greedily rescind offers until
// rescinded plus sum of current `consumedAndOffered` exceed the
// total guarantees.
// Since `rescinded` and `consumedAndOffered` may overlap (when
// rescinded contains reservations that are also part of the
// consumed), it is possible that we may under rescind.
// On the other hand, we also pessimistically assume that
// there is no available resources in the cluster. So chances
// are we are more likely to over than under rescind.
foreachvalue (const Slave* slave, master->slaves.registered) {
if ((rescinded + consumedAndOffered).contains(guarantees)) {
foreach (Offer* offer, utils::copy(slave->offers)) {
if ((rescinded + consumedAndOffered).contains(guarantees)) {
if (allocatedToRoleSubtree(*offer)) {
rescinded += ResourceQuantities::fromResources(offer->resources());
return OK();
Future<http::Response> Master::QuotaHandler::set(
const mesos::master::Call& call,
const Option<Principal>& principal) const
CHECK_EQ(mesos::master::Call::SET_QUOTA, call.type());
return _set(call.set_quota().quota_request(), principal);
Future<http::Response> Master::QuotaHandler::set(
const http::Request& request,
const Option<Principal>& principal) const
VLOG(1) << "Setting quota from request: '" << request.body << "'";
// Check that the request type is POST which is guaranteed by the master.
CHECK_EQ("POST", request.method);
// Parse the request body into JSON.
Try<JSON::Object> jsonRequest = JSON::parse<JSON::Object>(request.body);
if (jsonRequest.isError()) {
return BadRequest(
"Failed to parse set quota request JSON '" + request.body + "': " +
// Convert JSON request to the `QuotaRequest` protobuf.
Try<QuotaRequest> protoRequest =
if (protoRequest.isError()) {
return BadRequest(
"Failed to validate set quota request JSON '" + request.body + "': " +
return _set(protoRequest.get(), principal);
Future<http::Response> Master::QuotaHandler::_set(
const QuotaRequest& quotaRequest,
const Option<Principal>& principal) const
Try<QuotaInfo> create = quota::createQuotaInfo(quotaRequest);
if (create.isError()) {
return BadRequest(
"Failed to create 'QuotaInfo' from set quota request: " +
QuotaInfo quotaInfo = create.get();
// Check that each guarantee/resource is valid.
Option<Error> validate = Resources::validate(quotaInfo.guarantee());
if (validate.isSome()) {
return BadRequest(
"Failed to validate set quota request:"
" QuotaInfo with invalid resource: " + validate->message);
// Check that the `QuotaInfo` is a valid quota request.
Option<Error> error = quota::validation::quotaInfo(quotaInfo);
if (error.isSome()) {
return BadRequest(
"Failed to validate set quota request: " + error->message);
// Check that the role is on the role whitelist, if it exists.
if (!master->isWhitelistedRole(quotaInfo.role())) {
return BadRequest(
"Failed to validate set quota request: Unknown role '" +
quotaInfo.role() + "'");
// Check that we are not updating an existing quota.
// TODO(joerg84): Update error message once quota update is in place.
if (master->quotas.contains(quotaInfo.role())) {
return BadRequest(
"Failed to validate set quota request: Cannot set quota"
" for role '" + quotaInfo.role() + "' which already has quota");
// Validate that adding this quota does not violate the hierarchical
// relationship between quotas.
// TODO(mzhu): Keep an update-to-date `QuotaTree` in the memory
// to avoid construction from scratch every time.
QuotaTree quotaTree({});
foreachpair (const string& role, const Quota& quota, master->quotas) {
quotaTree.update(role, quota);
quotaTree.update(quotaInfo.role(), Quota{quotaInfo});
Option<Error> error = quotaTree.validate();
if (error.isSome()) {
return BadRequest(
"Failed to validate set quota request: " + error->message);
// Setting quota on a nested role is temporarily disabled.
// TODO(neilc): Remove this check when MESOS-7402 is fixed.
bool nestedRole = strings::contains(quotaInfo.role(), "/");
if (nestedRole) {
return BadRequest("Setting quota on nested role '" +
quotaInfo.role() + "' is not supported yet");
const bool forced = quotaRequest.force();
if (principal.isSome()) {
// We assume that `principal->value.isSome()` is true. The master's HTTP
// handlers enforce this constraint, and V0 authenticators will only return
// principals of that form.
return authorizeUpdateQuota(principal, quotaInfo)
.then(defer(master->self(), [=](bool authorized) -> Future<http::Response> {
return !authorized ? Forbidden() : __set(quotaInfo, forced);
Future<http::Response> Master::QuotaHandler::__set(
const QuotaInfo& quotaInfo,
bool forced) const
if (forced) {
VLOG(1) << "Using force flag to override quota capacity heuristic check";
} else {
// Check for quota overcommit. We include resources from all
// registered agents, even if they are disconnected.
// Disconnection tends to be a transient state (e.g. agent
// might be getting restarted as part of an upgrade, there
// might be a transient networking issue, etc), so excluding
// disconnected agents could produce an unstable capacity
// calculation.
// TODO(bmahler): In the same vein, include agents that
// are recovered from the registry but not yet registered.
// Because we currently exclude them, the calculated capacity
// is 0 immediately after a failover and slowly works its way
// up to the pre-failover capacity as the agents re-register.
vector<Resources> agents;
foreachvalue (const Slave* agent, master->slaves.registered) {
// Validate whether quota overcommits the cluster capacity.
Option<Error> error = overcommitCheck(
if (error.isSome()) {
return Conflict(
"Quota guarantees overcommit the cluster"
" (use 'force' to bypass this check): " +
Quota quota = Quota{quotaInfo};
// Populate master's quota-related local state. We do this before updating
// the registry in order to make sure that we are not already trying to
// satisfy a request for this role (since this is a multi-phase event).
// NOTE: We do not need to remove quota for the role if the registry update
// fails because in this case the master fails as well.
master->quotas[quotaInfo.role()] = quota;
// Construct `RepeatedPtrField<QuotaConfig>` from the legacy `QuotaInfo`
// for forward compatibility.
RepeatedPtrField<QuotaConfig> configs = [&quotaInfo]() {
QuotaConfig config;
*config.mutable_role() = quotaInfo.role();
google::protobuf::Map<string, Value::Scalar> quota;
foreach (const Resource& r, quotaInfo.guarantee()) {
quota[] = r.scalar();
*config.mutable_guarantees() = quota;
*config.mutable_limits() = std::move(quota);
RepeatedPtrField<QuotaConfig> configs;
*configs.Add() = std::move(config);
return configs;
// Update the registry with the new quota and acknowledge the request.
return master->registrar
->apply(Owned<RegistryOperation>(new quota::UpdateQuota(configs)))
.then(defer(master->self(), [=](bool result) -> Future<http::Response> {
// See the top comment in "master/quota.hpp" for why this check is here.
<< "An invalid quota config was supplied to the registry "
<< JSON::protobuf(configs);
master->allocator->updateQuota(quotaInfo.role(), quota);
// Rescind outstanding offers to facilitate satisfying the quota request.
// NOTE: We set quota before we rescind to avoid a race. If we were to
// rescind first, then recovered resources may get allocated again
// before our call to `updateQuota` was handled.
// The consequence of setting quota first is that (in the hierarchical
// allocator) it will trigger an allocation. This means the rescinded
// offer resources will only be available to quota once another
// allocation is invoked.
// This can be resolved in the future with an explicit allocation call,
// and this solution is preferred to having the race described earlier.
return OK();
Future<http::Response> Master::QuotaHandler::remove(
const mesos::master::Call& call,
const Option<Principal>& principal) const
CHECK_EQ(mesos::master::Call::REMOVE_QUOTA, call.type());
return _remove(call.remove_quota().role(), principal);
Future<http::Response> Master::QuotaHandler::remove(
const http::Request& request,
const Option<Principal>& principal) const
VLOG(1) << "Removing quota for request path: '" << request.url.path << "'";
// Check that the request type is DELETE which is guaranteed by the master.
CHECK_EQ("DELETE", request.method);
// Extract role from url. We expect the request path to have the
// format "/master/quota/role", where "role" is a role name. The
// role name itself may contain one or more slashes. Note that
// `strings::tokenize` returns the remainder of the string when the
// specified maximum number of tokens is reached.
vector<string> components = strings::tokenize(request.url.path, "/", 3u);
if (components.size() < 3u) {
return BadRequest("Failed to parse remove quota request for path '" +
request.url.path + "': expected 3 tokens, found " +
stringify(components.size()) + " tokens");
CHECK_EQ(3u, components.size());
string role = components.back();
// Check that the role is on the role whitelist, if it exists.
if (!master->isWhitelistedRole(role)) {
return BadRequest(
"Failed to validate remove quota request for path '" +
request.url.path + "': Unknown role '" + role + "'");
// Check that we are removing an existing quota.
if (!master->quotas.contains(role)) {
return BadRequest(
"Failed to remove quota for path '" + request.url.path +
"': Role '" + role + "' has no quota set");
hashmap<string, Quota> quotaMap = master->quotas;
// Validate that removing the quota for `role` does not violate the
// hierarchical relationship between quotas.
QuotaTree quotaTree(quotaMap);
Option<Error> error = quotaTree.validate();
if (error.isSome()) {
return BadRequest(
"Failed to remove quota for path '" + request.url.path +
"': " + error->message);
return _remove(role, principal);
Future<http::Response> Master::QuotaHandler::_remove(
const string& role,
const Option<Principal>& principal) const
// Construct the legacy `QuotaInfo`. This is needed for backwards
// compatibility reasons. Authorizable action `UPDATE_QUOTA` which is
// used for `SET_QUOTA` and `REMOVE_QUOTA` expects an object with
// `QuotaInfo` set. The new API `UPDATE_QUOTA` uses a different
// action `UPDATE_QUOTA_WITH_CONFIG`. The old authorizable action
// and this legacy construction should be removed in Mesos 2.0
// when we remove the old APIs.
QuotaInfo info;
foreach (const auto& quantity, master-> {
Resource resource;
*resource.mutable_name() = quantity.first;
*resource.mutable_scalar() = quantity.second;
*info.add_guarantee() = std::move(resource);
return authorizeUpdateQuota(principal, info)
.then(defer(master->self(), [=](bool authorized) -> Future<http::Response> {
return !authorized ? Forbidden() : __remove(role);
Future<http::Response> Master::QuotaHandler::__remove(const string& role) const
// Double check if the quota still exists. It may have been removed
// by a previous removal already.
if (!master->quotas.contains(role)) {
return BadRequest(
"Failed to remove quota: Role '" + role + "' has no quota set");
// Remove quota from the quota-related local state. We do this before
// updating the registry in order to make sure that we are not already
// trying to remove quota for this role (since this is a multi-phase event).
// NOTE: We do not need to restore quota for the role if the registry
// update fails because in this case the master fails as well and quota
// will be restored automatically during the recovery.
// Remove quota is equivalent to configure quota back to the default.
// We need to wrap it up in `RepeatedPtrField<QuotaConfig>` for
// foward compatibility.
RepeatedPtrField<QuotaConfig> configs = [&role]() {
QuotaConfig config;
*config.mutable_role() = role;
RepeatedPtrField<QuotaConfig> configs;
*configs.Add() = std::move(config);
return configs;
// Update the registry with the removed quota and acknowledge the request.
return master->registrar
->apply(Owned<RegistryOperation>(new quota::UpdateQuota(configs)))
.then(defer(master->self(), [=](bool result) -> Future<http::Response> {
// See the top comment in "master/quota.hpp" for why this check is here.
<< "An invalid quota config was supplied to the registry "
<< JSON::protobuf(configs);
master->allocator->updateQuota(role, DEFAULT_QUOTA);
return OK();
Future<bool> Master::QuotaHandler::authorizeGetQuota(
const Option<Principal>& principal, const string& role) const
if (master->authorizer.isNone()) {
return true;
LOG(INFO) << "Authorizing principal '"
<< (principal.isSome() ? stringify(principal.get()) : "ANY")
<< "' to get quota for role '" << role << "'";
authorization::Request request;
Option<authorization::Subject> subject = createSubject(principal);
if (subject.isSome()) {
return master->authorizer.get()->authorized(request);
Future<bool> Master::QuotaHandler::authorizeUpdateQuota(
const Option<Principal>& principal,
const QuotaInfo& quotaInfo) const
if (master->authorizer.isNone()) {
return true;
LOG(INFO) << "Authorizing principal '"
<< (principal.isSome() ? stringify(principal.get()) : "ANY")
<< "' to update quota for role '" << quotaInfo.role() << "'";
authorization::Request request;
Option<authorization::Subject> subject = createSubject(principal);
if (subject.isSome()) {
return master->authorizer.get()->authorized(request);
Future<bool> Master::QuotaHandler::authorizeUpdateQuotaConfig(
const Option<Principal>& principal, const QuotaConfig& quotaConfig) const
if (master->authorizer.isNone()) {
return true;
LOG(INFO) << "Authorizing principal '"
<< (principal.isSome() ? stringify(principal.get()) : "ANY")
<< "' to update quota config"
<< " for role '" << quotaConfig.role() << "'";
authorization::Request request;
Option<authorization::Subject> subject = createSubject(principal);
if (subject.isSome()) {
*request.mutable_subject() = std::move(*subject);
*request.mutable_object()->mutable_value() = quotaConfig.role();
return master->authorizer.get()->authorized(request);
} // namespace master {
} // namespace internal {
} // namespace mesos {