blob: b109ca2a9c7c4b8f1444cc654298c9e580d0ca42 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
import "mesos/v1/mesos.proto";
package mesos.v1.quota;
option java_package = "org.apache.mesos.v1.quota";
option java_outer_classname = "Protos";
* Describes the resource guarantees for a role.
* Persisted in the registry.
message QuotaInfo {
optional string role = 1;
// Principal which set the quota. Currently only operators can set quotas.
optional string principal = 2;
repeated Resource guarantee = 3;
* Describes an update to a role's quota. This is a copy of
* `QuotaInfo` which omits the principal since it is determined
* during authentication. Also allows the user to force the update
* in the case of a guarantee overcommit.
message QuotaRequest {
// See `guarantee` for the behavior of `force`.
optional bool force = 1;
optional string role = 2;
// Mesos will try its best to ensure that the role can be
// allocated at least as many resources as the guarantee.
// Despite this, it's possible for the guarantee to not be
// satisfiable, if:
// (1) The operator has overcommitted guarantees.
// (2) There is a loss of agents that such that the
// guarantees overcommit the cluster.
// (3) The scheduler is pickier than mesos knows about,
// e.g. the scheduler needs resources from agents
// with specific attributes.
// The provided guarantee will be validated to ensure it
// is not overcommitting the cluster. The operator can
// disable this via `QuotaRequest.force`.
// If the guarantee is omitted, there is no guarantee.
// Operators may want to set up alerting to let them know
// when a guarantee cannot be satisfied.
// NOTE: The resources must be scalars without additional
// metadata like reservations, disk information, etc.
repeated Resource guarantee = 3;
* Describes a role's quota configuration.
message QuotaConfig {
required string role = 1;
// Name-value pairs that define the resource guarantees.
// Only scalar resources are currently supported.
// Mesos will try its best to ensure that the role can be
// allocated at least as many resources as the guarantee.
// Despite this, it's possible for the guarantee to not be
// satisfiable, if:
// (1) The operator has overcommitted guarantees.
// (2) There is a loss of agents that such that the
// guarantees overcommit the cluster.
// (3) The scheduler is pickier than mesos knows about,
// e.g. the scheduler needs resources from agents
// with specific attributes.
// The provided guarantees will be validated to ensure it
// is not overcommitting the cluster. The operator can
// disable this via `UpdateQuota.force`.
// If the guarantee is omitted, there is no guarantee.
// Operators may want to set up alerting to let them know
// when a guarantee cannot be satisfied.
map<string, Value.Scalar> guarantees = 2;
// Name-value pairs that define the resource limits.
// Only scalar resources are currently supported.
// Imposes a limit on the amount of resources allocated to the
// role. Mesos will try its best to ensure that the role does
// not exceed this limit. Despite this, the limit can be exceeded
// when:
// (1) The limit is lowered below the allocation.
// (2) Some agents are partitioned and re-connect with
// resources allocated to the role.
// The provided limits will be validated to ensure it does not
// exceed the total cluster size. The operator can disable
// this check via `UpdateQuota.force`.
// If the limit is omitted, there is no limit.
// Operators may want to set up alerting to let them know
// when the limit is exceeded.
map<string, Value.Scalar> limits = 3;
* `QuotaStatus` describes the internal representation for the
* /quota/status response and `GET_QUOTA` `master::Response`.
message QuotaStatus {
// Returns all non-default quotas. Those ommitted from this
// list have the default of: no guarantee and no limit.
repeated QuotaInfo infos = 1;