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# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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# limitations under the License.
A collection of helper functions used by the CLI and its Plugins.
import imp
import importlib
import os
import re
import textwrap
from cli.exceptions import CLIException
def import_modules(package_paths, module_type):
Looks for python packages under `package_paths` and imports
them as modules. Returns a dictionary of the basename of the
`package_paths` to the imported modules.
modules = {}
for package_path in package_paths:
# We put the imported module into the namespace of
# "mesos.<module_type>.<>" to keep it from cluttering up
# the import namespace elsewhere.
package_name = os.path.basename(package_path)
package_dir = os.path.dirname(package_path)
module_name = "cli." + module_type + "." + package_name
module = importlib.import_module(module_name)
except Exception:
obj, filename, data = imp.find_module(package_name, [package_dir])
module = imp.load_module(module_name, obj, filename, data)
modules[package_name] = module
return modules
def get_module(modules, import_path):
Given a modules dictionary returned by `import_modules()`,
return a reference to the module at `import_path` relative
to the base module. For example, get_module(modules, "example.stuff")
will return a reference to the "stuff" module inside the
imported "example" plugin.
import_path = import_path.split('.')
module = modules[import_path[0]]
if len(import_path) > 1:
module = getattr(module, ".".join(import_path[1:]))
except Exception as exception:
raise CLIException("Unable to get module: {error}"
return module
def completions(comp_words, current_word, argv):
Helps autocomplete by returning the appropriate
completion words under three conditions.
1) Returns `comp_words` if the completion word is
potentially in that list.
2) Returns an empty list if there is no possible
3) Returns `None` if the autocomplete is already done.
comp_words += ["-h", "--help", "--version"]
if len(argv) == 0:
return comp_words
if len(argv) == 1:
if argv[0] not in comp_words and current_word:
return comp_words
if argv[0] in comp_words and current_word:
return comp_words
if argv[0] not in comp_words and not current_word:
return []
if argv[0] in comp_words and not current_word:
return None
if len(argv) > 1 and argv[0] not in comp_words:
return []
if len(argv) > 1 and argv[0] in comp_words:
return None
raise CLIException("Unreachable")
def format_commands_help(cmds):
Helps format plugin commands for display.
longest_cmd_name = max(cmds.keys(), key=len)
help_string = ""
for cmd in sorted(cmds.keys()):
# For the top-level entry point, `cmds` is a single-level
# dictionary with `short_help` as the values. For plugins,
# `cmds` is a two-level dictionary, where `short_help` is a
# field in each sub-dictionary.
short_help = cmds[cmd]
if isinstance(short_help, dict):
short_help = short_help["short_help"]
num_spaces = len(longest_cmd_name) - len(cmd) + 2
help_string += " %s%s%s\n" % (cmd, " " * num_spaces, short_help)
return help_string
def format_subcommands_help(cmd):
Helps format plugin subcommands for display.
arguments = " ".join(cmd["arguments"])
short_help = cmd["short_help"]
long_help = textwrap.dedent(cmd["long_help"].rstrip())
long_help = " " + "\n ".join(long_help.split('\n'))
flags = cmd["flags"]
flags["-h --help"] = "Show this screen."
flag_string = ""
if len(flags.keys()) != 0:
longest_flag_name = max(flags.keys(), key=len)
for flag in sorted(flags.keys()):
num_spaces = len(longest_flag_name) - len(flag) + 2
flag_string += " %s%s%s\n" % (flag, " " * num_spaces, flags[flag])
return (arguments, short_help, long_help, flag_string)
def join_plugin_paths(settings, config):
Return all the plugin paths combined
from both settings and the config file.
builtin_paths = settings.PLUGINS
config_paths = config.plugins()
except Exception as exception:
raise CLIException("Error: {error}.".format(error=str(exception)))
return builtin_paths + config_paths
class Table(object):
Defines a custom table structure for printing to the terminal.
def __init__(self, columns):
Initialize a table with a list of column names
to act as headers for each column in the table.
if not isinstance(columns, list):
raise CLIException("Column headers must be supplied as a list")
for column in columns:
if"(\s)\1{2,}", column):
raise CLIException("Column headers cannot have more"
" than one space between words")
self.table = [columns]
self.padding = [len(column) for column in columns]
def __getitem__(self, index):
return list(self.table[index])
def dimensions(self):
Returns the dimensions of the table as (<num-rows>, <num-columns>).
return (len(self.table), len(self.table[0]))
def add_row(self, row):
Add a row to the table. Input must be a list where each entry
corresponds to its respective column in order.
if len(row) != len(self.table[0]):
raise CLIException("Number of entries and columns do not match!")
# Adjust padding for each column.
for index, elem in enumerate(row):
if len(elem) > self.padding[index]:
self.padding[index] = len(elem)
def __str__(self):
Convert a table to string for printing.
table_string = ""
for r_index, row in enumerate(self.table):
for index, entry in enumerate(row):
table_string += "%s%s" % \
(entry, " " * (self.padding[index] - len(entry) + 2))
if r_index != len(self.table) - 1:
table_string += "\n"
return table_string
def parse(string):
Parse a string previously printed as a `Table` back into a `Table`.
lines = string.split("\n")
# Find the location and contents of column headers in the string.
# Assume only single spaces between words in column headers.
matches = re.finditer(r"([\w\d]+\s?[\w\d]+)+", lines[0])
columns = [(m.start(), for m in matches]
# Build a table from the column header contents.
table = Table([c[1] for c in columns])
# Fill in the subsequent rows.
for line in lines[1:]:
row = []
start_indices = [c[0] for c in columns]
for i, start_index in enumerate(start_indices):
if i + 1 < len(start_indices):
column = line[start_index:start_indices[i + 1]]
column = line[start_index:]
return table