blob: a1f5b32ee9c67e418c2c4ad496fa1bf97dc1ae76 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <math.h> // For floor.
#include <signal.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/file.h> // For flock.
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <set>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <process/clock.hpp>
#include <process/defer.hpp>
#include <process/dispatch.hpp>
#include <stout/bytes.hpp>
#include <stout/check.hpp>
#include <stout/duration.hpp>
#include <stout/error.hpp>
#include <stout/exit.hpp>
#include <stout/foreach.hpp>
#include <stout/hashmap.hpp>
#include <stout/hashset.hpp>
#include <stout/lambda.hpp>
#include <stout/none.hpp>
#include <stout/nothing.hpp>
#include <stout/numify.hpp>
#include <stout/option.hpp>
#include <stout/os.hpp>
#include <stout/path.hpp>
#include <stout/proc.hpp>
#include <stout/stringify.hpp>
#include <stout/strings.hpp>
#include <stout/uuid.hpp>
#include "common/units.hpp"
#include "linux/cgroups.hpp"
#include "slave/cgroups_isolator.hpp"
#include "slave/state.hpp"
using process::defer;
using process::Future;
using std::list;
using std::map;
using std::set;
using std::string;
using std::ostringstream;
using std::vector;
namespace mesos {
namespace internal {
namespace slave {
using state::SlaveState;
using state::FrameworkState;
using state::ExecutorState;
using state::RunState;
// CPU subsystem constants.
const size_t CPU_SHARES_PER_CPU = 1024;
const size_t MIN_CPU_SHARES = 10;
const Duration CPU_CFS_PERIOD = Milliseconds(100); // Linux default.
const Duration MIN_CPU_CFS_QUOTA = Milliseconds(1);
// Memory subsystem constants.
const Bytes MIN_MEMORY = Megabytes(32);
// This is an approximate double precision equality check.
// It only considers up to 0.001 precision.
// This is used so that we can enforce correct arithmetic on "millicpu" units.
// TODO(bmahler): Banish this to hell when we expose individual cpus as a
// resource to frameworks, so that we can enforce having no fractions.
bool almostEqual(double d1, double d2) {
return (d1 <= (d2 + 0.001)) && (d1 >= (d2 - 0.001));
map<proc::CPU, double> Cpuset::grow(
double delta,
const map<proc::CPU, double>& usage)
// The technique used here is to allocate as much as possible to
// each cpu that has availability, until we've allocated the delta.
// Note that we examine the cpus in the same order every time, which
// means we don't yet consider locality.
map<proc::CPU, double> allocation;
foreachpair (const proc::CPU& cpu, double used, usage) {
// Are we done allocating?
if (almostEqual(delta, 0.0)) {
// Allocate as much as possible to this CPU.
if (!almostEqual(used, 1.0)) {
double free = 1.0 - used;
double allocated = std::min(delta, free);
allocation[cpu] = allocated;
delta -= allocated;
cpus[cpu] += allocated;
CHECK(almostEqual(delta, 0.0))
<< "Failed to grow the cpuset by " << delta << " cpus\n"
<< " cpus: " << stringify(cpus) << "\n"
<< " usage: " << stringify(usage);
return allocation;
map<proc::CPU, double> Cpuset::shrink(double delta)
// The technique used here is to free as much as possible from the
// least allocated cpu. This means we'll avoid fragmenting as we're
// constantly trying to remove cpus belonging to this Cpuset.
map<proc::CPU, double> deallocation;
while (!almostEqual(delta, 0.0)) {
// Find the CPU to which we have the least allocated.
Option<proc::CPU> least;
foreachpair (const proc::CPU& cpu, double used, cpus) {
if (least.isNone() || used <= cpus[least.get()]) {
least = cpu;
<< "Failed to shrink the cpuset by " << delta << " cpus\n"
<< " cpus: " << stringify(cpus);
// Deallocate as much as possible from the least allocated CPU.
double used = cpus[least.get()];
double deallocated = std::min(used, delta);
deallocation[least.get()] = deallocated;
delta -= deallocated;
cpus[least.get()] -= deallocated;
// Ensure this Cpuset never contains unallocated CPUs.
if (almostEqual(cpus[least.get()], 0.0)) {
return deallocation;
double Cpuset::usage() const
double total = 0.0;
foreachvalue (double used, cpus) {
total += used;
return total;
std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& out, const Cpuset& cpuset)
vector<unsigned int> cpus;
foreachpair (const proc::CPU& cpu, double used, cpuset.cpus) {
CHECK(!almostEqual(used, 0.0));
std::sort(cpus.begin(), cpus.end());
return out << strings::join(",", cpus);
: ProcessBase(ID::generate("cgroups-isolator")),
lockFile(None()) {}
void CgroupsIsolator::initialize(
const Flags& _flags,
const Resources& _resources,
bool _local,
const PID<Slave>& _slave)
flags = _flags;
local = _local;
slave = _slave;
// Make sure that cgroups is enabled by the kernel.
if (!cgroups::enabled()) {
EXIT(1) << "No cgroups support detected in this kernel";
// Make sure that we have root permissions.
if (geteuid() != 0) {
EXIT(1) << "Using cgroups requires root permissions";
// Configure cgroups hierarchy root path.
hierarchy = flags.cgroups_hierarchy;
LOG(INFO) << "Using " << hierarchy << " as cgroups hierarchy root";
// Determine desired subsystems.
foreach (const string& subsystem,
strings::tokenize(flags.cgroups_subsystems, ",")) {
// TODO(benh): Implement a 'sets::union' that takes a vector or
// set rather than looping here!
// Regardless of whether or not it was desired, we require the
// 'freezer' subsystem in order to destroy a cgroup.
// We require the 'cpuacct' subsystem to perform resource monitoring.
// Check if the hierarchy is already mounted, and if not, mount it.
Try<bool> mounted = cgroups::mounted(hierarchy);
if (mounted.isError()) {
LOG(FATAL) << "Failed to determine if " << hierarchy
<< " is already mounted: " << mounted.error();
} else if (mounted.get()) {
// Make sure that all the desired subsystems are attached to the
// already mounted hierarchy.
Try<set<string> > attached = cgroups::subsystems(hierarchy);
if (attached.isError()) {
LOG(FATAL) << "Failed to determine the attached subsystems "
<< "for the cgroup hierarchy at " << hierarchy << ": "
<< attached.error();
foreach (const string& subsystem, subsystems) {
if (attached.get().count(subsystem) == 0) {
EXIT(1) << "The cgroups hierarchy at " << hierarchy
<< " can not be used because it does not have the '"
<< subsystem << "' subsystem attached";
} else {
// Attempt to mount the hierarchy ourselves.
if (os::exists(hierarchy)) {
// The path specified by the given hierarchy already exists in
// the file system. We try to remove it if it is an empty
// directory. This will helps us better deal with slave restarts
// since we won't need to manually remove the directory.
Try<Nothing> rmdir = os::rmdir(hierarchy, false);
if (rmdir.isError()) {
EXIT(1) << "Failed to mount cgroups hierarchy at '" << hierarchy
<< "' because we could not remove existing directory"
<< ": " << rmdir.error();
// Mount the cgroups hierarchy.
Try<Nothing> mount = cgroups::mount(
hierarchy, strings::join(",", subsystems));
if (mount.isError()) {
EXIT(1) << "Failed to mount cgroups hierarchy at '" << hierarchy
<< "': " << mount.error();
// Create the root cgroup if it doesn't exist.
Try<bool> exists = cgroups::exists(hierarchy, flags.cgroups_root);
<< "Failed to determine if '"<< flags.cgroups_root << "' cgroup "
<< "already exists in the hierarchy at '" << hierarchy << "'";
if (!exists.get()) {
// No root cgroup exists, create it.
Try<Nothing> create = cgroups::create(hierarchy, flags.cgroups_root);
<< "Failed to create the '" << flags.cgroups_root << "' cgroup";
// Create the nested test cgroup if it doesn't exist.
exists = cgroups::exists(
hierarchy, path::join(flags.cgroups_root, "test"));
<< "Failed to determine if '"<< flags.cgroups_root << "/test'"
<< " nested cgroup already exists in the hierarchy at '"
<< hierarchy << "'";
if (!exists.get()) {
// Make sure this kernel supports creating nested cgroups.
Try<Nothing> create =
cgroups::create(hierarchy, path::join(flags.cgroups_root, "test"));
if (create.isError()) {
EXIT(1) << "Failed to create a nested 'test' cgroup. Your kernel "
<< "might be too old to use the cgroups isolator: "
<< create.error();
// Remove the nested 'test' cgroup.
Try<Nothing> remove =
cgroups::remove(hierarchy, path::join(flags.cgroups_root, "test"));
CHECK_SOME(remove) << "Failed to remove the nested 'test' cgroup";
// Try and put an _advisory_ file lock on the tasks' file of our
// root cgroup to check and see if another slave is already running.
Try<int> open =
os::open(path::join(hierarchy, flags.cgroups_root, "tasks"), O_RDONLY);
lockFile = open.get();
Try<Nothing> cloexec = os::cloexec(lockFile.get());
if (flock(lockFile.get(), LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB) != 0) {
EXIT(1) << "Another mesos-slave appears to be running!";
// Make sure the kernel supports OOM controls.
exists = cgroups::exists(
hierarchy, flags.cgroups_root, "memory.oom_control");
<< "Failed to determine if 'memory.oom_control' control exists";
if (!exists.get()) {
EXIT(1) << "Failed to find 'memory.oom_control', your kernel "
<< "might be too old to use the cgroups isolator";
// Disable the OOM killer so that we can capture 'memory.stat'.
Try<Nothing> write = cgroups::write(
hierarchy, flags.cgroups_root, "memory.oom_control", "1");
CHECK_SOME(write) << "Failed to disable OOM killer";
if (subsystems.contains("cpu") && subsystems.contains("cpuset")) {
EXIT(1) << "The use of both 'cpu' and 'cpuset' subsystems is not allowed.\n"
<< "Please use only one of:\n"
<< " cpu: When willing to share cpus for higher efficiency.\n"
<< " cpuset: When cpu pinning is desired.";
// Configure resource changed handlers. We only add handlers for
// resources that have the appropriate subsystems attached.
if (subsystems.contains("cpu")) {
handlers["cpus"] = &CgroupsIsolator::cpusChanged;
if (subsystems.contains("cpuset")) {
// TODO(bmahler): Consider making a cgroups primitive helper to perform
// cgroups list format -> list of ints / strings conversion.
hashset<unsigned int> cgroupCpus;
Try<string> cpuset =
cgroups::read(hierarchy, flags.cgroups_root, "cpuset.cpus");
CHECK_SOME(cpuset) << "Failed to read cpuset.cpus";
cpuset = strings::trim(cpuset.get());
// Parse from "0-2,7,12-14" to a set(0,1,2,7,12,13,14).
foreach (string range, strings::tokenize(cpuset.get(), ",")) {
range = strings::trim(range);
if (strings::contains(range, "-")) {
// Case startId-endId (e.g. 0-2 in 0-2,7,12-14).
vector<string> startEnd = strings::split(range, "-");
CHECK(startEnd.size() == 2)
<< "Failed to parse cpu range '" << range
<< "' from cpuset.cpus '" << cpuset.get() << "'";
Try<unsigned int> start =
numify<unsigned int>(strings::trim(startEnd[0]));
Try<unsigned int> end =
numify<unsigned int>(strings::trim(startEnd[1]));
CHECK(start.isSome() && end.isSome())
<< "Failed to parse cpu range '" << range
<< "' from cpuset.cpus '" << cpuset.get() << "'";
for (unsigned int i = start.get(); i <= end.get(); i++) {
} else {
// Case id (e.g. 7 in 0-2,7,12-14).
Try<unsigned int> cpuId = numify<unsigned int>(range);
<< "Failed to parse cpu '" << range << "' from cpuset.cpus '"
<< cpuset.get() << "'";
Value::Scalar none;
Value::Scalar cpusResource = _resources.get("cpus", none);
if (cpusResource.value() > cgroupCpus.size()) {
EXIT(1) << "You have specified " << cpusResource.value() << " cpus, but "
<< "this is more than allowed by the cgroup cpuset.cpus: "
<< cpuset.get();
// Initialize our cpu allocations.
Try<list<proc::CPU> > cpus = proc::cpus();
CHECK_SOME(cpus) << "Failed to extract CPUs from /proc/cpuinfo";
foreach (const proc::CPU& cpu, cpus.get()) {
if (this->cpus.size() >= cpusResource.value()) {
if (cgroupCpus.contains( {
LOG(INFO) << "Initializing cpu allocation for " << cpu;
this->cpus[cpu] = 0.0;
handlers["cpus"] = &CgroupsIsolator::cpusetChanged;
if (subsystems.contains("memory")) {
handlers["mem"] = &CgroupsIsolator::memChanged;
// Add handlers for optional subsystem features.
if (flags.cgroups_enable_cfs) {
// Verify dependent subsystem is present and kernel supports CFS controls.
if (!subsystems.contains("cpu")) {
EXIT(1) << "The 'cfs' cgroups feature flag is dependent on the 'cpu' "
<< "subsystem.\n"
<< "Please enable the cpu subsystem to use the cfs feature.";
exists = cgroups::exists(hierarchy, flags.cgroups_root, "cpu.cfs_quota_us");
<< "Failed to determine if 'cpu.cfs_quota_us' control exists";
if (!exists.get()) {
EXIT(1) << "Failed to find 'cpu.cfs_quota_us'. Your kernel "
<< "might be too old to use the CFS cgroups feature";
// Make "cfsChanged" the cpu resource handler.
// TODO(tdmackey): Allow multiple handlers per resource.
handlers["cpus"] = &CgroupsIsolator::cfsChanged;
initialized = true;
void CgroupsIsolator::finalize()
// Unlock the advisory file.
CHECK_SOME(lockFile) << "Uninitialized file descriptor!";
if (flock(lockFile.get(), LOCK_UN) != 0) {
<< "Failed to unlock advisory lock file '"
<< path::join(hierarchy, flags.cgroups_root, "tasks") << "'";
Try<Nothing> close = os::close(lockFile.get());
if (close.isError()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to close advisory lock file '"
<< path::join(hierarchy, flags.cgroups_root, "tasks")
<< "': " << close.error();
void CgroupsIsolator::launchExecutor(
const SlaveID& slaveId,
const FrameworkID& frameworkId,
const FrameworkInfo& frameworkInfo,
const ExecutorInfo& executorInfo,
const UUID& uuid,
const string& directory,
const Resources& resources)
CHECK(initialized) << "Cannot launch executors before initialization";
const ExecutorID& executorId = executorInfo.executor_id();
// Register the cgroup information.
CgroupInfo* info =
registerCgroupInfo(frameworkId, executorId, uuid, None(), flags);
LOG(INFO) << "Launching " << executorId
<< " (" << executorInfo.command().value() << ")"
<< " in " << directory
<< " with resources " << resources
<< " for framework " << frameworkId
<< " in cgroup " << info->name();
// Create a new cgroup for the executor.
Try<Nothing> create = cgroups::create(hierarchy, info->name());
if (create.isError()) {
LOG(FATAL) << "Failed to create cgroup for executor " << executorId
<< " of framework " << frameworkId
<< ": " << create.error();
// Setup the initial resource constraints.
resourcesChanged(frameworkId, executorId, resources);
// Start listening on OOM events.
oomListen(frameworkId, executorId);
// Use pipes to determine which child has successfully changed session.
int pipes[2];
if (pipe(pipes) < 0) {
PLOG(FATAL) << "Failed to create a pipe";
// Set the FD_CLOEXEC flags on these pipes
Try<Nothing> cloexec = os::cloexec(pipes[0]);
CHECK_SOME(cloexec) << "Error setting FD_CLOEXEC on pipe[0]";
cloexec = os::cloexec(pipes[1]);
CHECK_SOME(cloexec) << "Error setting FD_CLOEXEC on pipe[1]";
// Launch the executor using fork-exec.
pid_t pid;
if ((pid = ::fork()) == -1) {
LOG(FATAL) << "Failed to fork to launch new executor";
if (pid > 0) {
// Get the child's pid via the pipe.
if (read(pipes[0], &pid, sizeof(pid)) == -1) {
PLOG(FATAL) << "Failed to get child PID from pipe";
// In parent process.
LOG(INFO) << "Forked executor at = " << pid;
// Store the pid of the leading process of the executor.
info->pid = pid;
// Tell the slave this executor has started.
} else {
// In child process, we make cleanup easier by putting process
// into it's own session. DO NOT USE GLOG!
// NOTE: We setsid() in a loop because setsid() might fail if another
// process has the same process group id as the calling process.
while ((pid = setsid()) == -1) {
perror("Could not put executor in its own session");
std::cout << "Forking another process and retrying ..." << std::endl;
if ((pid = fork()) == -1) {
perror("Failed to fork to launch executor");
if (pid > 0) {
// In parent process.
if (write(pipes[1], &pid, sizeof(pid)) != sizeof(pid)) {
perror("Failed to write PID on pipe");
launcher::ExecutorLauncher launcher(
// First fetch the executor.
if (launcher.setup() < 0) {
EXIT(1) << "Failed to setup executor '" << executorId
<< "' for framework " << frameworkId;
// Put self into the newly created cgroup.
// Note that the memory used for setting up the executor
// (launcher.setup()) is charged to the slave's cgroup and
// not to the executor's cgroup. When we assign the executor
// to the its own cgroup, below, its memory charge will start
// at 0. For more details, refer to
Try<Nothing> assign = cgroups::assign(hierarchy, info->name(), ::getpid());
if (assign.isError()) {
EXIT(1) << "Failed to assign executor '" << executorId
<< "' of framework " << frameworkId
<< " to its own cgroup '" << path::join(hierarchy, info->name())
<< "' : " << assign.error();
// Now launch the executor (this function should not return).
void CgroupsIsolator::killExecutor(
const FrameworkID& frameworkId,
const ExecutorID& executorId)
CHECK(initialized) << "Cannot kill executors before initialization";
CgroupInfo* info = findCgroupInfo(frameworkId, executorId);
if (info == NULL || info->killed) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Asked to kill an unknown/killed executor!";
LOG(INFO) << "Killing executor " << executorId
<< " of framework " << frameworkId;
// Stop the OOM listener if needed.
if (info->oomNotifier.isPending()) {
info->killed = true;
// Destroy the cgroup that is associated with the executor. Here, we
// don't wait for it to succeed as we don't want to block the
// isolator. Instead, we register a callback which will be invoked
// when its result is ready.
cgroups::destroy(hierarchy, info->name())
void CgroupsIsolator::resourcesChanged(
const FrameworkID& frameworkId,
const ExecutorID& executorId,
const Resources& resources)
CHECK(initialized) << "Cannot change resources before initialization";
CgroupInfo* info = findCgroupInfo(frameworkId, executorId);
if (info == NULL || info->killed) {
LOG(INFO) << "Asked to update resources for an unknown/killed executor";
info->resources = resources;
LOG(INFO) << "Changing cgroup controls for executor " << executorId
<< " of framework " << frameworkId
<< " with resources " << resources;
// For each resource, invoke the corresponding handler.
foreach (const Resource& resource, resources) {
if (handlers.contains( {
Try<Nothing> result = (this->*handlers[])(info, resource);
if (result.isError()) {
LOG(ERROR) << result.error();
Future<ResourceStatistics> CgroupsIsolator::usage(
const FrameworkID& frameworkId,
const ExecutorID& executorId)
if (!infos.contains(frameworkId) ||
!infos[frameworkId].contains(executorId) ||
infos[frameworkId][executorId]->killed) {
return Future<ResourceStatistics>::failed("Unknown or killed executor");
// Get the number of clock ticks, used for cpu accounting.
static long ticks = sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK);
PCHECK(ticks > 0) << "Failed to get sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK)";
CgroupInfo* info = infos[frameworkId][executorId];
ResourceStatistics result;
// Set the resource allocations.
Option<Bytes> mem = info->resources.mem();
if (mem.isSome()) {
Option<double> cpus = info->resources.cpus();
if (cpus.isSome()) {
Try<hashmap<string, uint64_t> > stat =
cgroups::stat(hierarchy, info->name(), "cpuacct.stat");
if (stat.isError()) {
return Future<ResourceStatistics>::failed(
"Failed to read cpuacct.stat: " + stat.error());
// TODO(bmahler): Add namespacing to cgroups to enforce the expected
// structure, e.g., cgroups::cpuacct::stat.
if (stat.get().contains("user") && stat.get().contains("system")) {
(double) stat.get()["user"] / (double) ticks);
(double) stat.get()["system"] / (double) ticks);
stat = cgroups::stat(hierarchy, info->name(), "memory.stat");
if (stat.isError()) {
return Future<ResourceStatistics>::failed(
"Failed to read memory.stat: " + stat.error());
// TODO(bmahler): Add namespacing to cgroups to enforce the expected
// structure, e.g, cgroups::memory::stat.
if (stat.get().contains("rss")) {
// Add the cpu.stat information.
stat = cgroups::stat(hierarchy, info->name(), "cpu.stat");
if (stat.isError()) {
return Future<ResourceStatistics>::failed(
"Failed to read cpu.stat: " + stat.error());
if (stat.get().contains("nr_periods")) {
(uint32_t) stat.get()["nr_periods"]);
if (stat.get().contains("nr_throttled")) {
(uint32_t) stat.get()["nr_throttled"]);
if (stat.get().contains("throttled_time")) {
return result;
Future<Nothing> CgroupsIsolator::recover(
const Option<SlaveState>& state)
LOG(INFO) << "Recovering isolator";
hashset<std::string> cgroups; // Recovered cgroups.
if (state.isSome()) {
foreachvalue (const FrameworkState& framework, state.get().frameworks) {
foreachvalue (const ExecutorState& executor, framework.executors) {
LOG(INFO) << "Recovering executor '" <<
<< "' of framework " <<;
if ( {
LOG(WARNING) << "Skipping recovery of executor '" <<
<< "' of framework " <<
<< " because its info cannot be recovered";
if (executor.latest.isNone()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Skipping recovery of executor '" <<
<< "' of framework " <<
<< " because its latest run cannot be recovered";
// We are only interested in the latest run of the executor!
const UUID& uuid = executor.latest.get();
const RunState& run = executor.runs.get(uuid).get();
if (run.completed) {
VLOG(1) << "Skipping recovery of executor '" <<
<< "' of framework " <<
<< " because its latest run " << uuid << " is completed";
// TODO(vinod): Currently, we assume that the cgroups
// information (e.g., hierarchy, root) used while recovering
// is same as the one that was used by the previous slave
// while checkpointing. Instead, we should checkpoint the
// cgroups information.
CgroupInfo* info = registerCgroupInfo(,, uuid, run.forkedPid, flags);
// If the cgroup has already been removed inform the slave.
Try<bool> exists = cgroups::exists(hierarchy, info->name());
CHECK_SOME(exists) << "Failed to find the existence of cgroup "
<< info->name();
if (!exists.get()) {
// Add the pid to the reaper to monitor exit status.
if (run.forkedPid.isSome()) {
// Start listening for OOMs. If the executor OOMed while the
// slave was down or recovering, the cgroup will already be
// under_oom, resulting in immediate notification.
// TODO(bmahler): I've been unable to find documentation
// guaranteeing this, but the kernel source indicates they
// notify if already under_oom.
if (subsystems.contains("memory")) {
// Cleanup any orphaned cgroups that are not going to be recovered (this
// should be safe because we've been able to acquire the file lock).
Try<vector<string> > orphans = cgroups::get(hierarchy, flags.cgroups_root);
if (orphans.isError()) {
return Future<Nothing>::failed(orphans.error());
foreach (const string& orphan, orphans.get()) {
if (!cgroups.contains(orphan)) {
LOG(INFO) << "Removing orphaned cgroup '" << orphan << "'";
cgroups::destroy(hierarchy, orphan)
return Nothing();
void CgroupsIsolator::reaped(pid_t pid, const Future<Option<int> >& status)
CgroupInfo* info = findCgroupInfo(pid);
if (info != NULL) {
FrameworkID frameworkId = info->frameworkId;
ExecutorID executorId = info->executorId;
if (!status.isReady()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get the status for executor " << executorId
<< " of framework " << frameworkId << ": "
<< (status.isFailed() ? status.failure() : "discarded");
LOG(INFO) << "Executor " << executorId
<< " of framework " << frameworkId
<< " terminated with status "
<< (status.get().isSome()
? stringify(status.get().get())
: "unknown");
// Set the exit status, so that '_killExecutor()' can send it to the slave.
info->status = status.get();
if (!info->killed) {
killExecutor(frameworkId, executorId);
Try<Nothing> CgroupsIsolator::cpusChanged(
CgroupInfo* info,
const Resource& resource)
CHECK( == "cpus");
if (resource.type() != Value::SCALAR) {
return Error("Expecting resource 'cpus' to be a scalar");
double cpus = resource.scalar().value();
size_t shares =
std::max((size_t) (CPU_SHARES_PER_CPU * cpus), MIN_CPU_SHARES);
Try<Nothing> write = cgroups::write(
hierarchy, info->name(), "cpu.shares", stringify(shares));
if (write.isError()) {
return Error("Failed to update 'cpu.shares': " + write.error());
LOG(INFO) << "Updated 'cpu.shares' to " << shares
<< " for executor " << info->executorId
<< " of framework " << info->frameworkId;
return Nothing();
Try<Nothing> CgroupsIsolator::cpusetChanged(
CgroupInfo* info,
const Resource& resource)
CHECK( == "cpus");
CHECK(resource.type() == Value::SCALAR);
double delta = resource.scalar().value() - info->cpuset->usage();
if (delta < 0) {
map<proc::CPU, double> deallocated = info->cpuset->shrink(fabs(delta));
foreachpair (const proc::CPU& cpu, double freed, deallocated) {
cpus[cpu] -= freed;
CHECK(cpus[cpu] > -0.001); // Check approximately >= 0.
} else {
map<proc::CPU, double> allocated = info->cpuset->grow(delta, cpus);
foreachpair (const proc::CPU& cpu, double used, allocated) {
cpus[cpu] += used;
CHECK(cpus[cpu] < 1.001); // Check approximately <= 1.
Try<Nothing> write = cgroups::write(
hierarchy, info->name(), "cpuset.cpus", stringify(*(info->cpuset)));
if (write.isError()) {
return Error("Failed to update 'cpuset.cpus': " + write.error());
LOG(INFO) << "Updated 'cpuset.cpus' to " << *(info->cpuset)
<< " for executor " << info->executorId
<< " of framework " << info->frameworkId;
return Nothing();
Try<Nothing> CgroupsIsolator::cfsChanged(
CgroupInfo* info,
const Resource& resource)
CHECK( == "cpus");
CHECK(resource.type() == Value::SCALAR);
Try<Nothing> write = cgroups::write(
if (write.isError()) {
return Error("Failed to update 'cpu.cfs_period_us': " + write.error());
double cpus = resource.scalar().value();
size_t quota = static_cast<size_t>(
std::max( * cpus,;
write = cgroups::write(
hierarchy, info->name(), "cpu.cfs_quota_us", stringify(quota));
if (write.isError()) {
return Error("Failed to update 'cpu.cfs_quota_us': " + write.error());
LOG(INFO) << "Updated 'cpu.cfs_period_us' to " <<
<< " and 'cpu.cfs_quota_us' to " << quota
<< " for executor " << info->executorId
<< " of framework " << info->frameworkId;
// Set cpu.shares as well.
// TODO(tdmackey): Allow multiple handlers per resource.
cpusChanged(info, resource);
return Nothing();
Try<Nothing> CgroupsIsolator::memChanged(
CgroupInfo* info,
const Resource& resource)
CHECK( == "mem");
if (resource.type() != Value::SCALAR) {
return Error("Expecting resource 'mem' to be a scalar");
Bytes mem = Bytes((uint64_t) resource.scalar().value() * 1024LL * 1024LL);
Bytes limit = std::max(mem, MIN_MEMORY);
// Always set the soft limit.
Try<Nothing> write =
cgroups::memory::soft_limit_in_bytes(hierarchy, info->name(), limit);
if (write.isError()) {
return Error("Failed to set 'memory.soft_limit_in_bytes': "
+ write.error());
LOG(INFO) << "Updated 'memory.soft_limit_in_bytes' to " << limit
<< " for executor " << info->executorId
<< " of framework " << info->frameworkId;
// Read the existing limit.
Try<Bytes> currentLimit =
cgroups::memory::limit_in_bytes(hierarchy, info->name());
if (currentLimit.isError()) {
return Error(
"Failed to read 'memory.limit_in_bytes': " + currentLimit.error());
// Determine whether to set the hard limit. If this is the first
// time (info->pid.isNone()), or we're raising the existing limit,
// then we can update the hard limit safely. Otherwise, if we need
// to decrease 'memory.limit_in_bytes' we may induce an OOM if too
// much memory is in use. As a result, we only update the soft
// limit when the memory reservation is being reduced. This is
// probably okay if the machine has available resources.
// TODO(benh): Introduce a MemoryWatcherProcess which monitors the
// discrepancy between usage and soft limit and introduces a
// "manual oom" if necessary.
if (info->pid.isNone() || limit > currentLimit.get()) {
write = cgroups::memory::limit_in_bytes(hierarchy, info->name(), limit);
if (write.isError()) {
return Error("Failed to set 'memory.limit_in_bytes': " + write.error());
LOG(INFO) << "Updated 'memory.limit_in_bytes' to " << limit
<< " for executor " << info->executorId
<< " of framework " << info->frameworkId;
return Nothing();
void CgroupsIsolator::oomListen(
const FrameworkID& frameworkId,
const ExecutorID& executorId)
CgroupInfo* info = findCgroupInfo(frameworkId, executorId);
CHECK(info != NULL) << "Cgroup info is not registered";
info->oomNotifier =
cgroups::listen(hierarchy, info->name(), "memory.oom_control");
// If the listening fails immediately, something very wrong happened.
// Therefore, we report a fatal error here.
if (info->oomNotifier.isFailed()) {
LOG(FATAL) << "Failed to listen for OOM events for executor " << executorId
<< " of framework " << frameworkId
<< ": "<< info->oomNotifier.failure();
LOG(INFO) << "Started listening for OOM events for executor " << executorId
<< " of framework " << frameworkId;
void CgroupsIsolator::oomWaited(
const FrameworkID& frameworkId,
const ExecutorID& executorId,
const UUID& uuid,
const Future<uint64_t>& future)
LOG(INFO) << "OOM notifier is triggered for executor "
<< executorId << " of framework " << frameworkId
<< " with uuid " << uuid;
if (future.isDiscarded()) {
LOG(INFO) << "Discarded OOM notifier for executor "
<< executorId << " of framework " << frameworkId
<< " with uuid " << uuid;
} else if (future.isFailed()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Listening on OOM events failed for executor "
<< executorId << " of framework " << frameworkId
<< " with uuid " << uuid << ": " << future.failure();
} else {
// Out-of-memory event happened, call the handler.
oom(frameworkId, executorId, uuid);
void CgroupsIsolator::oom(
const FrameworkID& frameworkId,
const ExecutorID& executorId,
const UUID& uuid)
CgroupInfo* info = findCgroupInfo(frameworkId, executorId);
if (info == NULL) {
// It is likely that processExited is executed before this function (e.g.
// The kill and OOM events happen at the same time, and the process exit
// event arrives first.) Therefore, we should not report a fatal error here.
LOG(INFO) << "OOM detected for an already terminated executor";
// We can also ignore an OOM event that we are late to process for a
// previous instance of an executor.
if (uuid != info->uuid.get()) {
LOG(INFO) << "OOM detected for a previous executor instance";
// If killed is set, the OOM notifier will be discarded in oomWaited.
// Therefore, we should not be able to reach this point.
CHECK(!info->killed) << "OOM detected for an already killed executor";
LOG(INFO) << "OOM detected for executor " << executorId
<< " of framework " << frameworkId
<< " with uuid " << uuid;
// Construct a "message" string to describe why the isolator
// destroyed the executor's cgroup (in order to assist in debugging).
ostringstream message;
message << "Memory limit exceeded: ";
// Output the requested memory limit.
Try<Bytes> limit = cgroups::memory::limit_in_bytes(hierarchy, info->name());
if (limit.isError()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to read 'memory.limit_in_bytes': " << limit.error();
} else {
message << "Requested: " << limit.get() << " ";
// Output the memory usage.
Try<Bytes> usage = cgroups::memory::usage_in_bytes(hierarchy, info->name());
if (usage.isError()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to read 'memory.usage_in_bytes': " << usage.error();
} else {
message << "Used: " << usage.get() << "\n";
// Output 'memory.stat' of the cgroup to help with debugging.
Try<string> read = cgroups::read(hierarchy, info->name(), "memory.stat");
if (read.isError()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to read 'memory.stat': " << read.error();
} else {
message << "\nMEMORY STATISTICS: \n" << read.get() << "\n";
LOG(INFO) << strings::trim(message.str()); // Trim the extra '\n' at the end.
info->destroyed = true;
info->message = message.str();
killExecutor(frameworkId, executorId);
void CgroupsIsolator::_destroy(
const string& cgroup,
const Future<bool>& future)
CHECK(initialized) << "Cannot destroy cgroups before initialization";
if (future.isReady()) {
LOG(INFO) << "Successfully destroyed cgroup " << cgroup;
} else {
LOG(FATAL) << "Failed to destroy cgroup " << cgroup
<< ": " << future.failure();
void CgroupsIsolator::_killExecutor(
CgroupInfo* info,
const Future<bool>& future)
CHECK(initialized) << "Cannot kill executors before initialization";
if (future.isReady()) {
LOG(INFO) << "Successfully destroyed cgroup " << info->name();
<< "Unexpectedly alive executor " << info->executorId
<< " of framework " << info->frameworkId;
// NOTE: The exit status of the executor might not be set if this
// function is called before 'processTerminated()' is called.
// TODO(vinod): When reaper returns a future instead of issuing a callback,
// wait for that future to be ready and grab the exit status.
// We make a copy here because 'info' will be deleted when we unregister.
} else {
LOG(FATAL) << "Failed to destroy cgroup " << info->name()
<< ": " << future.failure();
CgroupsIsolator::CgroupInfo* CgroupsIsolator::registerCgroupInfo(
const FrameworkID& frameworkId,
const ExecutorID& executorId,
const UUID& uuid,
const Option<pid_t>& pid,
const Flags& flags)
CgroupInfo* info = new CgroupInfo();
info->frameworkId = frameworkId;
info->executorId = executorId;
info->uuid = uuid;
info->pid = pid;
info->killed = false;
info->destroyed = false;
info->status = -1;
info->message = "";
info->flags = flags;
if (subsystems.contains("cpuset")) {
info->cpuset = new Cpuset();
} else {
info->cpuset = NULL;
infos[frameworkId][executorId] = info;
return info;
void CgroupsIsolator::unregisterCgroupInfo(
const FrameworkID& frameworkId,
const ExecutorID& executorId)
if (infos.contains(frameworkId)) {
if (infos[frameworkId].contains(executorId)) {
delete infos[frameworkId][executorId];
if (infos[frameworkId].empty()) {
CgroupsIsolator::CgroupInfo* CgroupsIsolator::findCgroupInfo(
pid_t pid)
foreachkey (const FrameworkID& frameworkId, infos) {
foreachvalue (CgroupInfo* info, infos[frameworkId]) {
if (info->pid.isSome() && info->pid.get() == pid) {
return info;
return NULL;
CgroupsIsolator::CgroupInfo* CgroupsIsolator::findCgroupInfo(
const FrameworkID& frameworkId,
const ExecutorID& executorId)
if (infos.find(frameworkId) != infos.end()) {
if (infos[frameworkId].find(executorId) != infos[frameworkId].end()) {
return infos[frameworkId][executorId];
return NULL;
} // namespace mesos {
} // namespace internal {
} // namespace slave {