blob: a062e5813419673d09beb51868374e116fdf708b [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
import "mesos/mesos.proto";
package mesos.agent;
option java_package = "org.apache.mesos.agent";
option java_outer_classname = "Protos";
* Calls that can be sent to the agent API.
* A call is described using the standard protocol buffer "union"
* trick, see
message Call {
// If a call of type `Call::FOO` requires additional parameters they can be
// included in the corresponding `Call::Foo` message. Similarly, if a call
// receives a synchronous response it will be returned as a `Response`
// message of type `Response::FOO`; see `Call::LaunchNestedContainerSession`
// and `Call::AttachContainerOutput` for exceptions.
enum Type {
GET_HEALTH = 1; // Retrieves the agent's health status.
GET_FLAGS = 2; // Retrieves the agent's flag configuration.
GET_VERSION = 3; // Retrieves the agent's version information.
GET_METRICS = 4; // See 'GetMetrics' below.
GET_LOGGING_LEVEL = 5; // Retrieves the agent's logging level.
SET_LOGGING_LEVEL = 6; // See 'SetLoggingLevel' below.
READ_FILE = 8; // See 'ReadFile' below.
// Retrieves the information about known frameworks.
// Retrieves the information about known executors.
// Retrieves the information about known operations.
// Retrieves the information about known tasks.
// Retrieves the agent information.
// Retrieves the information about known resource providers.
// Calls for managing nested containers underneath an executor's container.
// Some of these calls are deprecated in favor of the calls
// for both standalone or nested containers further below.
LAUNCH_NESTED_CONTAINER = 14 [deprecated = true];
WAIT_NESTED_CONTAINER = 15 [deprecated = true];
KILL_NESTED_CONTAINER = 16 [deprecated = true];
REMOVE_NESTED_CONTAINER = 21 [deprecated = true];
// See 'LaunchNestedContainerSession' below.
ATTACH_CONTAINER_INPUT = 18; // See 'AttachContainerInput' below.
ATTACH_CONTAINER_OUTPUT = 19; // see 'AttachContainerOutput' below.
// Calls for managing standalone containers
// or containers nested underneath another container.
LAUNCH_CONTAINER = 22; // See 'LaunchContainer' below.
WAIT_CONTAINER = 23; // See 'WaitContainer' below.
KILL_CONTAINER = 24; // See 'KillContainer' below.
REMOVE_CONTAINER = 25; // See 'RemoveContainer' below.
ADD_RESOURCE_PROVIDER_CONFIG = 27; // See 'AddResourceProviderConfig' below. // NOLINT
UPDATE_RESOURCE_PROVIDER_CONFIG = 28; // See 'UpdateResourceProviderConfig' below. // NOLINT
REMOVE_RESOURCE_PROVIDER_CONFIG = 29; // See 'RemoveResourceProviderConfig' below. // NOLINT
MARK_RESOURCE_PROVIDER_GONE = 32; // See 'MarkResourceProviderGone' below.
// Prune unused container images.
// Provides a snapshot of the current metrics tracked by the agent.
message GetMetrics {
// If set, `timeout` would be used to determines the maximum amount of time
// the API will take to respond. If the timeout is exceeded, some metrics
// may not be included in the response.
optional DurationInfo timeout = 1;
// Sets the logging verbosity level for a specified duration. Mesos uses
// [glog]( for logging. The library only uses
// verbose logging which means nothing will be output unless the verbosity
// level is set (by default it's 0, libprocess uses levels 1, 2, and 3).
message SetLoggingLevel {
// The verbosity level.
required uint32 level = 1;
// The duration to keep verbosity level toggled. After this duration, the
// verbosity level of log would revert to the original level.
required DurationInfo duration = 2;
// Provides the file listing for a directory.
message ListFiles {
required string path = 1;
// Reads data from a file.
message ReadFile {
// The path of file.
required string path = 1;
// Initial offset in file to start reading from.
required uint64 offset = 2;
// The maximum number of bytes to read. The read length is capped at 16
// memory pages.
optional uint64 length = 3;
// Lists active containers on the agent.
message GetContainers {
optional bool show_nested = 1;
optional bool show_standalone = 2;
// Deprecated in favor of `LaunchContainer`.
message LaunchNestedContainer {
required ContainerID container_id = 1;
optional CommandInfo command = 2;
optional ContainerInfo container = 3;
// Deprecated in favor of `WaitContainer`.
message WaitNestedContainer {
required ContainerID container_id = 1;
// Deprecated in favor of `KillContainer`.
message KillNestedContainer {
required ContainerID container_id = 1;
optional int32 signal = 2;
// Deprecated in favor of `RemoveContainer`.
message RemoveNestedContainer {
required ContainerID container_id = 1;
// Launches a nested container within an executor's tree of containers.
// The differences between this call and `LaunchNestedContainer` are:
// 1) The container's life-cycle is tied to the lifetime of the
// connection used to make this call, i.e., if the connection ever
// breaks, the container will be destroyed.
// 2) The nested container shares the same namespaces and cgroups as
// its parent container.
// 3) Results in a streaming response of type `ProcessIO`. So the call
// needs to be made on a persistent connection.
message LaunchNestedContainerSession {
required ContainerID container_id = 1;
optional CommandInfo command = 2;
optional ContainerInfo container = 3;
// Attaches the caller to the STDIN of the entry point of the container.
// Clients can use this to stream input data to a container.
// Note that this call needs to be made on a persistent connection by
// streaming a CONTAINER_ID message followed by one or more PROCESS_IO
// messages.
message AttachContainerInput {
enum Type {
optional Type type = 1;
optional ContainerID container_id = 2;
optional ProcessIO process_io = 3;
// Attaches the caller to the STDOUT and STDERR of the entrypoint of
// the container. Clients can use this to stream output/error from the
// container. This call will result in a streaming response of `ProcessIO`;
// so this call needs to be made on a persistent connection.
message AttachContainerOutput {
required ContainerID container_id = 1;
// Launches a either a "standalone" container on this agent
// or a nested container within another tree of containers.
// A standalone container is launched by specifying a ContainerID
// with no parent. Standalone containers bypass the normal offer cycle
// between the master and agent. Unlike other containers, a standalone
// container does not have an executor or any tasks. This means the
// standalone container does not report back to Mesos or any framework
// and must be supervised separately.
// A nested container is launched by specifying a ContainerID with
// another existing container (including standalone containers)
// as the parent.
// Returns 200 OK if the new container launch succeeds.
// Returns 202 Accepted if the requested ContainerID is already in use
// by a standalone or nested container.
// Returns 400 Bad Request if the container launch fails.
message LaunchContainer {
// NOTE: Some characters cannot be used in the ID. All characters
// must be valid filesystem path characters. In addition, '/' and '.'
// are reserved.
required ContainerID container_id = 1;
optional CommandInfo command = 2;
// NOTE: Nested containers may not specify resources and instead
// share resources with its parent container.
// TODO(josephw): These resources are purely used for isolation
// and are not accounted for by the Mesos master (if connected).
// It is the caller's responsibility to ensure that resources are
// not overcommitted (e.g. CPU and memory) or conflicting (e.g. ports
// and volumes). Once there is support for preempting tasks and a
// way to update the resources advertised by the agent, these standalone
// container resources should be accounted for by the master.
repeated Resource resources = 3;
optional ContainerInfo container = 4;
// Resource limits associated with the container during launch.
map<string, Value.Scalar> limits = 5;
// Waits for the standalone or nested container to terminate
// and returns the exit status.
// Returns 200 OK if and when the container exits.
// Returns 404 Not Found if the container does not exist.
message WaitContainer {
required ContainerID container_id = 1;
// Kills the standalone or nested container. The signal to be sent
// to the container can be specified in the 'signal' field.
// Returns 200 OK if the signal is sent successfully.
// Returns 404 Not Found if the container does not exist.
message KillContainer {
required ContainerID container_id = 1;
// Defaults to SIGKILL.
optional int32 signal = 2;
// Removes a container's artifacts (runtime and sandbox directories).
// For nested containers, it is important to use this call if multiple
// nested containers are launched under the same parent container, because
// garbage collection only takes place at the parent container. Artifacts
// belonging to nested containers will not be garbage collected while
// the parent container is running.
// TODO(josephw): A standalone container's runtime directory is currently
// garbage collected as soon as the container exits. To allow the user to
// retrieve the exit status reliably, the runtime directory cannot be
// garbage collected immediately. Instead, the user will eventually be
// required to make this call after the standalone container has exited.
// Also, a standalone container's sandbox directory is currently not
// garbage collected and is only deleted via this call.
// Returns 200 OK if the removal is successful or if the parent container
// (for nested containers) does not exist.
// Returns 500 Internal Server Error if anything goes wrong, including
// if the container is still running or does not exist.
// TODO(josephw): Consider returning a 400 Bad Request instead of 500
// Internal Server Error when the user tries to remove a running or
// nonexistent nested container.
message RemoveContainer {
required ContainerID container_id = 1;
// Adds a new resource provider config file.
// The content of the `info` field will be written into a new config file in
// the resource provider config directory, and a new resource provider will be
// launched asynchronously based on the config. Callers must not set the
// `` field. This call is idempotent, so if a config file identical to
// the content of the `info` field already exists, this call will return
// without launching a resource provider. Note that if a config file is
// placed into the resource provider config directory out-of-band after the
// agent starts up, it will not be checked against this call.
// Returns 200 OK if a new config file is created, or an identical config file
// exists.
// Returns 400 Bad Request if `info` is not well-formed.
// Returns 403 Forbidden if the call is not authorized.
// Returns 409 Conflict if another config file that describes a resource
// provider of the same type and name exists, but the content is not
// identical.
// Returns 500 Internal Server Error if anything goes wrong.
// NOTE: For the time being, this API is subject to change and the related
// feature is experimental.
message AddResourceProviderConfig {
required ResourceProviderInfo info = 1;
// Updates an existing resource provider config file.
// The content of the `info` field will be written into an existing config
// file that describes a resource provider of the specified type and name in
// the resource provider config directory, and the corresponding resource
// provider will be relaunched asynchronously to reflect the changes in the
// config. Callers must not set the `` field. This call is idempotent,
// so if there is no change in the config, this call will return without
// relaunching the resource provider. Note that if a config file is placed
// into the resource provider config directory out-of-band after the agent
// starts up, it will not be checked against this call.
// Returns 200 OK if an existing config file is updated, or there is no change
// in the config file.
// Returns 400 Bad Request if `info` is not well-formed.
// Returns 403 Forbidden if the call is not authorized.
// Returns 409 Conflict if no config file describes a resource provider of the
// same type and name exists.
// Returns 500 Internal Server Error if anything goes wrong.
// NOTE: For the time being, this API is subject to change and the related
// feature is experimental.
message UpdateResourceProviderConfig {
required ResourceProviderInfo info = 1;
// Removes a config file from the resource provider config directory.
// The config file that describes the resource provider of the specified type
// and name will be removed, and the corresponding resource provider will be
// terminated asynchronously. This call is idempotent, so if no matching
// config file exists, this call will return without terminating any resource
// provider. Note that if a config file is placed into the resource provider
// config directory out-of-band after the agent starts up, it will not be
// checked against this call.
// Returns 200 OK if the config file is removed, or no matching config file
// exists.
// Returns 403 Forbidden if the call is not authorized.
// Returns 500 Internal Server Error if anything goes wrong.
// NOTE: For the time being, this API is subject to change and the related
// feature is experimental.
message RemoveResourceProviderConfig {
required string type = 1;
required string name = 2;
// Mark a resource provider as gone.
message MarkResourceProviderGone {
required ResourceProviderID resource_provider_id = 1;
// Prune unused container images from image store.
// Images and layers referenced by active containers as well as
// image references specified in `excluded_images` will not be pruned.
message PruneImages {
repeated Image excluded_images = 1;
optional Type type = 1;
optional GetMetrics get_metrics = 2;
optional SetLoggingLevel set_logging_level = 3;
optional ListFiles list_files = 4;
optional ReadFile read_file = 5;
optional GetContainers get_containers = 20;
optional LaunchNestedContainer launch_nested_container = 6
[deprecated = true];
optional WaitNestedContainer wait_nested_container = 7 [deprecated = true];
optional KillNestedContainer kill_nested_container = 8 [deprecated = true];
optional RemoveNestedContainer remove_nested_container = 12
[deprecated = true];
optional LaunchNestedContainerSession launch_nested_container_session = 9;
optional AttachContainerInput attach_container_input = 10;
optional AttachContainerOutput attach_container_output = 11;
optional LaunchContainer launch_container = 13;
optional WaitContainer wait_container = 14;
optional KillContainer kill_container = 15;
optional RemoveContainer remove_container = 16;
optional AddResourceProviderConfig add_resource_provider_config = 17;
optional UpdateResourceProviderConfig update_resource_provider_config = 18;
optional RemoveResourceProviderConfig remove_resource_provider_config = 19;
optional MarkResourceProviderGone mark_resource_provider_gone = 22;
optional PruneImages prune_images = 21;
* Synchronous responses for all calls made to the agent API.
message Response {
// Each of the responses of type `FOO` corresponds to `Foo` message below.
enum Type {
GET_HEALTH = 1; // See 'GetHealth' below.
GET_FLAGS = 2; // See 'GetFlags' below.
GET_VERSION = 3; // See 'GetVersion' below.
GET_METRICS = 4; // See 'GetMetrics' below.
GET_LOGGING_LEVEL = 5; // See 'GetLoggingLevel' below.
READ_FILE = 7; // See 'ReadFile' below.
GET_FRAMEWORKS = 10; // See 'GetFrameworks' below.
GET_EXECUTORS = 11; // See 'GetExecutors' below.
GET_OPERATIONS = 17; // See 'GetOperations' below.
GET_TASKS = 12; // See 'GetTasks' below.
GET_AGENT = 14; // See 'GetAgent' below.
GET_RESOURCE_PROVIDERS = 16; // See 'GetResourceProviders' below.
WAIT_NESTED_CONTAINER = 13 [deprecated = true];
WAIT_CONTAINER = 15; // See 'WaitContainer' below.
// `healthy` would be true if the agent is healthy. Delayed responses are also
// indicative of the poor health of the agent.
message GetHealth {
required bool healthy = 1;
// Contains the flag configuration of the agent.
message GetFlags {
repeated Flag flags = 1;
// Contains the version information of the agent.
message GetVersion {
required VersionInfo version_info = 1;
// Contains a snapshot of the current metrics.
message GetMetrics {
repeated Metric metrics = 1;
// Contains the logging level of the agent.
message GetLoggingLevel {
required uint32 level = 1;
// Contains the file listing(similar to `ls -l`) for a directory.
message ListFiles {
repeated FileInfo file_infos = 1;
// Contains the file data.
message ReadFile {
// The size of file (in bytes).
required uint64 size = 1;
required bytes data = 2;
// Contains full state of the agent i.e. information about the tasks,
// frameworks and executors running in the cluster.
message GetState {
optional GetTasks get_tasks = 1;
optional GetExecutors get_executors = 2;
optional GetFrameworks get_frameworks = 3;
// Information about containers running on this agent. It contains
// ContainerStatus and ResourceStatistics along with some metadata
// of the containers.
message GetContainers {
message Container {
optional FrameworkID framework_id = 1;
optional ExecutorID executor_id = 2;
optional string executor_name = 3;
required ContainerID container_id = 4;
optional ContainerStatus container_status = 5;
optional ResourceStatistics resource_statistics = 6;
repeated Container containers = 1;
// Information about all the frameworks known to the agent at the current
// time.
message GetFrameworks {
message Framework {
required FrameworkInfo framework_info = 1;
repeated Framework frameworks = 1;
repeated Framework completed_frameworks = 2;
// Lists information about all the executors known to the agent at the
// current time.
message GetExecutors {
message Executor {
required ExecutorInfo executor_info = 1;
repeated Executor executors = 1;
repeated Executor completed_executors = 2;
// Lists information about all operations known to the agent at the
// current time.
message GetOperations {
repeated Operation operations = 1;
// Lists information about all the tasks known to the agent at the current
// time.
message GetTasks {
// Tasks that are pending in the agent's queue before an executor is
// launched.
repeated Task pending_tasks = 1;
// Tasks that are enqueued for a launched executor that has not yet
// registered.
repeated Task queued_tasks = 2;
// Tasks that are running.
repeated Task launched_tasks = 3;
// Tasks that are terminated but pending updates.
repeated Task terminated_tasks = 4;
// Tasks that are terminated and updates acked.
repeated Task completed_tasks = 5;
// Contains the agent's information.
message GetAgent {
optional SlaveInfo slave_info = 1;
optional DrainConfig drain_config = 2;
optional TimeInfo estimated_drain_start_time = 3;
// Lists information about all resource providers known to the agent
// at the current time.
message GetResourceProviders {
message ResourceProvider {
required ResourceProviderInfo resource_provider_info = 1;
repeated Resource total_resources = 2;
repeated ResourceProvider resource_providers = 1;
// Returns termination information about the nested container.
message WaitNestedContainer {
// Wait status of the lead process in the container. Note that this
// is the return value of `wait(2)`, so callers must use the `wait(2)`
// family of macros to extract whether the process exited cleanly and
// what the exit code was.
optional int32 exit_status = 1;
// The `state` and `reason` fields may be populated if the Mesos agent
// terminates the container. In the absence of any special knowledge,
// executors should propagate this information via the `status` field
// of an `Update` call for the corresponding TaskID.
optional TaskState state = 2;
optional TaskStatus.Reason reason = 3;
// This field will be populated if the task was terminated due to
// a resource limitation.
optional TaskResourceLimitation limitation = 4;
optional string message = 5;
// Returns termination information about the standalone or nested container.
message WaitContainer {
// Wait status of the lead process in the container. Note that this
// is the return value of `wait(2)`, so callers must use the `wait(2)`
// family of macros to extract whether the process exited cleanly and
// what the exit code was.
optional int32 exit_status = 1;
// The `state` and `reason` fields may be populated if the Mesos agent
// terminates the container. In the absence of any special knowledge,
// executors should propagate this information via the `status` field
// of an `Update` call for the corresponding TaskID.
optional TaskState state = 2;
optional TaskStatus.Reason reason = 3;
// This field will be populated if the task was terminated due to
// a resource limitation.
optional TaskResourceLimitation limitation = 4;
optional string message = 5;
optional Type type = 1;
optional GetHealth get_health = 2;
optional GetFlags get_flags = 3;
optional GetVersion get_version = 4;
optional GetMetrics get_metrics = 5;
optional GetLoggingLevel get_logging_level = 6;
optional ListFiles list_files = 7;
optional ReadFile read_file = 8;
optional GetState get_state = 9;
optional GetContainers get_containers = 10;
optional GetFrameworks get_frameworks = 11;
optional GetExecutors get_executors = 12;
optional GetOperations get_operations = 18;
optional GetTasks get_tasks = 13;
optional GetAgent get_agent = 15;
optional GetResourceProviders get_resource_providers = 17;
optional WaitNestedContainer wait_nested_container = 14;
optional WaitContainer wait_container = 16;
* Streaming response to `Call::LAUNCH_NESTED_CONTAINER_SESSION` and
* This message is also used to stream request data for
message ProcessIO {
enum Type {
DATA = 1;
message Data {
enum Type {
STDIN = 1;
optional Type type = 1;
optional bytes data = 2;
message Control {
enum Type {
message Heartbeat {
optional DurationInfo interval = 1;
optional Type type = 1;
optional TTYInfo tty_info = 2;
optional Heartbeat heartbeat = 3;
optional Type type = 1;
optional Data data = 2;
optional Control control = 3;