blob: 02f00ef9e26399fcaf945b362eac9552a06f1cec [file] [log] [blame]
import sys
import setuptools as distutils
except ImportError:
print 'Could not find setuptools, bailing.'
import errno
import glob
import os
import shutil
from distutils.core import setup, Extension
abs_top_srcdir = '@abs_top_srcdir@'
abs_top_builddir = '@abs_top_builddir@'
src_python_dist = os.path.join('src', 'python', 'dist')
src_python_native = os.path.join('src', 'python', 'native')
leveldb = os.path.join('3rdparty', 'leveldb')
zookeeper = os.path.join('3rdparty', 'zookeeper-3.4.5', 'src', 'c')
libprocess = os.path.join('3rdparty', 'libprocess')
# Even though a statically compiled libprocess should include glog,
# libev, gperftools, and protobuf before installation this isn't the
# case, so while a libtool managed build will correctly pull in these
# libraries when building the final result, we need to explicitly
# include them here (or more precisely, down where we actually include
# libev.a and libprofiler.a).
glog = os.path.join(libprocess, '3rdparty', 'glog-0.3.3')
libev = os.path.join(libprocess, '3rdparty', 'libev-4.15')
gperftools = os.path.join(libprocess, '3rdparty', 'gperftools-2.0')
protobuf = os.path.join(libprocess, '3rdparty', 'protobuf-2.5.0')
# We need to execute from the same directory as this script.
# Copy the native source files if we are building in a remote build
# directory. This is necessary because the sources list must be
# relative to the directory where this script resides.
# $ cp -rf abs_top_srcdir/native abs_top_builddir/native
if os.path.abspath(abs_top_srcdir) != os.path.abspath(abs_top_builddir):
shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(abs_top_builddir, src_python_native), ignore_errors=True)
shutil.copytree(os.path.join(abs_top_srcdir, src_python_native),
os.path.join(abs_top_builddir, src_python_native))
except OSError, e:
if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
# Build the list of source files. Note that each source must be
# relative to our current directory (where this script lives).
os.path.join('native', file)
for file in os.listdir(os.path.join(abs_top_srcdir, src_python_native))
if file.endswith('.cpp')
os.path.join(abs_top_srcdir, 'include'),
os.path.join(abs_top_builddir, 'include'),
os.path.join(abs_top_builddir, 'src'),
os.path.join(abs_top_builddir, src_python_native),
os.path.join(abs_top_builddir, protobuf, 'src'),
os.path.join(abs_top_builddir, 'src', '.libs', 'libmesos_no_3rdparty.a'),
os.path.join(abs_top_builddir, protobuf, 'src', '.libs', 'libprotobuf.a'),
os.path.join(abs_top_builddir, leveldb, 'libleveldb.a'),
os.path.join(abs_top_builddir, zookeeper, '.libs', 'libzookeeper_mt.a'),
os.path.join(abs_top_builddir, libprocess, '.libs', 'libprocess.a'),
os.path.join(abs_top_builddir, glog, '.libs', 'libglog.a'),
os.path.join(abs_top_builddir, libev, '.libs', 'libev.a'),
# For gperftools, we need to check for the presence of libprofiler.a, since
# it is possible to disable perftools inside libprocess.
libprofiler = os.path.join(
abs_top_builddir, gperftools, '.libs', 'libprofiler.a')
if os.path.exists(libprofiler):
# Add any libraries from LIBS.
if 'LIBS' in os.environ:
for library in os.environ['LIBS'].split():
os.path.join(abs_top_srcdir, 'src', 'python', source)
for source in SOURCES
# Note that we add EXTRA_OBJECTS to our dependency list to make sure
# that we rebuild this module when one of them changes (e.g.,
# libprocess).
mesos_module = \
sources = SOURCES,
include_dirs = INCLUDE_DIRS,
library_dirs = LIBRARY_DIRS,
extra_objects = EXTRA_OBJECTS,
extra_link_args = EXTRA_LINK_ARGS,
depends = EXTRA_OBJECTS,
language = 'c++',
setup(name = 'mesos',
version = '@PACKAGE_VERSION@',
description = 'Mesos',
package_dir = { '': 'src' },
packages = ['.'],
install_requires = ['protobuf>=2.5.0'],
ext_modules = [mesos_module])