blob: 2b6c479cf2bda1a93a1f9b10eb0de709aa49dcbe [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# This is a wrapper around the 'post-review'/'rbt' tool provided by
# Review Board. This is currently used by Apache Mesos development.
# What does this do?
# It provides the ability to send a review for each commit on the
# current branch.
# Why is that useful?
# No one likes a 5000 line review request. Using this tool forces one
# to create logical commits which can be reviewed independently.
# How do I use it?
# First install 'RBTools' from Review Board.
# $ cd /path/to/mesos
# $ [ do some work on your branch off of master, make commit(s) ]
# $ ./support/ --server= \
# --tracking-branch=origin/master --target-groups=mesos --open
# NOTE: post-reviews is currently specific to Mesos development,
# but can easily be adapted for other projects.
import atexit
import os
import sys
from subprocess import *
def readline(prompt):
return raw_input(prompt)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
def execute(command, ignore_errors=False):
process = None
process = Popen(command,
if not ignore_errors:
return None
data =
status = process.wait()
if status != 0 and not ignore_errors:
cmdline = ' '.join(command) if isinstance(command, list) else command
print 'Failed to execute: \'' + cmdline + '\':'
print data
elif status != 0:
return None
return data
# TODO(benh): Make sure this is a git repository, apologize if not.
# Choose 'post-review' if available, otherwise choose 'rbt'.
post_review = None
rbt_version = execute(['rbt', '--version'], ignore_errors=True)
if rbt_version:
post_review = ['rbt', 'post']
elif execute(['post-review', '--version'], ignore_errors=True):
post_review = ['post-review']
print 'Please install RBTools before proceeding'
# Don't do anything if people have uncommitted changes.
diff_stat = execute(['git', 'diff', '--shortstat']).strip()
if diff_stat:
print 'Please commit or stash any changes before using post-reviews!'
top_level_dir = execute(['git', 'rev-parse', '--show-toplevel']).strip()
repository = 'git://'
parent_branch = 'master'
branch_ref = execute(['git', 'symbolic-ref', 'HEAD']).strip()
branch = branch_ref.replace('refs/heads/', '', 1)
# do not work on master branch
if branch == "master":
print "We're expecting you to be working on another branch from master!"
temporary_branch = '_post-reviews_' + branch
# Always delete the temporary branch.
atexit.register(lambda: execute(['git', 'branch', '-D', temporary_branch], True))
# Always put us back on the original branch.
atexit.register(lambda: execute(['git', 'checkout', branch]))
merge_base = execute(['git', 'merge-base', parent_branch, branch_ref]).strip()
print 'Running \'%s\' across all of ...' % " ".join(post_review)
'--pretty=format:%Cred%H%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr)%Creset',
merge_base + '..HEAD'])
log = execute(['git',
merge_base + '..HEAD']).strip()
if len(log) <= 0:
print "No new changes compared with master branch!"
shas = []
for line in log.split('\n'):
sha = line.split()[0]
previous = 'master'
for i in range(len(shas)):
sha = shas[i]
execute(['git', 'branch', '-D', temporary_branch], True)
message = execute(['git',
previous + '..' + sha])
review_request_id = None
if message.find('Review: ') != -1:
url = message[(message.index('Review: ') + len('Review: ')):].strip()
# TODO(benh): Handle bad (or not Review Board) URLs.
review_request_id = os.path.basename(url.strip('/'))
# Show the commit.
if review_request_id is None:
print '\nCreating diff of:\n'
'--pretty=format:%Cred%H%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s',
previous + '..' + sha])
print '\nUpdating diff of:\n'
'--pretty=format:%Cred%H%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr)%Creset',
previous + '..' + sha])
# Show the "parent" commit(s).
print '\n... with parent diff created from:\n'
'--pretty=format:%Cred%H%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr)%Creset',
parent_branch + '..' + previous])
raw_input('\nPress enter to continue or \'Ctrl-C\' to skip.\n')
except KeyboardInterrupt:
i = i + 1
previous = sha
revision_range = previous + ':' + sha
# Build the post-review/rbt command up to the point where they are common.
command = post_review + ['--repository-url=' + repository,
'--tracking-branch=' + parent_branch]
if review_request_id:
command = command + ['--review-request-id=' + review_request_id]
# Determine how to specify the revision range.
if 'rbt' in post_review and not rbt_version.startswith('RBTools 0.5'):
# rbt >= 0.6 revisions are passed in as args.
command = command + sys.argv[1:] + [previous, sha]
# post-review and rbt < 0.6 revisions are passed in using the revision
# range option.
command = command + \
['--revision-range=' + revision_range] + \
output = execute(command).strip()
print output
if review_request_id is not None:
i = i + 1
previous = sha
lines = output.split('\n')
# The last line of output in post-review is the review url.
# The second to the last line of output in rbt is the review url.
url = lines[len(lines) - 2] if 'rbt' in post_review \
else lines[len(lines) - 1]
# Using rbt >= 0.6.3 on Linux prints out two URLs where the second
# one has /diff/ at the end. We want to remove this so that a
# subsequent call to post-reviews does not fail when looking up
# the reviewboard entry to edit.
url = url.replace('diff/','')
url = url.strip('/')
# Construct new commit message.
message = message + '\n' + 'Review: ' + url + '\n'
execute(['git', 'checkout', '-b', temporary_branch])
execute(['git', 'reset', '--hard', sha])
execute(['git', 'commit', '--amend', '-m', message])
# Now rebase all remaining shas on top of this amended commit.
j = i + 1
old_sha = execute(['cat', os.path.join(top_level_dir, '.git/refs/heads', temporary_branch)]).strip()
previous = old_sha
while j < len(shas):
execute(['git', 'checkout', shas[j]])
execute(['git', 'rebase', temporary_branch])
# Get the sha for our detached HEAD.
new_sha = execute(['git', '--no-pager', 'log', '--pretty=format:%H', '-n', '1', 'HEAD']).strip()
'refs/heads/' + temporary_branch,
old_sha = new_sha
shas[j] = new_sha
j = j + 1
# Okay, now update the actual branch to our temporary branch.
new_sha = old_sha
old_sha = execute(['cat', os.path.join(top_level_dir, '.git/refs/heads', branch)]).strip()
execute(['git', 'update-ref', 'refs/heads/' + branch, new_sha, old_sha])
i = i + 1