Added slave recovery doc.
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+# Slave Recovery #
+Slave recovery is a feature of Mesos that allows:
+ 1. Executors/tasks to keep running when the slave process is down and
+ 2. Allows a restarted slave process to reconnect with running executors/tasks on the slave.
+Mesos slave could be restarted for an upgrade or due to a crash. This feature is introduced in ***0.14.0*** release.
+### How does it work? ###
+Slave recovery works by having the slave checkpoint enough information (e.g., Task Info, Executor Info, Status Updates) about the running tasks and executors to local disk. Once the slave ***and*** the framework(s) enable checkpointing, any subsequent slave restarts would recover
+the checkpointed information and reconnect with the executors. Note that if the host running the slave process is rebooted all the executors/tasks are killed.
+> NOTE: To enable slave recovery both the slave and the framework should explicitly request checkpointing.
+> Alternatively, a framework that doesn't want the disk i/o overhead of checkpointing can opt out of checkpointing.
+### Enabling slave checkpointing ###
+As part of this feature, 4 new flags were added to the slave.
+  - `checkpoint` :  Whether to checkpoint slave and frameworks information
+                    to disk [Default: false].
+    - This enables a restarted slave to recover status updates and reconnect
+      with (--recover=reconnect) or kill (--recover=kill) old executorors.
+  - `strict` : Whether to do recovery in strict mode [Default: true].
+    - If strict=true, any and all recovery errors are considered fatal.
+    - If strict=false, any errors (e.g., corruption in checkpointed data) during recovery are
+      ignored and as much state as possible is recovered.
+  - `recover` : Whether to recover status updates and reconnect with old executors [Default: reconnect].
+     - If recover=reconnect, Reconnect with any old live executors.
+     - If recover=cleanup, Kill any old live executors and exit.
+       Use this option when doing an incompatible slave or executor upgrade!).
+       NOTE: If no checkpointing information exists, no recovery is performed
+       and the slave registers with the master as a new slave.
+  - `recovery_timeout` : Amount of time alloted for the slave to recover [Default: 15 mins].
+     - If the slave takes longer than `recovery_timeout` to recover, any executors that are waiting to
+     reconnect to the slave will self-terminate.
+     NOTE: This flag is only applicable when `--checkpoint` is enabled.
+> NOTE: If checkpointing is enabled on the slave, but none of the frameworks have enabled checkpointing,
+> executors/tasks of frameworks die when the slave dies and are not recovered.
+A restarted slave should re-register with master within a timeout (currently, 75s). If the slave takes longer
+than this timeout to re-register, the master shuts down the slave, which in turn shuts down any live executors/tasks.
+Therefore, it is highly recommended to automate the process of restarting a slave (e.g, using [monit](
+**For the complete list of slave options: ./ --help**
+### Enabling framework checkpointing ###
+As part of this feature, `FrameworkInfo` has been updated to include an optional `checkpoint` field. A framework that would like to opt in to checkpointing should set `FrameworkInfo.checkpoint=True` before registering with the master.
+> NOTE: Frameworks that have anbled checkpointing will only get offers from checkpointing slave. Therefore, before setting `checkpoint=True` on FrameworkInfo, ensure that there are slaves in your cluster that have enabled checkpointing.
+> Because, if there are no checkpointing slaves, the framework would not get any offers and hence cannot launch any tasks/executors.
+### Upgrading to 0.14.0 ###
+If you want to upgrade a running Mesos cluster to 0.14.0 to take advantage of slave recovery please follow the [upgrade instructions](
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