blob: 373097cd87799b42e21565feab5347c03eaa64d7 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <errno.h>
#include <ev.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <libgen.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netinet/tcp.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/select.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/uio.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <deque>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <queue>
#include <set>
#include <sstream>
#include <stack>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <vector>
#include <tr1/functional>
#include <tr1/memory> // TODO(benh): Replace all shared_ptr with unique_ptr.
#include <boost/shared_array.hpp>
#include <process/clock.hpp>
#include <process/defer.hpp>
#include <process/delay.hpp>
#include <process/dispatch.hpp>
#include <process/executor.hpp>
#include <process/filter.hpp>
#include <process/future.hpp>
#include <process/gc.hpp>
#include <process/id.hpp>
#include <process/io.hpp>
#include <process/logging.hpp>
#include <process/mime.hpp>
#include <process/process.hpp>
#include <process/profiler.hpp>
#include <process/socket.hpp>
#include <process/statistics.hpp>
#include <process/time.hpp>
#include <process/timer.hpp>
#include <stout/duration.hpp>
#include <stout/foreach.hpp>
#include <stout/lambda.hpp>
#include <stout/net.hpp>
#include <stout/os.hpp>
#include <stout/strings.hpp>
#include <stout/thread.hpp>
#include "config.hpp"
#include "decoder.hpp"
#include "encoder.hpp"
#include "gate.hpp"
#include "synchronized.hpp"
using process::wait; // Necessary on some OS's to disambiguate.
using process::http::BadRequest;
using process::http::InternalServerError;
using process::http::NotFound;
using process::http::OK;
using process::http::Request;
using process::http::Response;
using process::http::ServiceUnavailable;
using std::deque;
using std::find;
using std::list;
using std::map;
using std::ostream;
using std::pair;
using std::queue;
using std::set;
using std::stack;
using std::string;
using std::stringstream;
using std::vector;
// Represents a remote "node" (encapsulates IP address and port).
class Node
Node(uint32_t _ip = 0, uint16_t _port = 0)
: ip(_ip), port(_port) {}
bool operator < (const Node& that) const
if (ip == that.ip) {
return port < that.port;
} else {
return ip < that.ip;
ostream& operator << (ostream& stream) const
stream << ip << ":" << port;
return stream;
uint32_t ip;
uint16_t port;
namespace process {
namespace ID {
string generate(const string& prefix)
static map<string, int> prefixes;
stringstream out;
out << __sync_add_and_fetch(&prefixes[prefix], 1);
return prefix + "(" + out.str() + ")";
} // namespace ID {
namespace http {
hashmap<uint16_t, string> statuses;
} // namespace http {
namespace mime {
map<string, string> types;
} // namespace mime {
// Provides reference counting semantics for a process pointer.
class ProcessReference
ProcessReference() : process(NULL) {}
ProcessReference(const ProcessReference& that)
ProcessReference& operator = (const ProcessReference& that)
if (this != &that) {
return *this;
ProcessBase* operator -> ()
return process;
operator ProcessBase* ()
return process;
operator bool () const
return process != NULL;
friend class ProcessManager; // For ProcessManager::use.
ProcessReference(ProcessBase* _process)
: process(_process)
if (process != NULL) {
__sync_fetch_and_add(&(process->refs), 1);
void copy(const ProcessReference& that)
process = that.process;
if (process != NULL) {
// There should be at least one reference to the process, so
// we don't need to worry about checking if it's exiting or
// not, since we know we can always create another reference.
CHECK(process->refs > 0);
__sync_fetch_and_add(&(process->refs), 1);
void cleanup()
if (process != NULL) {
__sync_fetch_and_sub(&(process->refs), 1);
ProcessBase* process;
// Provides a process that manages sending HTTP responses so as to
// satisfy HTTP/1.1 pipelining. Each request should either enqueue a
// response, or ask the proxy to handle a future response. The process
// is responsible for making sure the responses are sent in the same
// order as the requests. Note that we use a 'Socket' in order to keep
// the underyling file descriptor from getting closed while there
// might still be outstanding responses even though the client might
// have closed the connection (see more discussion in
// SocketManger::close and SocketManager::proxy).
class HttpProxy : public Process<HttpProxy>
HttpProxy(const Socket& _socket);
virtual ~HttpProxy();
// Enqueues the response to be sent once all previously enqueued
// responses have been processed (e.g., waited for and sent).
void enqueue(const Response& response, const Request& request);
// Enqueues a future to a response that will get waited on (up to
// some timeout) and then sent once all previously enqueued
// responses have been processed (e.g., waited for and sent).
void handle(Future<Response>* future, const Request& request);
// Starts "waiting" on the next available future response.
void next();
// Invoked once a future response has been satisfied.
void waited(const Future<Response>& future);
// Demuxes and handles a response.
bool process(const Future<Response>& future, const Request& request);
// Handles stream (i.e., pipe) based responses.
void stream(const Future<short>& poll, const Request& request);
Socket socket; // Wrap the socket to keep it from getting closed.
// Describes a queue "item" that wraps the future to the response
// and the original request.
// The original request contains needed information such as what encodings
// are acceptable and whether to persist the connection.
struct Item
Item(const Request& _request, Future<Response>* _future)
: request(_request), future(_future) {}
delete future;
const Request request; // Make a copy.
Future<Response>* future;
queue<Item*> items;
Option<int> pipe; // Current pipe, if streaming.
// Helper for creating routes without a process.
// TODO(benh): Move this into route.hpp.
class Route
Route(const string& name,
const Option<string>& help,
const lambda::function<Future<Response>(const Request&)>& handler)
process = new RouteProcess(name, help, handler);
class RouteProcess : public Process<RouteProcess>
const string& name,
const Option<string>& _help,
const lambda::function<Future<Response>(const Request&)>& _handler)
: ProcessBase(strings::remove(name, "/", strings::PREFIX)),
handler(_handler) {}
virtual void initialize()
route("/", help, &RouteProcess::handle);
Future<Response> handle(const Request& request)
return handler(request);
const Option<string> help;
const lambda::function<Future<Response>(const Request&)> handler;
RouteProcess* process;
class SocketManager
Socket accepted(int s);
void link(ProcessBase* process, const UPID& to);
PID<HttpProxy> proxy(const Socket& socket);
void send(Encoder* encoder, bool persist);
void send(const Response& response,
const Request& request,
const Socket& socket);
void send(Message* message);
Encoder* next(int s);
void close(int s);
void exited(const Node& node);
void exited(ProcessBase* process);
// Map from UPID (local/remote) to process.
map<UPID, set<ProcessBase*> > links;
// Collection of all actice sockets.
map<int, Socket> sockets;
// Collection of sockets that should be disposed when they are
// finished being used (e.g., when there is no more data to send on
// them).
set<int> dispose;
// Map from socket to node (ip, port).
map<int, Node> nodes;
// Maps from node (ip, port) to temporary sockets (i.e., they will
// get closed once there is no more data to send on them).
map<Node, int> temps;
// Maps from node (ip, port) to persistent sockets (i.e., they will
// remain open even if there is no more data to send on them). We
// distinguish these from the 'temps' collection so we can tell when
// a persistant socket has been lost (and thus generate
// ExitedEvents).
map<Node, int> persists;
// Map from socket to outgoing queue.
map<int, queue<Encoder*> > outgoing;
// HTTP proxies.
map<int, HttpProxy*> proxies;
// Protects instance variables.
class ProcessManager
ProcessManager(const string& delegate);
ProcessReference use(const UPID& pid);
bool handle(
const Socket& socket,
Request* request);
bool deliver(
ProcessBase* receiver,
Event* event,
ProcessBase* sender = NULL);
bool deliver(
const UPID& to,
Event* event,
ProcessBase* sender = NULL);
UPID spawn(ProcessBase* process, bool manage);
void resume(ProcessBase* process);
void cleanup(ProcessBase* process);
void link(ProcessBase* process, const UPID& to);
void terminate(const UPID& pid, bool inject, ProcessBase* sender = NULL);
bool wait(const UPID& pid);
void enqueue(ProcessBase* process);
ProcessBase* dequeue();
void settle();
// The /__processes__ route.
Future<Response> __processes__(const Request&);
// Delegate process name to receive root HTTP requests.
const string delegate;
// Map of all local spawned and running processes.
map<string, ProcessBase*> processes;
// Gates for waiting threads (protected by synchronizable(processes)).
map<ProcessBase*, Gate*> gates;
// Queue of runnable processes (implemented using list).
list<ProcessBase*> runq;
// Number of running processes, to support Clock::settle operation.
int running;
// Unique id that can be assigned to each process.
static uint32_t __id__ = 0;
// Local server socket.
static int __s__ = -1;
// Local IP address.
static uint32_t __ip__ = 0;
// Local port.
static uint16_t __port__ = 0;
// Active SocketManager (eventually will probably be thread-local).
static SocketManager* socket_manager = NULL;
// Active ProcessManager (eventually will probably be thread-local).
static ProcessManager* process_manager = NULL;
// Event loop.
static struct ev_loop* loop = NULL;
// Asynchronous watcher for interrupting loop.
static ev_async async_watcher;
// Watcher for timeouts.
static ev_timer timeouts_watcher;
// Server watcher for accepting connections.
static ev_io server_watcher;
// Queue of I/O watchers.
static queue<ev_io*>* watchers = new queue<ev_io*>();
static synchronizable(watchers) = SYNCHRONIZED_INITIALIZER;
// We store the timers in a map of lists indexed by the timeout of the
// timer so that we can have two timers that have the same timeout. We
// exploit that the map is SORTED!
static map<Time, list<Timer> >* timeouts =
new map<Time, list<Timer> >();
static synchronizable(timeouts) = SYNCHRONIZED_INITIALIZER_RECURSIVE;
// For supporting Clock::settle(), true if timers have been removed
// from 'timeouts' but may not have been executed yet. Protected by
// the timeouts lock. This is only used when the clock is paused.
static bool pending_timers = false;
// Flag to indicate whether or to update the timer on async interrupt.
static bool update_timer = false;
// Scheduling gate that threads wait at when there is nothing to run.
static Gate* gate = new Gate();
// Filter. Synchronized support for using the filterer needs to be
// recursive incase a filterer wants to do anything fancy (which is
// possible and likely given that filters will get used for testing).
static Filter* filterer = NULL;
static synchronizable(filterer) = SYNCHRONIZED_INITIALIZER_RECURSIVE;
// Global garbage collector.
PID<GarbageCollector> gc;
// Per thread process pointer.
ThreadLocal<ProcessBase>* _process_ = new ThreadLocal<ProcessBase>();
// Per thread executor pointer.
ThreadLocal<Executor>* _executor_ = new ThreadLocal<Executor>();
// We namespace the clock related variables to keep them well
// named. In the future we'll probably want to associate a clock with
// a specific ProcessManager/SocketManager instance pair, so this will
// likely change.
namespace clock {
map<ProcessBase*, Time>* currents = new map<ProcessBase*, Time>();
Time initial = Time::EPOCH;
Time current = Time::EPOCH;
bool paused = false;
} // namespace clock {
Time Time::EPOCH = Time(Duration::zero());
Time Time::MAX = Time(Duration::max());
Time Clock::now()
return now(__process__);
Time Clock::now(ProcessBase* process)
synchronized (timeouts) {
if (Clock::paused()) {
if (process != NULL) {
if (clock::currents->count(process) != 0) {
return (*clock::currents)[process];
} else {
return (*clock::currents)[process] = clock::initial;
} else {
return clock::current;
// TODO(benh): Versus ev_now()?
double d = ev_time();
Try<Time> time = Time::create(d);
// TODO(xujyan): Move CHECK_SOME to libprocess and add CHECK_SOME
// here.
if (time.isError()) {
LOG(FATAL) << "Failed to create a Time from " << d << ": "
<< time.error();
return time.get();
void Clock::pause()
process::initialize(); // To make sure the libev watchers are ready.
synchronized (timeouts) {
if (!clock::paused) {
clock::initial = clock::current = now();
clock::paused = true;
VLOG(2) << "Clock paused at " << clock::initial;
// Note that after pausing the clock an existing libev timer might
// still fire (invoking handle_timeout), but since paused == true no
// "time" will actually have passed, so no timer will actually fire.
bool Clock::paused()
return clock::paused;
void Clock::resume()
process::initialize(); // To make sure the libev watchers are ready.
synchronized (timeouts) {
if (clock::paused) {
VLOG(2) << "Clock resumed at " << clock::current;
clock::paused = false;
update_timer = true;
ev_async_send(loop, &async_watcher);
void Clock::advance(const Duration& duration)
synchronized (timeouts) {
if (clock::paused) {
clock::current += duration;
VLOG(2) << "Clock advanced (" << duration << ") to " << clock::current;
if (!update_timer) {
update_timer = true;
ev_async_send(loop, &async_watcher);
void Clock::advance(ProcessBase* process, const Duration& duration)
synchronized (timeouts) {
if (clock::paused) {
Time current = now(process);
current += duration;
(*clock::currents)[process] = current;
VLOG(2) << "Clock of " << process->self() << " advanced (" << duration
<< ") to " << current;
void Clock::update(const Time& time)
synchronized (timeouts) {
if (clock::paused) {
if (clock::current < time) {
clock::current = Time(time);
VLOG(2) << "Clock updated to " << clock::current;
if (!update_timer) {
update_timer = true;
ev_async_send(loop, &async_watcher);
void Clock::update(ProcessBase* process, const Time& time)
synchronized (timeouts) {
if (clock::paused) {
if (now(process) < time) {
VLOG(2) << "Clock of " << process->self() << " updated to " << time;
(*clock::currents)[process] = Time(time);
void Clock::order(ProcessBase* from, ProcessBase* to)
update(to, now(from));
void Clock::settle()
CHECK(clock::paused); // TODO(benh): Consider returning a bool instead.
static Message* encode(const UPID& from,
const UPID& to,
const string& name,
const string& data = "")
Message* message = new Message();
message->from = from;
message->to = to;
message->name = name;
message->body = data;
return message;
static void transport(Message* message, ProcessBase* sender = NULL)
if (message->to.ip == __ip__ && message->to.port == __port__) {
// Local message.
process_manager->deliver(message->to, new MessageEvent(message), sender);
} else {
// Remote message.
static bool libprocess(Request* request)
return request->method == "POST" &&
request->headers.count("User-Agent") > 0 &&
request->headers["User-Agent"].find("libprocess/") == 0;
static Message* parse(Request* request)
// TODO(benh): Do better error handling (to deal with a malformed
// libprocess message, malicious or otherwise).
const string& agent = request->headers["User-Agent"];
const string& identifier = "libprocess/";
size_t index = agent.find(identifier);
if (index != string::npos) {
// Okay, now determine 'from'.
const UPID from(agent.substr(index + identifier.size(), agent.size()));
// Now determine 'to'.
index = request->path.find('/', 1);
index = index != string::npos ? index - 1 : string::npos;
const UPID to(request->path.substr(1, index), __ip__, __port__);
// And now determine 'name'.
index = index != string::npos ? index + 2: request->path.size();
const string& name = request->path.substr(index);
VLOG(2) << "Parsed message name '" << name
<< "' for " << to << " from " << from;
Message* message = new Message();
message->name = name;
message->from = from;
message->to = to;
message->body = request->body;
return message;
return NULL;
void handle_async(struct ev_loop* loop, ev_async* _, int revents)
synchronized (watchers) {
// Start all the new I/O watchers.
while (!watchers->empty()) {
ev_io* watcher = watchers->front();
ev_io_start(loop, watcher);
synchronized (timeouts) {
if (update_timer) {
if (!timeouts->empty()) {
// Determine when the next timer should fire.
timeouts_watcher.repeat = (timeouts->begin()->first - Clock::now()).secs();
if (timeouts_watcher.repeat <= 0) {
// Feed the event now!
timeouts_watcher.repeat = 0;
ev_timer_again(loop, &timeouts_watcher);
ev_feed_event(loop, &timeouts_watcher, EV_TIMEOUT);
} else {
// Don't fire the timer if the clock is paused since we
// don't want time to advance (instead a call to
// clock::advance() will handle the timer).
if (Clock::paused() && timeouts_watcher.repeat > 0) {
timeouts_watcher.repeat = 0;
ev_timer_again(loop, &timeouts_watcher);
update_timer = false;
void handle_timeouts(struct ev_loop* loop, ev_timer* _, int revents)
list<Timer> timedout;
synchronized (timeouts) {
Time now = Clock::now();
VLOG(3) << "Handling timeouts up to " << now;
foreachkey (const Time& timeout, *timeouts) {
if (timeout > now) {
VLOG(3) << "Have timeout(s) at " << timeout;
// Record that we have pending timers to execute so the
// Clock::settle() operation can wait until we're done.
pending_timers = true;
foreach (const Timer& timer, (*timeouts)[timeout]) {
// Now erase the range of timeouts that timed out.
timeouts->erase(timeouts->begin(), timeouts->upper_bound(now));
// Okay, so the timeout for the next timer should not have fired.
CHECK(timeouts->empty() || (timeouts->begin()->first > now));
// Update the timer as necessary.
if (!timeouts->empty()) {
// Determine when the next timer should fire.
timeouts_watcher.repeat =
(timeouts->begin()->first - Clock::now()).secs();
if (timeouts_watcher.repeat <= 0) {
// Feed the event now!
timeouts_watcher.repeat = 0;
ev_timer_again(loop, &timeouts_watcher);
ev_feed_event(loop, &timeouts_watcher, EV_TIMEOUT);
} else {
// Don't fire the timer if the clock is paused since we don't
// want time to advance (instead a call to Clock::advance()
// will handle the timer).
if (Clock::paused() && timeouts_watcher.repeat > 0) {
timeouts_watcher.repeat = 0;
ev_timer_again(loop, &timeouts_watcher);
update_timer = false; // Since we might have a queued update_timer.
// Update current time of process (if it's present/valid). It might
// be necessary to actually add some more synchronization around
// this so that, for example, pausing and resuming the clock doesn't
// cause some processes to get thier current times updated and
// others not. Since ProcessManager::use acquires the 'processes'
// lock we had to move this out of the synchronized (timeouts) above
// since there was a deadlock with acquring 'processes' then
// 'timeouts' (reverse order) in ProcessManager::cleanup. Note that
// current time may be greater than the timeout if a local message
// was received (and happens-before kicks in).
if (Clock::paused()) {
foreach (const Timer& timer, timedout) {
if (ProcessReference process = process_manager->use(timer.creator())) {
Clock::update(process, timer.timeout().time());
// Invoke the timers that timed out (TODO(benh): Do this
// asynchronously so that we don't tie up the event thread!).
foreach (const Timer& timer, timedout) {
// Mark ourselves as done executing the timers since it's now safe
// for a call to Clock::settle() to check if there will be any
// future timeouts reached.
synchronized (timeouts) {
pending_timers = false;
void recv_data(struct ev_loop* loop, ev_io* watcher, int revents)
DataDecoder* decoder = (DataDecoder*) watcher->data;
int s = watcher->fd;
while (true) {
const ssize_t size = 80 * 1024;
ssize_t length = 0;
char data[size];
length = recv(s, data, size, 0);
if (length < 0 && (errno == EINTR)) {
// Interrupted, try again now.
} else if (length < 0 && (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK)) {
// Might block, try again later.
} else if (length <= 0) {
// Socket error or closed.
if (length < 0) {
const char* error = strerror(errno);
VLOG(1) << "Socket error while receiving: " << error;
} else {
VLOG(1) << "Socket closed while receiving";
delete decoder;
ev_io_stop(loop, watcher);
delete watcher;
} else {
CHECK(length > 0);
// Decode as much of the data as possible into HTTP requests.
const deque<Request*>& requests = decoder->decode(data, length);
if (!requests.empty()) {
foreach (Request* request, requests) {
process_manager->handle(decoder->socket(), request);
} else if (requests.empty() && decoder->failed()) {
VLOG(1) << "Decoder error while receiving";
delete decoder;
ev_io_stop(loop, watcher);
delete watcher;
void send_data(struct ev_loop* loop, ev_io* watcher, int revents)
DataEncoder* encoder = (DataEncoder*) watcher->data;
int s = watcher->fd;
while (true) {
const void* data;
size_t size;
data = encoder->next(&size);
CHECK(size > 0);
ssize_t length = send(s, data, size, MSG_NOSIGNAL);
if (length < 0 && (errno == EINTR)) {
// Interrupted, try again now.
} else if (length < 0 && (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK)) {
// Might block, try again later.
} else if (length <= 0) {
// Socket error or closed.
if (length < 0) {
const char* error = strerror(errno);
VLOG(1) << "Socket error while sending: " << error;
} else {
VLOG(1) << "Socket closed while sending";
delete encoder;
ev_io_stop(loop, watcher);
delete watcher;
} else {
CHECK(length > 0);
// Update the encoder with the amount sent.
encoder->backup(size - length);
// See if there is any more of the message to send.
if (encoder->remaining() == 0) {
delete encoder;
// Stop this watcher for now.
ev_io_stop(loop, watcher);
// Check for more stuff to send on socket.
Encoder* next = socket_manager->next(s);
if (next != NULL) {
watcher->data = next;
ev_io_init(watcher, next->sender(), s, EV_WRITE);
ev_io_start(loop, watcher);
} else {
// Nothing more to send right now, clean up.
delete watcher;
void send_file(struct ev_loop* loop, ev_io* watcher, int revents)
FileEncoder* encoder = (FileEncoder*) watcher->data;
int s = watcher->fd;
while (true) {
int fd;
off_t offset;
size_t size;
fd = encoder->next(&offset, &size);
CHECK(size > 0);
ssize_t length = sendfile(s, fd, offset, size);
if (length < 0 && (errno == EINTR)) {
// Interrupted, try again now.
} else if (length < 0 && (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK)) {
// Might block, try again later.
} else if (length <= 0) {
// Socket error or closed.
if (length < 0) {
const char* error = strerror(errno);
VLOG(1) << "Socket error while sending: " << error;
} else {
VLOG(1) << "Socket closed while sending";
delete encoder;
ev_io_stop(loop, watcher);
delete watcher;
} else {
CHECK(length > 0);
// Update the encoder with the amount sent.
encoder->backup(size - length);
// See if there is any more of the message to send.
if (encoder->remaining() == 0) {
delete encoder;
// Stop this watcher for now.
ev_io_stop(loop, watcher);
// Check for more stuff to send on socket.
Encoder* next = socket_manager->next(s);
if (next != NULL) {
watcher->data = next;
ev_io_init(watcher, next->sender(), s, EV_WRITE);
ev_io_start(loop, watcher);
} else {
// Nothing more to send right now, clean up.
delete watcher;
void sending_connect(struct ev_loop* loop, ev_io* watcher, int revents)
int s = watcher->fd;
// Now check that a successful connection was made.
int opt;
socklen_t optlen = sizeof(opt);
if (getsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &opt, &optlen) < 0 || opt != 0) {
// Connect failure.
VLOG(1) << "Socket error while connecting";
MessageEncoder* encoder = (MessageEncoder*) watcher->data;
delete encoder;
ev_io_stop(loop, watcher);
delete watcher;
} else {
// We're connected! Now let's do some sending.
ev_io_stop(loop, watcher);
ev_io_init(watcher, send_data, s, EV_WRITE);
ev_io_start(loop, watcher);
void receiving_connect(struct ev_loop* loop, ev_io* watcher, int revents)
int s = watcher->fd;
// Now check that a successful connection was made.
int opt;
socklen_t optlen = sizeof(opt);
if (getsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &opt, &optlen) < 0 || opt != 0) {
// Connect failure.
VLOG(1) << "Socket error while connecting";
DataDecoder* decoder = (DataDecoder*) watcher->data;
delete decoder;
ev_io_stop(loop, watcher);
delete watcher;
} else {
// We're connected! Now let's do some receiving.
ev_io_stop(loop, watcher);
ev_io_init(watcher, recv_data, s, EV_READ);
ev_io_start(loop, watcher);
void accept(struct ev_loop* loop, ev_io* watcher, int revents)
CHECK_EQ(__s__, watcher->fd);
sockaddr_in addr;
socklen_t addrlen = sizeof(addr);
int s = ::accept(__s__, (sockaddr*) &addr, &addrlen);
if (s < 0) {
Try<Nothing> nonblock = os::nonblock(s);
if (nonblock.isError()) {
LOG_IF(INFO, VLOG_IS_ON(1)) << "Failed to accept, nonblock: "
<< nonblock.error();
Try<Nothing> cloexec = os::cloexec(s);
if (cloexec.isError()) {
LOG_IF(INFO, VLOG_IS_ON(1)) << "Failed to accept, cloexec: "
<< cloexec.error();
// Turn off Nagle (TCP_NODELAY) so pipelined requests don't wait.
int on = 1;
if (setsockopt(s, SOL_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, &on, sizeof(on)) < 0) {
const char* error = strerror(errno);
VLOG(1) << "Failed to turn off the Nagle algorithm: " << error;
} else {
// Inform the socket manager for proper bookkeeping.
const Socket& socket = socket_manager->accepted(s);
// Allocate and initialize the decoder and watcher.
DataDecoder* decoder = new DataDecoder(socket);
ev_io* watcher = new ev_io();
watcher->data = decoder;
ev_io_init(watcher, recv_data, s, EV_READ);
ev_io_start(loop, watcher);
void polled(struct ev_loop* loop, ev_io* watcher, int revents)
Promise<short>* promise = (Promise<short>*) watcher->data;
delete promise;
ev_io_stop(loop, watcher);
delete watcher;
void* serve(void* arg)
ev_loop(((struct ev_loop*) arg), 0);
return NULL;
void* schedule(void* arg)
do {
ProcessBase* process = process_manager->dequeue();
if (process == NULL) {
Gate::state_t old = gate->approach();
process = process_manager->dequeue();
if (process == NULL) {
gate->arrive(old); // Wait at gate if idle.
} else {
} while (true);
// We might find value in catching terminating signals at some point.
// However, for now, adding signal handlers freely is not allowed
// because they will clash with Java and Python virtual machines and
// causes hard to debug crashes/segfaults.
// void sigbad(int signal, struct sigcontext *ctx)
// {
// // Pass on the signal (so that a core file is produced).
// struct sigaction sa;
// sa.sa_handler = SIG_DFL;
// sigemptyset(&sa.sa_mask);
// sa.sa_flags = 0;
// sigaction(signal, &sa, NULL);
// raise(signal);
// }
void initialize(const string& delegate)
// TODO(benh): Return an error if attempting to initialize again
// with a different delegate then originally specified.
// static pthread_once_t init = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;
// pthread_once(&init, ...);
static volatile bool initialized = false;
static volatile bool initializing = true;
// Try and do the initialization or wait for it to complete.
if (initialized && !initializing) {
} else if (initialized && initializing) {
while (initializing);
} else {
if (!__sync_bool_compare_and_swap(&initialized, false, true)) {
while (initializing);
// // Install signal handler.
// struct sigaction sa;
// sa.sa_handler = (void (*) (int)) sigbad;
// sigemptyset (&sa.sa_mask);
// sa.sa_flags = SA_RESTART;
// sigaction (SIGTERM, &sa, NULL);
// sigaction (SIGINT, &sa, NULL);
// sigaction (SIGQUIT, &sa, NULL);
// sigaction (SIGSEGV, &sa, NULL);
// sigaction (SIGILL, &sa, NULL);
// #ifdef SIGBUS
// sigaction (SIGBUS, &sa, NULL);
// #endif
// #ifdef SIGSTKFLT
// sigaction (SIGSTKFLT, &sa, NULL);
// #endif
// sigaction (SIGABRT, &sa, NULL);
// sigaction (SIGFPE, &sa, NULL);
#ifdef __sun__
/* Need to ignore this since we can't do MSG_NOSIGNAL on Solaris. */
#endif // __sun__
// Create a new ProcessManager and SocketManager.
process_manager = new ProcessManager(delegate);
socket_manager = new SocketManager();
// Setup processing threads.
long cpus = std::max(4L, sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN));
for (int i = 0; i < cpus; i++) {
pthread_t thread; // For now, not saving handles on our threads.
if (pthread_create(&thread, NULL, schedule, NULL) != 0) {
LOG(FATAL) << "Failed to initialize, pthread_create";
__ip__ = 0;
__port__ = 0;
char* value;
// Check environment for ip.
value = getenv("LIBPROCESS_IP");
if (value != NULL) {
int result = inet_pton(AF_INET, value, &__ip__);
if (result == 0) {
LOG(FATAL) << "LIBPROCESS_IP=" << value << " was unparseable";
} else if (result < 0) {
PLOG(FATAL) << "Failed to initialize, inet_pton";
// Check environment for port.
value = getenv("LIBPROCESS_PORT");
if (value != NULL) {
int result = atoi(value);
if (result < 0 || result > USHRT_MAX) {
LOG(FATAL) << "LIBPROCESS_PORT=" << value << " is not a valid port";
__port__ = result;
// Create a "server" socket for communicating with other nodes.
if ((__s__ = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) {
PLOG(FATAL) << "Failed to initialize, socket";
// Make socket non-blocking.
Try<Nothing> nonblock = os::nonblock(__s__);
if (nonblock.isError()) {
LOG(FATAL) << "Failed to initialize, nonblock: " << nonblock.error();
// Set FD_CLOEXEC flag.
Try<Nothing> cloexec = os::cloexec(__s__);
if (cloexec.isError()) {
LOG(FATAL) << "Failed to initialize, cloexec: " << cloexec.error();
// Allow address reuse.
int on = 1;
if (setsockopt(__s__, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &on, sizeof(on)) < 0) {
PLOG(FATAL) << "Failed to initialize, setsockopt(SO_REUSEADDR)";
// Set up socket.
sockaddr_in addr;
memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr));
addr.sin_family = PF_INET;
addr.sin_addr.s_addr = __ip__;
addr.sin_port = htons(__port__);
if (bind(__s__, (sockaddr*) &addr, sizeof(addr)) < 0) {
PLOG(FATAL) << "Failed to initialize, bind";
// Lookup and store assigned ip and assigned port.
socklen_t addrlen = sizeof(addr);
if (getsockname(__s__, (sockaddr*) &addr, &addrlen) < 0) {
PLOG(FATAL) << "Failed to initialize, getsockname";
__ip__ = addr.sin_addr.s_addr;
__port__ = ntohs(addr.sin_port);
// Lookup hostname if missing ip or if ip is in case we
// actually have a valid external ip address. Note that we need only
// one ip address, so that other processes can send and receive and
// don't get confused as to whom they are sending to.
if (__ip__ == 0 || __ip__ == 2130706433) {
char hostname[512];
if (gethostname(hostname, sizeof(hostname)) < 0) {
PLOG(FATAL) << "Ffailed to initialize, gethostname";
// Lookup IP address of local hostname.
hostent* he;
if ((he = gethostbyname2(hostname, AF_INET)) == NULL) {
PLOG(FATAL) << "Failed to initialize, gethostbyname2";
__ip__ = *((uint32_t *) he->h_addr_list[0]);
if (listen(__s__, 500000) < 0) {
PLOG(FATAL) << "Failed to initialize, listen";
// Setup event loop.
#ifdef __sun__
loop = ev_default_loop(EVBACKEND_POLL | EVBACKEND_SELECT);
loop = ev_default_loop(EVFLAG_AUTO);
#endif // __sun__
ev_async_init(&async_watcher, handle_async);
ev_async_start(loop, &async_watcher);
ev_timer_init(&timeouts_watcher, handle_timeouts, 0., 2100000.0);
ev_timer_again(loop, &timeouts_watcher);
ev_io_init(&server_watcher, accept, __s__, EV_READ);
ev_io_start(loop, &server_watcher);
// ev_child_init(&child_watcher, child_exited, pid, 0);
// ev_child_start(loop, &cw);
// /* Install signal handler. */
// struct sigaction sa;
// sa.sa_handler = ev_sighandler;
// sigfillset (&sa.sa_mask);
// sa.sa_flags = SA_RESTART; /* if restarting works we save one iteration */
// sigaction (w->signum, &sa, 0);
// sigemptyset (&sa.sa_mask);
// sigaddset (&sa.sa_mask, w->signum);
// sigprocmask (SIG_UNBLOCK, &sa.sa_mask, 0);
pthread_t thread; // For now, not saving handles on our threads.
if (pthread_create(&thread, NULL, serve, loop) != 0) {
LOG(FATAL) << "Failed to initialize, pthread_create";
// Need to set initialzing here so that we can actually invoke
// 'spawn' below for the garbage collector.
initializing = false;
// TODO(benh): Make sure creating the garbage collector, logging
// process, and profiler always succeeds and use supervisors to make
// sure that none terminate.
// Create global garbage collector process.
gc = spawn(new GarbageCollector());
// Create the global logging process.
spawn(new Logging(), true);
// Create the global profiler process.
spawn(new Profiler(), true);
// Create the global statistics.
// TODO(bmahler): Investigate memory implications of this window
// size. We may also want to provide a maximum memory size rather than
// time window. Or, offload older data to disk, etc.
statistics = new Statistics(Weeks(2));
// Initialize the mime types.
// Initialize the response statuses.
// Add a route for getting process information.
lambda::function<Future<Response>(const Request&)> __processes__ =
lambda::bind(&ProcessManager::__processes__, process_manager, lambda::_1);
new Route("/__processes__", None(), __processes__);
if (inet_ntop(AF_INET, (in_addr*) &__ip__, temp, INET_ADDRSTRLEN) == NULL) {
PLOG(FATAL) << "Failed to initialize, inet_ntop";
VLOG(1) << "libprocess is initialized on " << temp << ":" << __port__
<< " for " << cpus << " cpus";
uint32_t ip()
return __ip__;
uint16_t port()
return __port__;
HttpProxy::HttpProxy(const Socket& _socket)
: ProcessBase(ID::generate("__http__")),
socket(_socket) {}
// Need to make sure response producers know not to continue to
// create a response (streaming or otherwise).
if (pipe.isSome()) {
pipe = None();
while (!items.empty()) {
Item* item = items.front();
// Attempt to discard the future.
// But it might have already been ready ...
if (item->future->isReady()) {
const Response& response = item->future->get();
if (response.type == Response::PIPE) {
delete item;
void HttpProxy::enqueue(const Response& response, const Request& request)
handle(new Future<Response>(response), request);
void HttpProxy::handle(Future<Response>* future, const Request& request)
items.push(new Item(request, future));
if (items.size() == 1) {
void HttpProxy::next()
if (items.size() > 0) {
// Wait for any transition of the future.
defer(self(), &HttpProxy::waited, lambda::_1));
void HttpProxy::waited(const Future<Response>& future)
CHECK(items.size() > 0);
Item* item = items.front();
CHECK(future == *item->future);
// Process the item and determine if we're done or not (so we know
// whether to start waiting on the next responses).
bool processed = process(*item->future, item->request);
delete item;
if (processed) {
bool HttpProxy::process(const Future<Response>& future, const Request& request)
if (!future.isReady()) {
// TODO(benh): Consider handling other "states" of future
// (discarded, failed, etc) with different HTTP statuses.
socket_manager->send(ServiceUnavailable(), request, socket);
return true; // All done, can process next response.
Response response = future.get();
// If the response specifies a path, try and perform a sendfile.
if (response.type == Response::PATH) {
// Make sure no body is sent (this is really an error and
// should be reported and no response sent.
const string& path = response.path;
int fd = open(path.c_str(), O_RDONLY);
if (fd < 0) {
if (errno == ENOENT || errno == ENOTDIR) {
VLOG(1) << "Returning '404 Not Found' for path '" << path << "'";
socket_manager->send(NotFound(), request, socket);
} else {
const char* error = strerror(errno);
VLOG(1) << "Failed to send file at '" << path << "': " << error;
socket_manager->send(InternalServerError(), request, socket);
} else {
struct stat s; // Need 'struct' because of function named 'stat'.
if (fstat(fd, &s) != 0) {
const char* error = strerror(errno);
VLOG(1) << "Failed to send file at '" << path << "': " << error;
socket_manager->send(InternalServerError(), request, socket);
} else if (S_ISDIR(s.st_mode)) {
VLOG(1) << "Returning '404 Not Found' for directory '" << path << "'";
socket_manager->send(NotFound(), request, socket);
} else {
// While the user is expected to properly set a 'Content-Type'
// header, we fill in (or overwrite) 'Content-Length' header.
stringstream out;
out << s.st_size;
response.headers["Content-Length"] = out.str();
if (s.st_size == 0) {
socket_manager->send(response, request, socket);
return true; // All done, can process next request.
VLOG(1) << "Sending file at '" << path << "' with length " << s.st_size;
// TODO(benh): Consider a way to have the socket manager turn
// on TCP_CORK for both sends and then turn it off.
new HttpResponseEncoder(socket, response, request),
// Note the file descriptor gets closed by FileEncoder.
new FileEncoder(socket, fd, s.st_size),
} else if (response.type == Response::PIPE) {
// Make sure no body is sent (this is really an error and
// should be reported and no response sent.
// Make sure the pipe is nonblocking.
Try<Nothing> nonblock = os::nonblock(response.pipe);
if (nonblock.isError()) {
const char* error = strerror(errno);
VLOG(1) << "Failed make pipe nonblocking: " << error;
socket_manager->send(InternalServerError(), request, socket);
return true; // All done, can process next response.
// While the user is expected to properly set a 'Content-Type'
// header, we fill in (or overwrite) 'Transfer-Encoding' header.
response.headers["Transfer-Encoding"] = "chunked";
VLOG(1) << "Starting \"chunked\" streaming";
new HttpResponseEncoder(socket, response, request),
pipe = response.pipe;
io::poll(pipe.get(), io::READ).onAny(
defer(self(), &Self::stream, lambda::_1, request));
return false; // Streaming, don't process next response (yet)!
} else {
socket_manager->send(response, request, socket);
return true; // All done, can process next response.
void HttpProxy::stream(const Future<short>& poll, const Request& request)
// TODO(benh): Use 'splice' on Linux.
bool finished = false; // Whether we're done streaming.
if (poll.isReady()) {
// Read and write.
CHECK(poll.get() == io::READ);
const size_t size = 4 * 1024; // 4K.
char data[size];
while (!finished) {
ssize_t length = ::read(pipe.get(), data, size);
if (length < 0 && (errno == EINTR)) {
// Interrupted, try again now.
} else if (length < 0 && (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK)) {
// Might block, try again later.
io::poll(pipe.get(), io::READ).onAny(
defer(self(), &Self::stream, lambda::_1, request));
} else {
std::ostringstream out;
if (length <= 0) {
// Error or closed, treat both as closed.
if (length < 0) {
// Error.
const char* error = strerror(errno);
VLOG(1) << "Read error while streaming: " << error;
out << "0\r\n" << "\r\n";
finished = true;
} else {
// Data!
out << std::hex << length << "\r\n";
out.write(data, length);
out << "\r\n";
// We always persist the connection when we're not finished
// streaming.
new DataEncoder(socket, out.str()),
finished ? request.keepAlive : true);
} else if (poll.isFailed()) {
VLOG(1) << "Failed to poll: " << poll.failure();
socket_manager->send(InternalServerError(), request, socket);
finished = true;
} else {
VLOG(1) << "Unexpected discarded future while polling";
socket_manager->send(InternalServerError(), request, socket);
finished = true;
if (finished) {
pipe = None();
SocketManager::~SocketManager() {}
Socket SocketManager::accepted(int s)
synchronized (this) {
return sockets[s] = Socket(s);
void SocketManager::link(ProcessBase* process, const UPID& to)
// TODO(benh): The semantics we want to support for link are such
// that if there is nobody to link to (local or remote) then an
// ExitedEvent gets generated. This functionality has only been
// implemented when the link is local, not remote. Of course, if
// there is nobody listening on the remote side, then this should
// work remotely ... but if there is someone listening remotely just
// not at that id, then it will silently continue executing.
CHECK(process != NULL);
Node node(to.ip, to.port);
synchronized (this) {
// Check if node is remote and there isn't a persistant link.
if ((node.ip != __ip__ || node.port != __port__)
&& persists.count(node) == 0) {
// Okay, no link, lets create a socket.
int s;
if ((s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) {
PLOG(FATAL) << "Failed to link, socket";
Try<Nothing> nonblock = os::nonblock(s);
if (nonblock.isError()) {
LOG(FATAL) << "Failed to link, nonblock: " << nonblock.error();
Try<Nothing> cloexec = os::cloexec(s);
if (cloexec.isError()) {
LOG(FATAL) << "Failed to link, cloexec: " << cloexec.error();
sockets[s] = Socket(s);
nodes[s] = node;
persists[node] = s;
// Allocate and initialize the decoder and watcher (we really
// only "receive" on this socket so that we can react when it
// gets closed and generate appropriate lost events).
DataDecoder* decoder = new DataDecoder(sockets[s]);
ev_io* watcher = new ev_io();
watcher->data = decoder;
// Try and connect to the node using this socket.
sockaddr_in addr;
memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr));
addr.sin_family = PF_INET;
addr.sin_port = htons(to.port);
addr.sin_addr.s_addr = to.ip;
if (connect(s, (sockaddr*) &addr, sizeof(addr)) < 0) {
if (errno != EINPROGRESS) {
PLOG(FATAL) << "Failed to link, connect";
// Wait for socket to be connected.
ev_io_init(watcher, receiving_connect, s, EV_WRITE);
} else {
ev_io_init(watcher, recv_data, s, EV_READ);
// Enqueue the watcher.
synchronized (watchers) {
// Interrupt the loop.
ev_async_send(loop, &async_watcher);
PID<HttpProxy> SocketManager::proxy(const Socket& socket)
HttpProxy* proxy = NULL;
synchronized (this) {
// This socket might have been asked to get closed (e.g., remote
// side hang up) while a process is attempting to handle an HTTP
// request. Thus, if there is no more socket, return an empty PID.
if (sockets.count(socket) > 0) {
if (proxies.count(socket) > 0) {
return proxies[socket]->self();
} else {
proxy = new HttpProxy(sockets[socket]);
proxies[socket] = proxy;
// Now check if we need to spawn a newly created proxy. Note that we
// need to do this outside of the synchronized block above to avoid
// a possible deadlock (because spawn eventually synchronizes on
// ProcessManager and ProcessManager::cleanup synchronizes on
// ProcessManager and then SocketManager, so a deadlock results if
// we do spawn within the synchronized block above).
if (proxy != NULL) {
return spawn(proxy, true);
return PID<HttpProxy>();
void SocketManager::send(Encoder* encoder, bool persist)
CHECK(encoder != NULL);
synchronized (this) {
if (sockets.count(encoder->socket()) > 0) {
// Update whether or not this socket should get disposed after
// there is no more data to send.
if (!persist) {
if (outgoing.count(encoder->socket()) > 0) {
} else {
// Initialize the outgoing queue.
// Allocate and initialize the watcher.
ev_io* watcher = new ev_io();
watcher->data = encoder;
ev_io_init(watcher, encoder->sender(), encoder->socket(), EV_WRITE);
synchronized (watchers) {
ev_async_send(loop, &async_watcher);
} else {
VLOG(1) << "Attempting to send on a no longer valid socket!";
delete encoder;
void SocketManager::send(
const Response& response,
const Request& request,
const Socket& socket)
bool persist = request.keepAlive;
// Don't persist the connection if the headers include
// 'Connection: close'.
if (response.headers.contains("Connection")) {
if (response.headers.get("Connection").get() == "close") {
persist = false;
send(new HttpResponseEncoder(socket, response, request), persist);
void SocketManager::send(Message* message)
CHECK(message != NULL);
Node node(message->to.ip, message->to.port);
synchronized (this) {
// Check if there is already a socket.
bool persist = persists.count(node) > 0;
bool temp = temps.count(node) > 0;
if (persist || temp) {
int s = persist ? persists[node] : temps[node];
CHECK(sockets.count(s) > 0);
send(new MessageEncoder(sockets[s], message), persist);
} else {
// No peristant or temporary socket to the node currently
// exists, so we create a temporary one.
int s;
if ((s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) {
PLOG(FATAL) << "Failed to send, socket";
Try<Nothing> nonblock = os::nonblock(s);
if (nonblock.isError()) {
LOG(FATAL) << "Failed to send, nonblock: " << nonblock.error();
Try<Nothing> cloexec = os::cloexec(s);
if (cloexec.isError()) {
LOG(FATAL) << "Failed to send, cloexec: " << cloexec.error();
sockets[s] = Socket(s);
nodes[s] = node;
temps[node] = s;
// Initialize the outgoing queue.
// Allocate and initialize the watcher.
ev_io* watcher = new ev_io();
watcher->data = new MessageEncoder(sockets[s], message);
// Try and connect to the node using this socket.
sockaddr_in addr;
memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr));
addr.sin_family = PF_INET;
addr.sin_port = htons(message->to.port);
addr.sin_addr.s_addr = message->to.ip;
if (connect(s, (sockaddr*) &addr, sizeof(addr)) < 0) {
if (errno != EINPROGRESS) {
PLOG(FATAL) << "Failed to send, connect";
// Initialize watcher for connecting.
ev_io_init(watcher, sending_connect, s, EV_WRITE);
} else {
// Initialize watcher for sending.
ev_io_init(watcher, send_data, s, EV_WRITE);
// Enqueue the watcher.
synchronized (watchers) {
ev_async_send(loop, &async_watcher);
Encoder* SocketManager::next(int s)
HttpProxy* proxy = NULL; // Non-null if needs to be terminated.
synchronized (this) {
// We cannot assume 'sockets.count(s) > 0' here because it's
// possible that 's' has been removed with a a call to
// SocketManager::close. For example, it could be the case that a
// socket has gone to CLOSE_WAIT and the call to 'recv' in
// recv_data returned 0 causing SocketManager::close to get
// invoked. Later a call to 'send' or 'sendfile' (e.g., in
// send_data or send_file) can "succeed" (because the socket is
// not "closed" yet because there are still some Socket
// references, namely the reference being used in send_data or
// send_file!). However, when SocketManger::next is actually
// invoked we find out there there is no more data and thus stop
// sending.
// TODO(benh): Should we actually finish sending the data!?
if (sockets.count(s) > 0) {
CHECK(outgoing.count(s) > 0);
if (!outgoing[s].empty()) {
// More messages!
Encoder* encoder = outgoing[s].front();
return encoder;
} else {
// No more messages ... erase the outgoing queue.
if (dispose.count(s) > 0) {
// This is either a temporary socket we created or it's a
// socket that we were receiving data from and possibly
// sending HTTP responses back on. Clean up either way.
if (nodes.count(s) > 0) {
const Node& node = nodes[s];
CHECK(temps.count(node) > 0 && temps[node] == s);
if (proxies.count(s) > 0) {
proxy = proxies[s];
// We don't actually close the socket (we wait for the Socket
// abstraction to close it once there are no more references),
// but we do shutdown the receiving end so any DataDecoder
// will get cleaned up (which might have the last reference).
shutdown(s, SHUT_RD);
// We terminate the proxy outside the synchronized block to avoid
// possible deadlock between the ProcessManager and SocketManager
// (see comment in SocketManager::proxy for more information).
if (proxy != NULL) {
return NULL;
void SocketManager::close(int s)
HttpProxy* proxy = NULL; // Non-null if needs to be terminated.
synchronized (this) {
// This socket might not be active if it was already asked to get
// closed (e.g., a write on the socket failed so we try and close
// it and then later the read side of the socket gets closed so we
// try and close it again). Thus, ignore the request if we don't
// know about the socket.
if (sockets.count(s) > 0) {
// Clean up any remaining encoders for this socket.
if (outgoing.count(s) > 0) {
while (!outgoing[s].empty()) {
Encoder* encoder = outgoing[s].front();
delete encoder;
// Clean up after sockets used for node communication.
if (nodes.count(s) > 0) {
const Node& node = nodes[s];
// Don't bother invoking exited unless socket was persistant.
if (persists.count(node) > 0 && persists[node] == s) {
exited(node); // Generate ExitedEvent(s)!
} else if (temps.count(node) > 0 && temps[node] == s) {
// Clean up any proxy associated with this socket.
if (proxies.count(s) > 0) {
proxy = proxies[s];
// We terminate the proxy outside the synchronized block to avoid
// possible deadlock between the ProcessManager and SocketManager.
if (proxy != NULL) {
// Note that we don't actually:
// close(s);
// Because, for example, there could be a race between an HttpProxy
// trying to do send a response with SocketManager::send() or a
// process might be responding to another Request (e.g., trying
// to do a sendfile) since these things may be happening
// asynchronously we can't close the socket yet, because it might
// get reused before any of the above things have finished, and then
// we'll end up sending data on the wrong socket! Instead, we rely
// on the last reference of our Socket object to close the
// socket. Note, however, that since socket is no longer in
// 'sockets' any attempt to send with it will just get ignored.
void SocketManager::exited(const Node& node)
// TODO(benh): It would be cleaner if this routine could call back
// into ProcessManager ... then we wouldn't have to convince
// ourselves that the accesses to each Process object will always be
// valid.
synchronized (this) {
list<UPID> removed;
// Look up all linked processes.
foreachpair (const UPID& linkee, set<ProcessBase*>& processes, links) {
if (linkee.ip == node.ip && linkee.port == node.port) {
foreach (ProcessBase* linker, processes) {
linker->enqueue(new ExitedEvent(linkee));
foreach (const UPID& pid, removed) {
void SocketManager::exited(ProcessBase* process)
// An exited event is enough to cause the process to get deleted
// (e.g., by the garbage collector), which means we can't
// dereference process (or even use the address) after we enqueue at
// least one exited event. Thus, we save the process pid.
const UPID pid = process->pid;
// Likewise, we need to save the current time of the process so we
// can update the clocks of linked processes as appropriate.
const Time time = Clock::now(process);
synchronized (this) {
// Iterate through the links, removing any links the process might
// have had and creating exited events for any linked processes.
foreachpair (const UPID& linkee, set<ProcessBase*>& processes, links) {
if (linkee == pid) {
foreach (ProcessBase* linker, processes) {
CHECK(linker != process) << "Process linked with itself";
synchronized (timeouts) {
if (Clock::paused()) {
Clock::update(linker, time);
linker->enqueue(new ExitedEvent(linkee));
ProcessManager::ProcessManager(const string& _delegate)
: delegate(_delegate)
running = 0;
__sync_synchronize(); // Ensure write to 'running' visible in other threads.
ProcessManager::~ProcessManager() {}
ProcessReference ProcessManager::use(const UPID& pid)
if (pid.ip == __ip__ && pid.port == __port__) {
synchronized (processes) {
if (processes.count( > 0) {
// Note that the ProcessReference constructor _must_ get
// called while holding the lock on processes so that waiting
// for references is atomic (i.e., race free).
return ProcessReference(processes[]);
return ProcessReference(NULL);
bool ProcessManager::handle(
const Socket& socket,
Request* request)
CHECK(request != NULL);
// Check if this is a libprocess request (i.e., 'User-Agent:
// libprocess/id@ip:port') and if so, parse as a message.
if (libprocess(request)) {
Message* message = parse(request);
if (message != NULL) {
delete request;
// TODO(benh): Use the sender PID in order to capture
// happens-before timing relationships for testing.
return deliver(message->to, new MessageEvent(message));
VLOG(1) << "Failed to handle libprocess request: "
<< request->method << " " << request->path
<< " (User-Agent: " << request->headers["User-Agent"] << ")";
delete request;
return false;
// Treat this as an HTTP request. Start by checking that the path
// starts with a '/' (since the code below assumes as much).
if (request->path.find('/') != 0) {
VLOG(1) << "Returning '400 Bad Request' for '" << request->path << "'";
// Get the HttpProxy pid for this socket.
PID<HttpProxy> proxy = socket_manager->proxy(socket);
// Enqueue the response with the HttpProxy so that it respects the
// order of requests to account for HTTP/1.1 pipelining.
dispatch(proxy, &HttpProxy::enqueue, BadRequest(), *request);
// Cleanup request.
delete request;
return false;
// Ignore requests with relative paths (i.e., contain "/..").
if (request->path.find("/..") != string::npos) {
VLOG(1) << "Returning '404 Not Found' for '" << request->path
<< "' (ignoring requests with relative paths)";
// Get the HttpProxy pid for this socket.
PID<HttpProxy> proxy = socket_manager->proxy(socket);
// Enqueue the response with the HttpProxy so that it respects the
// order of requests to account for HTTP/1.1 pipelining.
dispatch(proxy, &HttpProxy::enqueue, NotFound(), *request);
// Cleanup request.
delete request;
return false;
// Split the path by '/'.
vector<string> tokens = strings::tokenize(request->path, "/");
// Try and determine a receiver, otherwise try and delegate.
ProcessReference receiver;
if (tokens.size() == 0 && delegate != "") {
request->path = "/" + delegate;
receiver = use(UPID(delegate, __ip__, __port__));
} else if (tokens.size() > 0) {
receiver = use(UPID(tokens[0], __ip__, __port__));
if (!receiver && delegate != "") {
// Try and delegate the request.
request->path = "/" + delegate + request->path;
receiver = use(UPID(delegate, __ip__, __port__));
if (receiver) {
// TODO(benh): Use the sender PID in order to capture
// happens-before timing relationships for testing.
return deliver(receiver, new HttpEvent(socket, request));
// This has no receiver, send error response.
VLOG(1) << "Returning '404 Not Found' for '" << request->path << "'";
// Get the HttpProxy pid for this socket.
PID<HttpProxy> proxy = socket_manager->proxy(socket);
// Enqueue the response with the HttpProxy so that it respects the
// order of requests to account for HTTP/1.1 pipelining.
dispatch(proxy, &HttpProxy::enqueue, NotFound(), *request);
// Cleanup request.
delete request;
return false;
bool ProcessManager::deliver(
ProcessBase* receiver,
Event* event,
ProcessBase* sender)
CHECK(event != NULL);
// If we are using a manual clock then update the current time of
// the receiver using the sender if necessary to preserve the
// happens-before relationship between the sender and receiver. Note
// that the assumption is that the sender remains valid for at least
// the duration of this routine (so that we can look up it's current
// time).
if (Clock::paused()) {
synchronized (timeouts) {
if (Clock::paused()) {
if (sender != NULL) {
Clock::order(sender, receiver);
} else {
Clock::update(receiver, Clock::now());
return true;
bool ProcessManager::deliver(
const UPID& to,
Event* event,
ProcessBase* sender)
CHECK(event != NULL);
if (ProcessReference receiver = use(to)) {
return deliver(receiver, event, sender);
delete event;
return false;
UPID ProcessManager::spawn(ProcessBase* process, bool manage)
CHECK(process != NULL);
synchronized (processes) {
if (processes.count(process-> > 0) {
return UPID();
} else {
processes[process->] = process;
// Use the garbage collector if requested.
if (manage) {
dispatch(gc, &GarbageCollector::manage<ProcessBase>, process);
// We save the PID before enqueueing the process to avoid the race
// condition that occurs when a user has a very short process and
// the process gets run and cleaned up before we return from enqueue
// (e.g., when 'manage' is set to true).
UPID pid = process->self();
// Add process to the run queue (so 'initialize' will get invoked).
VLOG(2) << "Spawned process " << pid;
return pid;
void ProcessManager::resume(ProcessBase* process)
__process__ = process;
VLOG(2) << "Resuming " << process->pid << " at " << Clock::now();
bool terminate = false;
bool blocked = false;
CHECK(process->state == ProcessBase::BOTTOM ||
process->state == ProcessBase::READY);
if (process->state == ProcessBase::BOTTOM) {
process->state = ProcessBase::RUNNING;
try { process->initialize(); }
catch (...) { terminate = true; }
while (!terminate && !blocked) {
Event* event = NULL;
if (process->events.size() > 0) {
event = process->events.front();
process->state = ProcessBase::RUNNING;
} else {
process->state = ProcessBase::BLOCKED;
blocked = true;
if (!blocked) {
CHECK(event != NULL);
// Determine if we should filter this event.
synchronized (filterer) {
if (filterer != NULL) {
bool filter = false;
struct FilterVisitor : EventVisitor
FilterVisitor(bool* _filter) : filter(_filter) {}
virtual void visit(const MessageEvent& event)
*filter = filterer->filter(event);
virtual void visit(const DispatchEvent& event)
*filter = filterer->filter(event);
virtual void visit(const HttpEvent& event)
*filter = filterer->filter(event);
virtual void visit(const ExitedEvent& event)
*filter = filterer->filter(event);
bool* filter;
} visitor(&filter);
if (filter) {
delete event;
continue; // Try and execute the next event.
// Determine if we should terminate.
terminate = event->is<TerminateEvent>();
// Now service the event.
try {
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
std::cerr << "libprocess: " << process->pid
<< " terminating due to "
<< e.what() << std::endl;
terminate = true;
} catch (...) {
std::cerr << "libprocess: " << process->pid
<< " terminating due to unknown exception" << std::endl;
terminate = true;
delete event;
if (terminate) {
__process__ = NULL;
CHECK_GE(running, 1);
__sync_fetch_and_sub(&running, 1);
void ProcessManager::cleanup(ProcessBase* process)
VLOG(2) << "Cleaning up " << process->pid;
// First, set the terminating state so no more events will get
// enqueued and delete al the pending events. We want to delete the
// events before we hold the processes lock because deleting an
// event could cause code outside libprocess to get executed which
// might cause a deadlock with the processes lock. Likewise,
// deleting the events now rather than later has the nice property
// of making sure that any events that might have gotten enqueued on
// the process we are cleaning up will get dropped (since it's
// terminating) and eliminates the potential of enqueueing them on
// another process that gets spawned with the same PID.
deque<Event*> events;
process->state = ProcessBase::TERMINATING;
events = process->events;
// Delete pending events.
while (!events.empty()) {
Event* event = events.front();
delete event;
// Possible gate non-libprocess threads are waiting at.
Gate* gate = NULL;
// Remove process.
synchronized (processes) {
// Wait for all process references to get cleaned up.
while (process->refs > 0) {
asm ("pause");
// Lookup gate to wake up waiting threads.
map<ProcessBase*, Gate*>::iterator it = gates.find(process);
if (it != gates.end()) {
gate = it->second;
// N.B. The last thread that leaves the gate also free's it.
CHECK(process->refs == 0);
process->state = ProcessBase::TERMINATED;
// Note that we don't remove the process from the clock during
// cleanup, but rather the clock is reset for a process when it is
// created (see ProcessBase::ProcessBase). We do this so that
// SocketManager::exited can access the current time of the
// process to "order" exited events. TODO(benh): It might make
// sense to consider storing the time of the process as a field of
// the class instead.
// Now we tell the socket manager about this process exiting so
// that it can create exited events for linked processes. We
// _must_ do this while synchronized on processes because
// otherwise another process could attempt to link this process
// and SocketManger::link would see that the processes doesn't
// exist when it attempts to get a ProcessReference (since we
// removed the process above) thus causing an exited event, which
// could cause the process to get deleted (e.g., the garbage
// collector might link _after_ the process has already been
// removed from processes thus getting an exited event but we
// don't want that exited event to fire and actually delete the
// process until after we have used the process in
// SocketManager::exited).
// ***************************************************************
// At this point we can no longer dereference the process since it
// might already be deallocated (e.g., by the garbage collector).
// ***************************************************************
// Note that we need to open the gate while synchronized on
// processes because otherwise we might _open_ the gate before
// another thread _approaches_ the gate causing that thread to
// wait on _arrival_ to the gate forever (see
// ProcessManager::wait).
if (gate != NULL) {
void ProcessManager::link(ProcessBase* process, const UPID& to)
// Check if the pid is local.
if (!(to.ip == __ip__ && to.port == __port__)) {
socket_manager->link(process, to);
} else {
// Since the pid is local we want to get a reference to it's
// underlying process so that while we are invoking the link
// manager we don't miss sending a possible ExitedEvent.
if (ProcessReference _ = use(to)) {
socket_manager->link(process, to);
} else {
// Since the pid isn't valid it's process must have already died
// (or hasn't been spawned yet) so send a process exit message.
process->enqueue(new ExitedEvent(to));
void ProcessManager::terminate(
const UPID& pid,
bool inject,
ProcessBase* sender)
if (ProcessReference process = use(pid)) {
if (Clock::paused()) {
synchronized (timeouts) {
if (Clock::paused()) {
if (sender != NULL) {
Clock::order(sender, process);
} else {
Clock::update(process, Clock::now());
if (sender != NULL) {
process->enqueue(new TerminateEvent(sender->self()), inject);
} else {
process->enqueue(new TerminateEvent(UPID()), inject);
bool ProcessManager::wait(const UPID& pid)
// We use a gate for waiters. A gate is single use. That is, a new
// gate is created when the first thread shows up and wants to wait
// for a process that currently has no gate. Once that process
// exits, the last thread to leave the gate will also clean it
// up. Note that a gate will never get more threads waiting on it
// after it has been opened, since the process should no longer be
// valid and therefore will not have an entry in 'processes'.
Gate* gate = NULL;
Gate::state_t old;
ProcessBase* process = NULL; // Set to non-null if we donate thread.
// Try and approach the gate if necessary.
synchronized (processes) {
if (processes.count( > 0) {
process = processes[];
CHECK(process->state != ProcessBase::TERMINATED);
// Check and see if a gate already exists.
if (gates.find(process) == gates.end()) {
gates[process] = new Gate();
gate = gates[process];
old = gate->approach();
// Check if it is runnable in order to donate this thread.
if (process->state == ProcessBase::BOTTOM ||
process->state == ProcessBase::READY) {
synchronized (runq) {
list<ProcessBase*>::iterator it =
find(runq.begin(), runq.end(), process);
if (it != runq.end()) {
} else {
// Another thread has resumed the process ...
process = NULL;
} else {
// Process is not runnable, so no need to donate ...
process = NULL;
if (process != NULL) {
VLOG(2) << "Donating thread to " << process->pid << " while waiting";
ProcessBase* donator = __process__;
__sync_fetch_and_add(&running, 1);
__process__ = donator;
// TODO(benh): Donating only once may not be sufficient, so we might
// still deadlock here ... perhaps warn if that's the case?
// Now arrive at the gate and wait until it opens.
if (gate != NULL) {
if (gate->empty()) {
delete gate;
return true;
return false;
void ProcessManager::enqueue(ProcessBase* process)
CHECK(process != NULL);
// TODO(benh): Check and see if this process has it's own thread. If
// it does, push it on that threads runq, and wake up that thread if
// it's not running. Otherwise, check and see which thread this
// process was last running on, and put it on that threads runq.
synchronized (runq) {
CHECK(find(runq.begin(), runq.end(), process) == runq.end());
// Wake up the processing thread if necessary.
ProcessBase* ProcessManager::dequeue()
// TODO(benh): Remove a process from this thread's runq. If there
// are no processes to run, and this is not a dedicated thread, then
// steal one from another threads runq.
ProcessBase* process = NULL;
synchronized (runq) {
if (!runq.empty()) {
process = runq.front();
// Increment the running count of processes in order to support
// the Clock::settle() operation (this must be done atomically
// with removing the process from the runq).
__sync_fetch_and_add(&running, 1);
return process;
void ProcessManager::settle()
bool done = true;
do {
done = true;
// Hopefully this is the only place we acquire both these locks.
synchronized (runq) {
synchronized (timeouts) {
CHECK(Clock::paused()); // Since another thread could resume the clock!
if (!runq.empty()) {
done = false;
__sync_synchronize(); // Read barrier for 'running'.
if (running > 0) {
done = false;
if (timeouts->size() > 0 &&
timeouts->begin()->first <= clock::current) {
done = false;
if (pending_timers) {
done = false;
} while (!done);
Future<Response> ProcessManager::__processes__(const Request&)
JSON::Array array;
synchronized (processes) {
foreachvalue (const ProcessBase* process, process_manager->processes) {
JSON::Object object;
object.values["id"] = process->;
JSON::Array events;
struct JSONVisitor : EventVisitor
JSONVisitor(JSON::Array* _events) : events(_events) {}
virtual void visit(const MessageEvent& event)
JSON::Object object;
object.values["type"] = "MESSAGE";
const Message& message = *event.message;
object.values["name"] =;
object.values["from"] = string(message.from);
object.values["to"] = string(;
object.values["body"] = message.body;
virtual void visit(const HttpEvent& event)
JSON::Object object;
object.values["type"] = "HTTP";
const Request& request = *event.request;
object.values["method"] = request.method;
object.values["url"] = request.url;
virtual void visit(const DispatchEvent& event)
JSON::Object object;
object.values["type"] = "DISPATCH";
virtual void visit(const ExitedEvent& event)
JSON::Object object;
object.values["type"] = "EXITED";
virtual void visit(const TerminateEvent& event)
JSON::Object object;
object.values["type"] = "TERMINATE";
JSON::Array* events;
} visitor(&events);
foreach (Event* event, process->events) {
object.values["events"] = events;
return OK(array);
Timer Timer::create(
const Duration& duration,
const lambda::function<void(void)>& thunk)
static uint64_t id = 1; // Start at 1 since Timer() instances start with 0.
// Assumes Clock::now() does Clock::now(__process__).
Timeout timeout = Timeout::in(duration);
UPID pid = __process__ != NULL ? __process__->self() : UPID();
Timer timer(__sync_fetch_and_add(&id, 1), timeout, pid, thunk);
VLOG(3) << "Created a timer for " << timeout.time();
// Add the timer.
synchronized (timeouts) {
if (timeouts->size() == 0 ||
timer.timeout().time() < timeouts->begin()->first) {
// Need to interrupt the loop to update/set timer repeat.
update_timer = true;
ev_async_send(loop, &async_watcher);
} else {
// Timer repeat is adequate, just add the timeout.
CHECK(timeouts->size() >= 1);
return timer;
bool Timer::cancel(const Timer& timer)
bool canceled = false;
synchronized (timeouts) {
// Check if the timeout is still pending, and if so, erase it. In
// addition, erase an empty list if we just removed the last
// timeout.
// TODO(benh): If two timers are created with the same timeout,
// this will erase *both*. Fix this!
Time time = timer.timeout().time();
if (timeouts->count(time) > 0) {
canceled = true;
if ((*timeouts)[time].empty()) {
return canceled;
ProcessBase::ProcessBase(const string& id)
state = ProcessBase::BOTTOM;
pthread_mutexattr_t attr;
pthread_mutexattr_settype(&attr, PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE);
pthread_mutex_init(&m, &attr);
refs = 0; = id != "" ? id : ID::generate();
pid.ip = __ip__;
pid.port = __port__;
// If using a manual clock, try and set current time of process
// using happens before relationship between creator and createe!
if (Clock::paused()) {
synchronized (timeouts) {
if (Clock::paused()) {
clock::currents->erase(this); // In case the address is reused!
if (__process__ != NULL) {
Clock::order(__process__, this);
} else {
Clock::update(this, Clock::now());
ProcessBase::~ProcessBase() {}
void ProcessBase::enqueue(Event* event, bool inject)
CHECK(event != NULL);
if (state != TERMINATING && state != TERMINATED) {
if (!inject) {
} else {
if (state == BLOCKED) {
state = READY;
CHECK(state == BOTTOM ||
state == READY ||
state == RUNNING);
} else {
delete event;
void ProcessBase::inject(const UPID& from, const string& name, const char* data, size_t length)
if (!from)
Message* message = encode(from, pid, name, string(data, length));
enqueue(new MessageEvent(message), true);
void ProcessBase::send(const UPID& to, const string& name, const char* data, size_t length)
if (!to) {
// Encode and transport outgoing message.
transport(encode(pid, to, name, string(data, length)), this);
void ProcessBase::visit(const MessageEvent& event)
if (handlers.message.count(event.message->name) > 0) {
} else if (delegates.count(event.message->name) > 0) {
VLOG(1) << "Delegating message '" << event.message->name
<< "' to " << delegates[event.message->name];
Message* message = new Message(*event.message);
message->to = delegates[event.message->name];
transport(message, this);
void ProcessBase::visit(const DispatchEvent& event)
void ProcessBase::visit(const HttpEvent& event)
VLOG(1) << "Handling HTTP event for process '" << << "'"
<< " with path: '" << event.request->path << "'";
CHECK(event.request->path.find('/') == 0); // See ProcessManager::handle.
// Split the path by '/'.
vector<string> tokens = strings::tokenize(event.request->path, "/");
CHECK(tokens.size() >= 1);
CHECK(tokens[0] ==;
const string& name = tokens.size() > 1 ? tokens[1] : "";
if (handlers.http.count(name) > 0) {
// Create the promise to link with whatever gets returned, as well
// as a future to wait for the response.
std::tr1::shared_ptr<Promise<Response> > promise(
new Promise<Response>());
Future<Response>* future = new Future<Response>(promise->future());
// Get the HttpProxy pid for this socket.
PID<HttpProxy> proxy = socket_manager->proxy(event.socket);
// Let the HttpProxy know about this request (via the future).
dispatch(proxy, &HttpProxy::handle, future, *event.request);
// Now call the handler and associate the response with the promise.
} else if (assets.count(name) > 0) {
OK response;
response.type = Response::PATH;
response.path = assets[name].path;
// Construct the final path by appending remaining tokens.
for (int i = 2; i < tokens.size(); i++) {
response.path += "/" + tokens[i];
// Try and determine the Content-Type from an extension.
Try<string> basename = os::basename(response.path);
if (!basename.isError()) {
size_t index = basename.get().find_last_of('.');
if (index != string::npos) {
string extension = basename.get().substr(index);
if (assets[name].types.count(extension) > 0) {
response.headers["Content-Type"] = assets[name].types[extension];
// TODO(benh): Use "text/plain" for assets that don't have an
// extension or we don't have a mapping for? It might be better to
// just let the browser guess (or do it's own default).
// Get the HttpProxy pid for this socket.
PID<HttpProxy> proxy = socket_manager->proxy(event.socket);
// Enqueue the response with the HttpProxy so that it respects the
// order of requests to account for HTTP/1.1 pipelining.
dispatch(proxy, &HttpProxy::enqueue, response, *event.request);
} else {
VLOG(1) << "Returning '404 Not Found' for '" << event.request->path << "'";
// Get the HttpProxy pid for this socket.
PID<HttpProxy> proxy = socket_manager->proxy(event.socket);
// Enqueue the response with the HttpProxy so that it respects the
// order of requests to account for HTTP/1.1 pipelining.
dispatch(proxy, &HttpProxy::enqueue, NotFound(), *event.request);
void ProcessBase::visit(const ExitedEvent& event)
void ProcessBase::visit(const TerminateEvent& event)
UPID ProcessBase::link(const UPID& to)
if (!to) {
return to;
process_manager->link(this, to);
return to;
UPID spawn(ProcessBase* process, bool manage)
if (process != NULL) {
// If using a manual clock, try and set current time of process
// using happens before relationship between spawner and spawnee!
if (Clock::paused()) {
synchronized (timeouts) {
if (Clock::paused()) {
if (__process__ != NULL) {
Clock::order(__process__, process);
} else {
Clock::update(process, Clock::now());
return process_manager->spawn(process, manage);
} else {
return UPID();
void terminate(const UPID& pid, bool inject)
process_manager->terminate(pid, inject, __process__);
class WaitWaiter : public Process<WaitWaiter>
WaitWaiter(const UPID& _pid, const Duration& _duration, bool* _waited)
: ProcessBase(ID::generate("__waiter__")),
waited(_waited) {}
virtual void initialize()
VLOG(3) << "Running waiter process for " << pid;
delay(duration, self(), &WaitWaiter::timeout);
virtual void exited(const UPID&)
VLOG(3) << "Waiter process waited for " << pid;
*waited = true;
void timeout()
VLOG(3) << "Waiter process timed out waiting for " << pid;
*waited = false;
const UPID pid;
const Duration duration;
bool* const waited;
bool wait(const UPID& pid, const Duration& duration)
if (!pid) {
return false;
// This could result in a deadlock if some code decides to wait on a
// process that has invoked that code!
if (__process__ != NULL && __process__->self() == pid) {
std::cerr << "\n**** DEADLOCK DETECTED! ****\nYou are waiting on process "
<< pid << " that it is currently executing." << std::endl;
if (duration == Seconds(-1)) {
return process_manager->wait(pid);
bool waited = false;
WaitWaiter waiter(pid, duration, &waited);
return waited;
void filter(Filter *filter)
synchronized (filterer) {
filterer = filter;
void post(const UPID& to, const string& name, const char* data, size_t length)
if (!to) {
// Encode and transport outgoing message.
transport(encode(UPID(), to, name, string(data, length)));
namespace io {
namespace internal {
void read(int fd,
void* data,
size_t size,
const std::tr1::shared_ptr<Promise<size_t> >& promise,
const Future<short>& future)
// Ignore this function if the read operation has been cancelled.
if (promise->future().isDiscarded()) {
// Since promise->future() will be discarded before future is
// discarded, we should never see a discarded future here because of
// the check in the beginning of this function.
if (future.isFailed()) {
} else {
ssize_t length = ::read(fd, data, size);
if (length < 0) {
if (errno == EINTR || errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK) {
// Restart the read operation.
poll(fd, process::io::READ).onAny(
lambda::bind(&internal::read, fd, data, size, promise, lambda::_1));
} else {
// Error occurred.
} else {
} // namespace internal {
Future<short> poll(int fd, short events)
// TODO(benh): Check if the file descriptor is non-blocking?
Promise<short>* promise = new Promise<short>();
// Get a copy of the future to avoid any races with the event loop.
Future<short> future = promise->future();
ev_io* watcher = new ev_io();
watcher->data = promise;
ev_io_init(watcher, polled, fd, events);
// Enqueue the watcher.
synchronized (watchers) {
// Interrupt the loop.
ev_async_send(loop, &async_watcher);
return future;
Future<size_t> read(int fd, void* data, size_t size)
std::tr1::shared_ptr<Promise<size_t> > promise(new Promise<size_t>());
// Check the file descriptor.
Try<bool> nonblock = os::isNonblock(fd);
if (nonblock.isError()) {
// The file descriptor is not valid (e.g. fd has been closed).
promise->fail(string("Failed to check O_NONBLOCK") + strerror(errno));
return promise->future();
} else if (!nonblock.get()) {
// The fd is not opened with O_NONBLOCK set.
promise->fail("Please use a fd opened with O_NONBLOCK set");
return promise->future();
if (size == 0) {
promise->fail("Try to read nothing");
return promise->future();
// Because the file descriptor is non-blocking, we call read()
// immediately. The read may in turn call poll if needed, avoiding
// unnecessary polling. We also observed that for some combination
// of libev and Linux kernel versions, the poll would block for
// non-deterministically long periods of time. This may be fixed in
// a newer version of libev (we use 3.8 at the time of writing this
// comment).
internal::read(fd, data, size, promise, io::READ);
return promise->future();
namespace internal {
#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
Future<string> _read(int fd,
const std::tr1::shared_ptr<string>& buffer,
const boost::shared_array<char>& data,
size_t length)
return io::read(fd, data.get(), length)
.then([=] (size_t size) {
if (size == 0) { // EOF.
return string(*buffer);
buffer->append(data, size);
return _read(fd, buffer, data, length);
// Forward declataion.
Future<string> _read(int fd,
const std::tr1::shared_ptr<string>& buffer,
const boost::shared_array<char>& data,
size_t length);
Future<string> __read(
const size_t& size,
// TODO(benh): Remove 'const &' after fixing libprocess.
int fd,
const std::tr1::shared_ptr<string>& buffer,
const boost::shared_array<char>& data,
size_t length)
if (size == 0) { // EOF.
return string(*buffer);
buffer->append(data.get(), size);
return _read(fd, buffer, data, length);
Future<string> _read(int fd,
const std::tr1::shared_ptr<string>& buffer,
const boost::shared_array<char>& data,
size_t length)
return io::read(fd, data.get(), length)
.then(lambda::bind(&__read, lambda::_1, fd, buffer, data, length));
} // namespace internal
Future<string> read(int fd)
// TODO(benh): Wrap up this data as a struct, use 'Owner'.
// TODO(bmahler): For efficiency, use a rope for the buffer.
std::tr1::shared_ptr<string> buffer(new string());
boost::shared_array<char> data(new char[BUFFERED_READ_SIZE]);
return internal::_read(fd, buffer, data, BUFFERED_READ_SIZE);
} // namespace io {
namespace http {
namespace internal {
Future<Response> decode(const string& buffer)
ResponseDecoder decoder;
deque<Response*> responses = decoder.decode(buffer.c_str(), buffer.length());
if (decoder.failed() || responses.empty()) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < responses.size(); ++i) {
delete responses[i];
return Future<Response>::failed(
"Failed to decode HTTP response:\n" + buffer + "\n");
} else if (responses.size() > 1) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Received more than 1 HTTP Response";
Response response = *responses[0];
for (size_t i = 0; i < responses.size(); ++i) {
delete responses[i];
return response;
} // namespace internal {
Future<Response> get(const UPID& upid, const string& path, const string& query)
if (s < 0) {
return Future<Response>::failed(
string("Failed to create socket: ") + strerror(errno));
Try<Nothing> cloexec = os::cloexec(s);
if (!cloexec.isSome()) {
return Future<Response>::failed("Failed to cloexec: " + cloexec.error());
sockaddr_in addr;
memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr));
addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
addr.sin_port = htons(upid.port);
addr.sin_addr.s_addr = upid.ip;
if (connect(s, (sockaddr*) &addr, sizeof(addr)) < 0) {
return Future<Response>::failed(
string("Failed to connect: ") + strerror(errno));
std::ostringstream out;
// TODO(bmahler): Add the Host header for HTTP 1.1.
out << "GET /" << << "/" << path << "?" << query << " HTTP/1.1\r\n"
<< "Connection: close\r\n"
<< "\r\n";
// TODO(bmahler): Use benh's async write when it gets committed.
const string& data = out.str();
int remaining = data.size();
while (remaining > 0) {
int n = write(s, + (data.size() - remaining), remaining);
if (n < 0) {
if (errno == EINTR) {
return Future<Response>::failed(
string("Failed to write: ") + strerror(errno));
remaining -= n;
Try<Nothing> nonblock = os::nonblock(s);
if (!nonblock.isSome()) {
return Future<Response>::failed(
"Failed to set nonblock: " + nonblock.error());
// Decode once the async read completes.
return io::read(s)
.then(lambda::bind(&internal::decode, lambda::_1))
.onAny(lambda::bind(&os::close, s));
} // namespace http {
namespace internal {
void dispatch(
const UPID& pid,
const std::tr1::shared_ptr<std::tr1::function<void(ProcessBase*)> >& f,
const string& method)
DispatchEvent* event = new DispatchEvent(pid, f, method);
process_manager->deliver(pid, event, __process__);
} // namespace internal {
} // namespace process {