blob: d82d4e9547fc8c44f2210e1fafec766c381ab35c [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#ifndef __SLAVE_HPP__
#define __SLAVE_HPP__
#include <list>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/circular_buffer.hpp>
#include <mesos/resources.hpp>
#include <process/http.hpp>
#include <process/future.hpp>
#include <process/owned.hpp>
#include <process/process.hpp>
#include <process/protobuf.hpp>
#include <stout/bytes.hpp>
#include <stout/linkedhashmap.hpp>
#include <stout/hashmap.hpp>
#include <stout/hashset.hpp>
#include <stout/multihashmap.hpp>
#include <stout/option.hpp>
#include <stout/os.hpp>
#include <stout/path.hpp>
#include <stout/uuid.hpp>
#include "master/detector.hpp"
#include "slave/constants.hpp"
#include "slave/containerizer/containerizer.hpp"
#include "slave/flags.hpp"
#include "slave/gc.hpp"
#include "slave/monitor.hpp"
#include "slave/paths.hpp"
#include "slave/state.hpp"
#include "common/attributes.hpp"
#include "common/protobuf_utils.hpp"
#include "common/type_utils.hpp"
#include "files/files.hpp"
#include "messages/messages.hpp"
namespace mesos {
namespace internal {
class MasterDetector; // Forward declaration.
namespace slave {
using namespace process;
// Some forward declarations.
class StatusUpdateManager;
struct Executor;
struct Framework;
class Slave : public ProtobufProcess<Slave>
Slave(const Flags& flags,
MasterDetector* detector,
Containerizer* containerizer,
Files* files);
virtual ~Slave();
void shutdown(const process::UPID& from);
void registered(const process::UPID& from, const SlaveID& slaveId);
void reregistered(const process::UPID& from, const SlaveID& slaveId);
void doReliableRegistration();
void runTask(
const process::UPID& from,
const FrameworkInfo& frameworkInfo,
const FrameworkID& frameworkId,
const std::string& pid,
const TaskInfo& task);
void _runTask(
const Future<bool>& future,
const FrameworkInfo& frameworkInfo,
const FrameworkID& frameworkId,
const std::string& pid,
const TaskInfo& task);
Future<bool> unschedule(const std::string& path);
void killTask(
const process::UPID& from,
const FrameworkID& frameworkId,
const TaskID& taskId);
void shutdownFramework(
const process::UPID& from,
const FrameworkID& frameworkId);
void schedulerMessage(
const SlaveID& slaveId,
const FrameworkID& frameworkId,
const ExecutorID& executorId,
const std::string& data);
void updateFramework(const FrameworkID& frameworkId, const std::string& pid);
void registerExecutor(
const process::UPID& from,
const FrameworkID& frameworkId,
const ExecutorID& executorId);
// Called when an executor re-registers with a recovering slave.
// 'tasks' : Unacknowledged tasks (i.e., tasks that the executor
// driver never received an ACK for.)
// 'updates' : Unacknowledged updates.
void reregisterExecutor(
const process::UPID& from,
const FrameworkID& frameworkId,
const ExecutorID& executorId,
const std::vector<TaskInfo>& tasks,
const std::vector<StatusUpdate>& updates);
void executorMessage(
const SlaveID& slaveId,
const FrameworkID& frameworkId,
const ExecutorID& executorId,
const std::string& data);
void ping(const UPID& from, const std::string& body);
// Handles the status update.
// NOTE: If 'pid' is a valid UPID an ACK is sent to this pid
// after the update is successfully handled. If pid == UPID()
// no ACK is sent. The latter is used by the slave to send
// status updates it generated (e.g., TASK_LOST).
void statusUpdate(const StatusUpdate& update, const UPID& pid);
// This is called when the status update manager finishes
// handling the update. If the handling is successful, an
// acknowledgment is sent to the executor.
void _statusUpdate(
const Future<Nothing>& future,
const StatusUpdate& update,
const UPID& pid);
void statusUpdateAcknowledgement(
const SlaveID& slaveId,
const FrameworkID& frameworkId,
const TaskID& taskId,
const std::string& uuid);
void _statusUpdateAcknowledgement(
const Future<bool>& future,
const TaskID& taskId,
const FrameworkID& frameworkId,
const UUID& uuid);
void executorStarted(
const FrameworkID& frameworkId,
const ExecutorID& executorId,
const ContainerID& containerId,
const Future<Nothing>& future);
void executorTerminated(
const FrameworkID& frameworkId,
const ExecutorID& executorId,
const Future<Containerizer::Termination>& termination);
// NOTE: Pulled these to public to make it visible for testing.
// TODO(vinod): Make tests friends to this class instead.
// Garbage collects the directories based on the current disk usage.
// TODO(vinod): Instead of making this function public, we need to
// mock both GarbageCollector (and pass it through slave's constructor)
// and os calls.
void _checkDiskUsage(const Future<Try<double> >& usage);
// Shut down an executor. This is a two phase process. First, an
// executor receives a shut down message (shut down phase), then
// after a configurable timeout the slave actually forces a kill
// (kill phase, via the isolator) if the executor has not
// exited.
void shutdownExecutor(Framework* framework, Executor* executor);
// Invoked whenever the detector detects a change in masters.
// Made public for testing purposes.
void detected(const Future<Option<MasterInfo> >& pid);
enum State {
RECOVERING, // Slave is doing recovery.
DISCONNECTED, // Slave is not connected to the master.
RUNNING, // Slave has (re-)registered.
TERMINATING, // Slave is shutting down.
} state;
// TODO(benh): Clang requires members to be public in order to take
// their address which we do in tests (for things like
// protected:
virtual void initialize();
virtual void finalize();
virtual void exited(const UPID& pid);
void fileAttached(const Future<Nothing>& result, const std::string& path);
Nothing detachFile(const std::string& path);
// Helper routine to lookup a framework.
Framework* getFramework(const FrameworkID& frameworkId);
// Returns an ExecutorInfo for a TaskInfo (possibly
// constructing one if the task has a CommandInfo).
ExecutorInfo getExecutorInfo(
const FrameworkID& frameworkId,
const TaskInfo& task);
// Handle the second phase of shutting down an executor for those
// executors that have not properly shutdown within a timeout.
void shutdownExecutorTimeout(
const FrameworkID& frameworkId,
const ExecutorID& executorId,
const ContainerID& containerId);
// Shuts down the executor if it did not register yet.
void registerExecutorTimeout(
const FrameworkID& frameworkId,
const ExecutorID& executorId,
const ContainerID& containerId);
// Cleans up all un-reregistered executors during recovery.
void reregisterExecutorTimeout();
// This function returns the max age of executor/slave directories allowed,
// given a disk usage. This value could be used to tune gc.
Duration age(double usage);
// Checks the current disk usage and schedules for gc as necessary.
void checkDiskUsage();
// Recovers the slave, status update manager and isolator.
Future<Nothing> recover(const Result<state::SlaveState>& state);
// This is called after 'recover()'. If 'flags.reconnect' is
// 'reconnect', the slave attempts to reconnect to any old live
// executors. Otherwise, the slave attempts to shutdown/kill them.
Future<Nothing> _recover();
// This is a helper to call recover() on the containerizer at the end of
// recover() and before __recover().
// TODO(idownes): Remove this when we support defers to objects.
Future<Nothing> _recoverContainerizer(const Option<state::SlaveState>& state);
// This is called when recovery finishes.
void __recover(const Future<Nothing>& future);
// Helper to recover a framework from the specified state.
void recoverFramework(const state::FrameworkState& state);
// Removes and garbage collects the executor.
void removeExecutor(Framework* framework, Executor* executor);
// Removes and garbage collects the framework.
void removeFramework(Framework* framework);
// Schedules a 'path' for gc based on its modification time.
Future<Nothing> garbageCollect(const std::string& path);
// Inner class used to namespace HTTP route handlers (see
// slave/http.cpp for implementations).
class Http
Http(const Slave& _slave) : slave(_slave) {}
// /slave/health
process::Future<process::http::Response> health(
const process::http::Request& request);
// /slave/stats.json
process::Future<process::http::Response> stats(
const process::http::Request& request);
// /slave/state.json
process::Future<process::http::Response> state(
const process::http::Request& request);
static const std::string HEALTH_HELP;
const Slave& slave;
} http;
friend struct Framework;
friend struct Executor;
Slave(const Slave&); // No copying.
Slave& operator = (const Slave&); // No assigning.
const Flags flags;
SlaveInfo info;
Option<UPID> master;
Resources resources;
Attributes attributes;
hashmap<FrameworkID, Framework*> frameworks;
boost::circular_buffer<Owned<Framework> > completedFrameworks;
MasterDetector* detector;
Containerizer* containerizer;
Files* files;
// Statistics (initialized in Slave::initialize).
struct {
uint64_t tasks[TaskState_ARRAYSIZE];
uint64_t validStatusUpdates;
uint64_t invalidStatusUpdates;
uint64_t validFrameworkMessages;
uint64_t invalidFrameworkMessages;
} stats;
Time startTime;
GarbageCollector gc;
ResourceMonitor monitor;
StatusUpdateManager* statusUpdateManager;
// Flag to indicate if recovery, including reconciling (i.e., reconnect/kill)
// with executors is finished.
Promise<Nothing> recovered;
// Root meta directory containing checkpointed data.
const std::string metaDir;
// Indicates the number of errors ignored in "--no-strict" recovery mode.
unsigned int recoveryErrors;
// Information describing an executor.
struct Executor
Slave* slave,
const FrameworkID& frameworkId,
const ExecutorInfo& info,
const ContainerID& containerId,
const std::string& directory,
bool checkpoint);
Task* addTask(const TaskInfo& task);
void terminateTask(const TaskID& taskId, const mesos::TaskState& state);
void completeTask(const TaskID& taskId);
void checkpointTask(const TaskInfo& task);
void recoverTask(const state::TaskState& state);
void updateTaskState(const TaskStatus& status);
// Returns true if there are any queued/launched/terminated tasks.
bool incompleteTasks();
enum State {
REGISTERING, // Executor is launched but not (re-)registered yet.
RUNNING, // Executor has (re-)registered.
TERMINATING, // Executor is being shutdown/killed.
TERMINATED, // Executor has terminated but there might be pending updates.
} state;
// We store the pointer to 'Slave' to get access to its methods
// variables. One could imagine 'Executor' as being an inner class
// of the 'Slave' class.
Slave* slave;
const ExecutorID id;
const ExecutorInfo info;
const FrameworkID frameworkId;
const ContainerID containerId;
const std::string directory;
const bool checkpoint;
const bool commandExecutor;
UPID pid;
Resources resources; // Currently consumed resources.
// Tasks can be found in one of the following four data structures:
// Not yet launched.
LinkedHashMap<TaskID, TaskInfo> queuedTasks;
// Running.
LinkedHashMap<TaskID, Task*> launchedTasks;
// Terminated but pending updates.
LinkedHashMap<TaskID, Task*> terminatedTasks;
// Terminated and updates acked.
// NOTE: We use a shared pointer for Task because clang doesn't like
// Boost's implementation of circular_buffer with Task (Boost
// attempts to do some memset's which are unsafe).
boost::circular_buffer<memory::shared_ptr<Task> > completedTasks;
Executor(const Executor&); // No copying.
Executor& operator = (const Executor&); // No assigning.
// Information about a framework.
struct Framework
Slave* slave,
const FrameworkID& id,
const FrameworkInfo& info,
const UPID& pid);
Executor* launchExecutor(
const ExecutorInfo& executorInfo,
const TaskInfo& taskInfo);
void destroyExecutor(const ExecutorID& executorId);
Executor* getExecutor(const ExecutorID& executorId);
Executor* getExecutor(const TaskID& taskId);
void recoverExecutor(const state::ExecutorState& state);
enum State {
RUNNING, // First state of a newly created framework.
TERMINATING, // Framework is shutting down in the cluster.
} state;
// We store the pointer to 'Slave' to get access to its methods
// variables. One could imagine 'Framework' as being an inner class
// of the 'Slave' class.
Slave* slave;
const FrameworkID id;
const FrameworkInfo info;
UPID pid;
multihashmap<ExecutorID, TaskID> pending; // Executors with pending tasks.
// Current running executors.
hashmap<ExecutorID, Executor*> executors;
boost::circular_buffer<Owned<Executor> > completedExecutors;
Framework(const Framework&); // No copying.
Framework& operator = (const Framework&); // No assigning.
std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& stream, Slave::State state);
std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& stream, Framework::State state);
std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& stream, Executor::State state);
} // namespace slave {
} // namespace internal {
} // namespace mesos {
#endif // __SLAVE_HPP__