blob: 7da6e412d7cd408e0469c9ba74a08cf01aa81e08 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <map>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <google/protobuf/repeated_field.h>
#include <mesos/v1/mesos.hpp>
#include <mesos/v1/values.hpp>
#include <stout/bytes.hpp>
#include <stout/check.hpp>
#include <stout/error.hpp>
#include <stout/foreach.hpp>
#include <stout/hashmap.hpp>
#include <stout/json.hpp>
#include <stout/lambda.hpp>
#include <stout/nothing.hpp>
#include <stout/option.hpp>
#include <stout/try.hpp>
// Resources come in three types: scalar, ranges, and sets. These are
// represented using protocol buffers. To make manipulation of
// resources easier within the Mesos core and for scheduler writers,
// we provide generic overloaded operators (see below) as well as a
// general Resources class that encapsulates a collection of protocol
// buffer Resource objects. The Resources class also provides a few
// static routines to allow parsing resources (e.g., from the command
// line), as well as determining whether or not a Resource object is
// valid. Note that many of these operations have not been optimized
// but instead just written for correct semantics.
namespace mesos {
namespace internal { class ResourceQuantities; }
namespace v1 {
// Forward declaration.
class ResourceConversion;
// Helper functions.
bool operator==(
const Resource::ReservationInfo& left,
const Resource::ReservationInfo& right);
bool operator!=(
const Resource::ReservationInfo& left,
const Resource::ReservationInfo& right);
// NOTE: Resource objects stored in the class are always valid, are in
// the "post-reservation-refinement" format, and kept combined if possible.
// It is the caller's responsibility to validate any Resource object or
// repeated Resource protobufs before constructing a Resources object.
// Otherwise, invalid Resource objects will be silently stripped.
// Invalid Resource objects will also be silently ignored when used in
// arithmetic operations (e.g., +=, -=, etc.).
class Resources
// An internal abstraction to facilitate managing shared resources.
// It allows 'Resources' to group identical shared resource objects
// together into a single 'Resource_' object and tracked by its internal
// counter. Non-shared resource objects are not grouped.
// The rest of the private section is below the public section. We
// need to define Resource_ first because the public typedefs below
// depend on it.
class Resource_
/*implicit*/ Resource_(const Resource& _resource)
: resource(_resource),
// Setting the counter to 1 to denote "one copy" of the shared resource.
if (resource.has_shared()) {
sharedCount = 1;
// By implicitly converting to Resource we are able to keep Resource_
// logic internal and expose only the protobuf object.
operator const Resource&() const { return resource; }
// Check whether this Resource_ object corresponds to a shared resource.
bool isShared() const { return sharedCount.isSome(); }
// Validates this Resource_ object.
Option<Error> validate() const;
// Check whether this Resource_ object is empty.
bool isEmpty() const;
// The `Resource_` arithmetic, comparison operators and `contains()`
// method require the wrapped `resource` protobuf to have the same
// sharedness.
// For shared resources, the `resource` protobuf needs to be equal,
// and only the shared counters are adjusted or compared.
// For non-shared resources, the shared counters are none and the
// semantics of the Resource_ object's operators/contains() method
// are the same as those of the Resource objects.
// Checks if this Resource_ is a superset of the given Resource_.
bool contains(const Resource_& that) const;
// The arithmetic operators, viz. += and -= assume that the corresponding
// Resource objects are addable or subtractable already.
Resource_& operator+=(const Resource_& that);
Resource_& operator-=(const Resource_& that);
bool operator==(const Resource_& that) const;
bool operator!=(const Resource_& that) const;
// Friend classes and functions for access to private members.
friend class Resources;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(
std::ostream& stream, const Resource_& resource_);
// The protobuf Resource that is being managed.
Resource resource;
// The counter for grouping shared 'resource' objects, None if the
// 'resource' is non-shared. This is an int so as to support arithmetic
// operations involving subtraction.
Option<int> sharedCount;
* Returns a Resource with the given name, value, and role.
* Parses the text and returns a Resource object with the given name, value,
* and role. For example, "Resource r = parse("mem", "1024", "*");".
* @param name The name of the Resource.
* @param value The Resource's value.
* @param role The role associated with the Resource.
* @return A `Try` which contains the parsed Resource if parsing was
* successful, or an Error otherwise.
static Try<Resource> parse(
const std::string& name,
const std::string& value,
const std::string& role);
* Parses Resources from an input string.
* Parses Resources from text in the form of a JSON array or as a simple
* string in the form of "name(role):value;name:value;...". i.e., this
* method calls `fromJSON()` or `fromSimpleString()` and validates the
* resulting `vector<Resource>` before converting it to a `Resources`
* object.
* @param text The input string.
* @param defaultRole The default role.
* @return A `Try` which contains the parsed Resources if parsing was
* successful, or an Error otherwise.
static Try<Resources> parse(
const std::string& text,
const std::string& defaultRole = "*");
* Parses an input JSON array into a vector of Resource objects.
* Parses into a vector of Resource objects from a JSON array. Any
* resource that doesn't specify a role is assigned to the provided
* default role. See the `Resource` protobuf definition for precise
* JSON formatting.
* Example JSON: [{"name":"cpus","type":"SCALAR","scalar":{"value":8}}]
* NOTE: The `Resource` objects in the result vector may not be valid
* semantically (i.e., they may not pass `Resources::validate()`). This
* is to allow additional handling of the parsing results in some cases.
* @param resourcesJSON The input JSON array.
* @param defaultRole The default role.
* @return A `Try` which contains the parsed vector of Resource objects
* if parsing was successful, or an Error otherwise.
static Try<std::vector<Resource>> fromJSON(
const JSON::Array& resourcesJSON,
const std::string& defaultRole = "*");
* Parses an input text string into a vector of Resource objects.
* Parses into a vector of Resource objects from text. Any resource that
* doesn't specify a role is assigned to the provided default role.
* Example text: name(role):value;name:value;...
* NOTE: The `Resource` objects in the result vector may not be valid
* semantically (i.e., they may not pass `Resources::validate()`). This
* is to allow additional handling of the parsing results in some cases.
* @param text The input text string.
* @param defaultRole The default role.
* @return A `Try` which contains the parsed vector of Resource objects
* if parsing was successful, or an Error otherwise.
static Try<std::vector<Resource>> fromSimpleString(
const std::string& text,
const std::string& defaultRole = "*");
* Parse an input string into a vector of Resource objects.
* Parses into a vector of Resource objects from either JSON or plain
* text. If the string is well-formed JSON it is assumed to be JSON,
* otherwise plain text. Any resource that doesn't specify a role is
* assigned to the provided default role.
* NOTE: The `Resource` objects in the result vector may not be valid
* semantically (i.e., they may not pass `Resources::validate()`). This
* is to allow additional handling of the parsing results in some cases.
static Try<std::vector<Resource>> fromString(
const std::string& text,
const std::string& defaultRole = "*");
* Validates a Resource object.
* Validates the given Resource object. Returns Error if it is not valid. A
* Resource object is valid if it has a name, a valid type, i.e. scalar,
* range, or set, has the appropriate value set, and a valid (role,
* reservation) pair for dynamic reservation.
* @param resource The input resource to be validated.
* @return An `Option` which contains None() if the validation was successful,
* or an Error if not.
static Option<Error> validate(const Resource& resource);
* Validates the given repeated Resource protobufs.
* Validates the given repeated Resource protobufs. Returns Error if an
* invalid Resource is found. A Resource object is valid if it has a name, a
* valid type, i.e. scalar, range, or set, has the appropriate value set, and
* a valid (role, reservation) pair for dynamic reservation.
* TODO(jieyu): Right now, it's the same as checking each individual Resource
* object in the protobufs. In the future, we could add more checks that are
* not possible if checking each Resource object individually. For example, we
* could check multiple usage of an item in a set or a range, etc.
* @param resources The repeated Resource objects to be validated.
* @return An `Option` which contains None() if the validation was successful,
* or an Error if not.
static Option<Error> validate(
const google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<Resource>& resources);
// NOTE: The following predicate functions assume that the given resource is
// validated, and is in the "post-reservation-refinement" format. That is,
// the reservation state is represented by `Resource.reservations` field,
// and `Resource.role` and `Resource.reservation` fields are not set.
// See 'Resource Format' section in `mesos.proto` for more details.
// Tests if the given Resource object is empty.
static bool isEmpty(const Resource& resource);
// Tests if the given Resource object is a persistent volume.
static bool isPersistentVolume(const Resource& resource);
// Tests if the given Resource object is a disk of the specified type.
static bool isDisk(
const Resource& resource,
const Resource::DiskInfo::Source::Type& type);
// Tests if the given Resource object is reserved. If the role is
// specified, tests that it's reserved for the given role.
static bool isReserved(
const Resource& resource,
const Option<std::string>& role = None());
// Tests if the given Resource object is allocatable to the given role.
// A resource object is allocatable to 'role' if:
// * it is reserved to an ancestor of that role in the hierarchy, OR
// * it is reserved to 'role' itself, OR
// * it is unreserved.
static bool isAllocatableTo(
const Resource& resource,
const std::string& role);
// Tests if the given Resource object is unreserved.
static bool isUnreserved(const Resource& resource);
// Tests if the given Resource object is dynamically reserved.
static bool isDynamicallyReserved(const Resource& resource);
// Tests if the given Resource object is revocable.
static bool isRevocable(const Resource& resource);
// Tests if the given Resource object is shared.
static bool isShared(const Resource& resource);
// Tests if the given Resources object is a "pure" scalar quantity which
// only consists of resource object with ONLY name, type (set to "Scalar")
// and scalar fields set.
static bool isScalarQuantity(const Resources& resources);
// Tests if the given Resource object has refined reservations.
static bool hasRefinedReservations(const Resource& resource);
// Tests if the given Resource object is provided by a resource provider.
static bool hasResourceProvider(const Resource& resource);
// Returns the role to which the given Resource object is reserved for.
// This must be called only when the resource is reserved!
static const std::string& reservationRole(const Resource& resource);
// Shrinks a scalar type `resource` to the target size.
// Returns true if the resource was shrunk to the target size,
// or the resource is already within the target size.
// Returns false otherwise (i.e. the resource is indivisible.
// E.g. MOUNT volume).
static bool shrink(Resource* resource, const Value::Scalar& target);
// Returns the summed up Resources given a hashmap<Key, Resources>.
// NOTE: While scalar resources such as "cpus" sum correctly,
// non-scalar resources such as "ports" do not.
// e.g. "cpus:2" + "cpus:1" = "cpus:3"
// "ports:[0-100]" + "ports:[0-100]" = "ports:[0-100]"
// TODO(mpark): Deprecate this function once we introduce the
// concept of "cluster-wide" resources which provides correct
// semantics for summation over all types of resources. (e.g.
// non-scalar)
template <typename Key>
static Resources sum(const hashmap<Key, Resources>& _resources)
Resources result;
foreachvalue (const Resources& resources, _resources) {
result += resources;
return result;
Resources() {}
// TODO(jieyu): Consider using C++11 initializer list.
/*implicit*/ Resources(const Resource& resource);
Resources(const std::vector<Resource>& _resources);
Resources(const google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<Resource>& _resources);
Resources(const Resources& that) : resources(that.resources) {}
Resources& operator=(const Resources& that)
if (this != &that) {
resources = that.resources;
return *this;
bool empty() const { return resources.size() == 0; }
size_t size() const { return resources.size(); }
// Checks if this Resources is a superset of the given Resources.
bool contains(const Resources& that) const;
// Checks if this Resources contains the given Resource.
bool contains(const Resource& that) const;
// Checks if the quantities of this `Resources` is a superset of the
// given `ResourceQuantities`. If a `Resource` object is `SCALAR` type,
// its quantity is its scalar value. For `RANGES` and `SET` type, their
// quantities are the number of different instances in the range or set.
// For example, "range:[1-5]" has a quantity of 5 and "set:{a,b}" has a
// quantity of 2.
bool contains(
const mesos::internal::ResourceQuantities& quantities) const;
// Count the Resource objects that match the specified value.
// NOTE:
// - For a non-shared resource the count can be at most 1 because all
// non-shared Resource objects in Resources are unique.
// - For a shared resource the count can be greater than 1.
// - If the resource is not in the Resources object, the count is 0.
size_t count(const Resource& that) const;
// Allocates the resources to the given role (by setting the
// `AllocationInfo.role`). Any existing allocation will be
// over-written.
void allocate(const std::string& role);
// Unallocates the resources.
void unallocate();
// Filter resources based on the given predicate.
Resources filter(
const lambda::function<bool(const Resource&)>& predicate) const;
// Returns the reserved resources, by role.
hashmap<std::string, Resources> reservations() const;
// Returns the reserved resources for the role, if specified.
// Note that the "*" role represents unreserved resources,
// and will be ignored.
Resources reserved(const Option<std::string>& role = None()) const;
// Returns resources allocatable to role. See `isAllocatableTo` for the
// definition of 'allocatableTo'.
Resources allocatableTo(const std::string& role) const;
// Returns the unreserved resources.
Resources unreserved() const;
// Returns the persistent volumes.
Resources persistentVolumes() const;
// Returns the revocable resources.
Resources revocable() const;
// Returns the non-revocable resources, effectively !revocable().
Resources nonRevocable() const;
// Returns the shared resources.
Resources shared() const;
// Returns the non-shared resources.
Resources nonShared() const;
// Returns the per-role allocations within these resource objects.
// This must be called only when the resources are allocated!
hashmap<std::string, Resources> allocations() const;
// Returns a `Resources` object with the new reservation added to the back.
// The new reservation must be a valid refinement of the current reservation.
Resources pushReservation(const Resource::ReservationInfo& reservation) const;
// Returns a `Resources` object with the last reservation removed.
// Every resource in `Resources` must have `resource.reservations_size() > 0`.
Resources popReservation() const;
// Returns a `Resources` object with all of the reservations removed.
Resources toUnreserved() const;
// Returns a Resources object that contains all the scalar resources
// but with all the meta-data fields, such as AllocationInfo,
// ReservationInfo and etc. cleared. Only scalar resources' name,
// type (SCALAR) and value are preserved.
// This is intended for code that would like to aggregate together
// Resource values without regard for metadata like whether the
// resource is reserved or the particular volume ID in use. For
// example, when calculating the total resources in a cluster,
// preserving such information has a major performance cost.
Resources createStrippedScalarQuantity() const;
// Finds a Resources object with the same amount of each resource
// type as "targets" from these Resources. The roles specified in
// "targets" set the preference order. For each resource type,
// resources are first taken from the specified role, then from '*',
// then from any other role.
// TODO(jieyu): 'find' contains some allocation logic for scalars and
// fixed set / range elements. However, this is not sufficient for
// schedulers that want, say, any N available ports. We should
// consider moving this to an internal "allocation" library for our
// example frameworks to leverage.
Option<Resources> find(const Resources& targets) const;
// Applies a resource conversion by taking out the `consumed`
// resources and adding back the `converted` resources. Returns an
// Error if the conversion cannot be applied.
Try<Resources> apply(const ResourceConversion& conversion) const;
// Obtains the conversion from the given operation and applies the
// conversion. This method serves a syntax sugar for applying a
// resource conversion.
// TODO(jieyu): Consider remove this method once we updated all the
// call sites.
Try<Resources> apply(const Offer::Operation& operation) const;
template <typename Iterable>
Try<Resources> apply(const Iterable& iterable) const
Resources result = *this;
foreach (const auto& t, iterable) {
Try<Resources> converted = result.apply(t);
if (converted.isError()) {
return Error(converted.error());
result = converted.get();
return result;
// Helpers to get resource values. We consider all roles here.
template <typename T>
Option<T> get(const std::string& name) const;
// Get resources of the given name.
Resources get(const std::string& name) const;
// Get all the resources that are scalars.
Resources scalars() const;
// Get the set of unique resource names.
std::set<std::string> names() const;
// Get the types of resources associated with each resource name.
// NOTE: Resources of the same name must have the same type, as
// enforced by Resources::parse().
std::map<std::string, Value_Type> types() const;
// Helpers to get known resource types.
// TODO(vinod): Fix this when we make these types as first class
// protobufs.
Option<double> cpus() const;
Option<double> gpus() const;
Option<Bytes> mem() const;
Option<Bytes> disk() const;
// TODO(vinod): Provide a Ranges abstraction.
Option<Value::Ranges> ports() const;
// TODO(jieyu): Consider returning an EphemeralPorts abstraction
// which holds the ephemeral ports allocation logic.
Option<Value::Ranges> ephemeral_ports() const;
// NOTE: Non-`const` `iterator`, `begin()` and `end()` are __intentionally__
// defined with `const` semantics in order to prevent mutable access to the
// `Resource` objects within `resources`.
typedef std::vector<Resource_>::const_iterator iterator;
typedef std::vector<Resource_>::const_iterator const_iterator;
const_iterator begin()
return static_cast<const std::vector<Resource_>&>(resources).begin();
const_iterator end()
return static_cast<const std::vector<Resource_>&>(resources).end();
const_iterator begin() const { return resources.begin(); }
const_iterator end() const { return resources.end(); }
// Using this operator makes it easy to copy a resources object into
// a protocol buffer field.
// Note that the google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<Resource> is
// generated at runtime.
operator google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<Resource>() const;
bool operator==(const Resources& that) const;
bool operator!=(const Resources& that) const;
// NOTE: If any error occurs (e.g., input Resource is not valid or
// the first operand is not a superset of the second operand while
// doing subtraction), the semantics is as though the second operand
// was actually just an empty resource (as though you didn't do the
// operation at all).
Resources operator+(const Resource& that) const;
Resources operator+(const Resources& that) const;
Resources& operator+=(const Resource& that);
Resources& operator+=(const Resources& that);
Resources operator-(const Resource& that) const;
Resources operator-(const Resources& that) const;
Resources& operator-=(const Resource& that);
Resources& operator-=(const Resources& that);
friend std::ostream& operator<<(
std::ostream& stream, const Resource_& resource_);
// Similar to 'contains(const Resource&)' but skips the validity
// check. This can be used to avoid the performance overhead of
// calling 'contains(const Resource&)' when the resource can be
// assumed valid (e.g. it's inside a Resources).
// TODO(jieyu): Measure performance overhead of validity check to
// ensure this is warranted.
bool _contains(const Resource_& that) const;
// Similar to the public 'find', but only for a single Resource
// object. The target resource may span multiple roles, so this
// returns Resources.
Option<Resources> find(const Resource& target) const;
// Validation-free versions of += and -= `Resource_` operators.
// These can be used when `r` is already validated.
// NOTE: `Resource` objects are implicitly converted to `Resource_`
// objects, so here the API can also accept a `Resource` object.
void add(const Resource_& r);
void subtract(const Resource_& r);
Resources operator+(const Resource_& that) const;
Resources& operator+=(const Resource_& that);
Resources operator-(const Resource_& that) const;
Resources& operator-=(const Resource_& that);
std::vector<Resource_> resources;
std::ostream& operator<<(
std::ostream& stream,
const Resources::Resource_& resource);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const Resource& resource);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const Resources& resources);
std::ostream& operator<<(
std::ostream& stream,
const google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<Resource>& resources);
inline Resources operator+(
const google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<Resource>& left,
const Resources& right)
return Resources(left) + right;
inline Resources operator-(
const google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<Resource>& left,
const Resources& right)
return Resources(left) - right;
inline bool operator==(
const google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<Resource>& left,
const Resources& right)
return Resources(left) == right;
template <typename Key>
hashmap<Key, Resources>& operator+=(
hashmap<Key, Resources>& left,
const hashmap<Key, Resources>& right)
foreachpair (const Key& key, const Resources& resources, right) {
left[key] += resources;
return left;
template <typename Key>
hashmap<Key, Resources> operator+(
const hashmap<Key, Resources>& left,
const hashmap<Key, Resources>& right)
hashmap<Key, Resources> result = left;
result += right;
return result;
* Represents a resource conversion, usually as a result of an offer
* operation. See more details in `Resources::apply` method.
class ResourceConversion
typedef lambda::function<Try<Nothing>(const Resources&)> PostValidation;
const Resources& _consumed,
const Resources& _converted,
const Option<PostValidation>& _postValidation = None())
: consumed(_consumed),
postValidation(_postValidation) {}
Try<Resources> apply(const Resources& resources) const;
Resources consumed;
Resources converted;
Option<PostValidation> postValidation;
} // namespace v1 {
} // namespace mesos {
#endif // __MESOS_V1_RESOURCES_HPP__