blob: 257ad9998c28ed5d612d83aa5635e615c0e52337 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
import "mesos/mesos.proto";
import "mesos/maintenance/maintenance.proto";
import "mesos/quota/quota.proto";
import "resource_provider/registry.proto";
package mesos.internal;
* A top level object that is managed by the Registrar and persisted in a
* replicated log. This object is recovered upon master startup and failover.
message Registry {
// NOTE: This object defines wrappers around existing objects in case
// the Registry wishes to store more information about the wrapped objects
// in the future.
message Master {
required MasterInfo info = 1;
message Slave {
required SlaveInfo info = 1;
// If set, this agent is marked for draining and should be sent the
// appropriate DrainSlaveMessage upon reregistration.
optional DrainInfo drain_info = 2;
// If true, this agent should not be included in any offers,
// but should otherwise operate normally.
// If the `DrainInfo` is set, this value must also be set to `true`.
optional bool deactivated = 3 [default = false];
message Slaves {
repeated Slave slaves = 1;
message UnreachableSlave {
required SlaveID id = 1;
// The time when the slave was marked unreachable by the master.
required TimeInfo timestamp = 2;
// If the agent returns, these objects should be transferred to
// the appropriate `Slave` message as well.
optional DrainInfo drain_info = 3;
optional bool deactivated = 4 [default = false];
message UnreachableSlaves {
repeated UnreachableSlave slaves = 1;
message GoneSlave {
required SlaveID id = 1;
// The time when the slave was marked gone by the master.
required TimeInfo timestamp = 2;
message GoneSlaves {
repeated GoneSlave slaves = 1;
message Machine {
required MachineInfo info = 1;
message Machines {
repeated Machine machines = 1;
message Quota {
required quota.QuotaInfo info = 1;
message Weight {
required WeightInfo info = 1;
// The minimum set of `MasterInfo::Capability` that the master reading
// this registry should be capable of. If the master is upgraded
// or downgraded and no longer satisfies these capabilities, the
// master is expected to exit upon recovery.
// We do not use `MasterInfo::Capability` in this field directly
// because the enumeration may be extended in later Mesos versions.
// If an earlier version is given an enum value from a later version,
// the protobuf parser will interpret this as an `UNKNOWN` capability,
// and we will be unable to provide remediation text to the operator.
message MinimumCapability {
required string capability = 1;
// Most recent leading master.
optional Master master = 1;
// All admitted (healthy) slaves.
optional Slaves slaves = 2;
// Slaves that have failed health checks. They may or may not still
// be running.
// New entries are added to the end of this list; hence the first
// element of the list was added first (although if there is clock
// drift, it might not necessarily have the smallest timestamp). The
// size of this list is limited by the `registry_max_agent_age` and
// `registry_max_agent_count` flags.
optional UnreachableSlaves unreachable = 7;
// Slaves that have been explicitly marked as failed (no longer running)
// by the operator. They may or may not still be running.
// New entries are added to the end of this list; hence the first
// element of the list was added first (although if there is clock
// drift, it might not necessarily have the smallest timestamp).
optional GoneSlaves gone = 8;
// Holds a list of machines and some status information about each.
// See comments in `MachineInfo` for more information.
optional Machines machines = 3;
// Describes a schedule for taking down specific machines for maintenance.
// The schedule is meant to give hints to frameworks about potential
// unavailability of resources. The `schedules` are related to the status
// information found in `machines`.
repeated maintenance.Schedule schedules = 4;
// A list of recorded quotas in the cluster. It does not hold an actual
// assignment of resources, a newly elected master shall reconstruct it
// from the cluster.
// Prior to Mesos 1.9, quota information is persisted in the `quotas`
// field. It has since been deprecated in Mesos 1.9. Newly configured
// quotas are now persisted in the `quota_configs` field. When the user
// upgrade to Mesos 1.9, `quotas` will be preserved and recovered and
// `quota_configs` will be empty. As users configures new quotas, whether
// through the new `UPDATE_QUOTA` call or the deprecated `SET_QUTOA` call,
// the configured quotas will be persisted into the `quota_configs` field
// along with the `QUOTA_V2` minimum capability. The capability is removed
// only if `quota_configs` becomes empty again. If a role already has an
// entry in the old `quotas` field, it will be removed from `quotas`.
// In other words, once upgraded, `quotas` will still be preserved and honored,
// but it will never grow. Instead it will gradually shrink as the roles'
// quotas get updated or removed.
// TODO(mzhu): Remove `quotas` in Mesos 2.0 (MESOS-9866).
repeated Quota quotas = 5 [deprecated = true];
repeated quota.QuotaConfig quota_configs = 11;
// A list of recorded weights in the cluster, a newly elected master shall
// reconstruct it from the registry.
repeated Weight weights = 6;
// All known resource providers.
optional resource_provider.registry.Registry resource_provider_registry = 9;
repeated MinimumCapability minimum_capabilities = 10;