blob: 6b331ff2257d1b88c8ebe2e8095887a3e2cf0d54 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Set Spark environment variables for your site in this file. Some useful
# variables to set are:
# - MESOS_HOME, to point to your Mesos installation
# - SCALA_HOME, to point to your Scala installation
# - SPARK_CLASSPATH, to add elements to Spark's classpath
# - SPARK_JAVA_OPTS, to add JVM options
# - SPARK_MEM, to change the amount of memory used per node (this should
# be in the same format as the JVM's -Xmx option, e.g. 300m or 1g).
# - SPARK_LIBRARY_PATH, to add extra search paths for native libraries.
export SCALA_HOME=/root/
export MESOS_HOME=/root/mesos
# Set Spark's memory per machine -- you might want to increase this
export SPARK_MEM=2g