blob: a67dbad458e24b22875cf15b73b64c14a084b1ea [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import "mesos/mesos.proto";
package mesos.executor;
option java_package = "org.apache.mesos.executor";
option java_outer_classname = "Protos";
* Executor event API.
* An event is described using the standard protocol buffer "union"
* trick, see
message Event {
// Possible event types, followed by message definitions if
// applicable.
enum Type {
SUBSCRIBED = 1; // See 'Subscribed' below.
LAUNCH = 2; // See 'Launch' below.
KILL = 3; // See 'Kill' below.
ACKNOWLEDGED = 4; // See 'Acknowledged' below.
MESSAGE = 5; // See 'Message' below.
ERROR = 6; // See 'Error' below.
// Received when the agent asks the executor to shutdown/kill itself. The
// executor is then required to kill all its active tasks, send
// 'TASK_KILLED' status updates and gracefully exit. If an
// executor does not terminate within a certain period
// `MESOS_EXECUTOR_SHUTDOWN_GRACE_PERIOD` (an environment variable set by
// the agent upon executor startup), the agent will forcefully destroy the
// container where the executor is running. The agent would then send
// 'TASK_LOST' updates for any remaining active tasks of this executor.
// First event received when the executor subscribes.
// The 'id' field in the 'framework_info' will be set.
message Subscribed {
required ExecutorInfo executor_info = 1;
required FrameworkInfo framework_info = 2;
required SlaveInfo slave_info = 3;
// Received when the framework attempts to launch a task. Once
// the task is successfuly launched, the executor must respond with
// a TASK_RUNNING update (See TaskState in mesos.proto).
message Launch {
required TaskInfo task = 1;
// Received when the scheduler wants to kill a specific task. Once
// the task is terminated, the executor should send a TASK_KILLED
// (or TASK_FAILED) update. The terminal update is necessary so
// Mesos can release the resources associated with the task.
message Kill {
required TaskID task_id = 1;
// Received when the slave acknowledges the receipt of status
// update. Schedulers are responsible for explicitly acknowledging
// the receipt of status updates that have 'update.status().uuid()'
// field set. Unacknowledged updates can be retried by the executor.
// They should also be sent by the executor whenever it
// re-subscribes.
message Acknowledged {
required TaskID task_id = 1;
required bytes uuid = 2;
// Received when a custom message generated by the scheduler is
// forwarded by the slave. Note that this message is not
// interpreted by Mesos and is only forwarded (without reliability
// guarantees) to the executor. It is up to the scheduler to retry
// if the message is dropped for any reason.
message Message {
required bytes data = 1;
// Received in case the executor sends invalid calls (e.g.,
// required values not set).
// TODO(arojas): Remove this once the old executor driver is no
// longer supported. With HTTP API all errors will be signaled via
// HTTP response codes.
message Error {
required string message = 1;
// Type of the event, indicates which optional field below should be
// present if that type has a nested message definition.
required Type type = 1;
optional Subscribed subscribed = 2;
optional Acknowledged acknowledged = 3;
optional Launch launch = 4;
optional Kill kill = 5;
optional Message message = 6;
optional Error error = 7;
* Executor call API.
* Like Event, a Call is described using the standard protocol buffer
* "union" trick (see above).
message Call {
// Possible call types, followed by message definitions if
// applicable.
enum Type {
SUBSCRIBE = 1; // See 'Subscribe' below.
UPDATE = 2; // See 'Update' below.
MESSAGE = 3; // See 'Message' below.
// Request to subscribe with the slave. If subscribing after a disconnection,
// it must include a list of all the tasks and updates which haven't been
// acknowledged by the scheduler.
message Subscribe {
repeated TaskInfo unacknowledged_tasks = 1;
repeated Update unacknowledged_updates = 2;
// Notifies the scheduler that a task has transitioned from one
// state to another. Status updates should be used by executors
// to reliably communicate the status of the tasks that they
// manage. It is crucial that a terminal update (see TaskState
// in mesos.proto) is sent to the scheduler as soon as the task
// terminates, in order for Mesos to release the resources allocated
// to the task. It is the responsibility of the scheduler to
// explicitly acknowledge the receipt of a status update. See
// 'Acknowledged' in the 'Events' section above for the semantics.
message Update {
required TaskStatus status = 1;
// Sends arbitrary binary data to the scheduler. Note that Mesos
// neither interprets this data nor makes any guarantees about the
// delivery of this message to the scheduler.
// See 'Message' in the 'Events' section.
message Message {
required bytes data = 2;
// Identifies the executor which generated this call.
required ExecutorID executor_id = 1;
required FrameworkID framework_id = 2;
// Type of the call, indicates which optional field below should be
// present if that type has a nested message definition.
// In case type is SUBSCRIBED, no message needs to be set.
required Type type = 3;
optional Subscribe subscribe = 4;
optional Update update = 5;
optional Message message = 6;